Fixed the QA issues and a few other bugs

Updated the convoInfoVolatile to only ever set `last_read` to the maximum between the current and updated values
Fixed an issue where deleting the Note to Self and One-to-one conversations wouldn't reset the 'pinnedPriority' value
Fixed an issue with updating legacy group members and losing admin status
Fixed an issue where receiving a 'NEW' legacy group control message could revert legacy group changes
Fixed a bug where the open group suggestion grid could have broken positioning depending on the number of items
Fixed a bug where the UI wouldn't update correctly when network access was lost
Fixed a fun bug where one-to-one conversations could reappear after deletion because a new snode was polled and the latest (locally deleted) message was received again
Fixed some incorrect accessibility values
This commit is contained in:
Morgan Pretty 2023-03-31 12:09:04 +11:00
parent fde34a6c45
commit c80b6c720e
23 changed files with 398 additions and 184 deletions

View File

@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ final class ConversationVC: BaseVC, SessionUtilRespondingViewController, Convers
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
_ = try SessionThread
_ = try SessionThread // Intentionally use `deleteAll` here instead of `deleteOrLeave`
.filter(id: threadId)
@ -601,8 +601,18 @@ final class ConversationVC: BaseVC, SessionUtilRespondingViewController, Convers
let unblindedId: String = blindedLookup.sessionId
else {
// If we don't have an unblinded id then something has gone very wrong so pop to the HomeVC
self?.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
// If we don't have an unblinded id then something has gone very wrong so pop to the
// nearest conversation list
let maybeTargetViewController: UIViewController? = self?.navigationController?
.last(where: { ($0 as? SessionUtilRespondingViewController)?.isConversationList == true })
if let targetViewController: UIViewController = maybeTargetViewController {
self?.navigationController?.popToViewController(targetViewController, animated: true)
else {
self?.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
@ -1246,7 +1256,7 @@ final class ConversationVC: BaseVC, SessionUtilRespondingViewController, Convers
target: self,
action: #selector(startCall)
callButton.accessibilityLabel = "Call button"
callButton.accessibilityLabel = "Call"
callButton.isAccessibilityElement = true
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItems = [settingsButtonItem, callButton]

View File

@ -301,9 +301,7 @@ final class VisibleMessageCell: MessageCell, TappableLabelDelegate {
lastSearchText: String?
) {
self.viewModel = cellViewModel
self.bubbleView.accessibilityIdentifier = "Message Body"
self.bubbleView.isAccessibilityElement = true
self.bubbleView.accessibilityLabel = cellViewModel.body
// We want to add spacing between "clusters" of messages to indicate that time has
// passed (even if there wasn't enough time to warrant showing a date header)
let shouldAddTopInset: Bool = (
@ -362,6 +360,10 @@ final class VisibleMessageCell: MessageCell, TappableLabelDelegate {
lastSearchText: lastSearchText
bubbleView.accessibilityIdentifier = "Message Body"
bubbleView.accessibilityLabel = bodyTappableLabel?.attributedText?.string
bubbleView.isAccessibilityElement = true
// Author label
authorLabelTopConstraint.constant = (shouldAddTopInset ? Values.mediumSpacing : 0)
authorLabel.isHidden = (cellViewModel.senderName == nil)

