
1080 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import Curve25519Kit
import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SessionSnodeKit
// Note: Looks like the oldest iOS device we support (min iOS 13.0) has 2Gb of RAM, processing
// ~250k messages and ~1000 threads seems to take up
enum _003_YDBToGRDBMigration: Migration {
static let identifier: String = "YDBToGRDBMigration"
static func migrate(_ db: Database) throws {
// MARK: - Process Contacts, Threads & Interactions
var shouldFailMigration: Bool = false
var contacts: Set<Legacy.Contact> = []
var contactThreadIds: Set<String> = []
var legacyThreadIdToIdMap: [String: String] = [:]
var threads: Set<TSThread> = []
var disappearingMessagesConfiguration: [String: Legacy.DisappearingMessagesConfiguration] = [:]
var closedGroupKeys: [String: [TimeInterval: SessionUtilitiesKit.Legacy.KeyPair]] = [:]
var closedGroupName: [String: String] = [:]
var closedGroupFormation: [String: UInt64] = [:]
var closedGroupModel: [String: TSGroupModel] = [:]
var closedGroupZombieMemberIds: [String: Set<String>] = [:]
var openGroupInfo: [String: OpenGroupV2] = [:]
var openGroupUserCount: [String: Int] = [:]
var openGroupImage: [String: Data] = [:]
var openGroupLastMessageServerId: [String: Int64] = [:] // Optional
var openGroupLastDeletionServerId: [String: Int64] = [:] // Optional
// var openGroupServerToUniqueIdLookup: [String: [String]] = [:] // TODO: Not needed????
var interactions: [String: [TSInteraction]] = [:]
var attachments: [String: TSAttachment] = [:]
var outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs: [String: Set<Int64>] = [:] { transaction in
// Process the Contacts
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Legacy.contactCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let contact = object as? Legacy.Contact else { return }
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process threads - Start")
let userClosedGroupPublicKeys: [String] = transaction.allKeys(inCollection: Legacy.closedGroupPublicKeyCollection)
// Process the threads
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.threadCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let thread: TSThread = object as? TSThread else { return }
guard let threadId: String = thread.uniqueId else { return }
// Want to exclude threads which aren't visible (ie. threads which we started
// but the user never ended up sending a message)
if key.starts(with: Legacy.contactThreadPrefix) && thread.shouldBeVisible {
// Get the disappearing messages config
disappearingMessagesConfiguration[threadId] = transaction
.object(forKey: threadId, inCollection: Legacy.disappearingMessagesCollection)
.defaulting(to: Legacy.DisappearingMessagesConfiguration.defaultWith(threadId))
// Process group-specific info
guard let groupThread: TSGroupThread = thread as? TSGroupThread else {
legacyThreadIdToIdMap[threadId] = threadId.substring(from: Legacy.contactThreadPrefix.count)
if groupThread.isClosedGroup {
// The old threadId for closed groups was in the below format, we don't
// really need the unnecessary complexity so process the key and extract
// the publicKey from it
// `g{base64String(Data(__textsecure_group__!{publicKey}))}
let base64GroupId: String = String(threadId.suffix(from: threadId.index(after: threadId.startIndex)))
let groupIdData: Data = Data(base64Encoded: base64GroupId),
let groupId: String = String(data: groupIdData, encoding: .utf8),
let publicKey: String = groupId.split(separator: "!"){ String($0) })
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to decode Closed Group")
shouldFailMigration = true
guard userClosedGroupPublicKeys.contains(publicKey) else {
// TODO: Determine if we want to remove this
SNLog("[Migration Error] Found unexpected invalid closed group public key")
shouldFailMigration = true
let keyCollection: String = "\(Legacy.closedGroupKeyPairPrefix)\(publicKey)"
legacyThreadIdToIdMap[threadId] = publicKey
closedGroupName[threadId] = transaction)
closedGroupModel[threadId] = groupThread.groupModel
closedGroupFormation[threadId] = ((transaction.object(forKey: publicKey, inCollection: Legacy.closedGroupFormationTimestampCollection) as? UInt64) ?? 0)
closedGroupZombieMemberIds[threadId] = transaction.object(
forKey: publicKey,
inCollection: Legacy.closedGroupZombieMembersCollection
) as? Set<String>
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: keyCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let timestamp: TimeInterval = TimeInterval(key), let keyPair: SessionUtilitiesKit.Legacy.KeyPair = object as? SessionUtilitiesKit.Legacy.KeyPair else {
closedGroupKeys[threadId] = (closedGroupKeys[threadId] ?? [:])
.setting(timestamp, keyPair)
else if groupThread.isOpenGroup {
