Merge branch 'charlesmchen/prekeyDoubleUpdate_'

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Chen 2017-04-14 14:34:31 -04:00
commit 2367ab7439
3 changed files with 45 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RefreshPreKeysMode) {
success:(void (^)())successHandler
failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failureHandler;
+ (void)refreshPreKeys;
+ (void)checkPreKeys;
+ (void)checkPreKeysIfNecessary;

View File

@ -95,9 +95,21 @@ static const CGFloat kSignedPreKeyUpdateFailureMaxFailureDuration = 10 * 24 * 60
BOOL shouldCheck = (lastPreKeyCheckTimestamp == nil
|| fabs([lastPreKeyCheckTimestamp timeIntervalSinceNow]) >= kPreKeyCheckFrequencySeconds);
if (shouldCheck) {
// Optimistically mark the prekeys as checked. This
// de-bounces prekey checks.
// If the check or key registration fails, the prekeys
// will be marked as _NOT_ checked.
// Note: [TSPreKeyManager checkPreKeys] will also
// optimistically mark them as checked. This
// redundancy is fine and precludes a race
// condition.
lastPreKeyCheckTimestamp = [NSDate date];
[[TSAccountManager sharedInstance] ifRegistered:YES
[TSPreKeyManager refreshPreKeys];
[TSPreKeyManager checkPreKeys];
@ -110,6 +122,9 @@ static const CGFloat kSignedPreKeyUpdateFailureMaxFailureDuration = 10 * 24 * 60
// We use prekeyQueue to serialize this logic and ensure that only
// one thread is "registering" or "clearing" prekeys at a time.
dispatch_async(TSPreKeyManager.prekeyQueue, ^{
// Mark the prekeys as checked every time we try to register prekeys.
lastPreKeyCheckTimestamp = [NSDate date];
RefreshPreKeysMode modeCopy = mode;
TSStorageManager *storageManager = [TSStorageManager sharedManager];
ECKeyPair *identityKeyPair = [storageManager identityKeyPair];
@ -165,6 +180,9 @@ static const CGFloat kSignedPreKeyUpdateFailureMaxFailureDuration = 10 * 24 * 60
failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
OWSAnalyticsError(@"Prekey update failed (%@): %@", description, error);
// Mark the prekeys as _NOT_ checked on failure.
[self markPreKeysAsNotChecked];
NSInteger statusCode = 0;
@ -181,7 +199,17 @@ static const CGFloat kSignedPreKeyUpdateFailureMaxFailureDuration = 10 * 24 * 60
+ (void)refreshPreKeys {
+ (void)checkPreKeys
// Optimistically mark the prekeys as checked. This
// de-bounces prekey checks.
// If the check or key registration fails, the prekeys
// will be marked as _NOT_ checked.
dispatch_async(TSPreKeyManager.prekeyQueue, ^{
lastPreKeyCheckTimestamp = [NSDate date];
// We want to update prekeys if either the one-time or signed prekeys need an update, so
// we check the status of both.
@ -243,11 +271,6 @@ static const CGFloat kSignedPreKeyUpdateFailureMaxFailureDuration = 10 * 24 * 60
// Update the prekey check timestamp on success.
dispatch_async(TSPreKeyManager.prekeyQueue, ^{
lastPreKeyCheckTimestamp = [NSDate date];
if (!didUpdatePreKeys) {
// If we didn't update the prekeys, our local "current signed key" state should
// agree with the service's "current signed key" state. Let's verify that,
@ -273,14 +296,27 @@ static const CGFloat kSignedPreKeyUpdateFailureMaxFailureDuration = 10 * 24 * 60
failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
DDLogWarn(@"%@ Could not retrieve current signed key from the service.", self.tag);
// Mark the prekeys as _NOT_ checked on failure.
[self markPreKeysAsNotChecked];
failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
DDLogError(@"%@ Failed to retrieve the number of available prekeys.", self.tag);
// Mark the prekeys as _NOT_ checked on failure.
[self markPreKeysAsNotChecked];
+ (void)markPreKeysAsNotChecked
dispatch_async(TSPreKeyManager.prekeyQueue, ^{
lastPreKeyCheckTimestamp = nil;
+ (void)clearSignedPreKeyRecords {
TSStorageManager *storageManager = [TSStorageManager sharedManager];
NSNumber *currentSignedPrekeyId = [storageManager currentSignedPrekeyId];

View File

@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
NSData *plaintextData;
@try {
// Check whether we need to refresh our PreKeys every time we receive a PreKeyWhisperMessage.
[TSPreKeyManager refreshPreKeys];
[TSPreKeyManager checkPreKeys];
PreKeyWhisperMessage *message = [[PreKeyWhisperMessage alloc] initWithData:encryptedData];
SessionCipher *cipher = [[SessionCipher alloc] initWithSessionStore:storageManager