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2020-11-08 23:17:47 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import HKDFKit
public class SecretSessionKnownSenderError: NSObject, CustomNSError {
public static let kSenderRecipientIdKey = "kSenderRecipientIdKey"
public static let kSenderDeviceIdKey = "kSenderDeviceIdKey"
public let senderRecipientId: String
public let senderDeviceId: UInt32
public let underlyingError: Error
init(senderRecipientId: String, senderDeviceId: UInt32, underlyingError: Error) {
self.senderRecipientId = senderRecipientId
self.senderDeviceId = senderDeviceId
self.underlyingError = underlyingError
public var errorUserInfo: [String: Any] {
return [
type(of: self).kSenderRecipientIdKey: self.senderRecipientId,
type(of: self).kSenderDeviceIdKey: self.senderDeviceId,
NSUnderlyingErrorKey: (underlyingError as NSError)
public enum SMKSecretSessionCipherError: Int, Error {
case selfSentMessage
// See:
public extension ECKeyPair {
// TODO: Rename to publicKey(), rename existing publicKey() method to publicKeyData().
func ecPublicKey() throws -> ECPublicKey {
guard publicKey().count == ECCKeyLength else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) public key has invalid length")
// NOTE: we don't use ECPublicKey(serializedKeyData:) since the
// key data should not have a type byte.
return try ECPublicKey(keyData: publicKey())
// TODO: Rename to privateKey(), rename existing privateKey() method to privateKeyData().
func ecPrivateKey() throws -> ECPrivateKey {
guard privateKey().count == ECCKeyLength else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) private key has invalid length")
return try ECPrivateKey(keyData: privateKey())
// MARK: -
private class SMKSecretKeySpec: NSObject {
@objc public let keyData: Data
@objc public let algorithm: String
init(keyData: Data, algorithm: String) {
self.keyData = keyData
self.algorithm = algorithm
// MARK: -
private class SMKEphemeralKeys: NSObject {
@objc public let chainKey: Data
@objc public let cipherKey: SMKSecretKeySpec
@objc public let macKey: SMKSecretKeySpec
init(chainKey: Data, cipherKey: Data, macKey: Data) {
self.chainKey = chainKey
self.cipherKey = SMKSecretKeySpec(keyData: cipherKey, algorithm: "AES")
self.macKey = SMKSecretKeySpec(keyData: macKey, algorithm: "HmacSHA256")
// MARK: -
private class SMKStaticKeys: NSObject {
@objc public let cipherKey: SMKSecretKeySpec
@objc public let macKey: SMKSecretKeySpec
init(cipherKey: Data, macKey: Data) {
self.cipherKey = SMKSecretKeySpec(keyData: cipherKey, algorithm: "AES")
self.macKey = SMKSecretKeySpec(keyData: macKey, algorithm: "HmacSHA256")
// MARK: -
public class SMKDecryptResult: NSObject {
@objc public let senderRecipientId: String
@objc public let senderDeviceId: Int
@objc public let paddedPayload: Data
@objc public let messageType: SMKMessageType
init(senderRecipientId: String,
senderDeviceId: Int,
paddedPayload: Data,
messageType: SMKMessageType) {
self.senderRecipientId = senderRecipientId
self.senderDeviceId = senderDeviceId
self.paddedPayload = paddedPayload
self.messageType = messageType
// MARK: -
@objc public class SMKSecretSessionCipher: NSObject {
private let kUDPrefixString = "UnidentifiedDelivery"
private let kSMKSecretSessionCipherMacLength: UInt = 10
private let sessionResetImplementation: SessionRestorationProtocol!
