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2018-10-13 05:40:24 +02:00
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>/* Button text to dismiss missing contacts permission alert */
/* Action sheet item */
"ACCEPT_NEW_IDENTITY_ACTION" = "Zaakceptuj nowy kod zabezpieczenia";
/* Label for 'audio call' button in contact view. */
"ACTION_AUDIO_CALL" = "PoBczenie Signal";
/* Label for 'invite' button in contact view. */
"ACTION_INVITE" = "Zapro[ do Signala";
/* Label for 'send message' button in contact view.
Label for button that lets you send a message to a contact. */
"ACTION_SEND_MESSAGE" = "Wy[lij wiadomo[";
/* Label for 'share contact' button. */
"ACTION_SHARE_CONTACT" = "Udostpnij kontakt";
/* Label for 'video call' button in contact view. */
"ACTION_VIDEO_CALL" = "Wideo rozmowa";
/* A label for the 'add by phone number' button in the 'add group member' view */
/* Title for the 'add contact' section of the 'add group member' view. */
/* Title for the 'add by phone number' section of the 'add group member' view. */
"ADD_GROUP_MEMBER_VIEW_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE" = "Dodaj za pomoc numeru telefonu";
/* Title for the 'add group member' view. */
"ADD_GROUP_MEMBER_VIEW_TITLE" = "Dodaj uczestnika";
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a group. */
"ADD_GROUP_TO_PROFILE_WHITELIST_OFFER" = "Czy chcesz udostpni sw<00>j profil w tej grupie?";
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to add an unknown user to your phone's contacts. */
"ADD_TO_CONTACTS_OFFER" = "Czy chcesz doda tego u|ytkownika do listy kontakt<00>w?";
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a user. */
"ADD_USER_TO_PROFILE_WHITELIST_OFFER" = "Czy chcesz udostpni sw<00>j profil temu u|ytkownikowi?";
/* The label for the 'discard' button in alerts and action sheets. */
/* The label for the 'don't save' button in action sheets. */
"ALERT_DONT_SAVE" = "Nie zapisuj";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* The label for the 'save' button in action sheets. */
"ALERT_SAVE" = "Zapisz";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_Message" = "Nowa wiadomo[!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_MESSAGE_FROM" = "Wiadomo[ od";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_MESSAGE_IN_GROUP" = "Wiadomo[ w rozmowie grupowej";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"APN_MESSAGE_IN_GROUP_DETAILED" = "%@ w grupie %@: %@";
/* Message for the 'app launch failed' alert. */
"APP_LAUNCH_FAILURE_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Signal can't launch. Please send a debug log to so that we can troubleshoot this issue.";
/* Title for the 'app launch failed' alert. */
/* Text prompting user to edit their profile name. */
/* Label for the 'dismiss' button in the 'new app version available' alert. */
/* Message format for the 'new app version available' alert. Embeds: {{The latest app version number}} */
"APP_UPDATE_NAG_ALERT_MESSAGE_FORMAT" = "Wersja %@ jest ju| dostpna.";
/* Title for the 'new app version available' alert. */
"APP_UPDATE_NAG_ALERT_TITLE" = "A New Version of Signal Is Available";
/* Label for the 'update' button in the 'new app version available' alert. */
/* Name of application */
/* Pressing this button moves a thread from the inbox to the archive */
"ARCHIVE_ACTION" = "Archiwizuj";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ATTACHMENT" = "ZaBcznik";
/* One-line label indicating the user can add no more text to the attachment caption. */
/* Format string for file extension label in call interstitial view */
/* Format string for file size label in call interstitial view. Embeds: {{file size as 'N mb' or 'N kb'}}. */
/* Label for 'send' button in the 'attachment approval' dialog. */
/* Generic filename for an attachment with no known name */
/* Status label when an attachment download has failed. */
"ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADING_STATUS_FAILED" = "Download failed. Tap to retry.";
/* Status label when an attachment is currently downloading */
/* Status label when an attachment is enqueued, but hasn't yet started downloading */
/* The title of the 'attachment error' alert. */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_ALERT_TITLE" = "WystpiB bBd podczas wysyBania zaBcznika";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which could not be converted to JPEG */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_TO_JPEG" = "Unable to convert image.";
/* Attachment error message for video attachments which could not be converted to MP4 */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_TO_MP4" = "Nie udaBo si przetworzy video";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which cannot be parsed */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_PARSE_IMAGE" = "Unable to parse image.";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments in which metadata could not be removed */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_METADATA" = "Nie udaBo si usun metadanych z grafiki";
/* Attachment error message for image attachments which could not be resized */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_RESIZE_IMAGE" = "Unable to resize image.";
/* Attachment error message for attachments whose data exceed file size limits */
/* Attachment error message for attachments with invalid data */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA" = "Attachment includes invalid content.";
/* Attachment error message for attachments with an invalid file format */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT" = "Attachment has an invalid file format.";
/* Attachment error message for attachments without any data */
"ATTACHMENT_ERROR_MISSING_DATA" = "ZaBcznik jest pusty.";
/* Accessibility hint describing what you can do with the attachment button */
"ATTACHMENT_HINT" = "Wybierz lub zr<00>b zdjcie i wy[lij je";
/* Accessibility label for attaching photos */
/* attachment menu option to send contact */
/* Alert title when picking a document fails for an unknown reason */
/* Alert body when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */
"ATTACHMENT_PICKER_DOCUMENTS_PICKED_DIRECTORY_FAILED_ALERT_BODY" = "Please create a compressed archive of this file or directory and try sending that instead.";
/* Alert title when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */
/* Short text label for a voice message attachment, used for thread preview and on the lock screen */
/* action sheet button title to enable built in speaker during a call */
/* button text for back button */
"BACK_BUTTON" = "Cofnij";
/* Error indicating the backup export could not export the user's data. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_EXPORT" = "Nie udaBo si eksportowa kopii zapasowej.";
/* Error indicating that the app received an invalid response from CloudKit. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_ERROR_INVALID_CLOUDKIT_RESPONSE" = "NieprawidBowa odpowiedz serwera";
/* Error indicating the backup export failed to save a file to the cloud. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_ERROR_SAVE_FILE_TO_CLOUD_FAILED" = "Nie udaBo si wysBa kopii zapasowej.";
/* Indicates that the cloud is being cleaned up. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_PHASE_CLEAN_UP" = "Czyszczenie kopii zapasowych";
/* Indicates that the backup export is being configured. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_PHASE_CONFIGURATION" = "Uruchamianie kopii zapasowej";
/* Indicates that the database data is being exported. */
/* Indicates that the backup export data is being exported. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_PHASE_EXPORT" = "Eksportowanie kopii zapasowej";
/* Indicates that the backup export data is being uploaded. */
"BACKUP_EXPORT_PHASE_UPLOAD" = "Wgrywanie kopii zapasowej";
/* Error indicating the backup import could not import the user's data. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_IMPORT" = "Kopia zapasowa nie mo|e zosta pobrana ";
/* Indicates that the backup import is being configured. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_PHASE_CONFIGURATION" = "Konfigurowanie kopii zapasowej";
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being downloaded. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_PHASE_DOWNLOAD" = "Pobieranie kopii zapasowej";
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being finalized. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_PHASE_FINALIZING" = "Finalizowanie kopii zapasowej";
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being imported. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_PHASE_IMPORT" = "Importowanie kopii zapasowej.";
/* Indicates that the backup database is being restored. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_PHASE_RESTORING_DATABASE" = "Przywracanie bazy danych";
/* Indicates that the backup import data is being restored. */
"BACKUP_IMPORT_PHASE_RESTORING_FILES" = "Przywracanie plik<00>w";
/* An explanation of the consequences of blocking a group. */
"BLOCK_GROUP_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "You will no longer receive messages or updates from this group.";
/* Button label for the 'block' button */
/* A format for the 'block group' action sheet title. Embeds the {{group name}}. */
"BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_GROUP_TITLE_FORMAT" = "Block and Leave the \"%@\" Group?";
/* A format for the 'block user' action sheet title. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */
/* Section header for groups that have been blocked */
/* Section header for users that have been blocked */
/* Button label for the 'unblock' button */
/* Action sheet body when confirming you want to unblock a group */
"BLOCK_LIST_UNBLOCK_GROUP_BODY" = "Existing members will be able to add you to the group again.";
/* Action sheet title when confirming you want to unblock a group. */
/* A format for the 'unblock conversation' action sheet title. Embeds the {{conversation title}}. */
/* A label for the block button in the block list view */
/* The message format of the 'conversation blocked' alert. Embeds the {{conversation title}}. */
/* The title of the 'user blocked' alert. */
"BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCKED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Zablokowano u|ytkownika";
/* The title of the 'group blocked' alert. */
/* The message of the 'You can't block yourself' alert. */
"BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_CANT_BLOCK_SELF_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Nie mo|esz zablokowa siebie.";
/* The title of the 'You can't block yourself' alert. */
/* Alert title after unblocking a group or 1:1 chat. Embeds the {{conversation title}}. */
/* Alert body after unblocking a group. */
"BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_UNBLOCKED_GROUP_ALERT_BODY" = "Existing members can now add you to the group again.";
/* Action sheet that will block an unknown user. */
/* Title format for action sheet that offers to block an unknown user.Embeds {{the unknown user's name or phone number}}. */
/* An explanation of the consequences of blocking another user. */
"BLOCK_USER_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "Blocked users will not be able to call you or send you messages.";
/* Label for 'continue' button. */
"BUTTON_CONTINUE" = "Kontynuuj";
/* Label for generic done button. */
"BUTTON_DONE" = "Gotowe";
/* Button text to enable batch selection mode */
"BUTTON_SELECT" = "Zaznacz";
/* Label for button that lets users call a contact again. */
"CALL_AGAIN_BUTTON_TITLE" = "ZadzwoD ponownie";
/* Alert message when calling and permissions for microphone are missing */
"CALL_AUDIO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "You can enable microphone access in the iOS Settings app to make calls and record voice messages in Signal.";
/* Alert title when calling and permissions for microphone are missing */
"CALL_AUDIO_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "Wymagany dostp do mikrofonu";
/* Accessibility label for placing call button */
"CALL_LABEL" = "PoBczenie";
/* Call setup status label after outgoing call times out */
/* embeds {{Call Status}} in call screen label. For ongoing calls, {{Call Status}} is a seconds timer like 01:23, otherwise {{Call Status}} is a short text like 'Ringing', 'Busy', or 'Failed Call' */
"CALL_STATUS_FORMAT" = "Signal %@";
/* Label for call button for alert offering to call a user. */
/* Message format for alert offering to call a user. Embeds {{the user's display name or phone number}}. */
"CALL_USER_ALERT_MESSAGE_FORMAT" = "Czy chcesz poBczy si z %@?";
/* Title for alert offering to call a user. */
/* Accessibility label for accepting incoming calls */
