This commit is contained in:
nielsandriesse 2020-04-21 10:36:23 +10:00
parent 8672577a8b
commit 72b3aba54d
6 changed files with 133 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -27,14 +27,13 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
internal static let workQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "LokiAPI.workQueue", qos: .userInitiated)
internal static var storage: OWSPrimaryStorage { OWSPrimaryStorage.shared() }
internal static var userHexEncodedPublicKey: String { getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() }
/// All service node related errors must be handled on this queue to avoid race conditions maintaining e.g. failure counts.
public static let errorHandlingQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "LokiAPI.errorHandlingQueue")
// MARK: Convenience
internal static let storage = OWSPrimaryStorage.shared()
internal static let userHexEncodedPublicKey = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey()
// MARK: Settings
private static let useOnionRequests = true
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 4
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
public static let defaultMessageTTL: UInt64 = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
public static let deviceLinkUpdateInterval: TimeInterval = 20
// MARK: Types
// MARK: Nested Types
public typealias RawResponse = Any
@objc public class LokiAPIError : NSError { // Not called `Error` for Obj-C interoperablity
@ -104,12 +103,12 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
internal static func invoke(_ method: LokiAPITarget.Method, on target: LokiAPITarget, associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKey: String,
parameters: JSON, headers: [String:String]? = nil, timeout: TimeInterval? = nil) -> RawResponsePromise {
let url = URL(string: "\(target.address):\(target.port)/storage_rpc/v1")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: [ "method" : method.rawValue, "params" : parameters ])
if let headers = headers { request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers }
request.timeoutInterval = timeout ?? defaultTimeout
if useOnionRequests {
return OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(invoking: method, on: target, with: parameters, associatedWith: hexEncodedPublicKey).map { $0 as Any }
} else {
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: [ "method" : method.rawValue, "params" : parameters ])
if let headers = headers { request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers }
request.timeoutInterval = timeout ?? defaultTimeout
return TSNetworkManager.shared().perform(request, withCompletionQueue: workQueue)
.map { $0.responseObject }
.handlingSnodeErrorsIfNeeded(for: target, associatedWith: hexEncodedPublicKey)
@ -133,7 +132,13 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
}.map { Set($0) }
public static func objc_getDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = getDestinations(for: hexEncodedPublicKey)
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func getDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String) -> Promise<[Destination]> {
var result: Promise<[Destination]>!
storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in
@ -141,7 +146,13 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
return result
public static func objc_getDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = getDestinations(for: hexEncodedPublicKey, in: transaction)
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func getDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> Promise<[Destination]> {
let (promise, seal) = Promise<[Destination]>.pending()
func getDestinations(in transaction: YapDatabaseReadTransaction? = nil) {
@ -189,7 +200,13 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
return promise
public static func objc_sendSignalMessage(_ signalMessage: SignalMessage, onP2PSuccess: @escaping () -> Void) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = sendSignalMessage(signalMessage, onP2PSuccess: onP2PSuccess).mapValues { AnyPromise.from($0) }.map { Set($0) }
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func sendSignalMessage(_ signalMessage: SignalMessage, onP2PSuccess: @escaping () -> Void) -> Promise<Set<RawResponsePromise>> {
guard let lokiMessage = LokiMessage.from(signalMessage: signalMessage) else { return Promise(error: LokiAPIError.messageConversionFailed) }
let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default
@ -245,25 +262,6 @@ public final class LokiAPI : NSObject {
// MARK: Public API (Obj-C)
public static func objc_getDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = getDestinations(for: hexEncodedPublicKey)
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func objc_getDestinations(for hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = getDestinations(for: hexEncodedPublicKey, in: transaction)
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
public static func objc_sendSignalMessage(_ signalMessage: SignalMessage, onP2PSuccess: @escaping () -> Void) -> AnyPromise {
let promise = sendSignalMessage(signalMessage, onP2PSuccess: onP2PSuccess).mapValues { AnyPromise.from($0) }.map { Set($0) }
return AnyPromise.from(promise)
// MARK: Parsing
// The parsing utilities below use a best attempt approach to parsing; they warn for parsing failures but don't throw exceptions.