View File

@ -285,6 +285,10 @@ class ThreadSettingsViewModel: SessionTableViewModel<ThreadSettingsViewModel.Nav
backgroundStyle: .noBackground
accessibility: SessionCell.Accessibility(
identifier: "Username",
label: threadViewModel.displayName
onTap: {
self?.textChanged(self?.oldDisplayName, for: .nickname)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import SessionUtilitiesKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
import SignalCoreKit
class GlobalSearchViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
class GlobalSearchViewController: BaseVC, SessionUtilRespondingViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
fileprivate typealias SectionModel = ArraySection<SearchSection, SessionThreadViewModel>
// MARK: - SearchSection
@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ class GlobalSearchViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSo
case messages
// MARK: - SessionUtilRespondingViewController
let isConversationList: Bool = true
func forceRefreshIfNeeded() {
// Need to do this as the 'GlobalSearchViewController' doesn't observe database changes
updateSearchResults(searchText: searchText, force: true)
// MARK: - Variables
private lazy var defaultSearchResults: [SectionModel] = {
@ -152,7 +161,7 @@ class GlobalSearchViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSo
private func updateSearchResults(searchText rawSearchText: String) {
private func updateSearchResults(searchText rawSearchText: String, force: Bool = false) {
let searchText = rawSearchText.stripped
guard searchText.count > 0 else {
@ -161,7 +170,7 @@ class GlobalSearchViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSo
guard lastSearchText != searchText else { return }
guard force || lastSearchText != searchText else { return }
lastSearchText = searchText

View File

@ -368,44 +368,13 @@ public class HomeViewModel {
public func deleteOrLeave(threadId: String, threadVariant: SessionThread.Variant) {
Storage.shared.writeAsync { db in
switch threadVariant {
case .contact:
// We need to custom handle the 'Note to Self' conversation (it should just be
// hidden rather than deleted
guard threadId != getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) else {
_ = try Interaction
.filter(Interaction.Columns.threadId == threadId)
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible.set(to: false)
try SessionUtil
.hide(db, contactIds: [threadId])
case .legacyGroup, .group:
.leave(db, groupPublicKey: threadId)
case .community:
openGroupId: threadId,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: true,
calledFromConfigHandling: false

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import SessionUIKit
import SessionMessagingKit
import SignalUtilitiesKit
class MessageRequestsViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
class MessageRequestsViewController: BaseVC, SessionUtilRespondingViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
private static let loadingHeaderHeight: CGFloat = 40
private let viewModel: MessageRequestsViewModel = MessageRequestsViewModel()
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ class MessageRequestsViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDat
private var isAutoLoadingNextPage: Bool = false
private var viewHasAppeared: Bool = false
// MARK: - SessionUtilRespondingViewController
let isConversationList: Bool = true
// MARK: - Intialization
init() {
@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ class MessageRequestsViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDat
.filter { $0.threadVariant == .contact }
.map { $0.threadId })
.defaulting(to: [])
let closedGroupThreadIds: [String] = (viewModel.threadData
let groupThreadIds: [String] = (viewModel.threadData
.first { $0.model == .threads }?
.filter { $0.threadVariant == .legacyGroup || $0.threadVariant == .group }
@ -483,7 +487,7 @@ class MessageRequestsViewController: BaseVC, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDat
) { _ in
contactThreadIds: contactThreadIds,
closedGroupThreadIds: closedGroupThreadIds
groupThreadIds: groupThreadIds
alertVC.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "TXT_CANCEL_TITLE".localized(), style: .cancel, handler: nil))

View File

@ -185,28 +185,13 @@ public class MessageRequestsViewModel {
cancelStyle: .alert_text
) { _ in
Storage.shared.write { db in
switch threadVariant {
case .contact:
try SessionUtil
.hide(db, contactIds: [threadId])
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
case .legacyGroup, .group:
try ClosedGroup.removeKeysAndUnsubscribe(
threadId: threadId,
removeGroupData: true,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
// Trigger a config sync
ConfigurationSyncJob.enqueue(db, publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db))
default: break
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: threadVariant,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
@ -250,14 +235,13 @@ public class MessageRequestsViewModel {
Contact.Columns.didApproveMe.set(to: true)
// Sync the removal of the thread from other devices
try SessionUtil
.hide(db, contactIds: [threadId])
// Remove the thread
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(id: threadId)
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadId: threadId,
threadVariant: .contact,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
completion: { _, _ in completion?() }
@ -269,24 +253,25 @@ public class MessageRequestsViewModel {
static func clearAllRequests(
contactThreadIds: [String],
closedGroupThreadIds: [String]
groupThreadIds: [String]
) {
// Clear the requests
Storage.shared.write { db in
// Sync the removal of the thread from other devices
try SessionUtil
.hide(db, contactIds: contactThreadIds)
// Remove the threads
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(ids: contactThreadIds)
// Remove the groups
try ClosedGroup.removeKeysAndUnsubscribe(
// Remove the one-to-one requests
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadIds: closedGroupThreadIds,
removeGroupData: true,
threadIds: contactThreadIds,
threadVariant: .contact,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
// Remove the group requests
try SessionThread.deleteOrLeave(
threadIds: groupThreadIds,
threadVariant: .group,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: false