"CALL_VIEW_ACCEPT_INCOMING_CALL_LABEL" = "Zaakceptuj poBczenie przychodzce ";
/* Accessibility label for selection the audio source */
/* Accessibility label for declining incoming calls */
"CALL_VIEW_DECLINE_INCOMING_CALL_LABEL" = "Odrzu poBczenie przychodzce";
/* Accessibility label for hang up call */
"CALL_VIEW_HANGUP_LABEL" = "ZakoDcz rozmow ";
/* Accessibility label for muting the microphone */
/* Reminder to the user of the benefits of enabling CallKit and disabling CallKit privacy. */
"CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_DESCRIPTION_ALL" = "You can enable iOS Call Integration in your Signal privacy settings to answer incoming calls from your lock screen.";
/* Reminder to the user of the benefits of disabling CallKit privacy. */
"CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_DESCRIPTION_PRIVACY" = "You can enable iOS Call Integration in your Signal privacy settings to see the name and phone number for incoming calls.";
/* Label for button that dismiss the call view's settings nag. */
/* Label for button that shows the privacy settings. */
"CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_SHOW_CALL_SETTINGS" = "Poka| ustawienia prywatno[ci";
/* Accessibility label to toggle front- vs. rear-facing camera */
/* Accessibility label to switch to audio only */
"CALL_VIEW_SWITCH_TO_AUDIO_LABEL" = "PrzeBcz na poBczenie gBosowe";
/* Accessibility label to switch to video call */
"CALL_VIEW_SWITCH_TO_VIDEO_LABEL" = "PrzeBcz na poBczenie wideo";
/* Label for the 'return to call' banner. */
"CALL_WINDOW_RETURN_TO_CALL" = "Dotknij by powr<00>ci do poBczenia";
/* notification action */
/* The generic name used for calls if CallKit privacy is enabled */
/* Message for alert explaining that a user cannot be verified. */
"CANT_VERIFY_IDENTITY_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Ten u|ytkownik nie mo|e zosta zweryfikowany p<00>ki nie napiszecie do siebie.";
/* Title for alert explaining that a user cannot be verified. */
/* Title for the 'censorship circumvention country' view. */
/* Error indicating that the app could not determine that user's CloudKit account status */
"CLOUDKIT_STATUS_COULD_NOT_DETERMINE" = "WystpiB bBd poBczenia z iCloud by wykona kopi zapasow.";
/* Error indicating that user does not have an iCloud account. */
"CLOUDKIT_STATUS_NO_ACCOUNT" = "Nie posiadasz konta iCloud dla kopii zapasowej.";
/* Error indicating that the app was prevented from accessing the user's CloudKit account. */
"CLOUDKIT_STATUS_RESTRICTED" = "Signal nie uzyskaB dostpu do twojego konta iCloud w celu utworzenia kopii zapasowych.";
/* The first of two messages demonstrating the chosen conversation color, by rendering this message in an outgoing message bubble. */
"COLOR_PICKER_DEMO_MESSAGE_1" = "Choose the color of outgoing messages in this conversation.";
/* The second of two messages demonstrating the chosen conversation color, by rendering this message in an incoming message bubble. */
"COLOR_PICKER_DEMO_MESSAGE_2" = "Only you will see the color you choose.";
/* Modal Sheet title when picking a conversation color. */
"COLOR_PICKER_SHEET_TITLE" = "Conversation Color";
/* Activity Sheet label */
"COMPARE_SAFETY_NUMBER_ACTION" = "Por<00>wnaj ze schowkiem";
/* Table section header for contact listing when composing a new message */
/* Table section header for group listing when composing a new message */
/* Table section header for invite listing when composing a new message */
/* Multi-line label explaining why compose-screen contact picker is empty. */
"COMPOSE_SCREEN_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "You can enable contacts access in the iOS Settings app to see which of your contacts are Signal users.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DESTRUCTION_TEXT" = "This will reset the application by deleting your messages and unregistering you with the server. The app will close after this process is complete.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DESTRUCTION_TITLE" = "Czy na pewno chcesz skasowa swoje konto?";
/* Alert body */
"CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" = "Nie bdziesz ju| m<00>c odbiera lub wysyBa wiadomo[ci w tej grupie.";
/* Alert title */
"CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_TITLE" = "Czy na pewno chcesz wyj[?";
/* Button text */
"CONFIRM_LINK_NEW_DEVICE_ACTION" = "PoBcz nowe urzdzenie";
/* Action sheet body presented when a user's SN has recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone number}} */
"CONFIRM_SENDING_TO_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_FORMAT" = "%@ m<00>gB ponownie zainstalowa lub zmieni urzdzenie. Zweryfikuj sw<00>j kod zabezpieczenia, aby zapewni prywatno[. ";
/* Action sheet title presented when a user's SN has recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone number}} */
"CONFIRM_SENDING_TO_CHANGED_IDENTITY_TITLE_FORMAT" = "Kod zabezpieczenia z %@ zmieniB si";
/* Generic button text to proceed with an action */
/* Label for a contact's postal address. */
/* An indicator that a contact has been blocked. */
"CONTACT_CELL_IS_BLOCKED" = "Zablokowany";
/* An indicator that a contact is no longer verified. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"CONTACT_DETAIL_COMM_TYPE_INSECURE" = "Niezarejestrowany numer";
/* Label for the 'edit name' button in the contact share approval view. */
/* Label for a contact's email address. */
"CONTACT_EMAIL" = "Email";
/* Label for the 'city' field of a contact's address. */
/* Label for the 'country' field of a contact's address. */
/* Label for the 'neighborhood' field of a contact's address. */
/* Label for the 'pobox' field of a contact's address. */
"CONTACT_FIELD_ADDRESS_POBOX" = "Skrytka pocztowa";
/* Label for the 'postcode' field of a contact's address. */
/* Label for the 'region' field of a contact's address. */
/* Label for the 'street' field of a contact's address. */
/* Label for the 'family name' field of a contact. */
/* Label for the 'given name' field of a contact. */
/* Label for the 'middle name' field of a contact. */
/* Label for the 'name prefix' field of a contact. */
/* Label for the 'name suffix' field of a contact. */
"CONTACT_FIELD_NAME_SUFFIX" = "TytuB zawodowy/naukowy";
/* Label for the 'organization' field of a contact. */
/* Label for a contact's phone number. */
"CONTACT_PHONE" = "Numer telefonu";
/* table cell subtitle when contact card has no email */
/* table cell subtitle when contact card has no known phone number */
"CONTACT_PICKER_NO_PHONE_NUMBERS_AVAILABLE" = "Brak dostpnego numeru telefonu.";
/* navbar title for contact picker when sharing a contact */
"CONTACT_PICKER_TITLE" = "Wybierz Kontakt";
/* Title for the 'Approve contact share' view. */
/* Title for the 'edit contact share name' view. */
/* Error indicating that an invalid contact cannot be shared. */
"CONTACT_SHARE_INVALID_CONTACT" = "NieprawidBowy kontakt.";
/* Error indicating that at least one contact field must be selected before sharing a contact. */
"CONTACT_SHARE_NO_FIELDS_SELECTED" = "Nie wybrano kontaktu";
/* Label for 'open address in maps app' button in contact view. */
"CONTACT_VIEW_OPEN_ADDRESS_IN_MAPS_APP" = "Otw<00>rz w aplikacji Mapy";
/* Label for 'open email in email app' button in contact view. */
/* Indicates that a contact has no name. */
"CONTACT_WITHOUT_NAME" = "Kontakt bez nazwy";
/* title for conversation settings screen */
"CONVERSATION_SETTINGS" = "Ustawienia konwersacji";
/* Label for 'new contact' button in conversation settings view. */
"CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_ADD_TO_EXISTING_CONTACT" = "Dodaj do istniejcego kontaktu";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
/* Navbar title when viewing settings for a 1-on-1 thread */
/* Label for table cell which leads to picking a new conversation color */
/* Navbar title when viewing settings for a group thread */
/* Title of the 'mute this thread' action sheet. */
/* label for 'mute thread' cell in conversation settings */
/* Indicates that the current thread is not muted. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a day. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a hour. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a minute. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a week. */
/* Label for button to mute a thread for a year. */
/* Indicates that this thread is muted until a given date or time. Embeds {{The date or time which the thread is muted until}}. */
/* Label for 'new contact' button in conversation settings view. */
"CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_NEW_CONTACT" = "Utw<00>rz nowy kontakt";
/* Label for button that opens conversation settings. */
/* Label for button to unmute a thread. */
/* Indicates that user's profile has been shared with a group. */
"CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_VIEW_PROFILE_IS_SHARED_WITH_GROUP" = "Ta grupa mo|e przeglda tw<00>j profil.";
/* Indicates that user's profile has been shared with a user. */
"CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_VIEW_PROFILE_IS_SHARED_WITH_USER" = "Ten u|ytkownik mo|e przeglda tw<00>j profil.";
/* Button to confirm that user wants to share their profile with a user or group. */
/* Action that shares user profile with a group. */
/* Action that shares user profile with a user. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to add an unknown user to your phone's contacts. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a user. */
/* Title for the group of buttons show for unknown contacts offering to add them to contacts, etc. */
"CONVERSATION_VIEW_CONTACTS_OFFER_TITLE" = "Ten u|ytkownik nie jest zapisany w Twoich kontaktach.";
/* Indicates that the app is loading more messages in this conversation. */
/* Indicator on truncated text messages that they can be tapped to see the entire text message. */
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to block an unknown user. */
/* ActionSheet title */
"CORRUPTED_SESSION_DESCRIPTION" = "Zresetowanie sesji pozwoli otrzymywa przyszBe wiadomo[ci od %@, ale nie przywr<00>ci dotychczasowych uszkodzonych wiadomo[ci.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"COUNTRYCODE_SELECT_TITLE" = "Wybierz kod kraju";
/* Accessibility label for the create group new group button */
"CREATE_NEW_GROUP" = "Stw<00>rz now grup";
/* Title for the 'crop/scale image' dialog. */
"CROP_SCALE_IMAGE_VIEW_TITLE" = "PrzesuD i zmieD wielko[";
/* Subtitle shown while the app is updating its database. */
"DATABASE_VIEW_OVERLAY_SUBTITLE" = "To mo|e zaj kilka minut.";
/* Title shown while the app is updating its database. */
"DATABASE_VIEW_OVERLAY_TITLE" = "Optymalizacja bazy danych";
/* Format string for a relative time, expressed as a certain number of hours in the past. Embeds {{The number of hours}}. */
"DATE_HOURS_AGO_FORMAT" = "%@ godz. temu";
/* Format string for a relative time, expressed as a certain number of minutes in the past. Embeds {{The number of minutes}}. */
"DATE_MINUTES_AGO_FORMAT" = "%@ min. temu";
/* The present; the current time. */
"DATE_NOW" = "Teraz";
/* The current day. */
"DATE_TODAY" = "Dzi[";
/* The day before today. */
"DATE_YESTERDAY" = "Wczoraj";
/* Error indicating that the debug logs could not be copied. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_COULD_NOT_COPY_LOGS" = "Kopiowanie log<00>w nieudane.";
/* Error indicating that the debug logs could not be packaged. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_COULD_NOT_PACKAGE_LOGS" = "Pakowanie log<00>w nieudane.";
/* Error indicating that a debug log could not be uploaded. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_ERROR_UPLOADING_LOG" = "WysyBanie log<00>w nieudane.";
/* Message of the debug log alert. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Co chciaBby[ zrobi z linkiem do twojego logu debugowania?";
/* Error indicating that no debug logs could be found. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_NO_LOGS" = "Nie znaleziono log<00>w.";
/* Label for the 'Open a Bug Report' option of the debug log alert. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_OPTION_BUG_REPORT" = "Otw<00>rz raport bBd<00>w";
/* Label for the 'copy link' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'email debug log' option of the debug log alert. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_OPTION_EMAIL" = "Wy[lij log emailem";
/* Label for the 'send to last thread' option of the debug log alert. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_OPTION_SEND_TO_LAST_THREAD" = "Wy[lij do ostatniego tematu";
/* Label for the 'send to self' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Label for the 'Share' option of the debug log alert. */
/* Title of the alert shown for failures while uploading debug logs.
