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Raw Normal View History

2018-01-12 17:15:31 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SignalMessaging
import PureLayout
import SignalServiceKit
import PromiseKit
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
public class ShareViewController: UINavigationController, ShareViewDelegate, SAEFailedViewDelegate {
2018-01-12 17:15:31 +01:00
enum ShareViewControllerError: Error {
case assertionError(description: String)
case unsupportedMedia
2018-01-18 21:40:47 +01:00
case notRegistered()
2018-01-12 17:15:31 +01:00
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
private var hasInitialRootViewController = false
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
private var isReadyForAppExtensions = false
private var areVersionMigrationsComplete = false
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
2017-12-12 02:47:16 +01:00
private var progressPoller: ProgressPoller?
var loadViewController: SAELoadViewController?
let shareViewNavigationController: UINavigationController = UINavigationController()
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
override open func loadView() {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
// This should be the first thing we do.
2017-12-06 21:53:19 +01:00
let appContext = ShareAppExtensionContext(rootViewController:self)
if _isDebugAssertConfiguration() {
2017-12-06 21:53:19 +01:00
} else if OWSPreferences.isLoggingEnabled() {
_ = AppVersion()
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// We don't need to use DeviceSleepManager in the SAE.
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
// TODO:
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// [UIUtil applySignalAppearence];
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
if CurrentAppContext().isRunningTests {
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
// TODO: Do we need to implement isRunningTests in the SAE context?
2017-12-07 03:47:03 +01:00
// If we haven't migrated the database file to the shared data
// directory we can't load it, and therefore can't init TSSStorageManager,
// and therefore don't want to setup most of our machinery (Environment,
// most of the singletons, etc.). We just want to show an error view and
// abort.
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
isReadyForAppExtensions = OWSPreferences.isReadyForAppExtensions()
guard isReadyForAppExtensions else {
2017-12-07 03:47:03 +01:00
// If we don't have TSSStorageManager, we can't consult TSAccountManager
// for isRegistered, so we use OWSPreferences which is usually-accurate
// copy of that state.
2017-12-06 21:53:19 +01:00
if OWSPreferences.isRegistered() {
2017-12-06 19:53:01 +01:00
} else {
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
let loadViewController = SAELoadViewController(delegate: self)
self.loadViewController = loadViewController
// Don't display load screen immediately, in hopes that we can avoid it altogether.
2018-01-18 17:25:58 +01:00
after(seconds: 0.5).then { () -> Void in
guard self.presentedViewController == nil else {
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) setup completed quickly, no need to present load view controller.")
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) setup is slow - showing loading screen")
2017-12-07 22:29:24 +01:00
// We shouldn't set up our environment until after we've consulted isReadyForAppExtensions.
2017-12-07 22:04:52 +01:00
return NoopCallMessageHandler()
}) {
return NoopNotificationsManager()
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
// performUpdateCheck must be invoked after Environment has been initialized because
// upgrade process may depend on Environment.
VersionMigrations.performUpdateCheck(completion: {
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
self.isNavigationBarHidden = true
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// We don't need to use "screen protection" in the SAE.
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
2017-12-07 19:53:13 +01:00
// Ensure OWSContactsSyncing is instantiated.
2017-12-06 21:53:19 +01:00
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
2017-12-19 04:56:02 +01:00
selector: #selector(storageIsReady),
name: .StorageIsReady,
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
object: nil)
selector: #selector(registrationStateDidChange),
name: .RegistrationStateDidChange,
object: nil)
2018-01-12 17:15:31 +01:00
selector: #selector(owsApplicationWillEnterForeground),
name: .OWSApplicationWillEnterForeground,
object: nil)
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00"\(self.logTag) application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions completed.")
deinit {"\(self.logTag) dealloc")
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
private func activate() {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// We don't need to use "screen protection" in the SAE.
// Always check prekeys after app launches, and sometimes check on app activation.
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
// We don't need to use RTCInitializeSSL() in the SAE.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
if TSAccountManager.isRegistered() {
// At this point, potentially lengthy DB locking migrations could be running.
// Avoid blocking app launch by putting all further possible DB access in async block { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }"\(strongSelf.logTag) running post launch block for registered user: \(TSAccountManager.localNumber)")
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
// We don't need to use OWSDisappearingMessagesJob in the SAE.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// TODO remove this once we're sure our app boot process is coherent.