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class GifPickerViewController: OWSViewController, UISearchBarDelegate, UICollect
reachability = Reachability.forInternetConnection()
reachability = Environment.shared?.reachabilityManager.reachability
selector: #selector(reachabilityChanged),

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ final class OpenGroupSuggestionGrid: UIView, UICollectionViewDataSource, UIColle
private static let cellHeight: CGFloat = 40
private static let separatorWidth = Values.separatorThickness
private static let numHorizontalCells: CGFloat = (UIDevice.current.isIPad ? 4 : 2)
fileprivate static let numHorizontalCells: Int = (UIDevice.current.isIPad ? 4 : 2)
private lazy var layout: LastRowCenteredLayout = {
let result = LastRowCenteredLayout()
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ final class OpenGroupSuggestionGrid: UIView, UICollectionViewDataSource, UIColle
spinner.isHidden = true
let roomCount: CGFloat = CGFloat(min(rooms.count, 8)) // Cap to a maximum of 8 (4 rows of 2)
let numRows: CGFloat = ceil(roomCount / OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells)
let numRows: CGFloat = ceil(roomCount / CGFloat(OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells))
let height: CGFloat = ((OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.cellHeight * numRows) + ((numRows - 1) * layout.minimumLineSpacing))
heightConstraint.constant = height
@ -172,18 +172,18 @@ final class OpenGroupSuggestionGrid: UIView, UICollectionViewDataSource, UIColle
// MARK: - Layout
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
indexPath.item == (collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: indexPath.section) - 1) &&
indexPath.item % 2 == 0
else {
let cellWidth: CGFloat = ((maxWidth / OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells) - ((OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells - 1) * layout.minimumInteritemSpacing))
let totalItems: Int = collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: indexPath.section)
let itemsInFinalRow: Int = (totalItems % OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells)
guard indexPath.item >= (totalItems - itemsInFinalRow) && itemsInFinalRow != 0 else {
let cellWidth: CGFloat = ((maxWidth / CGFloat(OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells)) - ((CGFloat(OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells) - 1) * layout.minimumInteritemSpacing))
return CGSize(width: cellWidth, height: OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.cellHeight)
// If the last item is by itself then we want to make it wider
// If there isn't an even number of items then we want to calculate proper sizing
return CGSize(
width: (Cell.calculatedWith(for: rooms[indexPath.item].name)),
width: Cell.calculatedWith(for: rooms[indexPath.item].name),
height: OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.cellHeight
@ -380,16 +380,30 @@ class LastRowCenteredLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
(elementAttributes?.count ?? 0) % 2 == 1,
let lastItemAttributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes = elementAttributes?.last
let remainingItems: Int ={ $0.count % OpenGroupSuggestionGrid.numHorizontalCells }),
remainingItems != 0,
let lastItems: [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes] = elementAttributes?.suffix(remainingItems),
else { return elementAttributes }
lastItemAttributes.frame = CGRect(
x: ((targetViewWidth - lastItemAttributes.frame.size.width) / 2),
y: lastItemAttributes.frame.origin.y,
width: lastItemAttributes.frame.size.width,
height: lastItemAttributes.frame.size.height
let totalItemWidth: CGFloat = lastItems
.map { $0.frame.size.width }
.reduce(0, +)
let lastRowWidth: CGFloat = (totalItemWidth + (CGFloat(lastItems.count - 1) * minimumInteritemSpacing))
// Offset the start width by half of the remaining space
var itemXPos: CGFloat = ((targetViewWidth - lastRowWidth) / 2)
lastItems.forEach { item in
item.frame = CGRect(
x: itemXPos,
y: item.frame.origin.y,
width: item.frame.size.width,
height: item.frame.size.height
itemXPos += (item.frame.size.width + minimumInteritemSpacing)
return elementAttributes

