-[ ] UI
-[ ] Conversation Settings
-[x] Show switch for group
-[ ] localize
-[ ] migrate existing localizations? (nice to have)
-[ ] can view conversation settings (but not edit them) in left group
-[ ] special block copy for groups
-[ ] special unblock copy for groups
-[ ] ConversationViewHelper
-[x] Track blocked groups
-[ ] HomeView
-[ ] ConversationView
-[ ] Any others?
-[ ] Rename? Extract BlockList cache?
-[ ] Block List
-[ ] Group Section
-[ ] Unblock group
-[ ] Interstitial interacting with blocked threads (e.g. thread picker)
-[ ] BlockListUIUtils w/ thread
-[x] Block
-[x] Unblock
-[ ] Replace usages where possible
-[x] block manager
-[ ] Sync
-[x] tentative protos
-[ ] confirm protos w/ team
-[x] send new protos
-[ ] Message Processing
-[ ] Drop messages from blocked groups
-[ ] UI
-[ ] Conversation Settings
-[x] Show switch for group
-[ ] localize
-[ ] migrate existing localizations? (nice to have)
-[ ] can view conversation settings (but not edit them) in left group
-[ ] special block copy for groups
-[ ] special unblock copy for groups
-[ ] Block List
-[ ] Group Section
-[ ] Unblock group
-[ ] Interstitial interacting with blocked threads (e.g. thread picker)
-[ ] BlockListUIUtils w/ thread
-[x] Block
-[x] Unblock
-[ ] Replace usages where possible
-[x] block manager
-[ ] Sync
-[x] tentative protos
-[ ] confirm protos w/ team
-[ ] send new protos
-[ ] Message Processing
-[ ] Drop messages from blocked groups
Rather than our custom class, we can get pretty far using existing UISearchBar
styling, and then apply the final tweak, the search bar text field background
color by traversing the view.
This fixes a couple issues:
1. There was a small wavering in height of the custom search bar
2. When your table header view is a UISearchBar you get nice scroll "snapping"
when showing/hiding the search bar.