private let sessionStore: SessionStore
private let preKeyStore: PreKeyStore
private let signedPreKeyStore: SignedPreKeyStore
private let identityStore: IdentityKeyStore
@objc public init(sessionResetImplementation: SessionRestorationProtocol!,
sessionStore: SessionStore,
preKeyStore: PreKeyStore,
signedPreKeyStore: SignedPreKeyStore,
identityStore: IdentityKeyStore) throws {
self.sessionResetImplementation = sessionResetImplementation
self.sessionStore = sessionStore
self.preKeyStore = preKeyStore
self.signedPreKeyStore = signedPreKeyStore
self.identityStore = identityStore
@objc public convenience init(sessionStore: SessionStore,
preKeyStore: PreKeyStore,
signedPreKeyStore: SignedPreKeyStore,
identityStore: IdentityKeyStore) throws {
try self.init(sessionResetImplementation: nil, sessionStore: sessionStore, preKeyStore: preKeyStore, signedPreKeyStore: signedPreKeyStore, identityStore: identityStore)
// MARK: - Public
public func throwswrapped_encryptMessage(recipientPublicKey: String,
deviceID: Int32,
paddedPlaintext: Data,
senderCertificate: SMKSenderCertificate,
protocolContext: Any,
useFallbackSessionCipher: Bool) throws -> Data {
guard recipientPublicKey.count > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(SMKSecretSessionCipher.logTag) invalid recipientId")
guard deviceID > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(SMKSecretSessionCipher.logTag) invalid deviceId")
guard let ourIdentityKeyPair = identityStore.identityKeyPair(protocolContext) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Missing our identity key pair.")
let encryptedMessage: CipherMessage
if useFallbackSessionCipher {
let cipher = FallBackSessionCipher(recipientPublicKey: recipientPublicKey, privateKey: try ourIdentityKeyPair.privateKey())
let ivAndCiphertext = cipher.encrypt(paddedPlaintext)!
encryptedMessage = FallbackMessage(_throws_with: ivAndCiphertext)
} else {
let cipher = SessionCipher(sessionStore: sessionStore,
preKeyStore: preKeyStore,
signedPreKeyStore: signedPreKeyStore,
identityKeyStore: identityStore,
recipientId: recipientPublicKey,
deviceId: deviceID)
encryptedMessage = try cipher.encryptMessage(paddedPlaintext, protocolContext: protocolContext)
guard let encryptedMessageData = encryptedMessage.serialized() else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Could not serialize encrypted message.")
guard let theirIdentityKeyData = recipientPublicKey.substring(from: recipientPublicKey.index(recipientPublicKey.startIndex, offsetBy: 2))) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Missing their public identity key.")
// NOTE: we don't use ECPublicKey(serializedKeyData) since the
// key data should not have a type byte.
let theirIdentityKey = try ECPublicKey(keyData: theirIdentityKeyData)
let ephemeral = Curve25519.generateKeyPair()!
guard let prefixData = String.Encoding.utf8) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Could not encode prefix.")
let ephemeralSalt = NSData.join([
try ephemeral.ecPublicKey().serialized
let ephemeralKeys = try throwswrapped_calculateEphemeralKeys(ephemeralPublicKey: theirIdentityKey,
ephemeralPrivateKey: ephemeral.ecPrivateKey(),
salt: ephemeralSalt)
let staticKeyCipherData = try encrypt(cipherKey: ephemeralKeys.cipherKey,
macKey: ephemeralKeys.macKey,
plaintextData: ourIdentityKeyPair.ecPublicKey().serialized)
let staticSalt = NSData.join([
let staticKeys = try throwswrapped_calculateStaticKeys(staticPublicKey: theirIdentityKey,
staticPrivateKey: ourIdentityKeyPair.ecPrivateKey(),
salt: staticSalt)
let messageType: SMKMessageType
switch encryptedMessage.cipherMessageType {
case .prekey:
messageType = .prekey
case .whisper:
messageType = .whisper
case .fallback:
messageType = .fallback
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Unknown cipher message type.")
let messageContent = SMKUnidentifiedSenderMessageContent(messageType: messageType,
senderCertificate: senderCertificate,
contentData: encryptedMessageData)
let messageData = try encrypt(cipherKey: staticKeys.cipherKey,
macKey: staticKeys.macKey,
plaintextData: try messageContent.serialized())
let message = SMKUnidentifiedSenderMessage(ephemeralKey: try ephemeral.ecPublicKey(),
encryptedStatic: staticKeyCipherData,
encryptedMessage: messageData)
return try message.serialized()
public func throwswrapped_decryptMessage(certificateValidator: SMKCertificateValidator,
cipherTextData: Data,
timestamp: UInt64,
localRecipientId: String,
localDeviceId: Int32,
protocolContext: Any) throws -> SMKDecryptResult {
guard timestamp > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid timestamp")
guard let ourIdentityKeyPair = identityStore.identityKeyPair(protocolContext) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Missing our identity key pair.")
