Code generate Swift wrappers for protocol buffers.

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Chen 2018-08-01 11:28:52 -04:00
parent 808443f2a9
commit b164ce9403
7 changed files with 787 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -16,15 +16,23 @@ signal_service_protos: SignalService.proto
provisioning_protos: Provisioning.proto
$(PROTOC) --swift_out=../src/Protos/Generated \
$(WRAPPER_SCRIPT) --dst-dir=../src/Protos/Generated \
--wrapper-prefix=ProvisioningProto --proto-prefix=ProvisioningProtos --proto-file=Provisioning.proto
fingerprint_protos: Fingerprint.proto
$(PROTOC) --swift_out=../src/Protos/Generated \
$(WRAPPER_SCRIPT) --dst-dir=../src/Protos/Generated \
--wrapper-prefix=FingerprintProto --proto-prefix=FingerprintProtos --proto-file=Fingerprint.proto
websocket_protos: WebSocketResources.proto
$(PROTOC) --swift_out=../src/Protos/Generated \
$(WRAPPER_SCRIPT) --dst-dir=../src/Protos/Generated \
--wrapper-prefix=WebSocketProto --proto-prefix=WebSocketProtos --proto-file=WebSocketResources.proto
signal_ios_protos: SignalIOS.proto
$(PROTOC) --swift_out=../src/Protos/Generated \
$(WRAPPER_SCRIPT) --dst-dir=../src/Protos/Generated \
--wrapper-prefix=SignalIOSProto --proto-prefix=IOSProtos --proto-file=SignalIOS.proto

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// the legacy proto format.
syntax = "proto2";
package ProvisioningProto;
package ProvisioningProtos;
option java_package = "org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push";
option java_outer_classname = "ProvisioningProtos";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// WARNING: This code is generated. Only edit within the markers.
public enum FingerprintProtoError: Error {
case invalidProtobuf(description: String)
// MARK: - FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint
@objc public class FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint: NSObject {
@objc public let identityData: Data?
@objc public init(identityData: Data?) {
self.identityData = identityData
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint {
let proto = try FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprint(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprint) throws -> FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint {
var identityData: Data? = nil
if proto.hasIdentityData {
identityData = proto.identityData
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint -
let result = FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint(identityData: identityData)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprint {
let proto = FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprint.with { (builder) in
if let identityData = self.identityData {
builder.identityData = identityData
return proto
// MARK: - FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprints
@objc public class FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprints: NSObject {
@objc public let version: UInt32
@objc public let localFingerprint: FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint?
@objc public let remoteFingerprint: FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint?
@objc public init(version: UInt32,
localFingerprint: FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint?,
remoteFingerprint: FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint?) {
self.version = version
self.localFingerprint = localFingerprint
self.remoteFingerprint = remoteFingerprint
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprints {
let proto = try FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprints(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprints) throws -> FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprints {
var version: UInt32 = 0
if proto.hasVersion {
version = proto.version
var localFingerprint: FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint? = nil
if proto.hasLocalFingerprint {
localFingerprint = try FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint.parseProto(proto.localFingerprint)
var remoteFingerprint: FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint? = nil
if proto.hasRemoteFingerprint {
remoteFingerprint = try FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprint.parseProto(proto.remoteFingerprint)
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprints -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprints -
let result = FingerprintProtoLogicalFingerprints(version: version,
localFingerprint: localFingerprint,
remoteFingerprint: remoteFingerprint)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprints {
let proto = FingerprintProtos_LogicalFingerprints.with { (builder) in
builder.version = self.version
if let localFingerprint = self.localFingerprint {
builder.localFingerprint = localFingerprint.asProtobuf
if let remoteFingerprint = self.remoteFingerprint {
builder.remoteFingerprint = remoteFingerprint.asProtobuf
return proto