guard let openGroup: OpenGroupV2 = transaction.object(forKey: threadId, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupCollection) as? OpenGroupV2 else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to find open group info")
shouldFailMigration = true
legacyThreadIdToIdMap[threadId] = OpenGroup.idFor(
server: openGroup.server
openGroupInfo[threadId] = openGroup
openGroupUserCount[threadId] = ((transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupUserCountCollection) as? Int) ?? 0)
openGroupImage[threadId] = transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupImageCollection) as? Data
openGroupLastMessageServerId[threadId] = transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupLastMessageServerIDCollection) as? Int64
openGroupLastDeletionServerId[threadId] = transaction.object(forKey:, inCollection: Legacy.openGroupLastDeletionServerIDCollection) as? Int64
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process threads - End")
// Process interactions
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process interactions - Start")
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.interactionCollection) { _, object, _ in
guard let interaction: TSInteraction = object as? TSInteraction else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process interaction")
shouldFailMigration = true
interactions[interaction.uniqueThreadId] = (interactions[interaction.uniqueThreadId] ?? [])
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process interactions - End")
// Process attachments
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process attachments - Start")
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.attachmentsCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let attachment: TSAttachment = object as? TSAttachment else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process attachment")
shouldFailMigration = true
attachments[key] = attachment
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process attachments - End")
// Process read receipts
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.outgoingReadReceiptManagerCollection) { key, object, _ in
guard let timestampsMs: Set<Int64> = object as? Set<Int64> else { return }
outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs[key] = (outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs[key] ?? Set())
// We can't properly throw within the 'enumerateKeysAndObjects' block so have to throw here
guard !shouldFailMigration else { throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed }
// Insert the data into GRDB
// MARK: - Insert Contacts
try autoreleasepool {
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
try contacts.forEach { contact in
let isCurrentUser: Bool = (contact.sessionID == currentUserPublicKey)
let contactThreadId: String = TSContactThread.threadID(fromContactSessionID: contact.sessionID)
// TODO: Contact 'hasOne' profile???
// Create the "Profile" for the legacy contact
try Profile(
id: contact.sessionID,
name: ( ?? contact.sessionID),
nickname: contact.nickname,
profilePictureUrl: contact.profilePictureURL,
profilePictureFileName: contact.profilePictureFileName,
profileEncryptionKey: contact.profileEncryptionKey
// Determine if this contact is a "real" contact (don't want to create contacts for
// every user in the new structure but still want profiles for every user)
isCurrentUser ||
contactThreadIds.contains(contactThreadId) ||
contact.isApproved ||
contact.didApproveMe ||
contact.isBlocked ||
contact.hasBeenBlocked {
// Create the contact
// TODO: Closed group admins???
try Contact(
id: contact.sessionID,
isTrusted: (isCurrentUser || contact.isTrusted),
isApproved: (isCurrentUser || contact.isApproved),
isBlocked: (!isCurrentUser && contact.isBlocked),
didApproveMe: (isCurrentUser || contact.didApproveMe),
hasBeenBlocked: (!isCurrentUser && (contact.hasBeenBlocked || contact.isBlocked))
// MARK: - Insert Threads
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process thread inserts - Start")
var legacyInteractionToIdMap: [String: Int64] = [:]
var legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdMap: [String: Int64] = [:]
var legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdFallbackMap: [String: Int64] = [:]
var legacyAttachmentToIdMap: [String: String] = [:]
func identifier(
for threadId: String,
sentTimestamp: UInt64,
recipients: [String],
destination: Message.Destination?,
variant: Interaction.Variant?,
useFallback: Bool
) -> String {
let recipientString: String = {
if let destination: Message.Destination = destination {
switch destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): return publicKey
default: break
return (recipients.first ?? "0")
return [
(useFallback ?
