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// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public struct OpenGroup: Codable, Identifiable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "openGroup" }
internal static let threadForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.threadId], to: [])
private static let thread = belongsTo(SessionThread.self, using: threadForeignKey)
private static let capabilities = hasMany(Capability.self, using: Capability.openGroupForeignKey)
private static let members = hasMany(GroupMember.self, using: GroupMember.openGroupForeignKey)
public typealias Columns = CodingKeys
public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression {
case threadId
case server
case room
case publicKey
case name
case groupDescription = "description"
case imageId
case imageData
case userCount
case infoUpdates
public var id: String { threadId } // Identifiable
/// The id for the thread this open group belongs to
/// **Note:** This value will always be `\(server).\(room)` (This needs its own column to
/// allow for db joining to the Thread table)
public let threadId: String
/// The server for the group
public let server: String
/// The specific room on the server for the group
public let room: String
/// The public key for the group
public let publicKey: String
/// The name for the group
public let name: String
/// The description for the group
public let groupDescription: String?
/// The ID with which the image can be retrieved from the server
public let imageId: Int?
/// The image for the group
public let imageData: Data?
/// The number of users in the group
public let userCount: Int
/// Monotonic room information counter that increases each time the room's metadata changes
public let infoUpdates: Int
// MARK: - Relationships
public var thread: QueryInterfaceRequest<SessionThread> {
request(for: OpenGroup.thread)
public var capabilities: QueryInterfaceRequest<Capability> {
request(for: OpenGroup.capabilities)
public var moderatorIds: QueryInterfaceRequest<GroupMember> {
request(for: OpenGroup.members)
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.moderator)
public var adminIds: QueryInterfaceRequest<GroupMember> {
request(for: OpenGroup.members)
.filter(GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.admin)
// MARK: - Initialization
public init(
server: String,
room: String,
publicKey: String,
name: String,
groupDescription: String? = nil,
imageId: Int? = nil,
imageData: Data? = nil,
userCount: Int,
infoUpdates: Int
) {
self.threadId = OpenGroup.idFor(room: room, server: server)
self.server = server.lowercased() = room
self.publicKey = publicKey = name
self.groupDescription = groupDescription
self.imageId = imageId
self.imageData = imageData
self.userCount = userCount
self.infoUpdates = infoUpdates
// MARK: - Custom Database Interaction
public func delete(_ db: Database) throws -> Bool {
// Delete all 'GroupMember' records associated with this OpenGroup (can't
// have a proper ForeignKey constraint as 'GroupMember' is reused for the
// 'ClosedGroup' table as well)
try request(for: OpenGroup.members).deleteAll(db)
return try performDelete(db)
// MARK: - Convenience
public extension OpenGroup {
static func idFor(room: String, server: String) -> String {
return "\(server.lowercased()).\(room)"