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import UIKit
import Reachability
import SessionUIKit
import SessionSnodeKit
import SessionMessagingKit
final class PathStatusView: UIView {
enum Size {
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ final class PathStatusView: UIView {
// MARK: - Initialization
private let size: Size
private let reachability: Reachability = Reachability.forInternetConnection()
private let reachability: Reachability? = Environment.shared?.reachabilityManager.reachability
init(size: Size = .small) {
self.size = size
@ -76,10 +77,10 @@ final class PathStatusView: UIView {
self.set(.width, to: self.size.pointSize)
self.set(.height, to: self.size.pointSize)
switch (reachability.isReachable(), OnionRequestAPI.paths.isEmpty) {
case (false, _): setStatus(to: .error)
case (true, true): setStatus(to: .connecting)
case (true, false): setStatus(to: .connected)
switch (reachability?.isReachable(), OnionRequestAPI.paths.isEmpty) {
case (.some(false), _), (nil, _): setStatus(to: .error)
case (.some(true), true): setStatus(to: .connecting)
case (.some(true), false): setStatus(to: .connected)
@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ final class PathStatusView: UIView {
@objc private func handleBuildingPathsNotification() {
guard reachability.isReachable() else {
guard reachability?.isReachable() == true else {
setStatus(to: .error)
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ final class PathStatusView: UIView {
@objc private func handlePathsBuiltNotification() {
guard reachability.isReachable() else {
guard reachability?.isReachable() == true else {
setStatus(to: .error)
@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ final class PathStatusView: UIView {
guard reachability.isReachable() else {
guard reachability?.isReachable() == true else {
setStatus(to: .error)

View File

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ private final class LineView: UIView {
private var dotViewWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private var dotViewHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
private var dotViewAnimationTimer: Timer!
private let reachability: Reachability = Reachability.forInternetConnection()
private let reachability: Reachability? = Environment.shared?.reachabilityManager.reachability
enum Location {
case top, middle, bottom
@ -326,10 +326,10 @@ private final class LineView: UIView {
switch (reachability.isReachable(), OnionRequestAPI.paths.isEmpty) {
case (false, _): setStatus(to: .error)
case (true, true): setStatus(to: .connecting)
case (true, false): setStatus(to: .connected)
switch (reachability?.isReachable(), OnionRequestAPI.paths.isEmpty) {
case (.some(false), _), (nil, _): setStatus(to: .error)
case (.some(true), true): setStatus(to: .connecting)
case (.some(true), false): setStatus(to: .connected)
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ private final class LineView: UIView {
@objc private func handleBuildingPathsNotification() {
guard reachability.isReachable() else {
guard reachability?.isReachable() == true else {
setStatus(to: .error)
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ private final class LineView: UIView {
@objc private func handlePathsBuiltNotification() {
guard reachability.isReachable() else {
guard reachability?.isReachable() == true else {
setStatus(to: .error)
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ private final class LineView: UIView {
guard reachability.isReachable() else {
guard reachability?.isReachable() == true else {
setStatus(to: .error)

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class SessionCell: UITableViewCell {
return result
private let titleLabel: SRCopyableLabel = {
fileprivate let titleLabel: SRCopyableLabel = {
let result: SRCopyableLabel = SRCopyableLabel()
result.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
result.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
@ -586,7 +586,16 @@ public class SessionCell: UITableViewCell {
extension CombineCompatible where Self: SessionCell {
var textPublisher: AnyPublisher<String, Never> {
return self.titleTextField.publisher(for: .editingChanged)
return self.titleTextField.publisher(for: [.editingChanged, .editingDidEnd])
receiveOutput: { [weak self] textField in
// When editing the text update the 'accessibilityLabel' of the cell to match
// the text
let targetText: String? = (textField.isEditing ? textField.text : self?.titleLabel.text)
self?.accessibilityLabel = (targetText ?? self?.accessibilityLabel)
.filter { $0.isEditing } // Don't bother sending events for 'editingDidEnd'
.map { textField -> String in (textField.text ?? "") }

