- Using same clang format file for old and new files.
- Moving out all TextSecure code to allow other clients (OS X, iOS) to
integrate easily TextSecure functionality.
- Use TextSecure API to signup.
- Added timeStamp property to EncodedAudioPacket
- Added timeStamp parameter to rtpPackageWithDefaults constructor
- Added nextTimeStamp to AudioPacker with random initial value and sample length increases
- AudioSocket forwards timeStamp
- Added generateSecureRandomUInt32 to CryptoTools
- Updated tests
- dictionaryWithObject -> @{key: val}
- objectAtIndex -> a[i]
- numberWithBool/Int/etc -> @1, @(val)
- Reverted friendly fire on ProtocolBuffers
- Did not do ANY other changes (including changes to make more refactorings succeed)