Fix: subsequent video calls fail to transmit video

This commit is contained in:
Michael Kirk 2018-12-21 10:32:16 -07:00
parent 91cf022716
commit e091551600

View file

@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ class CallViewController: OWSViewController, CallObserver, CallServiceObserver,
deinit {"")
self.proximityMonitoringManager.remove(lifetime: self)
@ -177,7 +178,8 @@ class CallViewController: OWSViewController, CallObserver, CallServiceObserver,
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.proximityMonitoringManager.add(lifetime: self)
updateCallUI(callState: call.state)
@ -1130,4 +1132,41 @@ class CallViewController: OWSViewController, CallObserver, CallServiceObserver,
updateLocalVideo(captureSession: localCaptureSession)
updateRemoteVideoTrack(remoteVideoTrack: remoteVideoTrack)
// MARK: - Proximity Monitoring
func ensureProximityMonitoring() {
if #available(iOS 11, *) {
// BUG: Adding `self` as a Weak reference to the proximityMonitoringManager results in
// the CallViewController never being deallocated, which, besides being a memory leak
// can interfere with subsequent video capture - presumably because the old capture
// session is still retained via the callViewController.localVideoView.
// A code audit has not revealed a retain cycle.
// Using the XCode memory debugger shows that a strong reference is held by
// windowManager.callNavigationController->_childViewControllers.
// Even though, when inspecting via the debugger, the CallViewController is not shown as
// a childViewController.
// (lldb) po [[[OWSWindowManager sharedManager] callNavigationController] childViewControllers]
// <__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x1c0418bd0>(
// <OWSWindowRootViewController: 0x13de37550>
// )
// Weirder still, when presenting another CallViewController, the old one remains unallocated
// and inspecting it in the memory debugger shows _no_ strong references to it (yet it
// is not deallocated). Some weak references do remain - from the proximityMonitoringManager
// and the callObserver, both of which use the Weak<T> struct, which could be related.
// In any case, we can apparently avoid this behavior by not adding self as a Weak lifetime
// and as of iOS11, the system automatically managages proximityMonitoring
// via CallKit and AudioSessions. Proximity monitoring will be enabled whenever a call
// is active, unless we switch to VideoChat audio mode (which is actually desirable
// behavior), so the proximityMonitoringManager is redundant for calls on iOS11+.
} else {
// before iOS11, manually enable proximityMonitoring while we're on a call.
self.proximityMonitoringManager.add(lifetime: self)