// Fallback to seconds-based accuracy (instead of milliseconds)
String("\(sentTimestamp)".prefix("\(Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970))".count)) :
(useFallback ? { "\($0)" } : nil),
.compactMap { $0 }
.joined(separator: "-")
try threads.forEach { thread in
let legacyThreadId: String = thread.uniqueId,
let threadId: String = legacyThreadIdToIdMap[legacyThreadId]
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to migrate thread with no id mapping")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
let threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant
let notificationMode: SessionThread.NotificationMode
switch thread {
case let groupThread as TSGroupThread:
threadVariant = (groupThread.isOpenGroup ? .openGroup : .closedGroup)
notificationMode = (thread.isMuted ? .none :
(groupThread.isOnlyNotifyingForMentions ?
.mentionsOnly :
threadVariant = .contact
notificationMode = (thread.isMuted ? .none : .all)
try autoreleasepool {
try SessionThread(
id: threadId,
variant: threadVariant,
creationDateTimestamp: thread.creationDate.timeIntervalSince1970,
shouldBeVisible: thread.shouldBeVisible,
isPinned: thread.isPinned,
messageDraft: thread.messageDraft,
notificationMode: notificationMode,
mutedUntilTimestamp: thread.mutedUntilDate?.timeIntervalSince1970
// Disappearing Messages Configuration
if let config: Legacy.DisappearingMessagesConfiguration = disappearingMessagesConfiguration[threadId] {
try DisappearingMessagesConfiguration(
threadId: threadId,
isEnabled: config.isEnabled,
durationSeconds: TimeInterval(config.durationSeconds)
// Closed Groups
if (thread as? TSGroupThread)?.isClosedGroup == true {
let legacyKeys = closedGroupKeys[legacyThreadId],
let name: String = closedGroupName[legacyThreadId],
let groupModel: TSGroupModel = closedGroupModel[legacyThreadId],
let formationTimestamp: UInt64 = closedGroupFormation[legacyThreadId]
else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Closed group missing required data")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
try ClosedGroup(
threadId: threadId,
name: name,
formationTimestamp: TimeInterval(formationTimestamp)
try legacyKeys.forEach { timestamp, legacyKeys in
try ClosedGroupKeyPair(
threadId: threadId,
publicKey: legacyKeys.publicKey,
secretKey: legacyKeys.privateKey,
receivedTimestamp: timestamp
try groupModel.groupMemberIds.forEach { memberId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: threadId,
profileId: memberId,
role: .standard
try groupModel.groupAdminIds.forEach { adminId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: threadId,
profileId: adminId,
role: .admin
try (closedGroupZombieMemberIds[legacyThreadId] ?? []).forEach { zombieId in
try GroupMember(
groupId: threadId,
profileId: zombieId,
role: .zombie
// Open Groups
if (thread as? TSGroupThread)?.isOpenGroup == true {
guard let openGroup: OpenGroupV2 = openGroupInfo[legacyThreadId] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Open group missing required data")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
try OpenGroup(
server: openGroup.server,
publicKey: openGroup.publicKey,
groupDescription: nil, // TODO: Add with SOGS V4.
imageId: nil, // TODO: Add with SOGS V4.
imageData: openGroupImage[legacyThreadId],
userCount: (openGroupUserCount[legacyThreadId] ?? 0), // Will be updated next poll
infoUpdates: 0 // TODO: Add with SOGS V4.
try autoreleasepool {
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
try interactions[legacyThreadId]?
