Add double-tap to zoom out.

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Chen 2017-08-24 16:39:15 -04:00
parent 2b50eb5acc
commit e7b32f9fd1

View file

@ -50,22 +50,32 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
var imageView: UIView?
// We use a CALayer to render the image for performance reasons.
var imageLayer: CALayer?
var dashedBorderLayer: CAShapeLayer?
// In width/height.
let targetAspectRatio: CGFloat = 1.0
let dstAspectRatio: CGFloat = 1.0
// The size of the src image in points.
var srcImageSizePoints: CGSize =
var unitDefaultCropSizePoints: CGSize =
// The size of the default crop region, which is the
// largest crop region with the correct dst aspect ratio
// that fits in the src image's aspect ratio,
// in src image point coordinates.
var srcDefaultCropSizePoints: CGSize =
// N = Scaled, zoomed in.
let kMaxImageScale: CGFloat = 4.0
// 1.0 = Unscaled, cropped to fill crop rect.
let kMinImageScale: CGFloat = 1.0
// This represents the current scaling of the src image.
var imageScale: CGFloat = 1.0
// This represents the current translation from the
// upper-left corner of the src image to the upper-left
// corner of the crop region in src image point coordinates.
var srcTranslation: CGPoint =
// MARK: Initializers
@ -91,36 +101,31 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
private func configureCropAndScale() {
// Size of bounding box that reflects the target aspect ratio, whose longer side = 1.
let unitSquareHeight: CGFloat = (targetAspectRatio >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : 1.0 / targetAspectRatio)
let unitSquareWidth: CGFloat = (targetAspectRatio >= 1.0 ? targetAspectRatio * unitSquareHeight : 1.0)
let unitSquareHeight: CGFloat = (dstAspectRatio >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : 1.0 / dstAspectRatio)
let unitSquareWidth: CGFloat = (dstAspectRatio >= 1.0 ? dstAspectRatio * unitSquareHeight : 1.0)
let unitSquareSize = CGSize(width: unitSquareWidth, height: unitSquareHeight)
let imageSizePoints = srcImage.size
srcImageSizePoints = srcImage.size
(imageSizePoints.width > 0 && imageSizePoints.height > 0) else {
(srcImageSizePoints.width > 0 && srcImageSizePoints.height > 0) else {
self.srcImageSizePoints = imageSizePoints
Logger.error("imageSizePoints: \(imageSizePoints)")
Logger.error("unitSquareWidth: \(unitSquareWidth)")
Logger.error("unitSquareHeight: \(unitSquareHeight)")
// Default
// The "default" (no scaling, no translation) crop frame, expressed in
// srcImage's coordinate system.
unitDefaultCropSizePoints = defaultCropSizePoints(dstSizePoints:unitSquareSize)
assert(imageSizePoints.width >= unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width)
assert(imageSizePoints.height >= unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height)
srcDefaultCropSizePoints = defaultCropSizePoints(dstSizePoints:unitSquareSize)
assert(srcImageSizePoints.width >= srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width)
assert(srcImageSizePoints.height >= srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height)
Logger.error("unitDefaultCropSizePoints: \(unitDefaultCropSizePoints)")
srcTranslation = CGPoint(x:(imageSizePoints.width - unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width) * 0.5,
y:(imageSizePoints.height - unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height) * 0.5)
Logger.error("srcTranslation: \(srcTranslation)")
// By default, center the crop region in the src image.
srcTranslation = CGPoint(x:(srcImageSizePoints.width - srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width) * 0.5,
y:(srcImageSizePoints.height - srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height) * 0.5)
// Given a dst size, find the size of the largest crop region
// that fits in the src image.
private func defaultCropSizePoints(dstSizePoints: CGSize) -> (CGSize) {
assert(srcImageSizePoints.width > 0)
assert(srcImageSizePoints.height > 0)
@ -186,14 +191,18 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
let dashedBorderLayer = CAShapeLayer()
self.dashedBorderLayer = dashedBorderLayer
dashedBorderLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.ows_materialBlue().cgColor
dashedBorderLayer.lineDashPattern = [6, 6]
dashedBorderLayer.lineWidth = 2
dashedBorderLayer.lineDashPattern = [10, 10]
dashedBorderLayer.lineWidth = 4
dashedBorderLayer.fillColor = nil
contentView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
contentView.addGestureRecognizer(UIPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePinch(sender:))))
contentView.addGestureRecognizer(UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePan(sender:))))
let doubleTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleDoubleTap(sender:)))
doubleTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 2
doubleTap.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
@ -235,6 +244,7 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
return CGRect(origin:defaultCropOriginPoints, size:defaultCropSizePoints)
// Updates the image view _AND_ normalizes the current scale/translate state.
private func updateImageLayout() {
guard let imageView = self.imageView else {
@ -248,7 +258,7 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
guard srcImageSizePoints.width > 0 && srcImageSizePoints.height > 0 else {
guard unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width > 0 && unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height > 0 else {
guard srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width > 0 && srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height > 0 else {
@ -258,41 +268,28 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