let wrapper = try SMKUnidentifiedSenderMessage.parse(dataAndPrefix: cipherTextData)
guard let prefixData = String.Encoding.utf8) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Could not encode prefix.")
let ephemeralSalt = NSData.join([
try ourIdentityKeyPair.ecPublicKey().serialized,
let ephemeralKeys = try throwswrapped_calculateEphemeralKeys(ephemeralPublicKey: wrapper.ephemeralKey,
ephemeralPrivateKey: ourIdentityKeyPair.ecPrivateKey(),
salt: ephemeralSalt)
let staticKeyBytes = try decrypt(cipherKey: ephemeralKeys.cipherKey,
macKey: ephemeralKeys.macKey,
cipherTextWithMac: wrapper.encryptedStatic)
let staticKey = try ECPublicKey(serializedKeyData: staticKeyBytes)
let staticSalt = NSData.join([
let staticKeys = try throwswrapped_calculateStaticKeys(staticPublicKey: staticKey,
staticPrivateKey: ourIdentityKeyPair.ecPrivateKey(),
salt: staticSalt)
let messageBytes = try decrypt(cipherKey: staticKeys.cipherKey,
macKey: staticKeys.macKey,
cipherTextWithMac: wrapper.encryptedMessage)
let messageContent = try SMKUnidentifiedSenderMessageContent.parse(data: messageBytes)
let senderRecipientId = messageContent.senderCertificate.senderRecipientId
let senderDeviceId = messageContent.senderCertificate.senderDeviceId
guard senderRecipientId != localRecipientId || senderDeviceId != localDeviceId else {"Discarding self-sent message")
throw SMKSecretSessionCipherError.selfSentMessage
// validator.validate(content.getSenderCertificate(), timestamp);
let wrapAsKnownSenderError = { (underlyingError: Error) in
return SecretSessionKnownSenderError(senderRecipientId: senderRecipientId, senderDeviceId: senderDeviceId, underlyingError: underlyingError)
do {
try certificateValidator.throwswrapped_validate(senderCertificate: messageContent.senderCertificate,
validationTime: timestamp)
} catch {
throw wrapAsKnownSenderError(error)
// if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(content.getSenderCertificate().getKey().serialize(), staticKeyBytes)) {
// throw new InvalidKeyException("Sender's certificate key does not match key used in message");
// }
// // NOTE: Constant time comparison.
// guard messageContent.senderCertificate.key.serialized.ows_constantTimeIsEqual(to: staticKeyBytes) else {
// let underlyingError = SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Sender's certificate key does not match key used in message.")
// throw wrapAsKnownSenderError(underlyingError)
// }
let paddedMessagePlaintext: Data
do {
paddedMessagePlaintext = try throwswrapped_decrypt(messageContent: messageContent, protocolContext: protocolContext)
} catch {
throw wrapAsKnownSenderError(error)
// NOTE: We use the sender properties from the sender certificate, not from this class' properties.
guard senderDeviceId >= 0 && senderDeviceId <= INT_MAX else {
let underlyingError = SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Invalid senderDeviceId.")
throw wrapAsKnownSenderError(underlyingError)
return SMKDecryptResult(senderRecipientId: senderRecipientId,
senderDeviceId: Int(senderDeviceId),
paddedPayload: paddedMessagePlaintext,
messageType: messageContent.messageType)
// MARK: - Encrypt
// private EphemeralKeys calculateEphemeralKeys(ECPublicKey ephemeralPublic, ECPrivateKey ephemeralPrivate, byte[] salt)
// throws InvalidKeyException {
private func throwswrapped_calculateEphemeralKeys(ephemeralPublicKey: ECPublicKey,
ephemeralPrivateKey: ECPrivateKey,
salt: Data) throws -> SMKEphemeralKeys {
guard ephemeralPublicKey.keyData.count > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid ephemeralPublicKey")
guard ephemeralPrivateKey.keyData.count > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid ephemeralPrivateKey")
guard salt.count > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid salt")
// byte[] ephemeralSecret = Curve.calculateAgreement(ephemeralPublic, ephemeralPrivate);
// See:
let keyPair = ECKeyPair(publicKey: ephemeralPublicKey.keyData, privateKey: ephemeralPrivateKey.keyData)
let ephemeralSecret = try Curve25519.generateSharedSecret(fromPublicKey: ephemeralPublicKey.keyData, andKeyPair: keyPair)
// byte[] ephemeralDerived = new HKDFv3().deriveSecrets(ephemeralSecret, salt, new byte[0], 96);
let kEphemeralDerivedLength: UInt = 96
let ephemeralDerived: Data =
try HKDFKit.deriveKey(ephemeralSecret, info: Data(), salt: salt, outputSize: Int32(kEphemeralDerivedLength))
guard ephemeralDerived.count == kEphemeralDerivedLength else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) derived ephemeral has unexpected length: \(ephemeralDerived.count).")