.sorted(by: { lhs, rhs in lhs.sortId < rhs.sortId }) // Maintain sort order
.forEach { legacyInteraction in
let serverHash: String?
let variant: Interaction.Variant
let authorId: String
let body: String?
let wasRead: Bool
let expiresInSeconds: UInt32?
let expiresStartedAtMs: UInt64?
let openGroupServerMessageId: UInt64?
let recipientStateMap: [String: TSOutgoingMessageRecipientState]?
let mostRecentFailureText: String?
let quotedMessage: TSQuotedMessage?
let linkPreview: OWSLinkPreview?
let linkPreviewVariant: LinkPreview.Variant
var attachmentIds: [String]
// Handle the common 'TSMessage' values first
if let legacyMessage: TSMessage = legacyInteraction as? TSMessage {
serverHash = legacyMessage.serverHash
// The legacy code only considered '!= 0' ids as valid so set those
// values to be null to avoid the unique constraint (it's also more
// correct for the values to be null)
openGroupServerMessageId = (legacyMessage.openGroupServerMessageID == 0 ?
nil :
quotedMessage = legacyMessage.quotedMessage
// Convert the 'OpenGroupInvitation' into a LinkPreview
if let openGroupInvitationName: String = legacyMessage.openGroupInvitationName, let openGroupInvitationUrl: String = legacyMessage.openGroupInvitationURL {
linkPreviewVariant = .openGroupInvitation
linkPreview = OWSLinkPreview(
urlString: openGroupInvitationUrl,
title: openGroupInvitationName,
imageAttachmentId: nil
else {
linkPreviewVariant = .standard
linkPreview = legacyMessage.linkPreview
// Attachments for deleted messages won't exist
attachmentIds = (legacyMessage.isDeleted ?
[] :
try { legacyId in
guard let attachmentId: String = legacyId as? String else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unable to process attachment id")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
return attachmentId
else {
serverHash = nil
openGroupServerMessageId = nil
quotedMessage = nil
linkPreviewVariant = .standard
linkPreview = nil
attachmentIds = []
// Then handle the behaviours for each message type
switch legacyInteraction {
case let incomingMessage as TSIncomingMessage:
// Note: We want to distinguish deleted messages from normal ones
variant = (incomingMessage.isDeleted ?
.standardIncomingDeleted :
authorId = incomingMessage.authorId
body = incomingMessage.body
wasRead = incomingMessage.wasRead
expiresInSeconds = incomingMessage.expiresInSeconds
expiresStartedAtMs = incomingMessage.expireStartedAt
recipientStateMap = [:]
mostRecentFailureText = nil
case let outgoingMessage as TSOutgoingMessage:
variant = .standardOutgoing
authorId = currentUserPublicKey
body = outgoingMessage.body
wasRead = true // Outgoing messages are read by default
expiresInSeconds = outgoingMessage.expiresInSeconds
expiresStartedAtMs = outgoingMessage.expireStartedAt
recipientStateMap = outgoingMessage.recipientStateMap
mostRecentFailureText = outgoingMessage.mostRecentFailureText
case let infoMessage as TSInfoMessage:
authorId = currentUserPublicKey
body = ((infoMessage.body ?? "").isEmpty ?
infoMessage.customMessage :
wasRead = infoMessage.wasRead
expiresInSeconds = nil // Info messages don't expire
expiresStartedAtMs = nil // Info messages don't expire
recipientStateMap = [:]
mostRecentFailureText = nil
switch infoMessage.messageType {
case .groupCreated: variant = .infoClosedGroupCreated
case .groupUpdated: variant = .infoClosedGroupUpdated
case .groupCurrentUserLeft: variant = .infoClosedGroupCurrentUserLeft
case .disappearingMessagesUpdate: variant = .infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate
case .messageRequestAccepted: variant = .infoMessageRequestAccepted
case .screenshotNotification: variant = .infoScreenshotNotification
case .mediaSavedNotification: variant = .infoMediaSavedNotification
@unknown default:
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unsupported info message type")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
// TODO: What message types have no body?
SNLog("[Migration Error] Unsupported interaction type")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
// Insert the data
let interaction: Interaction = try Interaction(
serverHash: serverHash,
threadId: threadId,
authorId: authorId,
variant: variant,
body: body,
timestampMs: Int64(legacyInteraction.timestamp),
receivedAtTimestampMs: Int64(legacyInteraction.receivedAtTimestamp),
wasRead: wasRead,
expiresInSeconds: { TimeInterval($0) },
expiresStartedAtMs: { Double($0) },
linkPreviewUrl: linkPreview?.urlString, // Only a soft link so save to set
openGroupServerMessageId: { Int64($0) },
openGroupWhisperMods: false, // TODO: This in SOGSV4
openGroupWhisperTo: nil // TODO: This in SOGSV4
guard let interactionId: Int64 = else {
// TODO: Is it possible the old database has duplicates which could hit this case?