Logger.error("srcImageSizePoints: \(srcImageSizePoints)")
Logger.error("viewSizePoints: \(viewSizePoints)")
Logger.error("imageScale: \(imageScale)")
// Normalize the scaling property.
imageScale = max(kMinImageScale, min(kMaxImageScale, imageScale))
Logger.error("imageScale (normalized): \(imageScale)")
let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
Logger.error("srcCropSizePoints: \(srcCropSizePoints)")
let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
let minSrcTranslationPoints =
let maxSrcTranslationPoints = CGPoint(x:srcImageSizePoints.width - srcCropSizePoints.width,
y:srcImageSizePoints.height - srcCropSizePoints.height
Logger.error("minSrcTranslationPoints: \(minSrcTranslationPoints)")
Logger.error("maxSrcTranslationPoints: \(maxSrcTranslationPoints)")
Logger.error("srcTranslation: \(srcTranslation)")
// Normalize the translation property.
srcTranslation = CGPoint(x: max(minSrcTranslationPoints.x, min(maxSrcTranslationPoints.x, srcTranslation.x)),
y: max(minSrcTranslationPoints.y, min(maxSrcTranslationPoints.y, srcTranslation.y)))
Logger.error("srcTranslation (normalized): \(srcTranslation)")
let srcToViewRatio = viewSizePoints.width / srcCropSizePoints.width
Logger.error("srcToViewRatio: \(srcToViewRatio)")
let imageViewFrame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x:srcTranslation.x * -srcToViewRatio,
y:srcTranslation.y * -srcToViewRatio),
size: CGSize(width:srcImageSizePoints.width * +srcToViewRatio,
height:srcImageSizePoints.height * +srcToViewRatio
Logger.error("imageViewFrame: \(imageViewFrame)")
// Disable implicit animations.
@ -310,7 +307,6 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
var lastPinchScale: CGFloat = 1.0
func handlePinch(sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
Logger.error("pinch scale: \(sender.scale)")
switch (sender.state) {
case .possible:
@ -327,45 +323,32 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
Logger.error("--- pinch")
if sender.numberOfTouches > 1 {
let location =
sender.location(in: sender.view)
let scaleDiff = sender.scale / lastPinchScale
Logger.error("scaling \(lastPinchScale) \(sender.scale) -> \(scaleDiff)")
// Update the scaling
let srcCropSizeBeforeScalePoints = CGSize(width:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
// Update scaling.
let srcCropSizeBeforeScalePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
imageScale = max(kMinImageScale, min(kMaxImageScale, imageScale * scaleDiff))
let srcCropSizeAfterScalePoints = CGSize(width:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
let srcCropSizeAfterScalePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
// Since the translation state reflects the "upper left" corner of the crop region, we need to
// adjust the translation when scaling.
srcTranslation.x += (srcCropSizeBeforeScalePoints.width - srcCropSizeAfterScalePoints.width) * 0.5
srcTranslation.y += (srcCropSizeBeforeScalePoints.height - srcCropSizeAfterScalePoints.height) * 0.5
// Update translation
// Update translation.
let viewSizePoints = imageView.frame.size
Logger.error("viewSizePoints: \(viewSizePoints)")
let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
Logger.error("srcCropSizePoints: \(srcCropSizePoints)")
let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
let srcToViewRatio = viewSizePoints.width / srcCropSizePoints.width
Logger.error("srcToViewRatio: \(srcToViewRatio)")
let viewToSrcRatio = 1 / srcToViewRatio
Logger.error("viewToSrcRatio: \(viewToSrcRatio)")
let viewToSrcRatio = srcCropSizePoints.width / viewSizePoints.width
let gestureTranslation = CGPoint(x:location.x - lastPinchLocation.x,
y:location.y - lastPinchLocation.y)
Logger.error("location: \(location)")
Logger.error("lastPinchLocation: \(lastPinchLocation)")
Logger.error("gestureTranslation: \(gestureTranslation)")
srcTranslation = CGPoint(x:srcTranslation.x + gestureTranslation.x * -viewToSrcRatio,
y:srcTranslation.y + gestureTranslation.y * -viewToSrcRatio)
@ -396,21 +379,15 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
let viewSizePoints = imageView.frame.size
Logger.error("viewSizePoints: \(viewSizePoints)")
let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:unitDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
Logger.error("srcCropSizePoints: \(srcCropSizePoints)")
let srcCropSizePoints = CGSize(width:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.width / imageScale,
height:srcDefaultCropSizePoints.height / imageScale)
let srcToViewRatio = viewSizePoints.width / srcCropSizePoints.width
Logger.error("srcToViewRatio: \(srcToViewRatio)")
let viewToSrcRatio = 1 / srcToViewRatio
Logger.error("viewToSrcRatio: \(viewToSrcRatio)")
let viewToSrcRatio = srcCropSizePoints.width / viewSizePoints.width
let gestureTranslation =
sender.translation(in: sender.view)
Logger.error("gestureTranslation: \(gestureTranslation)")
// Update translation.
srcTranslation = CGPoint(x:srcTranslationAtPanStart.x + gestureTranslation.x * -viewToSrcRatio,
y:srcTranslationAtPanStart.y + gestureTranslation.y * -viewToSrcRatio)
@ -423,6 +400,16 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
func handleDoubleTap(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
if (sender.state == .recognized) {
if imageScale > 1.5 {
imageScale = kMinImageScale
private func createButtonRow(contentView: UIView) {
let buttonTopMargin = ScaleFromIPhone5To7Plus(30, 40)
let buttonBottomMargin = ScaleFromIPhone5To7Plus(25, 40)
@ -471,7 +458,7 @@ class CropScaleImageViewController: OWSViewController {
func donePressed(sender: UIButton) {
let successCompletion = self.successCompletion
dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
// TODO:
let dstImage = self.srcImage