This commit is contained in:
nielsandriesse 2020-05-22 16:27:56 +10:00
parent 99654461b9
commit 370873c359
2 changed files with 9 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -329,30 +329,6 @@ static NSTimeInterval launchStartedAt;
OWSLogInfo(@"application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions completed.");
[OWSAnalytics appLaunchDidBegin];
// Loki
// self.lokiP2PServer = [LKP2PServer new];
// We try to bind to 8081, if we can't then we just fallback to any random port
// NSArray *ports = @[ @8081, @0 ];
// for (NSNumber *port in ports) {
// if (self.lokiP2PServer.isRunning) { break; }
// BOOL isStarted = [self.lokiP2PServer startOnPort:port.unsignedIntegerValue];
// if (isStarted) {
// NSURL *serverURL = self.lokiP2PServer.serverURL;
// [LKP2PAPI setOurP2PAddressWithUrl:self.lokiP2PServer.serverURL];
// NSString *serverURLDescription = serverURL.absoluteString;
// if ([serverURLDescription hasSuffix:@"/"]) {
// serverURLDescription = [serverURLDescription substringToIndex:serverURLDescription.length - 1];
// }
// NSLog(@"[Loki] Started server at %@.", serverURLDescription);
// break;
// }
// }
// if (!self.lokiP2PServer.isRunning) {
// NSLog(@"[Loki] Failed to start P2P server.");
// }
return YES;

View File

@ -67,15 +67,15 @@
OWSTableSection *strategySection = [OWSTableSection new];
strategySection.headerTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Notification Strategy", @"");
[strategySection addItem:[OWSTableItem switchItemWithText:NSLocalizedString(@"Use APNs", @"")
accessibilityIdentifier:ACCESSIBILITY_IDENTIFIER_WITH_NAME(self, @"push_notification_strategy")
return [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey:@"isUsingFullAPNs"];
return YES;
accessibilityIdentifier:ACCESSIBILITY_IDENTIFIER_WITH_NAME(self, @"push_notification_strategy")
return [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey:@"isUsingFullAPNs"];
return YES;
strategySection.footerTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Session will use the Apple Push Notification Service to receive push notifications. Youll be notified of new messages reliably and immediately. Using APNs means that this device will communicate directly with Apples servers to retrieve push notifications, which will expose your IP address to Apple. Your messages will still be onion-routed and end-to-end encrypted, so the contents of your messages will remain completely private.", @"");
[contents addSection:strategySection];