SNLog("[Migration Error] Failed to insert interaction")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
// Store the interactionId in the lookup map to simplify job creation later
let legacyIdentifier: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: legacyInteraction.timestamp,
recipients: ((legacyInteraction as? TSOutgoingMessage)?.recipientIds() ?? []),
destination: (threadVariant == .contact ? .contact(publicKey: threadId) : nil),
variant: variant,
useFallback: false
let legacyIdentifierFallback: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: legacyInteraction.timestamp,
recipients: ((legacyInteraction as? TSOutgoingMessage)?.recipientIds() ?? []),
destination: (threadVariant == .contact ? .contact(publicKey: threadId) : nil),
variant: variant,
useFallback: true
legacyInteractionToIdMap[legacyInteraction.uniqueId ?? ""] = interactionId
legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdMap[legacyIdentifier] = interactionId
legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdFallbackMap[legacyIdentifierFallback] = interactionId
// Handle the recipient states
// Note: Inserting an Interaction into the database will automatically create a 'RecipientState'
// for outgoing messages
try recipientStateMap?.forEach { recipientId, legacyState in
try RecipientState(
interactionId: interactionId,
recipientId: recipientId,
state: {
switch legacyState.state {
case .failed: return .failed
case .sending: return .sending
case .skipped: return .skipped
case .sent: return .sent
@unknown default: throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
readTimestampMs: legacyState.readTimestamp?.int64Value,
mostRecentFailureText: (legacyState.state == .failed ?
mostRecentFailureText :
// Handle any quote
if let quotedMessage: TSQuotedMessage = quotedMessage {
let quoteAttachmentId: String? = quotedMessage.quotedAttachments
.compactMap { attachmentInfo in
if let attachmentId: String = attachmentInfo.attachmentId {
return attachmentId
else if let attachmentId: String = attachmentInfo.thumbnailAttachmentPointerId {
return attachmentId
// TODO: Looks like some of these might be busted???
return attachmentInfo.thumbnailAttachmentStreamId
.first { attachments[$0] != nil }
guard quotedMessage.quotedAttachments.isEmpty || quoteAttachmentId != nil else {
// TODO: Is it possible to hit this case if a quoted attachment hasn't been downloaded?
SNLog("[Migration Error] Missing quote attachment")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
// Setup the attachment and add it to the lookup (if it exists)
let attachmentId: String? = try attachmentId(
for: quoteAttachmentId,
attachments: attachments
if let quoteAttachmentId: String = quoteAttachmentId, let attachmentId: String = attachmentId {
legacyAttachmentToIdMap[quoteAttachmentId] = attachmentId
// Create the quote
try Quote(
interactionId: interactionId,
authorId: quotedMessage.authorId,
timestampMs: Int64(quotedMessage.timestamp),
body: quotedMessage.body,
attachmentId: attachmentId
// Handle any LinkPreview
if let linkPreview: OWSLinkPreview = linkPreview, let urlString: String = linkPreview.urlString {
// Note: The `legacyInteraction.timestamp` value is in milliseconds
let timestamp: TimeInterval = LinkPreview.timestampFor(sentTimestampMs: Double(legacyInteraction.timestamp))
guard linkPreview.imageAttachmentId == nil || attachments[linkPreview.imageAttachmentId ?? ""] != nil else {
// TODO: Is it possible to hit this case if a quoted attachment hasn't been downloaded?
SNLog("[Migration Error] Missing link preview attachment")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
// Setup the attachment and add it to the lookup (if it exists)
let attachmentId: String? = try attachmentId(
for: linkPreview.imageAttachmentId,
attachments: attachments
if let legacyAttachmentId: String = linkPreview.imageAttachmentId, let attachmentId: String = attachmentId {
legacyAttachmentToIdMap[legacyAttachmentId] = attachmentId
// Note: It's possible for there to be duplicate values here so we use 'save'
// instead of insert (ie. upsert)
try LinkPreview(
url: urlString,
timestamp: timestamp,
variant: linkPreviewVariant,
title: linkPreview.title,
attachmentId: attachmentId
// Handle any attachments
try attachmentIds.forEach { legacyAttachmentId in
guard let attachmentId: String = try attachmentId(db, for: legacyAttachmentId, interactionVariant: variant, attachments: attachments) else {
// TODO: Is it possible to hit this case if an interaction hasn't been viewed?