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ internal final class LokiAPITarget : NSObject, NSCoding {
internal let port: UInt16
internal let publicKeySet: KeySet?
// MARK: Types
// MARK: Nested Types
internal enum Method : String {
/// Only supported by snode targets.
case getSwarm = "get_snodes_for_pubkey"

View File

@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ import SignalMetadataKit
/// Base class for `LokiFileServerAPI` and `LokiPublicChatAPI`.
public class LokiDotNetAPI : NSObject {
// MARK: Convenience
internal static let storage = OWSPrimaryStorage.shared()
internal static let userKeyPair = OWSIdentityManager.shared().identityKeyPair()!
internal static let userHexEncodedPublicKey = userKeyPair.hexEncodedPublicKey
internal static var storage: OWSPrimaryStorage { OWSPrimaryStorage.shared() }
internal static var userKeyPair: ECKeyPair { OWSIdentityManager.shared().identityKeyPair()! }
internal static var userHexEncodedPublicKey: String { userKeyPair.hexEncodedPublicKey }
// MARK: Settings
private static let attachmentType = "network.loki"
@ -69,7 +68,45 @@ public class LokiDotNetAPI : NSObject {
// MARK: Lifecycle
override private init() { }
// MARK: Attachments (Public API)
// MARK: Private API
private static func requestNewAuthToken(for server: String) -> Promise<String> {
print("[Loki] Requesting auth token for server: \(server).")
let queryParameters = "pubKey=\(userHexEncodedPublicKey)"
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/get_challenge?\(queryParameters)")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url)
return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request, withCompletionQueue: LokiAPI.workQueue).map(on: LokiAPI.workQueue) { rawResponse in
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let base64EncodedChallenge = json["cipherText64"] as? String, let base64EncodedServerPublicKey = json["serverPubKey64"] as? String,
let challenge = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedChallenge), var serverPublicKey = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedServerPublicKey) else {
throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed
// Discard the "05" prefix if needed
if serverPublicKey.count == 33 {
let hexEncodedServerPublicKey = serverPublicKey.toHexString()
serverPublicKey = hexEncodedServerPublicKey.substring(from: 2))!
// The challenge is prefixed by the 16 bit IV
guard let tokenAsData = try? DiffieHellman.decrypt(challenge, publicKey: serverPublicKey, privateKey: userKeyPair.privateKey),
let token = String(bytes: tokenAsData, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw LokiDotNetAPIError.decryptionFailed
return token
private static func submitAuthToken(_ token: String, for server: String) -> Promise<String> {
print("[Loki] Submitting auth token for server: \(server).")
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/submit_challenge")!
let parameters = [ "pubKey" : userHexEncodedPublicKey, "token" : token ]
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: parameters)
return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request, withCompletionQueue: LokiAPI.workQueue).map { _ in token }
// MARK: Public API
public static func objc_uploadAttachment(_ attachment: TSAttachmentStream, with attachmentID: String, to server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(uploadAttachment(attachment, with: attachmentID, to: server))
public static func uploadAttachment(_ attachment: TSAttachmentStream, with attachmentID: String, to server: String) -> Promise<Void> {
let isEncryptionRequired = (server == LokiFileServerAPI.server)
return Promise<Void>() { seal in
@ -172,43 +209,4 @@ public class LokiDotNetAPI : NSObject {
// MARK: Private API
private static func requestNewAuthToken(for server: String) -> Promise<String> {
print("[Loki] Requesting auth token for server: \(server).")
let queryParameters = "pubKey=\(userHexEncodedPublicKey)"
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/get_challenge?\(queryParameters)")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url)
return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request, withCompletionQueue: LokiAPI.workQueue).map(on: LokiAPI.workQueue) { rawResponse in
guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let base64EncodedChallenge = json["cipherText64"] as? String, let base64EncodedServerPublicKey = json["serverPubKey64"] as? String,
let challenge = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedChallenge), var serverPublicKey = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncodedServerPublicKey) else {
throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed
// Discard the "05" prefix if needed
if serverPublicKey.count == 33 {
let hexEncodedServerPublicKey = serverPublicKey.toHexString()
serverPublicKey = hexEncodedServerPublicKey.substring(from: 2))!
// The challenge is prefixed by the 16 bit IV
guard let tokenAsData = try? DiffieHellman.decrypt(challenge, publicKey: serverPublicKey, privateKey: userKeyPair.privateKey),
let token = String(bytes: tokenAsData, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw LokiDotNetAPIError.decryptionFailed
return token
private static func submitAuthToken(_ token: String, for server: String) -> Promise<String> {
print("[Loki] Submitting auth token for server: \(server).")
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/submit_challenge")!
let parameters = [ "pubKey" : userHexEncodedPublicKey, "token" : token ]
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: parameters)
return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request, withCompletionQueue: LokiAPI.workQueue).map { _ in token }
// MARK: Attachments (Public Obj-C API)
public static func objc_uploadAttachment(_ attachment: TSAttachmentStream, with attachmentID: String, to server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(uploadAttachment(attachment, with: attachmentID, to: server))