// Currently this happens *before* db registration is complete when
// launching the app directly, but *after* db registration is complete when
// the app is launched in the background, e.g. from a voip notification.
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
// We don't need to use OWSFailedMessagesJob in the SAE.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
// We don't need to use OWSFailedAttachmentDownloadsJob in the SAE.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
} else {"\(self.logTag) running post launch block for unregistered user.")
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
// We don't need to update the app icon badge number in the SAE.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
// We don't need to prod the TSSocketManager in the SAE.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
2017-12-05 23:13:52 +01:00
// TODO: Do we want to move this logic into the notification handler for "SAE will appear".
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
if TSAccountManager.isRegistered() {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }"\(strongSelf.logTag) running post launch block for registered user: \(TSAccountManager.localNumber)")
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
// We don't need to use the TSSocketManager in the SAE.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// We don't need to fetch messages in the SAE.
// We don't need to use OWSSyncPushTokensJob in the SAE.
func versionMigrationsDidComplete() {
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
areVersionMigrationsComplete = true
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
2017-12-19 04:56:02 +01:00
func storageIsReady() {
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
func checkIsAppReady() {
// App isn't ready until storage is ready AND all version migrations are complete.
guard areVersionMigrationsComplete else {
guard OWSStorage.isStorageReady() else {
guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else {
// Only mark the app as ready once.
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2018-01-29 19:43:37 +01:00
// Note that this does much more than set a flag;
// it will also run all deferred blocks.
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
if TSAccountManager.isRegistered() {"\(self.logTag) localNumber: \(TSAccountManager.localNumber)")
// We don't need to use messageFetcherJob in the SAE.
// We don't need to use SyncPushTokensJob in the SAE.
// We don't need to use DeviceSleepManager in the SAE.
// TODO: Should we distinguish main app and SAE "completion"?
2017-12-14 17:43:27 +01:00
2017-12-14 17:42:57 +01:00
2017-12-14 17:43:27 +01:00
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// We don't need to use OWSMessageReceiver in the SAE.
// We don't need to use OWSBatchMessageProcessor in the SAE.
2017-12-14 17:43:27 +01:00
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// We don't need to use OWSOrphanedDataCleaner in the SAE.
// We don't need to fetch the local profile in the SAE
2017-12-05 23:13:52 +01:00
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
func registrationStateDidChange() {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
if TSAccountManager.isRegistered() {"\(self.logTag) localNumber: \(TSAccountManager.localNumber)")
// We don't need to use ExperienceUpgradeFinder in the SAE.
// We don't need to use OWSDisappearingMessagesJob in the SAE.
private func ensureRootViewController() {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
2017-12-19 04:56:02 +01:00
guard OWSStorage.isStorageReady() else {
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
guard !hasInitialRootViewController else {
hasInitialRootViewController = true"Presenting initial root view controller")
if !TSAccountManager.isRegistered() {
2017-12-06 19:53:01 +01:00
} else if !OWSProfileManager.shared().localProfileExists() {
// This is a rare edge case, but we want to ensure that the user
// is has already saved their local profile key in the main app.
} else {
2018-01-18 17:29:16 +01:00
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
2017-12-05 22:49:21 +01:00
// We don't use the AppUpdateNag in the SAE.
func startupLogging() {"iOS Version: \(UIDevice.current.systemVersion)}")
let locale = NSLocale.current as NSLocale
if let localeIdentifier = locale.object(forKey:NSLocale.Key.identifier) as? String,
localeIdentifier.count > 0 {"Locale Identifier: \(localeIdentifier)")
} else {
owsFail("Locale Identifier: Unknown")
if let countryCode = locale.object(forKey:NSLocale.Key.countryCode) as? String,
countryCode.count > 0 {"Country Code: \(countryCode)")
} else {
owsFail("Country Code: Unknown")
if let languageCode = locale.object(forKey:NSLocale.Key.languageCode) as? String,
languageCode.count > 0 {"Language Code: \(languageCode)")
} else {
owsFail("Language Code: Unknown")
2017-12-06 19:53:01 +01:00
// MARK: Error Views
private func showNotReadyView() {
let failureTitle = NSLocalizedString("SHARE_EXTENSION_NOT_YET_MIGRATED_TITLE",
comment: "Title indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the main app has been launched at least once.")
let failureMessage = NSLocalizedString("SHARE_EXTENSION_NOT_YET_MIGRATED_MESSAGE",
comment: "Message indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the main app has been launched at least once.")
