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// Copyright (c) 2021 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SignalRingRTC
// All Observer methods will be invoked from the main thread.
public protocol CallObserver: AnyObject {
func individualCallStateDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, state: CallState)
func individualCallLocalVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isVideoMuted: Bool)
func individualCallLocalAudioMuteDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isAudioMuted: Bool)
func individualCallRemoteVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isVideoMuted: Bool)
func individualCallRemoteSharingScreenDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isRemoteSharingScreen: Bool)
func individualCallHoldDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isOnHold: Bool)
func groupCallLocalDeviceStateChanged(_ call: SignalCall)
func groupCallRemoteDeviceStatesChanged(_ call: SignalCall)
func groupCallPeekChanged(_ call: SignalCall)
func groupCallRequestMembershipProof(_ call: SignalCall)
func groupCallRequestGroupMembers(_ call: SignalCall)
func groupCallEnded(_ call: SignalCall, reason: GroupCallEndReason)
/// Invoked if a call message failed to send because of a safety number change
/// UI observing call state may choose to alert the user (e.g. presenting a SafetyNumberConfirmationSheet)
func callMessageSendFailedUntrustedIdentity(_ call: SignalCall)
public extension CallObserver {
func individualCallStateDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, state: CallState) {}
func individualCallLocalVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isVideoMuted: Bool) {}
func individualCallLocalAudioMuteDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isAudioMuted: Bool) {}
func individualCallRemoteVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isVideoMuted: Bool) {}
func individualCallRemoteSharingScreenDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isRemoteSharingScreen: Bool) {}
func individualCallHoldDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isOnHold: Bool) {}
func groupCallLocalDeviceStateChanged(_ call: SignalCall) {}
func groupCallRemoteDeviceStatesChanged(_ call: SignalCall) {}
func groupCallPeekChanged(_ call: SignalCall) {}
func groupCallRequestMembershipProof(_ call: SignalCall) {}
func groupCallRequestGroupMembers(_ call: SignalCall) {}
func groupCallEnded(_ call: SignalCall, reason: GroupCallEndReason) {}
func callMessageSendFailedUntrustedIdentity(_ call: SignalCall) {}
public class SignalCall: NSObject, CallManagerCallReference {
public let mode: Mode
public enum Mode {
case individual(IndividualCall)
case group(GroupCall)
public let audioActivity: AudioActivity
var isGroupCall: Bool {
switch mode {
case .group: return true
case .individual: return false
var groupCall: GroupCall! {
guard case .group(let call) = mode else {
owsFailDebug("Missing group call")
return nil
return call
var isIndividualCall: Bool {
switch mode {
case .group: return false
case .individual: return true
var individualCall: IndividualCall! {
guard case .individual(let call) = mode else {
owsFailDebug("Missing individual call")
return nil
return call
private(set) lazy var videoCaptureController = VideoCaptureController()
// Should be used only on the main thread
public var connectedDate: Date? {
didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() }
public let thread: TSThread
public var error: CallError?
public enum CallError: Error {
case providerReset
case disconnected
case externalError(underlyingError: Error)
case timeout(description: String)
case messageSendFailure(underlyingError: Error)
var participantAddresses: [SignalServiceAddress] {
switch mode {
case .group(let call):
return { $0.address }
case .individual(let call):
return [call.remoteAddress]
init(groupCall: GroupCall, groupThread: TSGroupThread) {
mode = .group(groupCall)
audioActivity = AudioActivity(
audioDescription: "[SignalCall] with group \(groupThread.groupModel.groupId)",
behavior: .call
thread = groupThread
groupCall.delegate = self
init(individualCall: IndividualCall) {
mode = .individual(individualCall)
audioActivity = AudioActivity(
audioDescription: "[SignalCall] with individual \(individualCall.remoteAddress)",
behavior: .call
thread = individualCall.thread
individualCall.delegate = self
public class func groupCall(thread: TSGroupThread) -> SignalCall? {
owsAssertDebug(thread.groupModel.groupsVersion == .V2)
let videoCaptureController = VideoCaptureController()
let sfuURL = DebugFlags.callingUseTestSFU.get() ? TSConstants.sfuTestURL : TSConstants.sfuURL
guard let groupCall = Self.callService.callManager.createGroupCall(
groupId: thread.groupModel.groupId,
sfuUrl: sfuURL,
videoCaptureController: videoCaptureController
) else {
owsFailDebug("Failed to create group call")
return nil
let call = SignalCall(groupCall: groupCall, groupThread: thread)
call.videoCaptureController = videoCaptureController
return call
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public class func outgoingIndividualCall(localId: UUID, publicKey: String) -> SignalCall {
let individualCall = IndividualCall(
direction: .outgoing,
localId: localId,
state: .dialing,
2021-07-29 06:54:14 +02:00
publicKey: publicKey,
sentAtTimestamp: NSDate.ows_millisecondTimestamp(),
callAdapterType: .default
return SignalCall(individualCall: individualCall)
public class func incomingIndividualCall(
localId: UUID,
remoteAddress: SignalServiceAddress,
sentAtTimestamp: UInt64,
offerMediaType: TSRecentCallOfferType
) -> SignalCall {
// If this is a video call, we want to use in the in app call screen
// because CallKit has poor support for video calls. On iOS 14+ we
// always use CallKit, because as of iOS 14 AVAudioPlayer is no longer
// able to start playing sounds in the background.
