Rework view item configuration.

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Chen 2018-06-28 13:08:08 -04:00
parent dc531a86ea
commit 7d971f1b79

View file

@ -4860,17 +4860,19 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger {
previousViewItemTimestamp = viewItem.interaction.timestampForSorting;
// Update the "shouldShowDate" property of the view items.
// Update the properties of the view items.
// First iterate in reverse order.
OWSInteractionType lastInteractionType = OWSInteractionType_Unknown;
MessageReceiptStatus lastReceiptStatus = MessageReceiptStatusUploading;
NSString *_Nullable lastIncomingSenderId = nil;
for (ConversationViewItem *viewItem in viewItems.reverseObjectEnumerator) {
// NOTE: This logic uses shouldShowDate which is set in the previous pass.
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < viewItems.count; i++) {
ConversationViewItem *viewItem = viewItems[i];
ConversationViewItem *_Nullable previousViewItem = (i > 0 ? viewItems[i - 1] : nil);
ConversationViewItem *_Nullable nextViewItem = (i + 1 < viewItems.count ? viewItems[i + 1] : nil);
BOOL shouldShowSenderAvatar = NO;
BOOL shouldHideFooter = NO;
NSString *_Nullable senderName = nil;
OWSInteractionType interactionType = viewItem.interaction.interactionType;
NSString *timestampText = [DateUtil formatTimestampShort:viewItem.interaction.timestamp];
if (interactionType == OWSInteractionType_OutgoingMessage) {
TSOutgoingMessage *outgoingMessage = (TSOutgoingMessage *)viewItem.interaction;
@ -4878,50 +4880,69 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger {
[MessageRecipientStatusUtils recipientStatusWithOutgoingMessage:outgoingMessage
// Always show "failed to send" status.
shouldHideFooter = (interactionType == lastInteractionType && receiptStatus == lastReceiptStatus
&& outgoingMessage.messageState != TSOutgoingMessageStateFailed);
if (nextViewItem && nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
TSOutgoingMessage *nextOutgoingMessage = (TSOutgoingMessage *)nextViewItem.interaction;
MessageReceiptStatus nextReceiptStatus =
[MessageRecipientStatusUtils recipientStatusWithOutgoingMessage:nextOutgoingMessage
NSString *nextTimestampText = [DateUtil formatTimestampShort:nextViewItem.interaction.timestamp];
lastReceiptStatus = receiptStatus;
// We can skip the "outgoing message status" footer if the next message
// has the same footer and no "date break" separates us...
// ...but always show "failed to send" status.
shouldHideFooter = ([timestampText isEqualToString:nextTimestampText]
&& receiptStatus == nextReceiptStatus
&& outgoingMessage.messageState != TSOutgoingMessageStateFailed && !nextViewItem.shouldShowDate);
} else if (interactionType == OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage) {
TSIncomingMessage *incomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)viewItem.interaction;
NSString *incomingSenderId = incomingMessage.authorId;
OWSAssert(incomingSenderId.length > 0);
BOOL isCollapsed = (interactionType == lastInteractionType &&
[NSObject isNullableObject:lastIncomingSenderId equalTo:incomingSenderId]);
lastIncomingSenderId = incomingSenderId;
shouldShowSenderAvatar = viewItem.isGroupThread && !isCollapsed;
if (nextViewItem && nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
NSString *nextTimestampText = [DateUtil formatTimestampShort:nextViewItem.interaction.timestamp];
// We can skip the "incoming message status" footer if the next message
// has the same footer and no "date break" separates us.
shouldHideFooter = ([timestampText isEqualToString:nextTimestampText] && !nextViewItem.shouldShowDate);
if (viewItem.isGroupThread) {
// Show the sender name for incoming group messages unless
// the previous message has the same sender name and
// no "date break" separates us.
BOOL shouldShowSenderName = YES;
if (previousViewItem && previousViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
TSIncomingMessage *previousIncomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)previousViewItem.interaction;
NSString *previousIncomingSenderId = previousIncomingMessage.authorId;
OWSAssert(previousIncomingSenderId.length > 0);
= (![NSObject isNullableObject:previousIncomingSenderId equalTo:incomingSenderId]
|| viewItem.shouldShowDate);
if (shouldShowSenderName) {
senderName = [self.contactsManager displayNameForPhoneIdentifier:incomingSenderId];
// Show the sender avatar for incoming group messages unless
// the next message has the same sender avatar and
// no "date break" separates us.
shouldShowSenderAvatar = YES;
if (nextViewItem && nextViewItem.interaction.interactionType == interactionType) {
TSIncomingMessage *nextIncomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)nextViewItem.interaction;
NSString *nextIncomingSenderId = nextIncomingMessage.authorId;
OWSAssert(nextIncomingSenderId.length > 0);
shouldShowSenderAvatar = (![NSObject isNullableObject:nextIncomingSenderId equalTo:incomingSenderId]
|| nextViewItem.shouldShowDate);
lastInteractionType = interactionType;
viewItem.shouldShowSenderAvatar = shouldShowSenderAvatar;
viewItem.shouldHideFooter = shouldHideFooter;
// Iterate again in forward order.
lastInteractionType = OWSInteractionType_Unknown;
lastReceiptStatus = MessageReceiptStatusUploading;
lastIncomingSenderId = nil;
for (ConversationViewItem *viewItem in viewItems) {
NSString *_Nullable senderName = nil;
OWSInteractionType interactionType = viewItem.interaction.interactionType;
if (interactionType == OWSInteractionType_IncomingMessage) {
TSIncomingMessage *incomingMessage = (TSIncomingMessage *)viewItem.interaction;
NSString *incomingSenderId = incomingMessage.authorId;
OWSAssert(incomingSenderId.length > 0);
BOOL isCollapsed = (interactionType == lastInteractionType &&
[NSObject isNullableObject:lastIncomingSenderId equalTo:incomingSenderId]);
lastIncomingSenderId = incomingSenderId;
if (viewItem.isGroupThread && !isCollapsed) {
senderName = [self.contactsManager displayNameForPhoneIdentifier:incomingSenderId];
lastInteractionType = interactionType;
viewItem.senderName = senderName;