showErrorView(title:failureTitle, message:failureMessage)
private func showNotRegisteredView() {
let failureTitle = NSLocalizedString("SHARE_EXTENSION_NOT_REGISTERED_TITLE",
comment: "Title indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the user has registered in the main app.")
let failureMessage = NSLocalizedString("SHARE_EXTENSION_NOT_REGISTERED_MESSAGE",
comment: "Message indicating that the share extension cannot be used until the user has registered in the main app.")
showErrorView(title:failureTitle, message:failureMessage)
private func showErrorView(title: String, message: String) {
let viewController = SAEFailedViewController(delegate:self, title:title, message:message)
2017-12-06 19:53:01 +01:00
// MARK: View Lifecycle
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
override open func viewDidLoad() {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
if isReadyForAppExtensions {
AppReadiness.runNowOr(whenAppIsReady: {
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
override open func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-04 18:38:44 +01:00
override open func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
override open func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
override open func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
2017-12-07 16:42:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
2017-12-05 23:08:22 +01:00
2018-01-12 17:15:31 +01:00
func owsApplicationWillEnterForeground() throws {
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
// If a user unregisters in the main app, the SAE should shut down
// immediately.
guard !TSAccountManager.isRegistered() else {
// If user is registered, do nothing.
guard let firstViewController = shareViewNavigationController.viewControllers.first else {
// If no view has been presented yet, do nothing.
if let _ = firstViewController as? SAEFailedViewController {
// If root view is an error view, do nothing.
2018-01-18 21:40:47 +01:00
throw ShareViewControllerError.notRegistered()
2018-01-12 17:15:31 +01:00
// MARK: ShareViewDelegate, SAEFailedViewDelegate
public func shareViewWasCompleted() {"\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
self.dismiss(animated: true) {
self.extensionContext!.completeRequest(returningItems: [], completionHandler: nil)
public func shareViewWasCancelled() {"\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
self.dismiss(animated: true) {
self.extensionContext!.completeRequest(returningItems: [], completionHandler: nil)
public func shareViewFailed(error: Error) {"\(self.logTag) \(#function)")
self.dismiss(animated: true) {
self.extensionContext!.cancelRequest(withError: error)
// MARK: Helpers
// This view controller is not visible to the user. It exists to intercept touches, set up the
// extensions dependencies, and eventually present a visible view to the user.
// For speed of presentation, we only present a single modal, and if it's already been presented
// we swap out the contents.
// e.g. if loading is taking a while, the user will see the load screen presented with a modal
// animation. Next, when loading completes, the load view will be switched out for the contact
// picker view.
private func showPrimaryViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController) {
shareViewNavigationController.setViewControllers([viewController], animated: false)
if self.presentedViewController == nil {
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) presenting modally: \(viewController)")
self.present(shareViewNavigationController, animated: true)
} else {
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) modal already presented. swapping modal content for: \(viewController)")
assert(self.presentedViewController == shareViewNavigationController)
private func presentConversationPicker() {
self.buildAttachment().then { attachment -> Void in
let conversationPicker = SharingThreadPickerViewController(shareViewDelegate: self)
conversationPicker.attachment = attachment
self.shareViewNavigationController.isNavigationBarHidden = true
self.progressPoller = nil
self.loadViewController = nil
2017-12-07 16:21:16 +01:00"showing picker with attachment: \(attachment)")
}.catch { error in
comment: "Shown when trying to share content to a Signal user for the share extension. Followed by failure details.")
OWSAlerts.showAlert(withTitle: alertTitle,
message: error.localizedDescription,
buttonTitle: CommonStrings.cancelButton) { _ in
owsFail("\(self.logTag) building attachment failed with error: \(error)")
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
private class func itemMatchesSpecificUtiType(itemProvider: NSItemProvider, utiType: String) -> Bool {
// URLs, contacts and other special items have to be detected separately.
// Many shares (e.g. pdfs) will register many UTI types and/or conform to kUTTypeData.