View File

@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
// Generated by the Swift generator plugin for the protocol buffer compiler.
// Source: Provisioning.proto
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
// For information on using the generated types, please see the documenation:
// Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Open Whisper Systems
@ -22,12 +18,12 @@ import SwiftProtobuf
// incompatible with the version of SwiftProtobuf to which you are linking.
// Please ensure that your are building against the same version of the API
// that was used to generate this file.
fileprivate struct _GeneratedWithProtocGenSwiftVersion: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersionCheck {
private struct _GeneratedWithProtocGenSwiftVersion: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersionCheck {
struct _2: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersion_2 {}
typealias Version = _2
struct ProvisioningProto_ProvisionEnvelope {
struct ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionEnvelope {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
// methods supported on all messages.
@ -55,11 +51,11 @@ struct ProvisioningProto_ProvisionEnvelope {
init() {}
fileprivate var _publicKey: Data? = nil
fileprivate var _body: Data? = nil
fileprivate var _publicKey: Data?
fileprivate var _body: Data?
struct ProvisioningProto_ProvisionMessage {
struct ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionMessage {
// SwiftProtobuf.Message conformance is added in an extension below. See the
// `Message` and `Message+*Additions` files in the SwiftProtobuf library for
// methods supported on all messages.
@ -131,24 +127,24 @@ struct ProvisioningProto_ProvisionMessage {
init() {}
fileprivate var _identityKeyPublic: Data? = nil
fileprivate var _identityKeyPrivate: Data? = nil
fileprivate var _number: String? = nil
fileprivate var _provisioningCode: String? = nil
fileprivate var _userAgent: String? = nil
fileprivate var _profileKey: Data? = nil
fileprivate var _readReceipts: Bool? = nil
fileprivate var _identityKeyPublic: Data?
fileprivate var _identityKeyPrivate: Data?
fileprivate var _number: String?
fileprivate var _provisioningCode: String?
fileprivate var _userAgent: String?
fileprivate var _profileKey: Data?
fileprivate var _readReceipts: Bool?
// MARK: - Code below here is support for the SwiftProtobuf runtime.
fileprivate let _protobuf_package = "ProvisioningProto"
private let _protobuf_package = "ProvisioningProtos"
extension ProvisioningProto_ProvisionEnvelope: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
extension ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionEnvelope: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ProvisionEnvelope"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
1: .same(proto: "publicKey"),
2: .same(proto: "body"),
2: .same(proto: "body")
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
@ -171,7 +167,7 @@ extension ProvisioningProto_ProvisionEnvelope: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProto
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: ProvisioningProto_ProvisionEnvelope) -> Bool {
func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionEnvelope) -> Bool {
if self._publicKey != other._publicKey {return false}
if self._body != other._body {return false}
if unknownFields != other.unknownFields {return false}
@ -179,7 +175,7 @@ extension ProvisioningProto_ProvisionEnvelope: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProto
extension ProvisioningProto_ProvisionMessage: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
extension ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionMessage: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase, SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".ProvisionMessage"
static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
1: .same(proto: "identityKeyPublic"),
@ -188,7 +184,7 @@ extension ProvisioningProto_ProvisionMessage: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtob
4: .same(proto: "provisioningCode"),
5: .same(proto: "userAgent"),
6: .same(proto: "profileKey"),
7: .same(proto: "readReceipts"),
7: .same(proto: "readReceipts")
mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {
@ -231,7 +227,7 @@ extension ProvisioningProto_ProvisionMessage: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtob
try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)
func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: ProvisioningProto_ProvisionMessage) -> Bool {
func _protobuf_generated_isEqualTo(other: ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionMessage) -> Bool {
if self._identityKeyPublic != other._identityKeyPublic {return false}
if self._identityKeyPrivate != other._identityKeyPrivate {return false}
if self._number != other._number {return false}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// WARNING: This code is generated. Only edit within the markers.
public enum ProvisioningProtoError: Error {
case invalidProtobuf(description: String)
// MARK: - ProvisioningProtoProvisionEnvelope
@objc public class ProvisioningProtoProvisionEnvelope: NSObject {
@objc public let publicKey: Data?
@objc public let body: Data?
@objc public init(publicKey: Data?,
body: Data?) {
self.publicKey = publicKey
self.body = body
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> ProvisioningProtoProvisionEnvelope {
let proto = try ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionEnvelope(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionEnvelope) throws -> ProvisioningProtoProvisionEnvelope {
var publicKey: Data? = nil
if proto.hasPublicKey {
publicKey = proto.publicKey
var body: Data? = nil
if proto.hasBody {
body = proto.body
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for ProvisioningProtoProvisionEnvelope -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for ProvisioningProtoProvisionEnvelope -
let result = ProvisioningProtoProvisionEnvelope(publicKey: publicKey,
body: body)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionEnvelope {
let proto = ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionEnvelope.with { (builder) in
if let publicKey = self.publicKey {
builder.publicKey = publicKey
if let body = self.body {
builder.body = body
return proto
// MARK: - ProvisioningProtoProvisionMessage
@objc public class ProvisioningProtoProvisionMessage: NSObject {
@objc public let identityKeyPublic: Data?
@objc public let identityKeyPrivate: Data?
@objc public let number: String?
@objc public let provisioningCode: String?
@objc public let userAgent: String?
@objc public let profileKey: Data?
@objc public let readReceipts: Bool
@objc public init(identityKeyPublic: Data?,
identityKeyPrivate: Data?,
number: String?,
provisioningCode: String?,
userAgent: String?,
profileKey: Data?,
readReceipts: Bool) {
self.identityKeyPublic = identityKeyPublic
self.identityKeyPrivate = identityKeyPrivate
self.number = number
self.provisioningCode = provisioningCode
self.userAgent = userAgent
self.profileKey = profileKey
self.readReceipts = readReceipts
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> ProvisioningProtoProvisionMessage {
let proto = try ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionMessage) throws -> ProvisioningProtoProvisionMessage {
var identityKeyPublic: Data? = nil
if proto.hasIdentityKeyPublic {
identityKeyPublic = proto.identityKeyPublic
var identityKeyPrivate: Data? = nil
if proto.hasIdentityKeyPrivate {
identityKeyPrivate = proto.identityKeyPrivate
var number: String? = nil
if proto.hasNumber {
number = proto.number
var provisioningCode: String? = nil
if proto.hasProvisioningCode {
provisioningCode = proto.provisioningCode
var userAgent: String? = nil
if proto.hasUserAgent {
userAgent = proto.userAgent
var profileKey: Data? = nil
if proto.hasProfileKey {
profileKey = proto.profileKey
var readReceipts: Bool = false
if proto.hasReadReceipts {
readReceipts = proto.readReceipts
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for ProvisioningProtoProvisionMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for ProvisioningProtoProvisionMessage -
let result = ProvisioningProtoProvisionMessage(identityKeyPublic: identityKeyPublic,
identityKeyPrivate: identityKeyPrivate,
number: number,
provisioningCode: provisioningCode,
userAgent: userAgent,
profileKey: profileKey,
readReceipts: readReceipts)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionMessage {
let proto = ProvisioningProtos_ProvisionMessage.with { (builder) in
if let identityKeyPublic = self.identityKeyPublic {
builder.identityKeyPublic = identityKeyPublic
if let identityKeyPrivate = self.identityKeyPrivate {
builder.identityKeyPrivate = identityKeyPrivate
if let number = self.number {
builder.number = number
if let provisioningCode = self.provisioningCode {
builder.provisioningCode = provisioningCode
if let userAgent = self.userAgent {
builder.userAgent = userAgent
if let profileKey = self.profileKey {
builder.profileKey = profileKey
builder.readReceipts = self.readReceipts
return proto

