session-ios/SessionMessagingKit/Sending & Receiving/Typing Indicators/TypingIndicators.swift

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2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
2021-05-05 04:13:48 +02:00
public protocol TypingIndicators : AnyObject {
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
func didStartTypingOutgoingInput(inThread thread: TSThread)
func didStopTypingOutgoingInput(inThread thread: TSThread)
func didSendOutgoingMessage(inThread thread: TSThread)
func didReceiveTypingStartedMessage(inThread thread: TSThread, recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt)
func didReceiveTypingStoppedMessage(inThread thread: TSThread, recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt)
func didReceiveIncomingMessage(inThread thread: TSThread, recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt)
// Returns the recipient id of the user who should currently be shown typing for a given thread.
// If no one is typing in that thread, returns nil.
// If multiple users are typing in that thread, returns the user to show.
// TODO: Use this method.
func typingRecipientId(forThread thread: TSThread) -> String?
func setTypingIndicatorsEnabled(value: Bool)
func areTypingIndicatorsEnabled() -> Bool
// MARK: -
2021-05-05 04:13:48 +02:00
public class TypingIndicatorsImpl : NSObject, TypingIndicators {
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
public static let typingIndicatorStateDidChange = Notification.Name("typingIndicatorStateDidChange")
private let kDatabaseCollection = "TypingIndicators"
private let kDatabaseKey_TypingIndicatorsEnabled = "kDatabaseKey_TypingIndicatorsEnabled"
private var _areTypingIndicatorsEnabled = false
public override init() {
AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppWillBecomeReady {
private func setup() {
_areTypingIndicatorsEnabled = OWSPrimaryStorage.shared().dbReadConnection.bool(forKey: kDatabaseKey_TypingIndicatorsEnabled, inCollection: kDatabaseCollection, defaultValue: false)
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
// MARK: -
public func setTypingIndicatorsEnabled(value: Bool) {
_areTypingIndicatorsEnabled = value
2020-11-25 06:15:16 +01:00
OWSPrimaryStorage.shared().dbReadWriteConnection.setBool(value, forKey: kDatabaseKey_TypingIndicatorsEnabled, inCollection: kDatabaseCollection)
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
NotificationCenter.default.postNotificationNameAsync(TypingIndicatorsImpl.typingIndicatorStateDidChange, object: nil)
public func areTypingIndicatorsEnabled() -> Bool {
return _areTypingIndicatorsEnabled
// MARK: -
public func didStartTypingOutgoingInput(inThread thread: TSThread) {
guard let outgoingIndicators = ensureOutgoingIndicators(forThread: thread), !thread.isMessageRequest() else {
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
public func didStopTypingOutgoingInput(inThread thread: TSThread) {
guard let outgoingIndicators = ensureOutgoingIndicators(forThread: thread), !thread.isMessageRequest() else {
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
public func didSendOutgoingMessage(inThread thread: TSThread) {
guard let outgoingIndicators = ensureOutgoingIndicators(forThread: thread) else {
public func didReceiveTypingStartedMessage(inThread thread: TSThread, recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt) {
let incomingIndicators = ensureIncomingIndicators(forThread: thread, recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
public func didReceiveTypingStoppedMessage(inThread thread: TSThread, recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt) {
let incomingIndicators = ensureIncomingIndicators(forThread: thread, recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
public func didReceiveIncomingMessage(inThread thread: TSThread, recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt) {
let incomingIndicators = ensureIncomingIndicators(forThread: thread, recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
public func typingRecipientId(forThread thread: TSThread) -> String? {
guard areTypingIndicatorsEnabled() else {
return nil
var firstRecipientId: String?
var firstTimestamp: UInt64?
let threadKey = incomingIndicatorsKey(forThread: thread)
guard let deviceMap = incomingIndicatorsMap[threadKey] else {
// No devices are typing in this thread.
return nil
for incomingIndicators in deviceMap.values {
guard incomingIndicators.isTyping else {
guard let startedTypingTimestamp = incomingIndicators.startedTypingTimestamp else {
if let firstTimestamp = firstTimestamp,
firstTimestamp < startedTypingTimestamp {
// More than one recipient/device is typing in this conversation;
// prefer the one that started typing first.
firstRecipientId = incomingIndicators.recipientId
firstTimestamp = startedTypingTimestamp
return firstRecipientId
// MARK: -
// Map of thread id-to-OutgoingIndicators.
private var outgoingIndicatorsMap = [String: OutgoingIndicators]()
private func ensureOutgoingIndicators(forThread thread: TSThread) -> OutgoingIndicators? {
guard let threadId = thread.uniqueId else {
return nil
if let outgoingIndicators = outgoingIndicatorsMap[threadId] {
return outgoingIndicators
let outgoingIndicators = OutgoingIndicators(delegate: self, thread: thread)
outgoingIndicatorsMap[threadId] = outgoingIndicators
return outgoingIndicators
// The sender maintains two timers per chat:
// A sendPause timer
// A sendRefresh timer
private class OutgoingIndicators {
private weak var delegate: TypingIndicators?
private let thread: TSThread
private var sendPauseTimer: Timer?
private var sendRefreshTimer: Timer?