Title of the debug log alert. */
"DEBUG_LOG_ALERT_TITLE" = "Jeszcze jeden krok";
/* Message of the alert before redirecting to GitHub Issues. */
"DEBUG_LOG_GITHUB_ISSUE_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Link gista zostaB skopiowany do schowka. Za chwil zostaniesz przeniesiony na list zgBoszeD na GitHub.";
/* Title of the alert before redirecting to GitHub Issues. */
"DEBUG_LOG_GITHUB_ISSUE_ALERT_TITLE" = "Przekierowanie do GitHub";
/* Label for button that lets users re-register using the same phone number. */
/* Label warning the user that they have been de-registered. */
"DEREGISTRATION_WARNING" = "Urzdzenie nie jest ju| zarejestrowane. Tw<00>j numer mo|e by zarejestrowany na innym urzdzeniu. Dotknij by zarejestrowa ponownie.";
/* {{Short Date}} when device last communicated with Signal Server. */
"DEVICE_LAST_ACTIVE_AT_LABEL" = "Ostatnia aktywno[: %@";
/* {{Short Date}} when device was linked. */
"DEVICE_LINKED_AT_LABEL" = "PoBczony: %@ ";
/* Alert title that can occur when viewing device manager. */
"DEVICE_LIST_UPDATE_FAILED_TITLE" = "Nie udaBo si zaktualizowa listy urzdzeD.";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES" = "Znikajce wiadomo[ci";
/* Info Message when added to a group which has enabled disappearing messages. Embeds {{time amount}} before messages disappear, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
/* subheading in conversation settings */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_DESCRIPTION" = "WBczenie funkcji spowoduje, |e wysyBane i otrzymywane wiadomo[ci znikn, gdy zostan odczytane.";
/* Accessibility hint that contains current timeout information */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_HINT" = "Obecnie wiadomo[ci znikaj po %@";
/* Accessibility label for disappearing messages */
"DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_LABEL" = "Ustawienia znikajcych wiadomo[ci";
/* Short text to dismiss current modal / actionsheet / screen */
/* Section title for the 'domain fronting country' view. */
"DOMAIN_FRONTING_COUNTRY_VIEW_SECTION_HEADER" = "Lokalizacja dla omijania cenzury";
/* Alert body for when the user has just tried to edit a contacts after declining to give Signal contacts permissions */
"EDIT_CONTACT_WITHOUT_CONTACTS_PERMISSION_ALERT_BODY" = "You can enable access in the iOS Settings app.";
/* Alert title for when the user has just tried to edit a contacts after declining to give Signal contacts permissions */
"EDIT_CONTACT_WITHOUT_CONTACTS_PERMISSION_ALERT_TITLE" = "Signal potrzebuje dostpu do Kontakt<00>w w celu edycji";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"EDIT_GROUP_ACTION" = "Edytuj grup";
/* a title for the contacts section of the 'new/update group' view. */
/* The navbar title for the 'update group' view. */
/* Label for the cell that lets you add a new member to a group. */
/* a title for the members section of the 'new/update group' view. */
/* An indicator that a user is a new member of the group. */
/* The title for the 'update group' button. */
/* The alert message if user tries to exit update group view without saving changes. */
"EDIT_GROUP_VIEW_UNSAVED_CHANGES_MESSAGE" = "Would you like to save the changes that you made to this group?";
/* The alert title if user tries to exit update group view without saving changes. */
/* Short name for edit menu item to copy contents of media message. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"EDIT_TXT" = "Edytuj";
/* body of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal. Embeds {{link to install Signal}} and {{link to the Signal home page}} */
"EMAIL_INVITE_BODY" = "Cze[,\n\nOstatnio u|ywam aplikacji Signal |eby utrzyma moje rozmowy na iPhone prywatne. ChciaBbym |eby[ te| spr<00>bowaB, aby[my mogli by pewni |e tylko ja i ty mo|emy widzie nasze wiadomo[ci czy sBysze nasze rozmowy.\n\nSignal jest dostpny na iPhona i Androida. Mo|esz go pobra std: %@\n\nSignal dziaBa tak jak ka|da inna aplikacja do komunikacji. Mo|emy wysyBa zdjcia i filmy, rozmawia sami jak i w grupach. Najlepsze jest to, |e nikt inny nie zobaczy naszych wiadomo[ci, nawet ludzie kt<00>rzy stworzyli t aplikacj!\n\nMo|esz przeczyta wicej o tw<00>rcach tej aplikacji tutaj: %@";
/* subject of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal */
"EMAIL_INVITE_SUBJECT" = "Zacznij u|ywa Signal";
/* Body text an existing user sees when viewing an empty archive */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TEXT" = "You can archive inactive conversations from your Inbox.";
/* Header text an existing user sees when viewing an empty archive */
"EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TITLE" = "Clean Up Your Conversation List";
/* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */
"EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE1" = "{aden z twoich kontakt<00>w nie posiada Signal.";
/* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */
"EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE2" = "Czemu kogo[ nie zaprosisz?";
/* Body text a new user sees when viewing an empty inbox */
"EMPTY_INBOX_NEW_USER_TEXT" = "Dotknij przycisku tworzenia wiadomo[ci";
/* Header text a new user sees when viewing an empty inbox */
"EMPTY_INBOX_NEW_USER_TITLE" = "Rozpocznij swoj pierwsz rozmow w Signal!";
/* Body text an existing user sees when viewing an empty inbox */
"EMPTY_INBOX_TEXT" = "None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.";
/* Header text an existing user sees when viewing an empty inbox */
"EMPTY_INBOX_TITLE" = "Inbox Zero";
/* Indicates that user should confirm their 'two factor auth pin'. */
/* Error indicating that attempt to disable 'two-factor auth' failed. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_COULD_NOT_DISABLE_2FA" = "Nie mo|na wyBczy blokady rejestracji.";
/* Error indicating that attempt to enable 'two-factor auth' failed. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_COULD_NOT_ENABLE_2FA" = "Nie mo|na wBczy blokady rejestracji.";
/* Label for the 'enable two-factor auth' item in the settings view */
/* Label for the 'enable two-factor auth' item in the settings view */
/* Label for the 'next' button in the 'enable two factor auth' views. */
/* Error indicating that the entered 'two-factor auth PINs' do not match. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_PIN_DOES_NOT_MATCH" = "PIN nie jest poprawny.";
/* Indicates that user should select a 'two factor auth pin'. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_SELECT_PIN_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Wprowadz PIN blokady rejestracji. Zostaniesz poproszony(a) o wprowadzenie tego kodu PIN przy nastpnym rejestrowaniu tego numeru telefonu za pomoc Signal.";
/* Indicates that user has 'two factor auth pin' disabled. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_STATUS_DISABLED_INSTRUCTIONS" = "W celu zwikszenia bezpieczeDstwa, ustaw kod PIN blokady rejestracji, kt<00>ry bdzie wymagany w celu ponownego zarejestrowania tego numeru telefonu w Signal.";
/* Indicates that user has 'two factor auth pin' enabled. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_STATUS_ENABLED_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Blokada rejestracji jest wBczona. Bdziesz musiaB(a) wprowadzi sw<00>j PIN przy ponownej rejestracji numeru telefonu w Signal.";
/* Title for the 'enable two factor auth PIN' views. */
"ENABLE_2FA_VIEW_TITLE" = "Blokada rejestracji";
/* Call setup status label */
/* Call setup status label */
/* Error indicating that the phone's contacts could not be retrieved. */
"ERROR_COULD_NOT_FETCH_CONTACTS" = "Nie mo|na uzyska dostpu do kontakt<00>w.";
/* Generic notice when message failed to send. */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_CLIENT_SENDING_FAILURE" = "Nie udaBo si wysBa wiadomo[ci.";
/* Error message indicating that message send is disabled due to prekey update failures */
/* Error message indicating that message send failed due to block list */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED_DUE_TO_BLOCK_LIST" = "WysyBanie wiadomo[ci nie powiodBo si poniewa| zablokowaBe[/a[ tego u|ytkownika.";
/* Error message indicating that message send failed due to failed attachment write */
/* Generic error used whenever Signal can't contact the server */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NO_INTERNET" = "Signal was unable to connect to the internet. Please try again.";
/* Error indicating that an outgoing message had no valid recipients. */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NO_VALID_RECIPIENTS" = "WysyBanie wiadomo[ci nie powiodBo si z powodu braku poprawnych odbiorc<00>w.";
/* Error indicating that a socket request failed. */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST_FAILED" = "BBd poBczenia sieciowego.";
/* Error indicating that a socket request timed out. */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT" = "BBd poBczenia sieciowego, timeout.";
/* Error indicating that a socket response failed. */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_RESPONSE_FAILED" = "BBd poBczenia z serwerem.";
/* Error message when attempting to send message */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_SENDING_UNAUTHORIZED" = "This device is no longer registered with your phone number. Please reinstall Signal.";
/* Generic server error */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_SERVER_FAILURE" = "BBd serwera. Spr<00>buj p<00>zniej.";
/* Worst case generic error message */
/* Error message when attempting to send message */
"ERROR_DESCRIPTION_UNREGISTERED_RECIPIENT" = "Osoba nie jest u|ytkownikiem Signal.";
/* Error message when unable to receive an attachment because the sending client is too old. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT_FROM_OLD_CLIENT" = "Attachment failure: Ask this contact to send their message again after updating to the latest version of Signal.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE" = "Received a duplicate message.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_KEY_EXCEPTION" = "Klucz odbiorcy nie jest poprawny.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_MESSAGE" = "Otrzymana wiadomo[ nie zostaBa zsynchronizowana.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_VERSION" = "Received a message that is not compatible with this version.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_SESSION" = "Brak dostpnych sesji dla tego kontaktu.";
/* Shown when signal users safety numbers changed */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_NON_BLOCKING_IDENTITY_CHANGE" = "Kod zabezpieczenia zmieniB si.";
/* Shown when signal users safety numbers changed, embeds the user's {{name or phone number}} */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_NON_BLOCKING_IDENTITY_CHANGE_FORMAT" = "Tw<00>j kod zabezpieczenia z %@ zmieniB si.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "WystpiB nieznany bBd.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"ERROR_MESSAGE_WRONG_TRUSTED_IDENTITY_KEY" = "Kod zabezpieczenia zmieniB si.";
/* Format string for 'unregistered user' error. Embeds {{the unregistered user's name or signal id}}. */
"ERROR_UNREGISTERED_USER_FORMAT" = "Niezarejestrowany u|ytkownik: %@";
/* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of too many attempts */
"FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_RATE_LIMIT" = "Too many failures with this contact. Please try again later.";
/* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of untrusted identity keys */
"FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY_KEY" = "Your safety number with %@ has recently changed. You may wish to verify before sending this message again.";
/* alert title */
"FAILED_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Nie udaBo si zweryfikowa kodu zabezpieczenia.";
/* Button that marks user as verified after a successful fingerprint scan. */
"FINGERPRINT_SCAN_VERIFY_BUTTON" = "Oznacz jako zweryfikowane";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Accessibility label for finishing new group */
"FINISH_GROUP_CREATION_LABEL" = "ZakoDcz tworzenie grupy";
/* Label indicating media gallery is empty */
"GALLERY_TILES_EMPTY_GALLERY" = "W tej konwersacji nie ma plik<00>w.";
/* Label indicating loading is in progress */
/* Label indicating loading is in progress */
/* A label for generic attachments. */
/* Error displayed when there is a failure fetching a GIF from the remote service. */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_FETCH_FAILURE" = "Nie udaBo si pobra GIFu. Sprawdz poBczenie z Internetem.";
/* Generic error displayed when picking a GIF */
"GIF_PICKER_ERROR_GENERIC" = "WystpiB nieznany bBd.";
/* Shown when selected GIF couldn't be fetched */
/* Alert message shown when user tries to search for GIFs without entering any search terms. */
"GIF_PICKER_VIEW_MISSING_QUERY" = "Wprowadz wyszukiwanie";
/* Title for the 'GIF picker' dialog. */
"GIF_PICKER_VIEW_TITLE" = "Wyszukiwarka GIF'<00>w";
/* Indicates that an error occurred while searching. */
"GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_ERROR" = "BBd. Dotknij by ponowi.";
/* Indicates that the user's search had no results. */
"GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS" = "Brak wynik<00>w";
/* Placeholder text for the search field in GIF view */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_AVATAR_CHANGED" = "Zmieniono avatar.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_CREATED" = "Grupa zostaBa stworzona.";
/* Message shown in conversation view that indicates there were issues with group creation. */
"GROUP_CREATION_FAILED" = "Nie wszystkie osoby udaBo si doda do grupy. Dotknij by ponowi.";
/* Conversation settings table section title */
"GROUP_MANAGEMENT_SECTION" = "Zarzdzanie grup";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED" = "%@ doBczyB(a) do grupy.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT" = "%@ opu[ciB(a) grup.";
/* Button label to add information to an unknown contact */
/* Button label for the 'call group member' button */
/* Label for the button that clears all verification errors in the 'group members' view. */
"GROUP_MEMBERS_RESET_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED" = "Clear Verification for All";
/* Label for the 'reset all no-longer-verified group members' confirmation alert. */
"GROUP_MEMBERS_RESET_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "To wycofa weryfikacj wszystkich czBonk<00>w grupy, kt<00>rych kody zabezpieczenia zmieniBy si odkd zostaBy wcze[niej zweryfikowane.";
/* Title for the 'members' section of the 'group members' view. */
/* Title for the 'no longer verified' section of the 'group members' view. */
/* Button label for the 'send message to group member' button */
"GROUP_MEMBERS_SEND_MESSAGE" = "Wy[lij wiadomo[";
/* Button label for the 'show contact info' button */
"GROUP_MEMBERS_VIEW_CONTACT_INFO" = "Informacje o kontakcie";
/* Modal text when removing a group */
"GROUP_REMOVING" = "Opuszczanie grupy %@";
/* Title of alert indicating that group deletion failed. */
"GROUP_REMOVING_FAILED" = "Opuszczenie grupy nie powiodBo si";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_TITLE_CHANGED" = "Nowy tytuB to '%@'. ";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_UPDATED" = "Zaktualizowano grup.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"GROUP_YOU_LEFT" = "Opu[ciBe[(a[) grup.";
/* Label for 'archived conversations' button. */
"HOME_VIEW_ARCHIVED_CONVERSATIONS" = "Zarchiwizowane rozmowy";
/* Table cell subtitle label for a conversation the user has blocked. */
/* Placeholder text for search bar which filters conversations. */
/* Format string when search returns no results. Embeds {{search term}} */
"HOME_VIEW_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS_FORMAT" = "Nie znaleziono wynik<00>w dla '%@'";
/* Title for the home view's 'archive' mode. */
/* Title for the home view's default mode. */
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_CONNECTING" = "Aczenie...";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_RECONNECTING" = "Reconnecting& ";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_RINGING" = "Trwa Bczenie...";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_SECURING" = "Odebrane. Trwa zabezpieczanie...";
/* Call setup status label */
"IN_CALL_TERMINATED" = "PoBcznie zakoDczone.";
/* Label reminding the user that they are in archive mode. */
"INBOX_VIEW_ARCHIVE_MODE_REMINDER" = "These conversations are archived and will only appear in the Inbox if new messages are received.";
/* Multi-line label explaining how to show names instead of phone numbers in your inbox */
"INBOX_VIEW_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "You can enable contacts access in the iOS Settings app to see contact names in your Signal conversation list.";
/* notification body */
"INCOMING_CALL" = "PoBczenie przychodzce";
/* notification body */
"INCOMING_CALL_FROM" = "PoBczenie od %@.";
/* info message recorded in conversation history when local user declined a call */
"INCOMING_DECLINED_CALL" = "OdrzuciBe[(a[) poBczenie";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"INCOMING_INCOMPLETE_CALL" = "Nadchodzce poBczenie";
/* info message text shown in conversation view */
"INFO_MESSAGE_MISSED_CALL_DUE_TO_CHANGED_IDENITY" = "Nieodebrane poBczenie poniewa| ich kod zabezpieczenia si zmieniB.";
/* Message for the alert indicating that an audio file is invalid. */
"INVALID_AUDIO_FILE_ALERT_ERROR_MESSAGE" = "Niepoprawny plik dzwikowy.";
/* Alert body when contacts disabled while trying to invite contacts to signal */
"INVITE_FLOW_REQUIRES_CONTACT_ACCESS_BODY" = "You can enable contacts access in the iOS Settings app to invite your friends to join Signal.";
/* Alert title when contacts disabled while trying to invite contacts to signal */
"INVITE_FLOW_REQUIRES_CONTACT_ACCESS_TITLE" = "Zezw<00>l na dostp do kontakt<00>w";
/* Label for the cell that presents the 'invite contacts' workflow. */
"INVITE_FRIENDS_CONTACT_TABLE_BUTTON" = "Zapro[ znajomych do Signal";
/* Search */
/* Navbar title */
"INVITE_FRIENDS_PICKER_TITLE" = "Zapro[ znajomych";
/* Alert warning that sending an invite to multiple users will create a group message whose recipients will be able to see each other. */
"INVITE_WARNING_MULTIPLE_INVITES_BY_TEXT" = "Inviting multiple users at the same time will start a group message and the recipients will be able to see each other.";
/* Slider label embeds {{TIME_AMOUNT}}, e.g. '2 hours'. See *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for examples. */
"KEEP_MESSAGES_DURATION" = "Wiadomo[ci znikaj po %@.";
/* Slider label when disappearing messages is off */
"KEEP_MESSAGES_FOREVER" = "Wiadomo[ci nie znikaj.";
/* Confirmation button within contextual alert */
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"LEAVE_GROUP_ACTION" = "Opu[ grup";
/* report an invalid linking code */
"LINK_DEVICE_INVALID_CODE_BODY" = "This QR code is not valid. Please make sure you are scanning the QR code that is displayed on the device you want to link.";
/* report an invalid linking code */
"LINK_DEVICE_INVALID_CODE_TITLE" = "Aczenie urzdzenia nie powiodBo si";
/* confirm the users intent to link a new device */
"LINK_DEVICE_PERMISSION_ALERT_BODY" = "This device will be able to see your groups and contacts, access your conversations, and send messages in your name.";
/* confirm the users intent to link a new device */
/* attempt another linking */
/* QR Scanning screen instructions, placed alongside a camera view for scanning QR Codes */
"LINK_DEVICE_SCANNING_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Scan the QR code that is displayed on the device you want to link.";
/* Subheading for 'Link New Device' navigation */
/* Navigation title when scanning QR code to add new device. */
"LINK_NEW_DEVICE_TITLE" = "PoBcz nowe urzdzenie";
/* Menu item and navbar title for the device manager */
"LINKED_DEVICES_TITLE" = "PoBczone urzdzenia";
/* Alert Title */
"LINKING_DEVICE_FAILED_TITLE" = "Aczenie urzdzenia nie powiodBo si";
/* table cell label in conversation settings */
"LIST_GROUP_MEMBERS_ACTION" = "CzBonkowie grupy";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"LOGGING_SECTION" = "Logowanie";
/* Title for the 'long text message' view. */
"LONG_TEXT_VIEW_TITLE" = "Wiadomo[";
/* nav bar button item */
/* media picker option to take photo or video */
/* action sheet button title when choosing attachment type */
/* media picker option to choose from library */
"MEDIA_FROM_LIBRARY_BUTTON" = "Biblioteka zdj";
/* Confirmation button text to delete selected media from the gallery, embeds {{number of messages}} */
/* Confirmation button text to delete selected media message from the gallery */
/* Short sender label for media sent by you */
/* Section header in media gallery collection view */
/* Action sheet button title */
/* Action sheet button title */
"MESSAGE_ACTION_COPY_TEXT" = "Skopiuj tre[ wiadomo[ci";
/* Action sheet button title */
/* Action sheet button subtitle */
"MESSAGE_ACTION_DELETE_MESSAGE_SUBTITLE" = "It will only be deleted on this device.";
/* Action sheet button title */
"MESSAGE_ACTION_DETAILS" = "Wicej informacji";
/* Action sheet button title */
"MESSAGE_ACTION_REPLY" = "Reply to This Message";
/* Action sheet button title */
/* Title for the 'message approval' dialog. */
/* Label for the recipient name in the 'message approval' dialog. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for file size of attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the MIME type of attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for 'not yet downloaded' attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Status label for messages which are delivered. */
/* Status label for messages which are failed. */
/* Status label for messages which are read. */
/* Status label for messages which are sending. */
/* Status label for messages which are sent. */
/* Status label for messages which were skipped. */
/* Status label for messages which are uploading. */
/* Label for messages without a body or attachment in the 'message metadata' view. */
"MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_NO_ATTACHMENT_OR_BODY" = "Wiadomo[ nie ma tre[ci lub zaBcznika.";
/* Label for the 'received date & time' field of the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the 'sender' field of the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the 'sent date & time' field of the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Label for the original filename of any attachment in the 'message metadata' view. */
/* Title for the 'message metadata' view. */
/* message status for message delivered to their recipient. */
/* status message for failed messages */
"MESSAGE_STATUS_FAILED" = "WysyBanie nie powiodBo si.";
/* status message for failed messages */
/* status message for read messages */
"MESSAGE_STATUS_READ" = "Odczytana";
/* message status if message delivery to a recipient is skipped. We skip delivering group messages to users who have left the group or unregistered their Signal account. */
/* Label indicating that a message failed to send. */