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public extension ClosedGroup {
// Remove the remaining group data if desired
if removeGroupData {
try SessionThread
try SessionThread // Intentionally use `deleteAll` here as this gets triggered via `deleteOrLeave`
.filter(ids: threadIds)

View File

@ -41,6 +41,15 @@ public struct ControlMessageProcessRecord: Codable, FetchableRecord, Persistable
case unsendRequest = 7
case messageRequestResponse = 8
case call = 9
/// Since we retrieve messages from all snodes in a swarm there is a fun issue where a user can delete a
/// one-to-one conversation (which removes all associated interactions) and then the poller checks a
/// different service node, if a previously processed message hadn't been processed yet for that specific
/// service node it results in the conversation re-appearing
/// This `Variant` allows us to create a record which survives thread deletion to prevent a duplicate
/// message from being reprocessed
case visibleMessageDedupe = 10
/// The id for the thread the control message is associated to
@ -68,10 +77,6 @@ public struct ControlMessageProcessRecord: Codable, FetchableRecord, Persistable
message: Message,
serverExpirationTimestamp: TimeInterval?
) {
// All `VisibleMessage` values will have an associated `Interaction` so just let
// the unique constraints on that table prevent duplicate messages
if message is VisibleMessage { return nil }
// Allow duplicates for UnsendRequest messages, if a user received an UnsendRequest
// as a push notification the it wouldn't include a serverHash and, as a result,
// wouldn't get deleted from the server - since the logic only runs if we find a
@ -113,6 +118,7 @@ public struct ControlMessageProcessRecord: Codable, FetchableRecord, Persistable
case is UnsendRequest: return .unsendRequest
case is MessageRequestResponse: return .messageRequestResponse
case is CallMessage: return .call
case is VisibleMessage: return .visibleMessageDedupe
default: preconditionFailure("[ControlMessageProcessRecord] Unsupported message type")

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Foundation
import GRDB
import SessionUtilitiesKit
public struct GroupMember: Codable, Equatable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public struct GroupMember: Codable, Equatable, Hashable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible {
public static var databaseTableName: String { "groupMember" }
internal static let openGroupForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.groupId], to: [OpenGroup.Columns.threadId])
internal static let closedGroupForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.groupId], to: [ClosedGroup.Columns.threadId])

View File

@ -285,6 +285,89 @@ public extension SessionThread {
static func deleteOrLeave(
_ db: Database,
threadId: String,
threadVariant: Variant,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: Bool,
calledFromConfigHandling: Bool
) throws {
try deleteOrLeave(
threadIds: [threadId],
threadVariant: threadVariant,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups,
calledFromConfigHandling: calledFromConfigHandling
static func deleteOrLeave(
_ db: Database,
threadIds: [String],
threadVariant: Variant,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: Bool,
calledFromConfigHandling: Bool
) throws {
let currentUserPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
let remainingThreadIds: [String] = threadIds.filter { $0 != currentUserPublicKey }
switch threadVariant {
case .contact:
// We need to custom handle the 'Note to Self' conversation (it should just be
// hidden rather than deleted
if threadIds.contains(currentUserPublicKey) {
_ = try Interaction
.filter(Interaction.Columns.threadId == currentUserPublicKey)
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(id: currentUserPublicKey)
SessionThread.Columns.pinnedPriority.set(to: 0),
SessionThread.Columns.shouldBeVisible.set(to: false)
// If this wasn't called from config handling then we need to hide the conversation
if !calledFromConfigHandling {
try SessionUtil
.hide(db, contactIds: threadIds)
case .legacyGroup, .group:
if shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups {
threadIds.forEach { threadId in
.leave(db, groupPublicKey: threadId)
else {
try ClosedGroup.removeKeysAndUnsubscribe(
threadIds: threadIds,
removeGroupData: true,
calledFromConfigHandling: calledFromConfigHandling
case .community:
threadIds.forEach { threadId in
openGroupId: threadId,
calledFromConfigHandling: calledFromConfigHandling
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(ids: remainingThreadIds)
// MARK: - Convenience