2018-01-11 19:49:50 +01:00
guard itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.count == 1 else {
return false
guard let firstUtiType = itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.first else {
return false
return firstUtiType == utiType
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
private class func isUrlItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> Bool {
return itemMatchesSpecificUtiType(itemProvider:itemProvider,
utiType:kUTTypeURL as String)
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
private class func isContactItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> Bool {
return itemMatchesSpecificUtiType(itemProvider:itemProvider,
utiType:kUTTypeContact as String)
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
private class func utiTypeForItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider) -> String? {"\(self.logTag) utiTypeForItem: \(itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers)")
2018-01-11 19:49:50 +01:00
if isUrlItem(itemProvider:itemProvider) {
return kUTTypeURL as String
} else if isContactItem(itemProvider:itemProvider) {
return kUTTypeContact as String
2018-01-10 23:11:16 +01:00
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
// Use the first UTI that conforms to "data".
let matchingUtiType = itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.first { (utiType: String) -> Bool in
UTTypeConformsTo(utiType as CFString, kUTTypeData)
2018-01-10 23:11:16 +01:00
return matchingUtiType
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
private class func createDataSource(utiType: String, url: URL, customFileName: String?) -> DataSource? {
if utiType == (kUTTypeURL as String) {
// Share URLs as oversize text messages whose text content is the URL.
// NOTE: SharingThreadPickerViewController will try to unpack them
// and send them as normal text messages if possible.
let urlString = url.absoluteString
return DataSourceValue.dataSource(withOversizeText:urlString)
} else if UTTypeConformsTo(utiType as CFString, kUTTypeText) {
// Share text as oversize text messages.
// NOTE: SharingThreadPickerViewController will try to unpack them
// and send them as normal text messages if possible.
2018-01-17 20:49:10 +01:00
return DataSourcePath.dataSource(with: url)
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
} else {
guard let dataSource = DataSourcePath.dataSource(with: url) else {
return nil
if let customFileName = customFileName {
dataSource.sourceFilename = customFileName
} else {
// Ignore the filename for URLs.
dataSource.sourceFilename = url.lastPathComponent
return dataSource
private func buildAttachment() -> Promise<SignalAttachment> {
guard let inputItem: NSExtensionItem = self.extensionContext?.inputItems.first as? NSExtensionItem else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "no input item")
return Promise(error: error)
// TODO Multiple attachments. In that case I'm unclear if we'll
// be given multiple inputItems or a single inputItem with multiple attachments.
guard let itemProvider: NSItemProvider = inputItem.attachments?.first as? NSItemProvider else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "No item provider in input item attachments")
return Promise(error: error)
}"\(self.logTag) attachment: \(itemProvider)")
2018-01-18 17:07:37 +01:00
// We need to be very careful about which UTI type we use.
// * In the case of "textual" shares (e.g. web URLs and text snippets), we want to
// coerce the UTI type to kUTTypeURL or kUTTypeText.
// * We want to treat shared files as file attachments. Therefore we do not
// want to treat file URLs like web URLs.
// * UTIs aren't very descriptive (there are far more MIME types than UTI types)
// so in the case of file attachments we try to refine the attachment type
// using the file extension.
guard let srcUtiType = ShareViewController.utiTypeForItem(itemProvider: itemProvider) else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.unsupportedMedia
return Promise(error: error)
Logger.debug("\(logTag) matched utiType: \(srcUtiType)")
2018-01-25 19:53:39 +01:00
let (promise, fulfill, reject) = Promise<(itemUrl: URL, utiType: String)>.pending()
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
var customFileName: String?
var isConvertibleToTextMessage = false
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
let loadCompletion: NSItemProvider.CompletionHandler = {
(value, error) in
guard error == nil else {
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
guard let value = value else {
let missingProviderError = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "missing item provider")
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00"\(self.logTag) value type: \(type(of:value))")
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
if let data = value as? Data {
// Although we don't support contacts _yet_, when we do we'll want to make
// sure they are shared with a reasonable filename.
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
if ShareViewController.itemMatchesSpecificUtiType(itemProvider:itemProvider,
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
utiType:kUTTypeVCard as String) {
2018-01-11 23:00:53 +01:00
customFileName = "Contact.vcf"
let customFileExtension = MIMETypeUtil.fileExtension(forUTIType:srcUtiType)
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
guard let tempFilePath = OWSFileSystem.writeData(toTemporaryFile: data, fileExtension: customFileExtension) else {
let writeError = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Error writing item data: \(String(describing: error))")
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath:tempFilePath)
2018-01-25 19:53:39 +01:00
fulfill((itemUrl: fileUrl, utiType: srcUtiType))
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
} else if let string = value as? String {
2018-01-17 20:49:10 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) string provider: \(string)")
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
guard let data = String.Encoding.utf8) else {
let writeError = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Error writing item data: \(String(describing: error))")
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
guard let tempFilePath = OWSFileSystem.writeData(toTemporaryFile:data, fileExtension:"txt") else {
let writeError = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Error writing item data: \(String(describing: error))")
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath:tempFilePath)
isConvertibleToTextMessage = !itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeFileURL as String)
if UTTypeConformsTo(srcUtiType as CFString, kUTTypeText) {
2018-01-25 19:53:39 +01:00
fulfill((itemUrl: fileUrl, utiType: srcUtiType))
} else {
2018-01-25 19:53:39 +01:00
fulfill((itemUrl: fileUrl, utiType: kUTTypeText as String))
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
} else if let url = value as? URL {
// If the share itself is a URL (e.g. a link from Safari), try to send this as a text message.
