remove WIP comments

This commit is contained in:
Michael Kirk 2018-04-11 11:50:30 -04:00
parent 1780973e68
commit 5320536736
5 changed files with 3 additions and 200 deletions

View File

@ -1096,44 +1096,6 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
//- (void)handleLongPressGesture:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)sender
// OWSAssert(self.delegate);
// if (sender.state != UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {
// return;
// }
// if (self.viewItem.interaction.interactionType == OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage) {
// TSOutgoingMessage *outgoingMessage = (TSOutgoingMessage *)self.viewItem.interaction;
// if (outgoingMessage.messageState == TSOutgoingMessageStateUnsent) {
// // Ignore long press on unsent messages.
// return;
// } else if (outgoingMessage.messageState == TSOutgoingMessageStateAttemptingOut) {
// // Ignore long press on outgoing messages being sent.
// return;
// }
// }
// CGPoint locationInMessageBubble = [sender locationInView:self];
// switch ([self gestureLocationForLocation:locationInMessageBubble]) {
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_Default:
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_OversizeText: {
// CGPoint location = [sender locationInView:self];
// [self showTextMenuController:location];
// break;
// }
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_Media: {
// CGPoint location = [sender locationInView:self];
// [self showMediaMenuController:location];
// break;
// }
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_QuotedReply:
// // TODO:
// break;
// }
- (void)handleMediaTapGesture

View File

@ -83,10 +83,6 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
self.contentView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
// UITapGestureRecognizer *tap =
// [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleTapGesture:)];
// [self.contentView addGestureRecognizer:tap];
UILongPressGestureRecognizer *longPress =
[[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleLongPressGesture:)];
[self.contentView addGestureRecognizer:longPress];
@ -483,47 +479,6 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
#pragma mark - Gesture recognizers
//- (void)handleTapGesture:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)sender
// OWSAssert(self.delegate);
// if (sender.state != UIGestureRecognizerStateRecognized) {
// DDLogVerbose(@"%@ Ignoring tap on message: %@", self.logTag, self.viewItem.interaction.debugDescription);
// return;
// }
// if (self.viewItem.interaction.interactionType == OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage) {
// TSOutgoingMessage *outgoingMessage = (TSOutgoingMessage *)self.viewItem.interaction;
// if (outgoingMessage.messageState == TSOutgoingMessageStateUnsent) {
// [self.delegate didTapFailedOutgoingMessage:outgoingMessage];
// return;
// } else if (outgoingMessage.messageState == TSOutgoingMessageStateAttemptingOut) {
// // Ignore taps on outgoing messages being sent.
// return;
// }
// }
// CGPoint locationInMessageBubble = [sender locationInView:self.messageBubbleView];
// switch ([self.messageBubbleView gestureLocationForLocation:locationInMessageBubble]) {
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_Default:
// // Do nothing.
// return;
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_OversizeText:
// [self.delegate didTapTruncatedTextMessage:self.viewItem];
// return;
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_Media:
// [self handleMediaTapGesture];
// break;
// case OWSMessageGestureLocation_QuotedReply:
// if (self.message.quotedMessage) {
// [self.delegate didTapQuotedMessage:self.viewItem quotedMessage:self.message.quotedMessage];
// } else {
// OWSFail(@"%@ Missing quoted message.", self.logTag)
// }
// break;
// }
- (void)handleLongPressGesture:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)sender

View File

@ -560,9 +560,6 @@ NSString *NSStringForOWSMessageCellType(OWSMessageCellType cellType)
[[UIMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"REPLY_ITEM_ACTION",
@"Short name for edit menu item to reply to a message.")
// FIXME: when deleting a caption, users will be surprised that it also deletes the attachment.
// We either need to implement a way to remove the caption separate from the attachment
// or make a design change which clarifies that the whole message is getting deleted.
[[UIMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"EDIT_ITEM_DELETE_ACTION",
@"Short name for edit menu item to delete contents of media message.")