let callAdapterType: CallAdapterType
if #available(iOS 14, *) {
callAdapterType = .default
} else if offerMediaType == .video {
callAdapterType = .nonCallKit
} else {
callAdapterType = .default
let individualCall = IndividualCall(
direction: .incoming,
localId: localId,
state: .answering,
remoteAddress: remoteAddress,
sentAtTimestamp: sentAtTimestamp,
callAdapterType: callAdapterType
individualCall.offerMediaType = offerMediaType
return SignalCall(individualCall: individualCall)
// MARK: -
private var observers: WeakArray<CallObserver> = []
public func addObserverAndSyncState(observer: CallObserver) {
// Synchronize observer with current call state
switch mode {
case .individual(let individualCall):
observer.individualCallStateDidChange(self, state: individualCall.state)
case .group:
public func removeObserver(_ observer: CallObserver) {
observers.removeAll { $0 === observer }
public func removeAllObservers() {
observers = []
public func publishSendFailureUntrustedParticipantIdentity() {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.callMessageSendFailedUntrustedIdentity(self) }
// MARK: -
// This method should only be called when the call state is "connected".
public func connectionDuration() -> TimeInterval {
guard let connectedDate = connectedDate else {
owsFailDebug("Called connectionDuration before connected.")
return 0
return -connectedDate.timeIntervalSinceNow
extension SignalCall: GroupCallDelegate {
public func groupCall(onLocalDeviceStateChanged groupCall: GroupCall) {
if groupCall.localDeviceState.joinState == .joined, connectedDate == nil {
connectedDate = Date()
// make sure we don't terminate audio session during call
audioSession.isRTCAudioEnabled = true
observers.elements.forEach { $0.groupCallLocalDeviceStateChanged(self) }
public func groupCall(onRemoteDeviceStatesChanged groupCall: GroupCall) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.groupCallRemoteDeviceStatesChanged(self) }
public func groupCall(onPeekChanged groupCall: GroupCall) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.groupCallPeekChanged(self) }
public func groupCall(requestMembershipProof groupCall: GroupCall) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.groupCallRequestMembershipProof(self) }
public func groupCall(requestGroupMembers groupCall: GroupCall) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.groupCallRequestGroupMembers(self) }
public func groupCall(onEnded groupCall: GroupCall, reason: GroupCallEndReason) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.groupCallEnded(self, reason: reason) }
extension SignalCall: IndividualCallDelegate {
public func individualCallStateDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, state: CallState) {
if case .connected = state, connectedDate == nil {
connectedDate = Date()
observers.elements.forEach { $0.individualCallStateDidChange(self, state: state) }
public func individualCallLocalVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isVideoMuted: Bool) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.individualCallLocalVideoMuteDidChange(self, isVideoMuted: isVideoMuted) }
public func individualCallLocalAudioMuteDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isAudioMuted: Bool) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.individualCallLocalAudioMuteDidChange(self, isAudioMuted: isAudioMuted) }
public func individualCallHoldDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isOnHold: Bool) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.individualCallHoldDidChange(self, isOnHold: isOnHold) }
public func individualCallRemoteVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isVideoMuted: Bool) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.individualCallRemoteVideoMuteDidChange(self, isVideoMuted: isVideoMuted) }
public func individualCallRemoteSharingScreenDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isRemoteSharingScreen: Bool) {
observers.elements.forEach { $0.individualCallRemoteSharingScreenDidChange(self, isRemoteSharingScreen: isRemoteSharingScreen) }
extension GroupCall {
public var isFull: Bool {
guard let peekInfo = peekInfo, let maxDevices = peekInfo.maxDevices else { return false }
return peekInfo.deviceCount >= maxDevices
public var maxDevices: UInt32? {
guard let peekInfo = peekInfo, let maxDevices = peekInfo.maxDevices else { return nil }
return maxDevices