SNLog("[Migration Error] Missing interaction attachment")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
// Link the attachment to the interaction and add to the id lookup
try InteractionAttachment(
interactionId: interactionId,
attachmentId: attachmentId
legacyAttachmentToIdMap[legacyAttachmentId] = attachmentId
// Clear out processed data (give the memory a change to be freed)
contacts = []
contactThreadIds = []
threads = []
disappearingMessagesConfiguration = [:]
closedGroupKeys = [:]
closedGroupName = [:]
closedGroupFormation = [:]
closedGroupModel = [:]
closedGroupZombieMemberIds = [:]
openGroupInfo = [:]
openGroupUserCount = [:]
openGroupImage = [:]
openGroupLastMessageServerId = [:]
openGroupLastDeletionServerId = [:]
interactions = [:]
attachments = [:]
// MARK: - Process Legacy Jobs
var notifyPushServerJobs: Set<Legacy.NotifyPNServerJob> = []
var messageReceiveJobs: Set<Legacy.MessageReceiveJob> = []
var messageSendJobs: Set<Legacy.MessageSendJob> = []
var attachmentUploadJobs: Set<Legacy.AttachmentUploadJob> = []
var attachmentDownloadJobs: Set<Legacy.AttachmentDownloadJob> = []
// Map the Legacy types for the NSKeyedUnarchiver
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.NotifyPNServerJob"
forClassName: "SessionSnodeKit.SnodeMessage"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.SNMessageSendJob"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.MessageReceiveJob"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.AttachmentUploadJob"
forClassName: "SessionMessagingKit.AttachmentDownloadJob"
) { transaction in
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Legacy.notifyPushServerJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? Legacy.NotifyPNServerJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Legacy.messageReceiveJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? Legacy.MessageReceiveJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Legacy.messageSendJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? Legacy.MessageSendJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Legacy.attachmentUploadJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? Legacy.AttachmentUploadJob else { return }
transaction.enumerateRows(inCollection: Legacy.attachmentDownloadJobCollection) { _, object, _, _ in
guard let job = object as? Legacy.AttachmentDownloadJob else { return }
// MARK: - Insert Jobs
// MARK: - --notifyPushServer
try autoreleasepool {
try notifyPushServerJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
_ = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .notifyPushServer,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
details: NotifyPushServerJob.Details(
message: SnodeMessage(
recipient: legacyJob.message.recipient,
// Note: The legacy type had 'LosslessStringConvertible' so we need
// to use '.description' to get it as a basic string
ttl: legacyJob.message.ttl,
timestampMs: legacyJob.message.timestamp
// MARK: - --messageReceive
try autoreleasepool {
try messageReceiveJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
// We haven't supported OpenGroup messageReceive jobs for a long time so if
// we see any then just ignore them
if legacyJob.openGroupID != nil && legacyJob.openGroupMessageServerID != nil {
// We need to extract the `threadId` from the legacyJob data as the new
// MessageReceiveJob requires it for multi-threading and garbage collection purposes
guard let envelope: SNProtoEnvelope = try? SNProtoEnvelope.parseData( else {
let threadId: String? = MessageReceiver.extractSenderPublicKey(db, from: envelope)
_ = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .messageReceive,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
threadId: threadId,
details: MessageReceiveJob.Details(
serverHash: legacyJob.serverHash,
isBackgroundPoll: legacyJob.isBackgroundPoll
// MARK: - --messageSend
var messageSendJobIdMap: [String: Int64] = [:]
try autoreleasepool {
try messageSendJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
// Fetch the threadId and interactionId this job should be associated with
let threadId: String = {
switch legacyJob.destination {
case .contact(let publicKey): return publicKey
case .closedGroup(let groupPublicKey): return groupPublicKey
case .openGroupV2(let room, let server):
return OpenGroup.idFor(room: room, server: server)
