
105 lines
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2020-11-08 23:17:47 +01:00
import Foundation
public final class LokiSessionCipher : SessionCipher {
private let sessionResetImplementation: SessionRestorationProtocol?
private let sessionStore: SessionStore
private let preKeyStore: PreKeyStore
private let recipientID: String
private let deviceID: Int32
@objc public static let newSessionAdoptedNotification = "LKNewSessionAdoptedNotification"
@objc public static let contactKey = "LKContactKey"
@objc public init(sessionResetImplementation: SessionRestorationProtocol, sessionStore: SessionStore, preKeyStore: PreKeyStore, signedPreKeyStore: SignedPreKeyStore, identityKeyStore: IdentityKeyStore, recipientID: String, deviceID: Int32) {
self.sessionResetImplementation = sessionResetImplementation
self.sessionStore = sessionStore
self.preKeyStore = preKeyStore
self.recipientID = recipientID
self.deviceID = deviceID
super.init(sessionStore: sessionStore, preKeyStore: preKeyStore, signedPreKeyStore: signedPreKeyStore, identityKeyStore: identityKeyStore, recipientId: recipientID, deviceId: deviceID)
@available(*, unavailable)
override convenience private init(axolotlStore sessionStore: AxolotlStore, recipientId: String, deviceId: Int32) {
self.init(sessionStore: sessionStore, preKeyStore: sessionStore, signedPreKeyStore: sessionStore, identityKeyStore: sessionStore, recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
override private init(sessionStore: SessionStore, preKeyStore: PreKeyStore, signedPreKeyStore: SignedPreKeyStore, identityKeyStore: IdentityKeyStore, recipientId: String, deviceId: Int32) {
self.sessionResetImplementation = nil
self.sessionStore = sessionStore
self.preKeyStore = preKeyStore
self.recipientID = recipientId
self.deviceID = deviceId
super.init(sessionStore: sessionStore, preKeyStore: preKeyStore, signedPreKeyStore: signedPreKeyStore, identityKeyStore: identityKeyStore, recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
override public func decrypt(_ whisperMessage: CipherMessage, protocolContext: Any?) throws -> Data {
// Note that while decrypting our state may change internally
let currentState = getCurrentState(protocolContext: protocolContext)
if (currentState == nil && whisperMessage.cipherMessageType == .prekey) {
try sessionResetImplementation?.validatePreKeyWhisperMessage(for: recipientID, whisperMessage: whisperMessage, using: protocolContext!)
let plainText = try super.decrypt(whisperMessage, protocolContext: protocolContext)
handleSessionReset(for: whisperMessage, previousState: currentState, protocolContext: protocolContext!)
return plainText
private func getCurrentState(protocolContext: Any?) -> SessionState? {
let record = sessionStore.loadSession(recipientID, deviceId: deviceID, protocolContext: protocolContext)
return record.isFresh() ? nil : record.sessionState()
private func handleSessionReset(for whisperMessage: CipherMessage, previousState: SessionState?, protocolContext: Any) {
// Don't bother doing anything if we didn't have a session before
guard let previousState = previousState else { return }
let sessionResetStatus = sessionResetImplementation?.getSessionRestorationStatus(for: recipientID) ?? SessionRestorationStatus.none
// Bail early if no session reset is in progress
guard sessionResetStatus != .none else { return }
let currentState = getCurrentState(protocolContext: protocolContext)
// Check if our previous state and our current state differ
if (currentState == nil || currentState!.aliceBaseKey != previousState.aliceBaseKey) {
if sessionResetStatus == .requestReceived {
// The other user used an old session to contact us. Wait for them to use a new one
restoreSession(previousState, protocolContext: protocolContext)
} else {
// Our session reset went through successfully.
// We initiated a session reset and got a different session back from the user.
deleteAllSessions(except: currentState, protocolContext: protocolContext)
} else if sessionResetStatus == .requestReceived {
// Our session reset went through successfully.
// We got a message with the same session from the other user.
deleteAllSessions(except: previousState, protocolContext: protocolContext)
private func notifySessionAdopted(_ protocolContext: Any) {
self.sessionResetImplementation?.handleNewSessionAdopted(for: recipientID, using: protocolContext) NSNotification.Name(rawValue: LokiSessionCipher.newSessionAdoptedNotification), object: nil, userInfo: [ LokiSessionCipher.contactKey : recipientID ])
private func deleteAllSessions(except state: SessionState?, protocolContext: Any?) {
let record = sessionStore.loadSession(recipientID, deviceId: deviceID, protocolContext: protocolContext)
let newState = state ?? SessionState()
sessionStore.storeSession(recipientID, deviceId: deviceID, session: record, protocolContext: protocolContext)
private func restoreSession(_ state: SessionState, protocolContext: Any?) {
let record = sessionStore.loadSession(recipientID, deviceId: deviceID, protocolContext: protocolContext)
// Remove the state from previous session states
record.previousSessionStates()?.enumerateObjects(options: .reverse) { obj, index, stop in
guard let obj = obj as? SessionState, state.aliceBaseKey == obj.aliceBaseKey else { return }
record.previousSessionStates()?.removeObject(at: index)
stop.pointee = true
// Promote so the previous state gets archived
sessionStore.storeSession(recipientID, deviceId: deviceID, session: record, protocolContext: protocolContext)