let ephemeralDerivedParser = OWSDataParser(data: ephemeralDerived)
let chainKey = try ephemeralDerivedParser.nextData(length: 32, name: "chain key")
let cipherKey = try ephemeralDerivedParser.nextData(length: 32, name: "cipher key")
let macKey = try ephemeralDerivedParser.nextData(length: 32, name: "mac key")
guard ephemeralDerivedParser.isEmpty else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) could not parse derived ephemeral.")
return SMKEphemeralKeys(chainKey: chainKey, cipherKey: cipherKey, macKey: macKey)
// private StaticKeys calculateStaticKeys(ECPublicKey staticPublic, ECPrivateKey staticPrivate, byte[] salt) throws
// InvalidKeyException {
private func throwswrapped_calculateStaticKeys(staticPublicKey: ECPublicKey,
staticPrivateKey: ECPrivateKey,
salt: Data) throws -> SMKStaticKeys {
guard staticPublicKey.keyData.count > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid staticPublicKey")
guard staticPrivateKey.keyData.count > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid staticPrivateKey")
guard salt.count > 0 else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid salt")
// byte[] staticSecret = Curve.calculateAgreement(staticPublic, staticPrivate);
// See:
let keyPair = ECKeyPair(publicKey: staticPublicKey.keyData, privateKey: staticPrivateKey.keyData)
let staticSecret = Curve25519.generateSharedSecret(fromPublicKey: staticPublicKey.keyData, andKeyPair: keyPair)
// byte[] staticDerived = new HKDFv3().deriveSecrets(staticSecret, salt, new byte[0], 96);
let kStaticDerivedLength: UInt = 96
let staticDerived: Data =
HKDFKit.deriveKey(staticSecret, info: Data(), salt: salt, outputSize: Int32(kStaticDerivedLength))
guard staticDerived.count == kStaticDerivedLength else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) could not derive static.")
// byte[][] staticDerivedParts = ByteUtil.split(staticDerived, 32, 32, 32);
let staticDerivedParser = OWSDataParser(data: staticDerived)
_ = try staticDerivedParser.nextData(length: 32)
let cipherKey = try staticDerivedParser.nextData(length: 32)
let macKey = try staticDerivedParser.nextData(length: 32)
guard staticDerivedParser.isEmpty else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) invalid derived static.")
// return new StaticKeys(staticDerivedParts[1], staticDerivedParts[2]);
return SMKStaticKeys(cipherKey: cipherKey, macKey: macKey)
// private byte[] encrypt(SecretKeySpec cipherKey, SecretKeySpec macKey, byte[] plaintext) {
private func encrypt(cipherKey: SMKSecretKeySpec,
macKey: SMKSecretKeySpec,
plaintextData: Data) throws -> Data {
// Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding");
// cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cipherKey, new IvParameterSpec(new byte[16]));
// byte[] ciphertext = cipher.doFinal(plaintext);
guard let aesKey = OWSAES256Key(data: cipherKey.keyData) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Invalid encryption key.")
// NOTE: The IV is all zeroes. This is fine since we're using a unique key.
let initializationVector = Data(count: Int(kAES256CTR_IVLength))
guard let encryptionResult = Cryptography.encryptAESCTR(plaintextData: plaintextData, initializationVector: initializationVector, key: aesKey) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Could not encrypt data.")
let cipherText = encryptionResult.ciphertext
// Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
// mac.init(macKey);
// byte[] ourFullMac = mac.doFinal(ciphertext);
// byte[] ourMac = ByteUtil.trim(ourFullMac, 10);
guard let ourMac = Cryptography.truncatedSHA256HMAC(cipherText, withHMACKey: macKey.keyData, truncation: 10) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Could not compute HmacSHA256.")