View File

@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ public final class LokiFileServerAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
// MARK: Database
override internal class var authTokenCollection: String { return "LokiStorageAuthTokenCollection" }
// MARK: Device Links (Public API)
// MARK: Device Links
public static func objc_getDeviceLinks(associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKey: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(getDeviceLinks(associatedWith: hexEncodedPublicKey))
/// Gets the device links associated with the given hex encoded public key from the
/// server and stores and returns the valid ones.
public static func getDeviceLinks(associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKey: String, in transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction? = nil) -> Promise<Set<DeviceLink>> {
@ -138,13 +143,12 @@ public final class LokiFileServerAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
// MARK: Device Links (Public Obj-C API)
public static func objc_getDeviceLinks(associatedWith hexEncodedPublicKey: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(getDeviceLinks(associatedWith: hexEncodedPublicKey))
// MARK: Profile Pictures
public static func objc_uploadProfilePicture(_ profilePicture: Data) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(uploadProfilePicture(profilePicture))
// MARK: Profile Pictures (Public API)
public static func uploadProfilePicture(_ profilePicture: Data) -> Promise<String> {
guard profilePicture.count < maxFileSize else { return Promise(error: LokiDotNetAPIError.maxFileSizeExceeded) }
let url = "\(server)/files"
@ -168,10 +172,4 @@ public final class LokiFileServerAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
return downloadURL
// MARK: Profile Pictures (Public Obj-C API)
public static func objc_uploadProfilePicture(_ profilePicture: Data) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(uploadProfilePicture(profilePicture))

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public final class DeviceLink : NSObject, NSCoding {
return (userHexEncodedPublicKey == master.hexEncodedPublicKey) ? slave : master
// MARK: Types
// MARK: Nested Types
public final class Device : NSObject, NSCoding {
@objc public let hexEncodedPublicKey: String