"MESSAGE_STATUS_SEND_FAILED" = "WysyBanie nie powiodBo si";
/* message status while message is sending. */
/* status message for sent messages */
/* status message while attachment is uploading */
/* Indicates that one member of this group conversation is no longer verified. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_1_MEMBER_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "%@ nie jest ju| oznaczony(a) jako kontakt zweryfikowany. Dotknij, aby wy[wietli opcje.";
/* Indicates that this 1:1 conversation has been blocked. */
/* Indicates that this 1:1 conversation is no longer verified. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_CONTACT_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "%@ nie jest ju| oznaczony(a) jako kontakt zweryfikowany. Dotknij, aby wy[wietli opcje.";
/* Indicates that a single member of this group has been blocked. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_GROUP_1_MEMBER_BLOCKED" = "You Blocked 1 Member of This Group";
/* Indicates that this group conversation has been blocked. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_GROUP_BLOCKED" = "You Blocked This Group";
/* Indicates that some members of this group has been blocked. Embeds {{the number of blocked users in this group}}. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_GROUP_N_MEMBERS_BLOCKED_FORMAT" = "You Blocked %@ Members of This Group";
/* Text for banner in group conversation view that offers to share your profile with this group. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_GROUP_PROFILE_WHITELIST_BANNER" = "Czy chcesz udostpni sw<00>j profil w tej grupie?";
/* Indicates that more than one member of this group conversation is no longer verified. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_N_MEMBERS_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED" = "Wicej ni| jeden czBonek grupy nie jest ju| oznaczony jako zweryfikowany. Dotknij, aby wy[wietli opcje.";
/* The subtitle for the messages view title indicates that the title can be tapped to access settings for this conversation. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_TITLE_SUBTITLE" = "Przejdz do ustawieD";
/* Indicator that separates read from unread messages. */
/* Messages that indicates that there are more unseen messages. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_UNREAD_INDICATOR_HAS_MORE_UNSEEN_MESSAGES" = "Wicej nieodczytanych wiadomo[ci dostpne";
/* Messages that indicates that there are more unseen messages including safety number changes. */
"MESSAGES_VIEW_UNREAD_INDICATOR_HAS_MORE_UNSEEN_MESSAGES_AND_SAFETY_NUMBER_CHANGES" = "Masz wicej nieodczytanych wiadomo[ci, w tym o zmianach numer<00>w bezpieczeDstwa.";
/* notification title */
"MISSED_CALL" = "Nieodebrane poBczenie";
/* notification title. Embeds {{caller's name or phone number}} */
"MISSED_CALL_WITH_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_WITH_CALLER_NAME" = "PoBczenie od %@ odrzucone z powodu zmiany numeru bezpieczeDstwa rozm<00>wcy.";
/* notification title */
"MISSED_CALL_WITH_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_WITHOUT_CALLER_NAME" = "PoBczenie odrzucone z powodu zmiany numeru bezpieczeDstwa osoby dzwonicej.";
/* Alert body
Alert body when camera is not authorized */
"MISSING_CAMERA_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "You can enable camera access in the iOS Settings app to make video calls in Signal.";
/* Alert title
Alert title when camera is not authorized */
"MISSING_CAMERA_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "Signal potrzebuje dostpu do aparatu.";
/* Alert body when user has previously denied media library access */
"MISSING_MEDIA_LIBRARY_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "You can enable this permission in the iOS Settings app.";
/* Alert title when user has previously denied media library access */
"MISSING_MEDIA_LIBRARY_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "Signal requires access to your photos for this feature.";
/* notification title. Embeds {{caller's name or phone number}} */
"MSGVIEW_MISSED_CALL_WITH_NAME" = "Nieodebrane poBczenie od %@.";
/* alert title: cannot link - reached max linked devices */
"MULTIDEVICE_PAIRING_MAX_DESC" = "Nie mo|na podBczy wicej urzdzeD.";
/* alert body: cannot link - reached max linked devices */
"MULTIDEVICE_PAIRING_MAX_RECOVERY" = "You have reached the maximum of devices you can currently link with your account. Please remove a device and try again.";
/* An explanation of the consequences of muting a thread. */
"MUTE_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "Nie bdziesz otrzymywa powiadomieD dla konwersacji wyciszonych.";
/* A button to skip a view. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NETWORK_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "Please check if you are online and try again.";
/* Indicates to the user that censorship circumvention has been activated. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Error indicating that this device is no longer registered. */
"NETWORK_STATUS_DEREGISTERED" = "Urzdzenie nie jest ju| zarejestrowane.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NETWORK_STATUS_OFFLINE" = "NiepoBczony(a)";
/* A label the cell that lets you add a new member to a group. */
"NEW_CONVERSATION_FIND_BY_PHONE_NUMBER" = "Odszukaj po numerze telefonu";
/* A label for the cell that lets you add a new non-contact member to a group. */
"NEW_GROUP_ADD_NON_CONTACT" = "Add by Phone Number";
/* Action Sheet title prompting the user for a group avatar */
"NEW_GROUP_ADD_PHOTO_ACTION" = "Ustaw zdjcie grupy";
/* The title for the 'create group' button. */
/* Used in place of the group name when a group has not yet been named. */
/* An indicator that a user is a member of the new group. */
/* Placeholder text for group name field */
"NEW_GROUP_NAMEGROUP_REQUEST_DEFAULT" = "Nazwij t<01>rozmow grupow";
/* a title for the non-contacts section of the 'new group' view. */
/* The alert message if user tries to exit the new group view without saving changes. */
/* The alert title if user tries to exit the new group view without saving changes. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"new_message" = "Nowa wiadomo[";
/* A label for the 'add by phone number' button in the 'new non-contact conversation' view */
/* Title for the 'new non-contact conversation' view. */
/* Label for a button that lets users search for contacts by phone number */
"NO_CONTACTS_SEARCH_BY_PHONE_NUMBER" = "Odszukaj kontakty po numerze telefonu";
/* Lock screen notification text presented after user powers on their device without unlocking. Embeds {{device model}} (either 'iPad' or 'iPhone') */
"NOTIFICATION_BODY_PHONE_LOCKED_FORMAT" = "You may have received messages while your %@ was restarting.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED" = "Nie udaBo si wysBa wiadomo[ do %@.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATIONS_FOOTER_WARNING" = "Z uwagi na znany bBd w systemie wysyBania powiadomieD Push, podgld wiadomo[ci bdzie widoczny jedynie przez 30 sekund po wysBaniu. Numer przy ikonie aplikacji mo|e by w efekcie nieprawwidBowy";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"NOTIFICATIONS_NONE" = "Brak nazwy czy zawarto[ci";
/* Table cell switch label. When disabled, Signal will not play notification sounds while the app is in the foreground. */
"NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION_INAPP" = "Odtwarzaj kiedy aplikacja otwarta";
/* Label for settings UI that allows user to change the notification sound. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* Button text which opens the settings app */
"OPEN_SETTINGS_BUTTON" = "Ustawienia";
/* Info Message when {{other user}} disables or doesn't support disappearing messages */
/* Info Message when {{other user}} updates message expiration to {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
"OTHER_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "%@ ustawiB(a) znikajce wiadomo[ci na %@.";
/* Label warning the user that the Signal service may be down. */
"OUTAGE_WARNING" = "UsBugi Signal maj problemy techniczne. Prosimy o cierpliwo[ w trakcie usuwania awarii.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OUTGOING_CALL" = "PoBczenie wychodzce";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OUTGOING_INCOMPLETE_CALL" = "PoBczenie wychodzce";
/* info message recorded in conversation history when local user tries and fails to call another user. */
"OUTGOING_MISSED_CALL" = "Nieodebrane poBczenie wychodzce";
/* A display format for oversize text messages. */
/* A format for a label showing an example phone number. Embeds {{the example phone number}}. */
/* Format for phone number label with an index. Embeds {{Phone number label (e.g. 'home')}} and {{index, e.g. 2}}. */
/* Label for 'Home' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'HomeFAX' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'iPhone' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Main' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Mobile' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Other' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Other FAX' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Pager' phone numbers. */
/* Label used when we don't what kind of phone number it is (e.g. mobile/work/home). */
/* Label for 'Work' phone numbers. */
/* Label for 'Work FAX' phone numbers. */
/* Accessibility label for button to start media playback */
/* Label indicating that the user is not verified. Embeds {{the user's name or phone number}}. */
"PRIVACY_IDENTITY_IS_NOT_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "%@ nie jest oznaczony(a) jako zweryfikowany.";
/* Badge indicating that the user is verified. */
/* Label indicating that the user is verified. Embeds {{the user's name or phone number}}. */
"PRIVACY_IDENTITY_IS_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "%@ jest zweryfikowany.";
/* Label for a link to more information about safety numbers and verification. */
/* Button that shows the 'scan with camera' view. */
"PRIVACY_TAP_TO_SCAN" = "Dotknij by zeskanowa";
/* Button that lets user mark another user's identity as unverified. */
"PRIVACY_UNVERIFY_BUTTON" = "Wycofaj weryfikacj";
/* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_I_HAVE_WRONG_KEY_FOR_THEM" = "To nie wyglda jak Tw<00>j kod zabezpieczenia z %@. Sprawdz, czy weryfikujesz poprawny kontakt.";
/* Alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_MISMATCHED_SAFETY_NUMBERS_IN_CLIPBOARD" = "Numer w Twoim schowku nie wyglda jak poprawny kod zabezpieczenia dla tej rozmowy.";
/* Alert body for user error */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_NO_SAFETY_NUMBERS_IN_CLIPBOARD" = "Signal nie m<00>gB znalez kodu zabezpieczenia w Twoim schowku. Upewnij si, |e zostaB skopiowany poprawnie.";
/* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_THEY_HAVE_WRONG_KEY_FOR_ME" = "Ka|da para u|ytkownik<00>w Signal ma odrbny kod zabezpieczenia. Upewnij si, |e %@ pokazuje *Tw<00>j* kod zabezpieczenia.";
/* alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WITH_OLD_LOCAL_VERSION" = "Korzystasz z nieaktualnej wersji Signal. Zaktualizuj by m<00>c zweryfikowa.";
/* alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WITH_OLD_REMOTE_VERSION" = "Tw<00>j rozm<00>wca u|ywa starej wersji Signal. Musi go zaktualizowa zanim mo|liwa bdzie weryfikacja.";
/* alert body */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILURE_INVALID_QRCODE" = "The scanned code doesn't look like a safety number. Are you both on an up-to-date version of Signal?";