View File

@ -171,8 +171,13 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
SessionUtil.kickFromConversationUIIfNeeded(removedThreadIds: [])
try SessionThread
threadVariant: .contact,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
case (true, false):
try SessionThread(
@ -230,8 +235,13 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
// Delete the one-to-one conversations associated to the contact
try SessionThread
.filter(ids: contactIdsToRemove)
threadIds: contactIdsToRemove,
threadVariant: .contact,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
try SessionUtil.remove(db, volatileContactIds: contactIdsToRemove)
@ -441,7 +451,13 @@ public extension SessionUtil {
// Mark the contacts as hidden
try SessionUtil.upsert(
contactData: contactIds
.map { SyncedContactInfo(id: $0, hidden: true) },
.map {
id: $0,
hidden: true,
priority: 0
in: conf

View File

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
threadInfo.changes.forEach { change in
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs(let lastReadMs):
oneToOne.last_read = lastReadMs
oneToOne.last_read = max(oneToOne.last_read, lastReadMs)
case .markedAsUnread(let unread):
oneToOne.unread = unread
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
threadInfo.changes.forEach { change in
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs(let lastReadMs):
legacyGroup.last_read = lastReadMs
legacyGroup.last_read = max(legacyGroup.last_read, lastReadMs)
case .markedAsUnread(let unread):
legacyGroup.unread = unread
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
threadInfo.changes.forEach { change in
switch change {
case .lastReadTimestampMs(let lastReadMs):
community.last_read = lastReadMs
community.last_read = max(community.last_read, lastReadMs)
case .markedAsUnread(let unread):
community.unread = unread