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// WARNING: This code is generated. Only edit within the markers.
public enum SignalIOSProtoError: Error {
case invalidProtobuf(description: String)
// MARK: - SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity
@objc public class SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity: NSObject {
// MARK: - SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityType
@objc public enum SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityType: Int32 {
case unknown = 0
case migration = 1
case thread = 2
case interaction = 3
case attachment = 4
private class func SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityTypeWrap(_ value: IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.BackupEntity.TypeEnum) -> SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityType {
switch value {
case .unknown: return .unknown
case .migration: return .migration
case .thread: return .thread
case .interaction: return .interaction
case .attachment: return .attachment
private class func SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityTypeUnwrap(_ value: SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityType) -> IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.BackupEntity.TypeEnum {
switch value {
case .unknown: return .unknown
case .migration: return .migration
case .thread: return .thread
case .interaction: return .interaction
case .attachment: return .attachment
@objc public let type: SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityType
@objc public let entityData: Data?
@objc public init(type: SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityType,
entityData: Data?) {
self.type = type
self.entityData = entityData
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity {
let proto = try IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.BackupEntity(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.BackupEntity) throws -> SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity {
var type: SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityType = .unknown
if proto.hasType {
type = SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityTypeWrap(proto.type)
var entityData: Data? = nil
if proto.hasEntityData {
entityData = proto.entityData
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity -
let result = SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity(type: type,
entityData: entityData)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.BackupEntity {
let proto = IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.BackupEntity.with { (builder) in
builder.type = SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity.SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntityTypeUnwrap(self.type)
if let entityData = self.entityData {
builder.entityData = entityData
return proto
// MARK: - SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshot
@objc public class SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshot: NSObject {
@objc public let entity: [SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity]
@objc public init(entity: [SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity]) {
self.entity = entity
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshot {
let proto = try IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot) throws -> SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshot {
var entity: [SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity] = []
for item in proto.entity {
let wrapped = try SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshotBackupEntity.parseProto(item)
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshot -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshot -
let result = SignalIOSProtoBackupSnapshot(entity: entity)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot {
let proto = IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.with { (builder) in
var entityUnwrapped = [IOSProtos_BackupSnapshot.BackupEntity]()
for item in entity {
builder.entity = entityUnwrapped
return proto