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ enum MessageMetadataViewMode: UInt {
case focusOnMetadata
//class MessageDetailViewController: OWSViewController, MediaDetailPresenter, MediaGalleryDataSourceDelegate {
class MessageDetailViewController: OWSViewController, MediaGalleryDataSourceDelegate, OWSMessageBubbleViewDelegate {
// MARK: Properties
@ -330,7 +329,6 @@ class MessageDetailViewController: OWSViewController, MediaGalleryDataSourceDele
// messageBubbleView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(messageBubbleTapped)))
let row = UIView()
@ -587,42 +585,6 @@ class MessageDetailViewController: OWSViewController, MediaGalleryDataSourceDele
messageBubbleViewHeightLayoutConstraint.constant = messageBubbleSize.height
// // MARK: - Event Handlers
// func messageBubbleTapped(sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
// guard let messageBubbleView = messageBubbleView else {
// return
// }
// guard sender.state == .recognized else {
// return
// }
// if let outgoingMessage = viewItem.interaction as? TSOutgoingMessage {
// switch outgoingMessage.messageState {
// case .attemptingOut,
// .unsent:
// // Ignore taps on "unsent" and "sending" messages.
// return
// default:
// break
// }
// }
// let locationInMessageBubble = sender.location(in: messageBubbleView)
// switch messageBubbleView.gestureLocation(forLocation: locationInMessageBubble) {
// case .default:
// break
// case .oversizeText:
// let viewController = LongTextViewController(viewItem: viewItem)
// self.navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
// break
// case .media:
// // TODO: We could show MediaGalleryViewController?
// break
// case .quotedReply:
// break
// }
// }
// MARK: OWSMessageBubbleViewDelegate
func didTapImageViewItem(_ viewItem: ConversationViewItem, attachmentStream: TSAttachmentStream, imageView: UIView) {
@ -714,17 +676,4 @@ class MessageDetailViewController: OWSViewController, MediaGalleryDataSourceDele
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
// // MARK: MediaDetailPresenter
// public func presentDetails(mediaMessageView: MediaMessageView, fromView: UIView) {
// guard self.attachmentStream != nil else {
// owsFail("attachment stream unexpectedly nil")
// return
// }
// let mediaGalleryViewController = MediaGalleryViewController(thread: self.thread, uiDatabaseConnection: self.uiDatabaseConnection)
// mediaGalleryViewController.addDataSourceDelegate(self)
// mediaGalleryViewController.presentDetailView(fromViewController: self, mediaMessage: self.message, replacingView: fromView)
// }

View File

@ -14,11 +14,6 @@ public enum MediaMessageViewMode: UInt {
case attachmentApproval
//public protocol MediaDetailPresenter: class {
// func presentDetails(mediaMessageView: MediaMessageView, fromView: UIView)
public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
@ -59,8 +54,6 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
public var contentView: UIView?
// private weak var mediaDetailPresenter: MediaDetailPresenter?
// MARK: Initializers
@available(*, unavailable, message:"use other constructor instead.")
@ -68,18 +61,13 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
fatalError("\(#function) is unimplemented.")
// @objc
// public convenience init(attachment: SignalAttachment, mode: MediaMessageViewMode) {
// self.init(attachment: attachment, mode: mode, mediaDetailPresenter: nil)
// }
// TODO there's only one mode now, used by the AttachmentApprovalView
// Currently we only use one mode (AttachmentApproval), so we could simplify this class, but it's kind
// of nice that it's written in a flexible way in case we'd want to use it elsewhere again in the future.
public required init(attachment: SignalAttachment, mode: MediaMessageViewMode) { //}, mediaDetailPresenter: MediaDetailPresenter?) {
public required init(attachment: SignalAttachment, mode: MediaMessageViewMode) {
self.attachment = attachment
self.mode = mode
// self.mediaDetailPresenter = mediaDetailPresenter
@ -205,9 +193,6 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
let aspectRatio = image.size.width / image.size.height
addSubviewWithScaleAspectFitLayout(view: animatedImageView, aspectRatio: aspectRatio)
contentView = animatedImageView
// animatedImageView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
// animatedImageView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(imageTapped)))
private func addSubviewWithScaleAspectFitLayout(view: UIView, aspectRatio: CGFloat) {
@ -239,9 +224,6 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
let aspectRatio = image.size.width / image.size.height
addSubviewWithScaleAspectFitLayout(view: imageView, aspectRatio: aspectRatio)
contentView = imageView
// imageView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
// imageView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(imageTapped)))
private func createVideoPreview() {
@ -270,9 +252,6 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
videoPlayButton.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
// imageView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
// imageView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(videoTapped)))
@ -447,43 +426,4 @@ public class MediaMessageView: UIView, OWSAudioPlayerDelegate {
audioPlayButton?.setImage(image, for: .normal)
audioPlayButton?.imageView?.tintColor = controlTintColor
// // MARK: - Full Screen Image
// @objc
// func imageTapped(sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
// // Approval view handles it's own zooming gesture
// guard mode != .attachmentApproval else {
// return
// }
// guard sender.state == .recognized else {
// return
// }
// guard let fromView = sender.view else {
// return
// }
// showMediaDetailViewController(fromView: fromView)
// }
// // MARK: - Video Playback
// @objc
// func videoTapped(sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
// // Approval view handles it's own play gesture
// guard mode != .attachmentApproval else {
// return
// }
// guard sender.state == .recognized else {
// return
// }
// guard let fromView = sender.view else {
// return
// }
// showMediaDetailViewController(fromView: fromView)
// }
// func showMediaDetailViewController(fromView: UIView) {
// self.mediaDetailPresenter?.presentDetails(mediaMessageView: self, fromView: fromView)
// }