/* Paragraph(s) shown alongside the safety number when verifying privacy with {{contact name}} */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_INSTRUCTIONS" = "By zweryfikowa bezpieczeDstwo poBczenia z %@ por<00>wnaj powy|szy numer z numerem na jego (jej) urzdzeniu.\n\nAlternatywnie, mo|na zeskanowa kod QR jednego z urzdzeD drugim.";
/* Navbar title */
"PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Zweryfikuj kod zabezpieczenia.";
/* Button that lets user mark another user's identity as verified. */
"PRIVACY_VERIFY_BUTTON" = "Oznacz jako zweryfikowany";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"PROCEED_BUTTON" = "Kontynuuj";
/* Label text combining the phone number and profile name separated by a simple demarcation character. Phone number should be most prominent. '%1$@' is replaced with {{phone number}} and '%2$@' is replaced with {{profile name}} */
/* Prepend a simple marker to differentiate the profile name, embeds the contact's {{profile name}}. */
/* Action Sheet title prompting the user for a profile avatar */
/* Label for action that clear's the user's profile avatar */
/* Error message shown when user tries to update profile with a profile name that is too long. */
"PROFILE_VIEW_ERROR_PROFILE_NAME_TOO_LONG" = "Twoja nazwa profilowa jest zbyt dBuga.";
/* Error message shown when a profile update fails. */
"PROFILE_VIEW_ERROR_UPDATE_FAILED" = "Aktualizacja profilu nie powiodBa si.";
/* Default text for the profile name field of the profile view. */
/* Label for the profile avatar field of the profile view. */
/* Description of the user profile. */
"PROFILE_VIEW_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION" = "Tw<00>j Profil Signal bdzie widoczny dla twoich kontakt<00>w, gdy rozpoczniesz nowe konwersacje, a tak|e gdy udostpnisz go innym u|ytkownikom i grupom.";
/* Link to more information about the user profile. */
/* Label for the profile name field of the profile view. */
/* Button to save the profile view in the profile view. */
/* Alert title that indicates the user's profile view is being saved. */
/* Title for the profile view. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"PUSH_MANAGER_MARKREAD" = "Oznacz jako przeczytane";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"PUSH_MANAGER_REPLY" = "Odpowiedz";
/* Title of alert shown when push tokens sync job succeeds. */
"PUSH_REGISTER_SUCCESS" = "Successfully re-registered for push notifications.";
/* Used in table section header and alert view title contexts */
"PUSH_REGISTER_TITLE" = "Powiadomienia Push";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Indicates the author of a quoted message. Embeds {{the author's name or phone number}}. */
/* message header label when someone else is quoting you */
/* message header label when quoting yourself */
/* Footer label that appears below quoted messages when the quoted content was not derived locally. When the local user doesn't have a copy of the message being quoted, e.g. if it had since been deleted, we instead show the content specified by the sender. */
"QUOTED_REPLY_CONTENT_FROM_REMOTE_SOURCE" = "Oryginalna wiadomo[ nie odnaleziona.";
/* Toast alert text shown when tapping on a quoted message which we cannot scroll to because the local copy of the message was since deleted. */
"QUOTED_REPLY_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE_DELETED" = "Original message no longer available.";
/* Toast alert text shown when tapping on a quoted message which we cannot scroll to because the local copy of the message didn't exist when the quote was received. */
/* Indicates this message is a quoted reply to an attachment of unknown type. */
/* Indicates this message is a quoted reply to an audio file. */
/* Indicates this message is a quoted reply to animated GIF file. */
/* Indicates this message is a quoted reply to an image file. */
/* Indicates this message is a quoted reply to a video file. */
/* Label for 'I forgot my PIN' link in the 2FA registration view. */
/* Alert message explaining what happens if you forget your 'two-factor auth pin'. */
"REGISTER_2FA_FORGOT_PIN_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Rejestracja tego numeru telefonu bdzie mo|liwa bez kodu PIN blokady rejestracji, po upBywie 7 dni od ostatniej aktywno[ci tego numeru telefonu w usBudze Signal.";
/* Instructions to enter the 'two-factor auth pin' in the 2FA registration view. */
"REGISTER_2FA_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Ten numer telefonu ma wBczon blokad rejestracji. Wprowadz kod PIN blokady rejestracji.\n\nTw<00>j PIN blokady rejestracji jest oddzielny od automatycznego kodu weryfikacyjnego, kt<00>ry zostaB wysBany na Tw<00>j telefon podczas ostatniego kroku.";
/* Title for alert indicating that attempt to register with 'two-factor auth' failed. */
/* Label for 'submit' button in the 2FA registration view. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTER_FAILED_TRY_AGAIN" = "Spr<00>buj ponownie";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTER_RATE_LIMITING_BODY" = "Pr<00>bowaBe[ zbyt czsto. Poczekaj chwil, zanim spr<00>bujesz ponownie.";
/* Title of alert shown when push tokens sync job fails. */
"REGISTRATION_BODY" = "Nie udaBo si ponownie zarejestrowa powiadomieD push.";
/* Label for the country code field */
/* Navigation title shown when user is re-registering after having enabled registration lock */
"REGISTRATION_ENTER_LOCK_PIN_NAV_TITLE" = "Rejestracja zablokowana";
/* Placeholder text for the phone number textfield */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_ERROR" = "BBd rejestracji";
/* alert body during registration */
"REGISTRATION_ERROR_BLANK_VERIFICATION_CODE" = "Nie mo|emy aktywowa Twojego konta, dop<00>ki nie zweryfikujesz kodu, kt<00>ry Ci wysBali[my.";
/* alert body when registering an iPad */
"REGISTRATION_IPAD_CONFIRM_BODY" = "Registering now will disable Signal on any other device currently registered with this phone number.";
/* button text to proceed with registration when on an iPad */
"REGISTRATION_IPAD_CONFIRM_BUTTON" = "Zarejestruj tego iPada";
/* alert title when registering an iPad */
"REGISTRATION_IPAD_CONFIRM_TITLE" = "Masz ju| konto Signal?";
/* one line label below submit button on registration screen, which links to an external webpage. */
"REGISTRATION_LEGAL_TERMS_LINK" = "Regulamin i Polityka Prywatno[ci";
/* legal disclaimer, embeds a tappable {{link title}} which is styled as a hyperlink */
"REGISTRATION_LEGAL_TOP_MATTER_FORMAT" = "Rejestrujc to urzdzenie wyra|asz zgod na %@ z usBug Signal";
/* embedded in legal topmatter, styled as a link */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_NON_VALID_NUMBER" = "Wprowadzony format numeru nie jest wspierany, skontaktuj si z pomoc.";
/* Label for the phone number textfield */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_RESTRICTED_MESSAGE" = "You need to register before you can send a message.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REGISTRATION_TITLE_LABEL" = "Tw<00>j numer telefonu";
/* Alert view title */
/* Error message indicating that registration failed due to a missing or incorrect verification code. */
"REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WRONG_CODE_DESCRIPTION" = "The numbers you submitted don't match what we sent. Want to double check?";
/* Error message indicating that registration failed due to a missing or incorrect 2FA PIN. */
"REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WRONG_PIN" = "NieprawidBowy kod PIN blokady rejestracji.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Message of alert indicating that users needs to enter a valid phone number to register. */
"REGISTRATION_VIEW_INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Prosz poda prawidBowy numer telefonu w celu rejestracji.";
/* Title of alert indicating that users needs to enter a valid phone number to register. */
/* Message of alert indicating that users needs to enter a phone number to register. */
"REGISTRATION_VIEW_NO_PHONE_NUMBER_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Prosz poda numer telefonu w celu rejestracji.";
/* Title of alert indicating that users needs to enter a phone number to register. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"RELAY_REGISTERED_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "Numer telefonu, kt<00>ry pr<00>bujesz zarejestrowa, zostaB ju| zarejestrowany na innym serwerze. Wyrejestruj go i spr<00>buj ponownie.";
/* Body text for when user is periodically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
"REMINDER_2FA_BODY" = "Blokada rejestracji jest wBczona dla Twojego numeru telefonu. Aby pom<00>c Ci zapamita PIN blokady rejestracji, Signal okresowo poprosi Ci o jego wprowadzenie.";
/* Body header for when user is periodically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
"REMINDER_2FA_BODY_HEADER" = "Przypomnienie:";
/* Alert message explaining what happens if you forget your 'two-factor auth pin' */
"REMINDER_2FA_FORGOT_PIN_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Blokada rejestracji pomaga chroni Tw<00>j numer telefonu przed nieautoryzowanymi pr<00>bami rejestracji. Ta funkcja mo|e by w dowolnym momencie wyBczona w ustawieniach prywatno[ci Signal.";
/* Navbar title for when user is periodically prompted to enter their registration lock PIN */
"REMINDER_2FA_NAV_TITLE" = "Podaj PIN blokady rejestracji";
/* Alert body after wrong guess for 'two-factor auth pin' reminder activity */
"REMINDER_2FA_WRONG_PIN_ALERT_BODY" = "Mo|esz ustawi nowy PIN w Twoich ustawieniach prywatno[ci";
/* Alert title after wrong guess for 'two-factor auth pin' reminder activity */
"REMINDER_2FA_WRONG_PIN_ALERT_TITLE" = "Ten kod PIN jest nie poprawny.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"REREGISTER_FOR_PUSH" = "Zarejestruj si ponownie aby otrzymywa powiadomienia Push";
/* Generic text for button that retries whatever the last action was. */
"RETRY_BUTTON_TEXT" = "powtarzaj";
/* button title to confirm adding a recipient to a group when their safety number has recently changed */
/* alert button text to confirm placing an outgoing call after the recipients Safety Number has changed. */
/* button title to confirm sending to a recipient whose safety number recently changed */
/* Snippet to share {{safety number}} with a friend. sent e.g. via SMS */
"SAFETY_NUMBER_SHARE_FORMAT" = "Nasz kod zabezpieczenia Signal:\n%@";
/* Action sheet heading */
"SAFETY_NUMBERS_ACTIONSHEET_TITLE" = "Tw<00>j kod zabezpieczenia z %@ zmieniB si. Mo|esz go zweryfikowa.";
/* label presented once scanning (camera) view is visible. */
"SCAN_CODE_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Zeskanuj kod QR na urzdzeniu twojego kontaktu";
/* Title for the 'scan QR code' view. */
"SCAN_QR_CODE_VIEW_TITLE" = "Skanuj kod QR";
/* Indicates a delay of zero seconds, and that 'screen lock activity' will timeout immediately. */
/* Indicates that an unknown error occurred while using Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ENABLE_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "Authentication could not be accessed.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode authentication failed. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED" = "Uwierzytelnianie nie powiodBo si.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is 'locked out' on this device due to authentication failures. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKOUT" = "Zbyt wiele bBdnych logowaD. Spr<00>buj p<00>zniej.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode are not available on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE" = "Musisz wBczy kod dostpu w ustawieniach systemu iOS, aby korzysta z blokady ekranu.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode is not configured on this device. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENROLLED" = "Musisz wBczy kod dostpu w ustawieniach systemu iOS, aby korzysta z blokady ekranu.";