isConvertibleToTextMessage = (itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeURL as String) &&
!itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeFileURL as String))
if isConvertibleToTextMessage {
2018-01-25 19:53:39 +01:00
fulfill((itemUrl: url, utiType: kUTTypeURL as String))
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
} else {
2018-01-25 19:53:39 +01:00
fulfill((itemUrl: url, utiType: srcUtiType))
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
2018-01-18 19:59:37 +01:00
} else if let image = value as? UIImage {
if let data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) {
let tempFilePath = OWSFileSystem.temporaryFilePath(withFileExtension:"png")
do {
let url = NSURL.fileURL(withPath:tempFilePath)
2018-01-29 22:59:33 +01:00
try data.write(to: url)
2018-01-18 19:59:37 +01:00
fulfill((url, srcUtiType))
} catch {
reject(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "couldn't write UIImage: \(String(describing: error))"))
} else {
reject(ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "couldn't convert UIImage to PNG: \(String(describing: error))"))
} else {
2018-01-18 19:40:45 +01:00
// It's unavoidable that we may sometimes receives data types that we
// don't know how to handle.
// See comments on NSItemProvider+OWS.h.
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
let unexpectedTypeError = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "unexpected value: \(String(describing: value))")
2018-01-18 17:01:59 +01:00
// See comments on NSItemProvider+OWS.h.
itemProvider.loadData(forTypeIdentifier: srcUtiType, options: nil, completionHandler: loadCompletion)
return promise.then { (itemUrl: URL, utiType: String) -> Promise<SignalAttachment> in
2017-12-12 01:37:38 +01:00
let url: URL = try {
2017-12-12 17:09:23 +01:00
if self.isVideoNeedingRelocation(itemProvider: itemProvider, itemUrl: itemUrl) {
2017-12-12 01:37:38 +01:00
return try SignalAttachment.copyToVideoTempDir(url: itemUrl)
} else {
return itemUrl
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) building DataSource with url: \(url), utiType: \(utiType)")
2017-12-12 01:37:38 +01:00
2018-01-25 19:53:39 +01:00
guard let dataSource = ShareViewController.createDataSource(utiType: utiType, url: url, customFileName: customFileName) else {
throw ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Unable to read attachment data")
// start with base utiType, but it might be something generic like "image"
var specificUTIType = utiType
if utiType == (kUTTypeURL as String) {
2018-01-16 22:24:11 +01:00
// Use kUTTypeURL for URLs.
2018-01-16 23:03:08 +01:00
} else if UTTypeConformsTo(utiType as CFString, kUTTypeText) {
// Use kUTTypeText for text.
} else if url.pathExtension.count > 0 {
// Determine a more specific utiType based on file extension
if let typeExtension = MIMETypeUtil.utiType(forFileExtension: url.pathExtension) {
2017-12-10 22:17:35 +01:00
Logger.debug("\(self.logTag) utiType based on extension: \(typeExtension)")
specificUTIType = typeExtension
2017-12-10 22:43:24 +01:00
guard !SignalAttachment.isInvalidVideo(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: specificUTIType) else {
2017-12-12 01:37:38 +01:00
// This can happen, e.g. when sharing a quicktime-video from iCloud drive.
2017-12-11 20:11:58 +01:00
let (promise, exportSession) = SignalAttachment.compressVideoAsMp4(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: specificUTIType)
2017-12-12 02:47:16 +01:00
// TODO: How can we move waiting for this export to the end of the share flow rather than having to do it up front?