// return ByteUtil.combine(ciphertext, ourMac);
let result = NSData.join([
return result
// MARK: - Decrypt
private func throwswrapped_decrypt(messageContent: SMKUnidentifiedSenderMessageContent,
protocolContext: Any) throws -> Data {
// NOTE: We use the sender properties from the sender certificate, not from this class' properties.
let senderRecipientId = messageContent.senderCertificate.senderRecipientId
let senderDeviceId = messageContent.senderCertificate.senderDeviceId
guard senderDeviceId >= 0 && senderDeviceId <= INT32_MAX else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Invalid senderDeviceId.")
let cipherMessage: CipherMessage
switch (messageContent.messageType) {
case .whisper:
cipherMessage = try WhisperMessage(data: messageContent.contentData)
case .prekey:
cipherMessage = try PreKeyWhisperMessage(data: messageContent.contentData)
case .fallback:
let privateKey = try? identityStore.identityKeyPair(protocolContext)?.privateKey()
let cipher = FallBackSessionCipher(recipientPublicKey: senderRecipientId, privateKey: privateKey)
let plaintext = cipher.decrypt(messageContent.contentData)!
return plaintext
let cipher = LokiSessionCipher(sessionResetImplementation: sessionResetImplementation,
sessionStore: sessionStore,
preKeyStore: preKeyStore,
signedPreKeyStore: signedPreKeyStore,
identityKeyStore: identityStore,
recipientID: senderRecipientId,
deviceID: Int32(senderDeviceId))
let plaintextData = try cipher.decrypt(cipherMessage, protocolContext: protocolContext)
return plaintextData
// private byte[] decrypt(SecretKeySpec cipherKey, SecretKeySpec macKey, byte[] ciphertext) throws InvalidMacException {
private func decrypt(cipherKey: SMKSecretKeySpec,
macKey: SMKSecretKeySpec,
cipherTextWithMac: Data) throws -> Data {
// if (ciphertext.count < 10) {
// throw new InvalidMacException("Ciphertext not long enough for MAC!");
// }
if (cipherTextWithMac.count < kSMKSecretSessionCipherMacLength) {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Cipher text not long enough for MAC.")
// byte[][] ciphertextParts = ByteUtil.split(ciphertext, ciphertext.count - 10, 10);
let cipherTextWithMacParser = OWSDataParser(data: cipherTextWithMac)
let cipherTextLength = UInt(cipherTextWithMac.count) - kSMKSecretSessionCipherMacLength
let cipherText = try cipherTextWithMacParser.nextData(length: cipherTextLength, name: "cipher text")
let theirMac = try cipherTextWithMacParser.nextData(length: kSMKSecretSessionCipherMacLength, name: "their mac")
guard cipherTextWithMacParser.isEmpty else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Could not parse cipher text.")
// Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
// mac.init(macKey);
// byte[] digest = mac.doFinal(ciphertextParts[0]);
guard let ourFullMac = Cryptography.computeSHA256HMAC(cipherText, withHMACKey: macKey.keyData) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) Could not compute HmacSHA256.")
// byte[] ourMac = ByteUtil.trim(digest, 10);
guard ourFullMac.count >= kSMKSecretSessionCipherMacLength else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) HmacSHA256 has unexpected length.")
let ourMac = ourFullMac[0..<kSMKSecretSessionCipherMacLength]
// if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(ourMac, theirMac)) {
// throw new InvalidMacException("Bad mac!");
// }
// NOTE: Constant time comparison.
guard ourMac.ows_constantTimeIsEqual(to: theirMac) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) macs do not match.")
// Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding");
// cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, cipherKey, new IvParameterSpec(new byte[16]));
guard let aesKey = OWSAES256Key(data: cipherKey.keyData) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) could not parse AES256 key.")
// NOTE: The IV is all zeroes. This is fine since we're using a unique key.
let initializationVector = Data(count: Int(kAES256CTR_IVLength))
guard let plaintext = Cryptography.decryptAESCTR(cipherText: cipherText, initializationVector: initializationVector, key: aesKey) else {
throw SMKError.assertionError(description: "\(logTag) could not decrypt AESGCM.")
return plaintext