init(delegate: TypingIndicators, thread: TSThread) {
self.delegate = delegate
self.thread = thread
// MARK: -
func didStartTypingOutgoingInput() {
if sendRefreshTimer == nil {
// If the user types a character into the compose box, and the sendRefresh timer isnt running:
sendTypingMessageIfNecessary(forThread: thread, action: .started)
sendRefreshTimer = Timer.weakScheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10,
target: self,
selector: #selector(OutgoingIndicators.sendRefreshTimerDidFire),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false)
} else {
// If the user types a character into the compose box, and the sendRefresh timer is running:
sendPauseTimer = Timer.weakScheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 3,
target: self,
selector: #selector(OutgoingIndicators.sendPauseTimerDidFire),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false)
func didStopTypingOutgoingInput() {
sendTypingMessageIfNecessary(forThread: thread, action: .stopped)
sendRefreshTimer = nil
sendPauseTimer = nil
func sendPauseTimerDidFire() {
sendTypingMessageIfNecessary(forThread: thread, action: .stopped)
sendRefreshTimer = nil
sendPauseTimer = nil
func sendRefreshTimerDidFire() {
sendTypingMessageIfNecessary(forThread: thread, action: .started)
sendRefreshTimer = Timer.weakScheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10,
target: self,
selector: #selector(sendRefreshTimerDidFire),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false)
func didSendOutgoingMessage() {
sendRefreshTimer = nil
sendPauseTimer = nil
2020-11-16 00:34:47 +01:00
private func sendTypingMessageIfNecessary(forThread thread: TSThread, action: TypingIndicator.Kind) {
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
guard let delegate = delegate else {
// `areTypingIndicatorsEnabled` reflects the user-facing setting in the app preferences.
// If it's disabled we don't want to emit "typing indicator" messages
// or show typing indicators for other users.
guard delegate.areTypingIndicatorsEnabled() else {
2020-11-23 06:35:49 +01:00
if thread.isGroupThread() { return } // Don't send typing indicators in group threads
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
2020-11-12 06:02:21 +01:00
let typingIndicator = TypingIndicator()
2020-11-16 00:34:47 +01:00
typingIndicator.kind = action
2020-12-07 06:00:21 +01:00 { transaction in
MessageSender.send(typingIndicator, in: thread, using: transaction as! YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction)
2020-11-12 06:02:21 +01:00
2020-11-11 00:58:56 +01:00
// MARK: -
// Map of (thread id)-to-(recipient id and device id)-to-IncomingIndicators.
private var incomingIndicatorsMap = [String: [String: IncomingIndicators]]()
private func incomingIndicatorsKey(forThread thread: TSThread) -> String {
return String(describing: thread.uniqueId)
private func incomingIndicatorsKey(recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt) -> String {
return "\(recipientId) \(deviceId)"
private func ensureIncomingIndicators(forThread thread: TSThread, recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt) -> IncomingIndicators {
let threadKey = incomingIndicatorsKey(forThread: thread)
let deviceKey = incomingIndicatorsKey(recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
guard let deviceMap = incomingIndicatorsMap[threadKey] else {
let incomingIndicators = IncomingIndicators(delegate: self, thread: thread, recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
incomingIndicatorsMap[threadKey] = [deviceKey: incomingIndicators]
return incomingIndicators
guard let incomingIndicators = deviceMap[deviceKey] else {
let incomingIndicators = IncomingIndicators(delegate: self, thread: thread, recipientId: recipientId, deviceId: deviceId)
var deviceMapCopy = deviceMap
deviceMapCopy[deviceKey] = incomingIndicators
incomingIndicatorsMap[threadKey] = deviceMapCopy
return incomingIndicators
return incomingIndicators
// The receiver maintains one timer for each (sender, device) in a chat:
private class IncomingIndicators {
private weak var delegate: TypingIndicators?
private let thread: TSThread
fileprivate let recipientId: String
private let deviceId: UInt
private var displayTypingTimer: Timer?
fileprivate var startedTypingTimestamp: UInt64?
var isTyping = false {
didSet {
let didChange = oldValue != isTyping
if didChange {
init(delegate: TypingIndicators, thread: TSThread,
recipientId: String, deviceId: UInt) {
self.delegate = delegate
self.thread = thread
self.recipientId = recipientId
self.deviceId = deviceId
func didReceiveTypingStartedMessage() {
displayTypingTimer = Timer.weakScheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 5,
target: self,
selector: #selector(IncomingIndicators.displayTypingTimerDidFire),
userInfo: nil,
repeats: false)
if !isTyping {
startedTypingTimestamp = NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp()
isTyping = true
func didReceiveTypingStoppedMessage() {
func displayTypingTimerDidFire() {
func didReceiveIncomingMessage() {
private func clearTyping() {
displayTypingTimer = nil
startedTypingTimestamp = nil
isTyping = false
private func notifyIfNecessary() {
guard let delegate = delegate else {
// `areTypingIndicatorsEnabled` reflects the user-facing setting in the app preferences.
// If it's disabled we don't want to emit "typing indicator" messages
// or show typing indicators for other users.
guard delegate.areTypingIndicatorsEnabled() else {
guard let threadId = thread.uniqueId else {
NotificationCenter.default.postNotificationNameAsync(TypingIndicatorsImpl.typingIndicatorStateDidChange, object: threadId)