View File

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// WARNING: This code is generated. Only edit within the markers.
public enum WebSocketProtoError: Error {
case invalidProtobuf(description: String)
// MARK: - WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage
@objc public class WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage: NSObject {
@objc public let verb: String?
@objc public let path: String?
@objc public let body: Data?
@objc public let headers: [String]
@objc public let requestId: UInt64
@objc public init(verb: String?,
path: String?,
body: Data?,
headers: [String],
requestId: UInt64) {
self.verb = verb
self.path = path
self.body = body
self.headers = headers
self.requestId = requestId
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage {
let proto = try WebSocketProtos_WebSocketRequestMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: WebSocketProtos_WebSocketRequestMessage) throws -> WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage {
var verb: String? = nil
if proto.hasVerb {
verb = proto.verb
var path: String? = nil
if proto.hasPath {
path = proto.path
var body: Data? = nil
if proto.hasBody {
body = proto.body
var headers: [String] = []
for item in proto.headers {
let wrapped = item
var requestId: UInt64 = 0
if proto.hasRequestId {
requestId = proto.requestId
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage -
let result = WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage(verb: verb,
path: path,
body: body,
headers: headers,
requestId: requestId)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: WebSocketProtos_WebSocketRequestMessage {
let proto = WebSocketProtos_WebSocketRequestMessage.with { (builder) in
if let verb = self.verb {
builder.verb = verb
if let path = self.path {
builder.path = path
if let body = self.body {
builder.body = body
var headersUnwrapped = [String]()
for item in headers {
builder.headers = headersUnwrapped
builder.requestId = self.requestId
return proto
// MARK: - WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage
@objc public class WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage: NSObject {
@objc public let requestId: UInt64
@objc public let status: UInt32
@objc public let message: String?
@objc public let headers: [String]
@objc public let body: Data?
@objc public init(requestId: UInt64,
status: UInt32,
message: String?,
headers: [String],
body: Data?) {
self.requestId = requestId
self.status = status
self.message = message
self.headers = headers
self.body = body
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage {
let proto = try WebSocketProtos_WebSocketResponseMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: WebSocketProtos_WebSocketResponseMessage) throws -> WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage {
var requestId: UInt64 = 0
if proto.hasRequestId {
requestId = proto.requestId
var status: UInt32 = 0
if proto.hasStatus {
status = proto.status
var message: String? = nil
if proto.hasMessage {
message = proto.message
var headers: [String] = []
for item in proto.headers {
let wrapped = item
var body: Data? = nil
if proto.hasBody {
body = proto.body
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage -
let result = WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage(requestId: requestId,
status: status,
message: message,
headers: headers,
body: body)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: WebSocketProtos_WebSocketResponseMessage {
let proto = WebSocketProtos_WebSocketResponseMessage.with { (builder) in
builder.requestId = self.requestId
builder.status = self.status
if let message = self.message {
builder.message = message
var headersUnwrapped = [String]()
for item in headers {
builder.headers = headersUnwrapped
if let body = self.body {
builder.body = body
return proto
// MARK: - WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage
@objc public class WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage: NSObject {
// MARK: - WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageType
@objc public enum WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageType: Int32 {
case unknown = 0
case request = 1
case response = 2
private class func WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageTypeWrap(_ value: WebSocketProtos_WebSocketMessage.TypeEnum) -> WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageType {
switch value {
case .unknown: return .unknown
case .request: return .request
case .response: return .response
private class func WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageTypeUnwrap(_ value: WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageType) -> WebSocketProtos_WebSocketMessage.TypeEnum {
switch value {
case .unknown: return .unknown
case .request: return .request
case .response: return .response
@objc public let type: WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageType
@objc public let request: WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage?
@objc public let response: WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage?
@objc public init(type: WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageType,
request: WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage?,
response: WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage?) {
self.type = type
self.request = request
self.response = response
public func serializedData() throws -> Data {
return try self.asProtobuf.serializedData()
@objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage {
let proto = try WebSocketProtos_WebSocketMessage(serializedData: serializedData)
return try parseProto(proto)
fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: WebSocketProtos_WebSocketMessage) throws -> WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage {
var type: WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageType = .unknown
if proto.hasType {
type = WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageTypeWrap(proto.type)
var request: WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage? = nil
if proto.hasRequest {
request = try WebSocketProtoWebSocketRequestMessage.parseProto(proto.request)
var response: WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage? = nil
if proto.hasResponse {
response = try WebSocketProtoWebSocketResponseMessage.parseProto(proto.response)
// MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage -
// MARK: - End Validation Logic for WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage -
let result = WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage(type: type,
request: request,
response: response)
return result
fileprivate var asProtobuf: WebSocketProtos_WebSocketMessage {
let proto = WebSocketProtos_WebSocketMessage.with { (builder) in
builder.type = WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessage.WebSocketProtoWebSocketMessageTypeUnwrap(self.type)
if let request = self.request {
builder.request = request.asProtobuf
if let response = self.response {
builder.response = response.asProtobuf
return proto