Merge pull request #191 from Strilanc/patch-1

Update doc comment in ZrptManager.h // FREEBIE
This commit is contained in:
Frederic Jacobs 2014-11-02 10:29:21 +01:00
commit 30a6da31c3

View file

@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
/// Starts a zrtp handshake over the given RtpSocket.
/// The given role type determines if we play the initiator role or the responder role,
/// The CallController's isInitiator state determines if we play the zrtp initiator or responder role,
/// All cryptographic keys and settings are either generated on the fly or pulled from the Environment.
/// @return
/// The asynchronous result has type Future(ZrtpHandshakeResult).
/// If the handshake completes succesfully, the resulting ZrtpHandshakeResult contains the SrtpSocket to be used for sending audio.
/// If the handshake timeout or otherwise fails to complete, the result will contain a failure.
/// If the handshake is cancelled, the result will contain a failure containing the cancellation token.
/// If the handshake times out, fails to complete, or is cancelled (via the call controller's untilCancelledToken),
/// the returned future will be given a failure.
/// @param rtpSocket
/// The socket to perform the handshake over.