case .openGroup: return ""
let interactionId: Int64? = {
// The 'Legacy.Job' 'id' value was "(timestamp)(num jobs for this timestamp)"
// so we can reverse-engineer an approximate timestamp by extracting it from
// the id (this value is unlikely to match exactly though)
let fallbackTimestamp: UInt64 =
.map { UInt64($0.prefix("\(Int(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000))".count)) }
.defaulting(to: 0)
let legacyIdentifier: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: (legacyJob.message.sentTimestamp ?? fallbackTimestamp),
recipients: ( { [$0] } ?? []),
destination: legacyJob.destination,
variant: nil,
useFallback: false
if let matchingId: Int64 = legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdMap[legacyIdentifier] {
return matchingId
// If we didn't find the correct interaction then we need to try the "fallback"
// identifier which is less accurate (during testing this only happened for
// 'ExpirationTimerUpdate' send jobs)
let fallbackIdentifier: String = identifier(
for: threadId,
sentTimestamp: (legacyJob.message.sentTimestamp ?? fallbackTimestamp),
recipients: ( { [$0] } ?? []),
destination: legacyJob.destination,
variant: {
switch legacyJob.message {
case is ExpirationTimerUpdate: return .infoDisappearingMessagesUpdate
default: return nil
useFallback: true
return legacyInteractionIdentifierToIdFallbackMap[fallbackIdentifier]
let job: Job? = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .messageSend,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
threadId: threadId,
details: MessageSendJob.Details(
// Note: There are some cases where there isn't a link between a
// 'MessageSendJob' and an interaction (eg. ConfigurationMessage),
// in these cases the 'interactionId' value will be nil
interactionId: interactionId,
destination: legacyJob.destination,
message: legacyJob.message
if let oldId: String =, let newId: Int64 = job?.id {
messageSendJobIdMap[oldId] = newId
// MARK: - --attachmentUpload
try autoreleasepool {
try attachmentUploadJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
guard let sendJobId: Int64 = messageSendJobIdMap[legacyJob.messageSendJobID] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] attachmentUpload job missing associated MessageSendJob")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
_ = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .attachmentUpload,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
details: AttachmentUploadJob.Details(
threadId: legacyJob.threadID,
attachmentId: legacyJob.attachmentID,
messageSendJobId: sendJobId
// MARK: - --attachmentDownload
try autoreleasepool {
try attachmentDownloadJobs.forEach { legacyJob in
guard let interactionId: Int64 = legacyInteractionToIdMap[legacyJob.tsMessageID] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] attachmentDownload job unable to find interaction")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
guard let attachmentId: String = legacyAttachmentToIdMap[legacyJob.attachmentID] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] attachmentDownload job unable to find attachment")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
_ = try Job(
failureCount: legacyJob.failureCount,
variant: .attachmentDownload,
behaviour: .runOnce,
nextRunTimestamp: 0,
threadId: legacyThreadIdToIdMap[legacyJob.threadID],
interactionId: interactionId,
details: AttachmentDownloadJob.Details(
attachmentId: attachmentId
// MARK: - --sendReadReceipts
try autoreleasepool {
try outgoingReadReceiptsTimestampsMs.forEach { threadId, timestampsMs in
_ = try Job(
variant: .sendReadReceipts,
behaviour: .recurring,
threadId: threadId,
details: SendReadReceiptsJob.Details(
destination: .contact(publicKey: threadId),
timestampMsValues: timestampsMs
// MARK: - Process Preferences
var legacyPreferences: [String: Any] = [:] { transaction in
transaction.enumerateKeysAndObjects(inCollection: Legacy.preferencesCollection) { key, object, _ in
legacyPreferences[key] = object
// Note: The 'int(forKey:inCollection:)' defaults to `0` which is an incorrect value for the notification
// sound so catch it and default
let globalNotificationSoundValue: Int32 =
forKey: Legacy.soundsGlobalNotificationKey,
inCollection: Legacy.soundsStorageNotificationCollection
legacyPreferences[Legacy.soundsGlobalNotificationKey] = (globalNotificationSoundValue > 0 ?