// Ideally we'd be able to start it here, and not block the UI on conversion unless there's still work to be done
2017-12-12 17:09:23 +01:00
// when the user hits "send".
if let exportSession = exportSession {
let progressPoller = ProgressPoller(timeInterval: 0.1, ratioCompleteBlock: { return exportSession.progress })
self.progressPoller = progressPoller
guard let loadViewController = self.loadViewController else {
owsFail("load view controller was unexpectedly nil")
return promise
loadViewController.progress = progressPoller.progress
2017-12-10 22:43:24 +01:00
return promise
2017-12-11 20:11:58 +01:00
let attachment = SignalAttachment.attachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: specificUTIType, imageQuality: .medium)
if isConvertibleToTextMessage {"\(self.logTag) isConvertibleToTextMessage")
attachment.isConvertibleToTextMessage = isConvertibleToTextMessage
2017-12-10 22:43:24 +01:00
return Promise(value: attachment)
2017-12-12 17:09:23 +01:00
// Some host apps (e.g. iOS sometimes auto-converts some video formats (e.g.
// into mp4s as part of the NSItemProvider `loadItem` API. (Some files the Photo's app doesn't auto-convert)
2017-12-12 17:09:23 +01:00
// However, when using this url to the converted item, AVFoundation operations such as generating a
// preview image and playing the url in the AVMoviePlayer fails with an unhelpful error: "The operation could not be completed"
// We can work around this by first copying the media into our container.
// I don't understand why this is, and I haven't found any relevant documentation in the NSItemProvider
// or AVFoundation docs.
// Notes:
// These operations succeed when sending a video which initially existed on disk as an mp4.
// (e.g. Alice sends a video to Bob through the main app, which ensures it's an mp4. Bob saves it, then re-shares it)
// I *did* verify that the size and SHA256 sum of the original url matches that of the copied url. So there
// is no difference between the contents of the file, yet one works one doesn't.
// Perhaps the AVFoundation APIs require some extra file system permssion we don't have in the
// passed through URL.
private func isVideoNeedingRelocation(itemProvider: NSItemProvider, itemUrl: URL) -> Bool {
2018-01-18 17:25:58 +01:00"\(self.logTag) isVideoNeedingRelocation: \(itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers), itemUrl: \(itemUrl)")
let pathExtension = itemUrl.pathExtension
guard pathExtension.count > 0 else {
Logger.verbose("\(self.logTag) in \(#function): item URL has no file extension: \(itemUrl).")
return false
guard let utiTypeForURL = MIMETypeUtil.utiType(forFileExtension: pathExtension) else {
Logger.verbose("\(self.logTag) in \(#function): item has unknown UTI type: \(itemUrl).")
return false
2018-01-18 17:25:58 +01:00
Logger.verbose("\(self.logTag) utiTypeForURL: \(utiTypeForURL)")
guard utiTypeForURL == kUTTypeMPEG4 as String else {
// Either it's not a video or it was a video which was not auto-converted to mp4.
// Not affected by the issue.
2017-12-12 17:09:23 +01:00
return false
// If video file already existed on disk as an mp4, then the host app didn't need to
// apply any conversion, so no need to relocate the app.
return !itemProvider.registeredTypeIdentifiers.contains(kUTTypeMPEG4 as String)
2017-12-12 02:47:16 +01:00
// Exposes a Progress object, whose progress is updated by polling the return of a given block
private class ProgressPoller {
let TAG = "[ProgressPoller]"
let progress: Progress
private(set) var timer: Timer?
// Higher number offers higher ganularity
let progressTotalUnitCount: Int64 = 10000
private let timeInterval: Double
private let ratioCompleteBlock: () -> Float
init(timeInterval: TimeInterval, ratioCompleteBlock: @escaping () -> Float) {
self.timeInterval = timeInterval
self.ratioCompleteBlock = ratioCompleteBlock
self.progress = Progress()
progress.totalUnitCount = progressTotalUnitCount
progress.completedUnitCount = Int64(ratioCompleteBlock() * Float(progressTotalUnitCount))
func startPolling() {
guard self.timer == nil else {
owsFail("already started timer")
self.timer = WeakTimer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: timeInterval, target: self, userInfo: nil, repeats: true) { [weak self] (timer) in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
let completedUnitCount = Int64(strongSelf.ratioCompleteBlock() * Float(strongSelf.progressTotalUnitCount))
strongSelf.progress.completedUnitCount = completedUnitCount
if completedUnitCount == strongSelf.progressTotalUnitCount {
Logger.debug("\(strongSelf.TAG) progress complete")