View File

@ -209,24 +209,74 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
// Extract the ones which will respond to SessionUtil changes
let targetViewControllers: [any SessionUtilRespondingViewController] = navController
.compactMap({ $0 as? SessionUtilRespondingViewController })
.compactMap { $0 as? SessionUtilRespondingViewController }
let presentedNavController: UINavigationController? = (navController.presentedViewController as? UINavigationController)
let presentedTargetViewControllers: [any SessionUtilRespondingViewController] = (presentedNavController?
.compactMap { $0 as? SessionUtilRespondingViewController })
.defaulting(to: [])
// Make sure we have a conversation list and that one of the removed conversations are
// in the nav hierarchy
targetViewControllers.count > 1,
targetViewControllers.contains(where: { $0.isConversationList }),
let rootNavControllerNeedsPop: Bool = (
targetViewControllers.count > 1 &&
targetViewControllers.contains(where: { $0.isConversationList }) &&
targetViewControllers.contains(where: { $0.isConversation(in: removedThreadIds) })
else { return }
let presentedNavControllerNeedsPop: Bool = (
presentedTargetViewControllers.count > 1 &&
presentedTargetViewControllers.contains(where: { $0.isConversationList }) &&
presentedTargetViewControllers.contains(where: { $0.isConversation(in: removedThreadIds) })
// Return to the root view controller as the removed conversation will be invalid
if navController.presentedViewController != nil {
navController.dismiss(animated: false) {
navController.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
else {
navController.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
// Force the UI to refresh if needed (most screens should do this automatically via database
// observation, but a couple of screens don't so need to be done manually)
.appending(contentsOf: presentedTargetViewControllers)
.filter { $0.isConversationList }
.forEach { $0.forceRefreshIfNeeded() }
switch (rootNavControllerNeedsPop, presentedNavControllerNeedsPop) {
case (true, false):
// Return to the conversation list as the removed conversation will be invalid
let targetViewController: UIViewController = navController.viewControllers
.last(where: { viewController in
((viewController as? SessionUtilRespondingViewController)?.isConversationList)
.defaulting(to: false)
else { return }
if navController.presentedViewController != nil {
navController.dismiss(animated: false) {
navController.popToViewController(targetViewController, animated: true)
else {
navController.popToViewController(targetViewController, animated: true)
case (false, true):
// Return to the conversation list as the removed conversation will be invalid
let targetViewController: UIViewController = presentedNavController?
.last(where: { viewController in
((viewController as? SessionUtilRespondingViewController)?.isConversationList)
.defaulting(to: false)
else { return }
if presentedNavController?.presentedViewController != nil {
presentedNavController?.dismiss(animated: false) {
presentedNavController?.popToViewController(targetViewController, animated: true)
else {
presentedNavController?.popToViewController(targetViewController, animated: true)
default: break
@ -256,7 +306,12 @@ public extension SessionUtil {
var cThreadId: [CChar] = threadId.cArray
switch threadVariant {
case .contact: return contacts_get(conf, nil, &cThreadId)
case .contact:
var contact: contacts_contact = contacts_contact()
guard contacts_get(conf, &contact, &cThreadId) else { return false }
return !contact.hidden
case .community:
let maybeUrlInfo: OpenGroupUrlInfo? = Storage.shared
@ -267,8 +322,9 @@ public extension SessionUtil {
var cBaseUrl: [CChar] = urlInfo.server.cArray
var cRoom: [CChar] = urlInfo.roomToken.cArray
var community: ugroups_community_info = ugroups_community_info()
return user_groups_get_community(conf, nil, &cBaseUrl, &cRoom)
return user_groups_get_community(conf, &community, &cBaseUrl, &cRoom)
case .legacyGroup:
let groupInfo: UnsafeMutablePointer<ugroups_legacy_group_info>? = user_groups_get_legacy_group(conf, &cThreadId)
@ -331,10 +387,12 @@ public protocol SessionUtilRespondingViewController {
var isConversationList: Bool { get }
func isConversation(in threadIds: [String]) -> Bool
func forceRefreshIfNeeded()
public extension SessionUtilRespondingViewController {
var isConversationList: Bool { false }
func isConversation(in threadIds: [String]) -> Bool { return false }
func forceRefreshIfNeeded() {}