Int(globalNotificationSoundValue) :
legacyPreferences[Legacy.readReceiptManagerAreReadReceiptsEnabled] = (transaction.bool(
forKey: Legacy.readReceiptManagerAreReadReceiptsEnabled,
inCollection: Legacy.readReceiptManagerCollection,
defaultValue: false
) ? 1 : 0)
legacyPreferences[Legacy.typingIndicatorsEnabledKey] = (transaction.bool(
forKey: Legacy.typingIndicatorsEnabledKey,
inCollection: Legacy.typingIndicatorsCollection,
defaultValue: false
) ? 1 : 0)
db[.preferencesNotificationPreviewType] = Preferences.NotificationPreviewType(rawValue: legacyPreferences[Legacy.preferencesKeyNotificationPreviewType] as? Int ?? -1)
.defaulting(to: .nameAndPreview)
db[.defaultNotificationSound] = Preferences.Sound(rawValue: legacyPreferences[Legacy.soundsGlobalNotificationKey] as? Int ?? -1)
.defaulting(to: Preferences.Sound.defaultNotificationSound)
if let lastPushToken: String = legacyPreferences[Legacy.preferencesKeyLastRecordedPushToken] as? String {
db[.lastRecordedPushToken] = lastPushToken
if let lastVoipToken: String = legacyPreferences[Legacy.preferencesKeyLastRecordedVoipToken] as? String {
db[.lastRecordedVoipToken] = lastVoipToken
// Note: The 'preferencesKeyScreenSecurityDisabled' value previously controlled whether the setting
// was disabled, this has been inverted to 'preferencesAppSwitcherPreviewEnabled' so it can default
// to 'false' (as most Bool values do)
db[.preferencesAppSwitcherPreviewEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[Legacy.preferencesKeyScreenSecurityDisabled] as? Bool == false)
db[.areReadReceiptsEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[Legacy.readReceiptManagerAreReadReceiptsEnabled] as? Bool == true)
db[.typingIndicatorsEnabled] = (legacyPreferences[Legacy.typingIndicatorsEnabledKey] as? Bool == true)
db[.hasHiddenMessageRequests] = CurrentAppContext().appUserDefaults()
.bool(forKey: Legacy.userDefaultsHasHiddenMessageRequests)
print("RAWR [\(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)] - Process thread inserts - End")
print("RAWR Done!!!")
// MARK: - Convenience
private static func attachmentId(_ db: Database, for legacyAttachmentId: String?, interactionVariant: Interaction.Variant? = nil, attachments: [String: TSAttachment]) throws -> String? {
guard let legacyAttachmentId: String = legacyAttachmentId else { return nil }
guard let legacyAttachment: TSAttachment = attachments[legacyAttachmentId] else {
SNLog("[Migration Error] Missing attachment")
throw GRDBStorageError.migrationFailed
let state: Attachment.State = {
switch legacyAttachment {
case let stream as TSAttachmentStream: // Outgoing or already downloaded
switch interactionVariant {
case .standardOutgoing: return (stream.isUploaded ? .uploaded : .pending)
default: return .downloaded
// All other cases can just be set to 'pending'
default: return .pending
let size: CGSize = {
switch legacyAttachment {
case let stream as TSAttachmentStream: return stream.calculateImageSize()
case let pointer as TSAttachmentPointer: return pointer.mediaSize
default: return
let attachment: Attachment = try Attachment(
serverId: "\(legacyAttachment.serverId)",
variant: (legacyAttachment.isVoiceMessage ? .voiceMessage : .standard),
state: state,
contentType: legacyAttachment.contentType,
byteCount: UInt(legacyAttachment.byteCount),
creationTimestamp: (legacyAttachment as? TSAttachmentStream)?.creationTimestamp.timeIntervalSince1970,
sourceFilename: legacyAttachment.sourceFilename,
downloadUrl: legacyAttachment.downloadURL,
width: (size == .zero ? nil : UInt(size.width)),
height: (size == .zero ? nil : UInt(size.height)),
encryptionKey: legacyAttachment.encryptionKey,
digest: (legacyAttachment as? TSAttachmentStream)?.digest,
caption: legacyAttachment.caption