fix mention in PNs

This commit is contained in:
Ryan ZHAO 2020-08-05 16:55:55 +10:00
parent 381cf10dce
commit af2ca32986
4 changed files with 27 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ final class NotificationServiceExtension : UNNotificationServiceExtension {
let group: SSKProtoGroupContext = contentProto!.dataMessage!.group!
let oldGroupModel = (thread as! TSGroupThread).groupModel
var removedMembers = Set(arrayLiteral: oldGroupModel.groupMemberIds)
let removedMembers = NSMutableSet(array: oldGroupModel.groupMemberIds)
let newGroupModel = TSGroupModel.init(title:,
image: oldGroupModel.groupImage,
groupType: oldGroupModel.groupType,
adminIds: group.admins)
removedMembers.subtract(Set(arrayLiteral: newGroupModel.groupMemberIds))
newGroupModel.removedMembers = NSMutableSet(set: removedMembers)
newGroupModel.removedMembers = removedMembers
switch contentProto?.dataMessage?.group?.type {
case .update:
newNotificationBody = oldGroupModel.getInfoStringAboutUpdate(to: newGroupModel, contactsManager: SSKEnvironment.shared.contactsManager)
@ -100,7 +100,8 @@ final class NotificationServiceExtension : UNNotificationServiceExtension {
notificationContent.userInfo = userInfo
notificationContent.badge = 1
if newNotificationBody.count < 1 {
newNotificationBody = contentProto?.dataMessage?.body ?? "You've got a new message"
let rawMessageBody = contentProto?.dataMessage?.body ?? "You've got a new message"
newNotificationBody = handleMentionIfNecessary(rawMessageBody: rawMessageBody, threadID: thread.uniqueId!, transaction: transaction)
notificationContent.body = newNotificationBody
if notificationContent.body.count < 1 {
@ -109,6 +110,25 @@ final class NotificationServiceExtension : UNNotificationServiceExtension {
func handleMentionIfNecessary(rawMessageBody: String, threadID: String, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> String {
var string = rawMessageBody
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "@[0-9a-fA-F]*", options: [])
var outerMatch = regex.firstMatch(in: string, options: .withoutAnchoringBounds, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: string.count))
while let match = outerMatch {
let hexEncodedPublicKey = String((string as NSString).substring(with: match.range).dropFirst()) // Drop the @
let matchEnd: Int
let displayName: String? = OWSProfileManager.shared().profileNameForRecipient(withID: hexEncodedPublicKey, transaction: transaction)
if let displayName = displayName {
string = (string as NSString).replacingCharacters(in: match.range, with: "@\(displayName)")
matchEnd = match.range.location + displayName.count
} else {
matchEnd = match.range.location + match.range.length
outerMatch = regex.firstMatch(in: string, options: .withoutAnchoringBounds, range: NSRange(location: matchEnd, length: string.count - matchEnd))
return string
func setUpIfNecessary(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ public final class MentionUtilities : NSObject {
var publicChat: PublicChat?
OWSPrimaryStorage.shared() { transaction in
publicChat = LokiDatabaseUtilities.getPublicChat(for: threadID, in: transaction)
MentionsManager.populateUserPublicKeyCacheIfNeeded(for: threadID, in: transaction)
var string = string
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "@[0-9a-fA-F]*", options: [])

View File

@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ public class NotificationPresenter: NSObject, NotificationsProtocol {
// it must be escaped.
// see
// for more details.
let messageText = DisplayableText.filterNotificationText(rawMessageText)
let messageText = MentionUtilities.highlightMentions(in: DisplayableText.filterNotificationText(rawMessageText)!, threadID: thread.uniqueId!)
let senderName = OWSUserProfile.fetch(uniqueId: incomingMessage.authorId, transaction: transaction)?.profileName ?? contactsManager.displayName(forPhoneIdentifier: incomingMessage.authorId)

View File

@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ public final class MentionsManager : NSObject {
guard let message = object as? TSIncomingMessage, index < userIDScanLimit else { return }
if let transaction = transaction {
populate(in: transaction)