/* Indicates that Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode passcode is not set. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_PASSCODE_NOT_SET" = "Musisz wBczy kod dostpu w ustawieniach systemu iOS, aby korzysta z blokady ekranu.";
/* Description of how and why Signal iOS uses Touch ID/Face ID/Phone Passcode to unlock 'screen lock'. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_REASON_UNLOCK_SCREEN_LOCK" = "Uwierzytelnij, by u|ywa Signal";
/* Title for alert indicating that screen lock could not be unlocked. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED" = "Uwierzytelnianie nie powiodBo si.";
/* Label for button on lock screen that lets users unlock Signal. */
"SCREEN_LOCK_UNLOCK_SIGNAL" = "Odblokuj Signal'a";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* section header for search results that match a contact who doesn't have an existing conversation */
"SEARCH_SECTION_CONTACTS" = "Inne kontakty";
/* section header for search results that match existing conversations (either group or contact conversations) */
/* section header for search results that match a message in a conversation */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SECURE_SESSION_RESET" = "Zresetowano bezpieczn sesj.";
/* Label for 'select GIF to attach' action sheet button */
/* Table section header for conversations you haven't recently used. */
/* Table section header for recently active conversations */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_AGAIN_BUTTON" = "Wy[lij ponownie";
/* Label for the send button in the conversation view. */
/* Alert body after invite failed */
"SEND_INVITE_FAILURE" = "WysyBanie zaproszenia nie powiodBo si, spr<00>buj p<00>zniej.";
/* Alert body after invite succeeded */
"SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS" = "You invited your friend to use Signal!";
/* Text for button to send a Signal invite via SMS. %@ is placeholder for the recipient's phone number. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_SMS_CONFIRM_TITLE" = "Zapro[ znajomego przez niezaszyfrowany SMS:";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SEND_SMS_INVITE_TITLE" = "Czy chcesz zaprosi ten numer do Signal:";
/* Navbar title */
"SETTINGS_ABOUT" = "O aplikacji";
/* Title for the 'block contact' section of the 'add to block list' view. */
/* Title for the 'block phone number' section of the 'add to block list' view. */
/* Title for the 'add to block list' view. */
/* Label for the 'manual censorship circumvention' switch. */
/* Label for the 'manual censorship circumvention' country. Embeds {{the manual censorship circumvention country}}. */
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section when censorship circumvention can be manually enabled. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER" = "Gdy wBczone uruchamia dodatkowe mechanizmy omijania cenzury. Nie wBczaj je[li kraj w kt<00>rym si znajdujesz nie blokuje Signala.";
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when censorship circumvention has been auto-enabled based on local phone number. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER_AUTO_ENABLED" = "Omijanie cenzury wBczone dla twojego numeru telefonu i konta Signal. ";
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when the app is not connected to the internet. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER_NO_CONNECTION" = "Aktywacja omijania cenzury wymaga poBczenia z Internetem.";
/* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when the app is connected to the Signal service. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTED" = "Omijanie cenzury niewymagane, jeste[ poBczony z usBugami Signal.";
/* Table header for the 'censorship circumvention' section. */
/* Label for setting that enables dark theme. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_DEBUGLOG" = "WBcz logi debugowania";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_ADVANCED_SUBMIT_DEBUGLOG" = "Wy[lij logi debugowania";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Format string for the default 'Note' sound. Embeds the system {{sound name}}. */
/* Label for the backup view in app settings. */
"SETTINGS_BACKUP" = "Kopia zapasowa";
/* Label for 'backup now' button in the backup settings view. */
"SETTINGS_BACKUP_BACKUP_NOW" = "Archiwizuj teraz";
/* Label for 'cancel backup' button in the backup settings view. */
"SETTINGS_BACKUP_CANCEL_BACKUP" = "Anuluj archiwizacj";
/* Label for switch in settings that controls whether or not backup is enabled. */
"SETTINGS_BACKUP_ENABLING_SWITCH" = "Kopia zapasowa wBczona";
/* Label for phase row in the in the backup settings view. */
/* Label for phase row in the in the backup settings view. */
/* Label for status row in the in the backup settings view. */
/* Indicates that the last backup failed. */
"SETTINGS_BACKUP_STATUS_FAILED" = "Archiwizacja nie powiodBa si";
/* Indicates that app is not backing up. */
/* Indicates that app is backing up. */
/* Indicates that the last backup succeeded. */
"SETTINGS_BACKUP_STATUS_SUCCEEDED" = "Archiwizacja powiodBa si";
/* A label for the 'add phone number' button in the block list table. */
/* A label that indicates the user has no Signal contacts. */
"SETTINGS_BLOCK_LIST_NO_CONTACTS" = "Nie masz |adnych kontakt<00>w u|ywajcych Signal.";
/* A label that indicates the user's search has no matching results. */
"SETTINGS_BLOCK_LIST_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS" = "Brak wynik<00>w wyszukiwania";
/* Label for the block list section of the settings view */
/* Table cell label */
/* User settings section footer, a detailed explanation */
"SETTINGS_CALLING_HIDES_IP_ADDRESS_PREFERENCE_TITLE_DETAIL" = "Relay all calls through a Signal server to avoid revealing your IP address to your contact. Enabling will reduce call quality.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_CLEAR_HISTORY" = "Wyczy[ histori konwersacji";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_COPYRIGHT" = "Copyright Signal Messenger \n Licensed under the GPLv3";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for 'delete data' button. */
"SETTINGS_DELETE_DATA_BUTTON" = "UsuD wszystkie dane";
/* Alert message before user confirms clearing history */
"SETTINGS_DELETE_HISTORYLOG_CONFIRMATION" = "Are you sure you want to delete all history (messages, attachments, calls, etc.)? This action cannot be reverted.";
/* Confirmation text for button which deletes all message, calling, attachments, etc. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Section header */
"SETTINGS_HISTORYLOG_TITLE" = "Wyczy[ histori konwersacji";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Settings table view cell label */
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TITLE" = "Zapro[ znajomych";
/* content of tweet when inviting via twitter - please do not translate URL */
"SETTINGS_INVITE_TWITTER_TEXT" = "Skontaktuj si ze mn za pomoc @signalapp. Pobierz tu:\n";
/* Label for settings view that allows user to change the notification sound. */
/* table cell label */
"SETTINGS_LEGAL_TERMS_CELL" = "Regulamin i Polityka Prywatno[ci";
/* Title for settings activity */
"SETTINGS_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Ustawienia";
/* table section footer */
"SETTINGS_NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION" = "Powiadomienia o poBczeniach i wiadomo[ciach bd pojawia si na ekranie blokady. Mo|esz ograniczy tre[ tych powiadomieD.";
/* table section header */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Label for 'CallKit privacy' preference */
"SETTINGS_PRIVACY_CALLKIT_PRIVACY_TITLE" = "Poka| nazw i numer dzwonicego";
/* Settings table section footer. */
"SETTINGS_PRIVACY_CALLKIT_SYSTEM_CALL_LOG_PREFERENCE_DESCRIPTION" = "Poka| poBczenia na li[cie \"Ostatnich\" poBczeD w aplikacji iOS Telefon";
/* Short table cell label */
/* Short table cell label */
"SETTINGS_PRIVACY_CALLKIT_TITLE" = "Integracja z poBczeniami iOS";
/* Settings table view cell label */
/* Label for the 'read receipts' setting. */
"SETTINGS_READ_RECEIPT" = "Potwierdzenia odczytania";
/* An explanation of the 'read receipts' setting. */
"SETTINGS_READ_RECEIPTS_SECTION_FOOTER" = "Widoczno[ potwierdzeD odczytania wiadomo[ci. To ustawienie jest opcjonalne i dotyczy wszystkich konwersacji.";
/* Label for re-registration button. */
/* Label for the 'screen lock activity timeout' setting of the privacy settings. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_LOCK_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT" = "Op<00>znienie ekranu blokady";
/* Footer for the 'screen lock' section of the privacy settings. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_LOCK_SECTION_FOOTER" = "Odblokowanie ekranu Signala przy pomocy Touch ID, Face ID lub systemowego kodu PIN. Przy aktywnej blokadzie nadal mo|na odbiera poBczenia i otrzymywa powiadomienia o wiadomo[ciach. Ustawienia powiadomieD Signala pozwalaj kontrolowa jaka tre[ jest na nich widoczna. ";
/* Title for the 'screen lock' section of the privacy settings. */
/* Label for the 'enable screen lock' switch of the privacy settings. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_SECURITY" = "WBcz ochron ekranu";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_SCREEN_SECURITY_DETAIL" = "Zapobiegaj wy[wietlaniu pogld<00>w Signal w przeBczniku aplikacji";
/* Settings table section footer. */
"SETTINGS_SECTION_CALL_KIT_DESCRIPTION" = "iOS Call Integration shows Signal calls on your lock screen and in the system's call history. You may optionally show your contact's name and number. If iCloud is enabled, this call history will be shared with Apple.";
/* Label for the notifications section of conversation settings view. */
/* Header Label for the sounds section of settings views. */
/* settings topic header for table section */
/* Section header */
"SETTINGS_SECURITY_TITLE" = "Ochrona ekranu";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SETTINGS_SUPPORT" = "Wsparcie";
/* Indicates that 'two factor auth' is disabled in the privacy settings. */
/* Indicates that 'two factor auth' is enabled in the privacy settings. */
/* Label for the 'two factor auth' item of the privacy settings. */
"SETTINGS_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_ITEM" = "Blokada rejestracji";
/* Title for the 'two factor auth' section of the privacy settings. */
"SETTINGS_TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_TITLE" = "Blokada rejestracji";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* action sheet item to open native mail app */
/* action sheet item to open native messages app */
/* action sheet item */
/* alert body when sharing file failed because of untrusted/changed identity keys */
"SHARE_EXTENSION_FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY_FORMAT" = "Tw<00>j kod zabezpieczenia z %@ niedawno si zmieniB. Mo|esz go zweryfikowa przed ponownym wysBaniem.";
/* Indicates that the share extension is still loading. */
/* Message indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the user has registered in the main app. */
"SHARE_EXTENSION_NOT_REGISTERED_MESSAGE" = "Uruchom aplikacj Signal by zarejestrowa";