View File

@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ import PromiseKit
public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
private static var moderators: [String:[UInt64:Set<String>]] = [:] // Server URL to (channel ID to set of moderator IDs)
@objc public static let defaultChats: [LokiPublicChat] = [] // Currently unused
public static var displayNameUpdatees: [String:Set<String>] = [:]
// MARK: Settings
private static let fallbackBatchCount = 64
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 8
// MARK: Public Chat
private static let channelInfoType = "net.patter-app.settings"
private static let attachmentType = ""
private static let channelInfoType = "net.patter-app.settings"
private static let fallbackBatchCount = 64
private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 4
public static let profilePictureType = "network.loki.messenger.avatar"
@objc public static let publicChatMessageType = "network.loki.messenger.publicChat"
@objc public static let defaultChats: [LokiPublicChat] = [] // Currently unused
// MARK: Convenience
private static var userDisplayName: String {
return SSKEnvironment.shared.contactsManager.displayName(forPhoneIdentifier: userHexEncodedPublicKey) ?? "Anonymous"
@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
// MARK: Public API
public static func objc_getMessages(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(getMessages(for: group, on: server))
public static func getMessages(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise<[LokiPublicChatMessage]> {
var queryParameters = "include_annotations=1"
if let lastMessageServerID = getLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server) {
@ -153,7 +158,12 @@ public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
}.sorted { $0.timestamp < $1.timestamp }
public static func objc_sendMessage(_ message: LokiPublicChatMessage, to group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(sendMessage(message, to: group, on: server))
public static func sendMessage(_ message: LokiPublicChatMessage, to channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise<LokiPublicChatMessage> {
print("[Loki] Sending message to public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server).")
let (promise, seal) = Promise<LokiPublicChatMessage>.pending()
@ -221,6 +231,11 @@ public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
public static func objc_deleteMessage(with messageID: UInt, for group: UInt64, on server: String, isSentByUser: Bool) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(deleteMessage(with: messageID, for: group, on: server, isSentByUser: isSentByUser))
public static func deleteMessage(with messageID: UInt, for channel: UInt64, on server: String, isSentByUser: Bool) -> Promise<Void> {
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: {
@ -281,7 +296,12 @@ public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
public static func objc_getUserCount(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(getUserCount(for: group, on: server))
public static func getUserCount(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise<Int> {
return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise<Int> in
let queryParameters = "count=200"
@ -334,7 +354,12 @@ public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
public static func isUserModerator(_ hexEncodedPublicString: String, for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Bool {
return moderators[server]?[channel]?.contains(hexEncodedPublicString) ?? false
public static func objc_setDisplayName(to newDisplayName: String?, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(setDisplayName(to: newDisplayName, on: server))
public static func setDisplayName(to newDisplayName: String?, on server: String) -> Promise<Void> {
print("[Loki] Updating display name on server: \(server).")
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: {
@ -350,7 +375,12 @@ public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
public static func objc_setProfilePicture(to url: String?, using profileKey: Data, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(setProfilePictureURL(to: url, using: profileKey, on: server))
public static func setProfilePictureURL(to url: String?, using profileKey: Data, on server: String) -> Promise<Void> {
print("[Loki] Updating profile picture on server: \(server).")
return attempt(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount, recoveringOn: {
@ -387,46 +417,15 @@ public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI {
return LokiPublicChatInfo(displayName: displayName)
public static func objc_reportMessageWithID(_ messageID: UInt64, in channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(reportMessageWithID(messageID, in: channel, on: server))
public static func reportMessageWithID(_ messageID: UInt64, in channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise<Void> {
let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/channels/\(channel)/messages/\(messageID)/report")!
let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: [:])
return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { _ in }
// MARK: Public API (Obj-C)
public static func objc_getMessages(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(getMessages(for: group, on: server))
public static func objc_sendMessage(_ message: LokiPublicChatMessage, to group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(sendMessage(message, to: group, on: server))
public static func objc_deleteMessage(with messageID: UInt, for group: UInt64, on server: String, isSentByUser: Bool) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(deleteMessage(with: messageID, for: group, on: server, isSentByUser: isSentByUser))
public static func objc_getUserCount(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(getUserCount(for: group, on: server))
public static func objc_setDisplayName(to newDisplayName: String?, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(setDisplayName(to: newDisplayName, on: server))
public static func objc_setProfilePicture(to url: String?, using profileKey: Data, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(setProfilePictureURL(to: url, using: profileKey, on: server))
public static func objc_reportMessageWithID(_ messageID: UInt64, in channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise {
return AnyPromise.from(reportMessageWithID(messageID, in: channel, on: server))