Include filename, support sharing all other image types

This commit is contained in:
Michael Kirk 2017-12-06 18:52:49 -05:00
parent 3eceb86371
commit 3036337a5a

View file

@ -382,41 +382,62 @@ public class ShareViewController: UINavigationController, SAELoadViewDelegate, S
// TODO Multiple attachments. In that case I'm unclear if we'll
// be given multile inputItems or a signle inputItem with multiple attachments.
// be given multiple inputItems or a single inputItem with multiple attachments.
guard let itemProvider: NSItemProvider = inputItem.attachments?.first as? NSItemProvider else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "No item provider in input item attachments")
return Promise(error: error)
}"\(self.logTag) attachment: \(itemProvider)")
guard itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(kUTTypeJPEG as String) else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "only supporting jpegs for now")
// TODO support other utiTypes
let utiType = kUTTypeImage as String
guard itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(utiType) else {
let error = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "only supporting images for now")
return Promise(error: error)
let (promise, fulfill, reject) = Promise<UIImage>.pending()
let (promise, fulfill, reject) = Promise<URL>.pending()
itemProvider.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: utiType, options: nil, completionHandler: {
(provider, error) in
// TODO accept other data types
// TODO whitelist attachment types
// TODO coerce when necessary and possible
itemProvider.loadPreviewImage(options: nil,
completionHandler: { (previewImage, error) in
guard error == nil else {
guard let image = previewImage as? UIImage else {
let unexpectedTypeError = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "unexpected item type: \(String(describing: previewImage))")
guard let url = provider as? URL else {
let unexpectedTypeError = ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "unexpected item type: \(String(describing: provider))")
return promise.then { (image: UIImage) in
return SignalAttachment.imageAttachment(image: image, dataUTI: kUTTypeJPEG as String, filename: "from-share-extension-2345")
// TODO accept other data types
// TODO whitelist attachment types
// TODO coerce when necessary and possible
return promise.then { (url: URL) -> SignalAttachment in
// TODO use lazy DataProvider?
guard let dataSource = DataSourcePath.dataSource(with: url) else {
throw ShareViewControllerError.assertionError(description: "Unable to read attachment data")
dataSource.sourceFilename = url.lastPathComponent
// start with base utiType, but it might be something generic like "image"
var specificUTIType = utiType
if url.pathExtension.count > 0 {
// Determine a more specific utiType based on file extension
if let typeExtension = MIMETypeUtil.utiType(forFileExtension: url.pathExtension) {
specificUTIType = typeExtension
let attachment = SignalAttachment.attachment(dataSource: dataSource, dataUTI: specificUTIType)
return attachment