/* Title indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the user has registered in the main app. */
/* Message indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the main app has been launched at least once. */
"SHARE_EXTENSION_NOT_YET_MIGRATED_MESSAGE" = "Uruchom aplikacj Signal by zarejestrowa lub zaktualizowa";
/* Title indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the main app has been launched at least once. */
/* Alert title */
/* Alert title */
/* Shown when trying to share content to a Signal user for the share extension. Followed by failure details. */
/* Title for the 'share extension' view. */
"SHARE_EXTENSION_VIEW_TITLE" = "Udostpnij w Signal";
/* Action sheet item */
"SHOW_SAFETY_NUMBER_ACTION" = "Poka| kod zabezpieczenia";
/* notification action */
"SHOW_THREAD_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Poka| rozmow";
/* body sent to contacts when inviting to Install Signal */
"SMS_INVITE_BODY" = "Zapraszam Ci do Signal! Link do pobrania aplikacji:";
/* Label for the 'no sound' option that allows users to disable sounds for notifications, etc. */
"SOUNDS_NONE" = "Brak";
/* Alert body after verifying privacy with {{other user's name}} */
"SUCCESSFUL_VERIFICATION_DESCRIPTION" = "Kod zabezpieczenia %@ zgodny. Mo|na oznaczy kontakt jako zweryfikowany.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"SUCCESSFUL_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Kod zabezpieczenia zgadza si!";
/* Label for button to verify a user's safety number. */
"SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ACTION_VERIFY_SAFETY_NUMBER" = "Zweryfikuj kod zabezpieczenia";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"THEME_SECTION" = "Motyw";
/* {{number of days}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 days}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_DAYS" = "%@dni";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of days}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5d' not '5 d'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of hours}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 hours}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_HOURS" = "%@ godz";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of hours}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5h' not '5 h'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of minutes}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 minutes}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of minutes}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5m' not '5 m'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of seconds}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 seconds}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_SECONDS" = "%@ sekund";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of seconds}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5s' not '5 s'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 day}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 day}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 hour}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 hour}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 minute}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 minute}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{1 week}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 week}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* {{number of weeks}}, embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 weeks}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
"TIME_AMOUNT_WEEKS" = "%@ tyg";
/* Label text below navbar button, embeds {{number of weeks}}. Must be very short, like 1 or 2 characters, The space is intentionally omitted between the text and the embedded duration so that we get, e.g. '5w' not '5 w'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */
/* Label for the cancel button in an alert or action sheet. */
"TXT_CANCEL_TITLE" = "Anuluj";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
/* Pressing this button moves an archived thread from the archive back to the inbox */
"UNARCHIVE_ACTION" = "Zdezarchiwizuj";
/* In Inbox view, last message label for thread with corrupted attachment. */
"UNKNOWN_ATTACHMENT_LABEL" = "Nieznany zaBcznik";
/* Message shown in conversation view that offers to block an unknown user. */
"UNKNOWN_CONTACT_BLOCK_OFFER" = "Ten u|ytkownik nie nale|y do twoich kontakt<00>w. Czy chcesz go zablokowa?";
/* Displayed if for some reason we can't determine a contacts phone number *or* name */
"UNKNOWN_CONTACT_NAME" = "Nieznany kontakt";
/* Indicates an unknown or unrecognizable value. */
"UNKNOWN_VALUE" = "Nieznany";
/* button title for unlinking a device */
/* Alert message to confirm unlinking a device */
"UNLINK_CONFIRMATION_ALERT_BODY" = "This device will no longer be able to send or receive messages if it is unlinked.";
/* Alert title for confirming device deletion */
/* Alert title when unlinking device fails */
"UNLINKING_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Signal nie m<00>gB odBczy twojego urzdzenia.";
/* Label text in device manager for a device with no name */
"UNNAMED_DEVICE" = "Urzdzenie bez nazwy";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNREGISTER_SIGNAL_FAIL" = "Nie udaBo si wyrejestrowa z Signal";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNSUPPORTED_ATTACHMENT" = "Otrzymano nieobsBugiwany typ zaBcznika.";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_ERROR" = "Tw<00>j telefon nie obsBuguje tej funkcji.";
/* Title for alert indicating that group members can't be removed. */
"UPDATE_GROUP_CANT_REMOVE_MEMBERS_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "You cannot remove group members. They will either have to leave, or you can create a new group without this member.";
/* Title for alert indicating that group members can't be removed. */
/* Description of CallKit to upgrading (existing) users */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_CALLKIT_DESCRIPTION" = "Answering calls from your lock screen is easy with iOS call integration. We anonymize your caller by default, so it's private too.";
/* button label shown once when when user upgrades app, in context of call kit */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_CALLKIT_PRIVACY_SETTINGS_BUTTON" = "Dowiedz si wicej w twoich ustawieniach prywatno[ci.";
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* Description for notification audio customization */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_NOTIFICATION_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION" = "Mo|esz wybra pomidzy dzwikami domy[lnymi, bdz przypisanymi do konkretnych konwersacji, a poBczenia wykorzystuj dzwonki przypisane do kontakt<00>w.";
/* button label shown one time, after upgrade */
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* button label shown one time, after user upgrades app */
/* Description of new profile feature for upgrading (existing) users */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_PROFILES_DESCRIPTION" = "Mo|esz teraz udostpni zdjcie profilowe oraz imi swoim znajomym w aplikacji.";
/* Header for upgrade experience */
/* Description of new profile feature for upgrading (existing) users */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_READ_RECEIPTS_DESCRIPTION" = "Widzisz teraz, gdy wiadomo[ci zostaBy odczytane";
/* button label shown one time, after upgrade */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_READ_RECEIPTS_PRIVACY_SETTINGS" = "WBcz potwierdzenia odczytania w ustawieniach prywatno[ci.";
/* Header for upgrade experience */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_READ_RECEIPTS_TITLE" = "Przedstawiamy potwierdzenia odczytania";
/* Description of video calling to upgrading (existing) users */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" = "Signal teraz wspiera bezpieczne wideo rozmowy. Zacznij dzwoni jak zwykle, naci[nij przycisk kamery i powiedz \"cze[\".";
/* Header for upgrade experience */
"UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_VIDEO_TITLE" = "Szyfrowane wideo rozmowy witaj!";
/* Message for the alert indicating that user should upgrade iOS. */
"UPGRADE_IOS_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Signal requires iOS 9 or later. Please use the Software Update feature in the iOS Settings app.";
/* Title for the alert indicating that user should upgrade iOS. */
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Upgrading Signal ..." = "Upgrading Signal& ";
/* button text for back button on verification view */
/* Text field placeholder for SMS verification code during registration */
/* button text during registration to request phone number verification be done via phone call */
/* button text during registration to request another SMS code be sent */
/* button text during registration to submit your SMS verification code. */
/* Label indicating the phone number currently being verified. */
"VERIFICATION_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT" = "Wprowadz kod weryfikacyjny kt<00>ry wysBali[my do %@.";
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was unverified on this device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
"VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_NOT_VERIFIED_LOCAL" = "%@ oznaczony jako niezweryfikowany.";
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was unverified on another device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
"VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_NOT_VERIFIED_OTHER_DEVICE" = "%@ oznaczony jako niezweryfikowany na innym urzdzeniu.";
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was verified on this device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
"VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_VERIFIED_LOCAL" = "%@ oznaczony jako zweryfikowany.";
/* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was verified on another device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */
"VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_VERIFIED_OTHER_DEVICE" = "%@ oznaczony jako zweryfikowany na innym urzdzeniu.";
/* Generic message indicating that verification state changed for a given user. */
"VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_GENERIC" = "Stan weryfikacji zostaB zmieniony.";
/* Label for button or row which allows users to verify the safety number of another user. */
"VERIFY_PRIVACY" = "Poka| kod zabezpieczenia";
/* Label for button or row which allows users to verify the safety numbers of multiple users. */
"VERIFY_PRIVACY_MULTIPLE" = "Sprawdz kod zabezpieczenia";
/* Indicates how to cancel a voice message. */
/* Filename for voice messages. */
"VOICE_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME" = "Wiadomo[ gBosowa";
/* Message for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */
"VOICE_MESSAGE_TOO_SHORT_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Dotknij i przytrzymaj, aby nagra wiadomo[ gBosow.";
/* Title for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */
/* Activity indicator title, shown upon returning to the device manager, until you complete the provisioning process on desktop */
"WAITING_TO_COMPLETE_DEVICE_LINK_TEXT" = "DokoDcz konfiguracj Signal Desktop";
/* Info Message when you disable disappearing messages */
/* Info message embedding a {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */
"YOU_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "Ustawiono czasomierz znikajcych wiadomo[ci na %@.";