View File

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
groupMembers: members
.filter { _, isAdmin in !isAdmin }
.map { memberId, admin in
.map { memberId, _ in
groupId: groupId,
profileId: memberId,
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
groupAdmins: members
.filter { _, isAdmin in isAdmin }
.map { memberId, admin in
.map { memberId, _ in
groupId: groupId,
profileId: memberId,
@ -171,13 +171,14 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
if !communityIdsToRemove.isEmpty {
SessionUtil.kickFromConversationUIIfNeeded(removedThreadIds: Array(communityIdsToRemove))
communityIdsToRemove.forEach { threadId in
try SessionThread
openGroupId: threadId,
threadIds: Array(communityIdsToRemove),
threadVariant: .community,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
// MARK: -- Handle Legacy Group Changes
@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
let name: String =,
let lastKeyPair: ClosedGroupKeyPair = group.lastKeyPair,
let members: [GroupMember] = group.groupMembers,
let updatedAdmins: [GroupMember] = group.groupAdmins
let updatedAdmins: Set<GroupMember> = group.groupAdmins?.asSet()
else { return }
if !existingLegacyGroupIds.contains( {
@ -214,7 +215,8 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
secretKey: lastKeyPair.secretKey.bytes
members: members
.appending(contentsOf: updatedAdmins) // Admins should also have 'standard' member entries
.inserting(contentsOf: updatedAdmins) // Admins should also have 'standard' member entries
.map { $0.profileId },
admins: { $0.profileId },
expirationTimer: UInt32(group.disappearingConfig?.durationSeconds ?? 0),
@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
// Update the members
let updatedMembers: [GroupMember] = members
let updatedMembers: Set<GroupMember> = members
contentsOf: { admin in
@ -264,10 +266,12 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
let existingMembers: [GroupMember] = existingLegacyGroupMembers[]?
.filter({ $0.role == .standard || $0.role == .zombie }),
let existingMembers: Set<GroupMember> = existingLegacyGroupMembers[]?
.filter({ $0.role == .standard || $0.role == .zombie })
existingMembers != updatedMembers
// Add in any new members and remove any removed members
@ -288,8 +292,9 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
let existingAdmins: [GroupMember] = existingLegacyGroupMembers[]?
.filter({ $0.role == .admin }),
let existingAdmins: Set<GroupMember> = existingLegacyGroupMembers[]?
.filter({ $0.role == .admin })
existingAdmins != updatedAdmins
// Add in any new admins and remove any removed admins
@ -326,12 +331,14 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
if !legacyGroupIdsToRemove.isEmpty {
SessionUtil.kickFromConversationUIIfNeeded(removedThreadIds: Array(legacyGroupIdsToRemove))
try ClosedGroup.removeKeysAndUnsubscribe(
threadIds: Array(legacyGroupIdsToRemove),
removeGroupData: true,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
try SessionThread
threadIds: Array(legacyGroupIdsToRemove),
threadVariant: .legacyGroup,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
// MARK: -- Handle Group Changes
@ -364,8 +371,6 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject }
guard !legacyGroups.isEmpty else { return }
// Since we are doing direct memory manipulation we are using an `Atomic` type which has
// blocking access in it's `mutate` closure
.forEach { legacyGroup in
var cGroupId: [CChar] =
@ -405,7 +410,12 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
if let groupMembers: [GroupMember] = legacyGroup.groupMembers {
let memberIds: Set<String> = { $0.profileId }.asSet()
// Need to make sure we remove any admins before adding them here otherwise we will
// overwrite the admin permission to be a standard user permission
let memberIds: Set<String> = groupMembers
.map { $0.profileId }
.subtracting(legacyGroup.groupAdmins.defaulting(to: []).map { $0.profileId }.asSet())
let existingMemberIds: Set<String> = Array(existingMembers
.filter { _, isAdmin in !isAdmin }
@ -555,6 +565,19 @@ public extension SessionUtil {
for: .userGroups,
publicKey: getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db)
) { conf in
guard conf != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject }
var cGroupId: [CChar] = groupPublicKey.cArray
let userGroup: UnsafeMutablePointer<ugroups_legacy_group_info>? = user_groups_get_legacy_group(conf, &cGroupId)
// Need to make sure the group doesn't already exist (otherwise we will end up overriding the
// content which could revert newer changes since this can be triggered from other 'NEW' messages
// coming in from the legacy group swarm)
guard userGroup == nil else {
try SessionUtil.upsert(
legacyGroups: [

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@ -98,6 +98,20 @@ internal extension SessionUtil {
SessionThread.Columns.pinnedPriority.set(to: targetPriority)
// If the 'Note to Self' conversation is hidden then we should trigger the proper
// `deleteOrLeave` behaviour (for 'Note to Self' this will leave the conversation
// but remove the associated interactions)
if targetHiddenState {
try SessionThread
threadId: userPublicKey,
threadVariant: .contact,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: true
// Create a contact for the current user if needed (also force-approve the current user

View File

@ -93,8 +93,13 @@ extension MessageReceiver {
.updateAll(db, Interaction.Columns.threadId.set(to:
_ = try SessionThread
.filter(id: blindedIdLookup.blindedId)
threadId: blindedIdLookup.blindedId,
threadVariant: .contact,
shouldSendLeaveMessageForGroups: false,
calledFromConfigHandling: false
// Update the `didApproveMe` state of the sender

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ public enum ReachabilityType: Int {
public protocol SSKReachabilityManager {
var reachability: Reachability { get }
var observationContext: AnyObject { get }
func setup()