Fix build

This commit is contained in:
gmbnt 2020-04-02 16:10:34 +11:00
parent 92aba98cb7
commit f7fc92cc0a
2 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ internal enum OnionRequestAPI {
/// Returns a `Path` to be used for building an onion request. Builds new paths as needed.
private static func getPath(excluding snode: LokiAPITarget) -> Promise<Path> {
/// - Note: Exposed for testing purposes.
internal static func getPath(excluding snode: LokiAPITarget) -> Promise<Path> {
guard pathSize >= 1 else { preconditionFailure("Cannot build path of size zero.") }
// randomElement() uses the system's default random generator, which is cryptographically secure
if paths.count >= pathCount {
@ -199,10 +201,8 @@ internal enum OnionRequestAPI {
let gcm = GCM(iv: iv.bytes, tagLength: Int(gcmTagSize), mode: .combined)
let aes = try AES(key: targetSnodeSymmetricKey.bytes, blockMode: gcm, padding: .pkcs7)
let result = try aes.decrypt(ciphertext.bytes)
print("[Loki] [Onion Request API] Succeeded with result: \(String(data: Data(bytes: result), encoding: .utf8)!).")
seal.fulfill(Data(bytes: result))
} catch (let error) {
print("[Loki] [Onion Request API] Decryption failed.")
}.catch(on: workQueue) { error in

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class OnionRequestAPITests : XCTestCase {
func testOnionRequestSending() {
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
LokiAPI.getRandomSnode().then(on: OnionRequestAPI.workQueue) { snode -> Promise<LokiAPITarget> in
return OnionRequestAPI.getPath().map(on: OnionRequestAPI.workQueue) { _ in snode }
return OnionRequestAPI.getPath(excluding: snode).map(on: OnionRequestAPI.workQueue) { _ in snode }
}.done(on: OnionRequestAPI.workQueue) { snode in
var successCount = 0
var failureCount = 0