// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation public struct KeyPair: Equatable { public let publicKey: [UInt8] public let secretKey: [UInt8] public var hexEncodedPublicKey: String { return SessionId(.standard, publicKey: publicKey).hexString } // MARK: - Initialization public init(publicKey: [UInt8], secretKey: [UInt8]) { self.publicKey = publicKey self.secretKey = secretKey } // MARK: - Functions public static func isValidHexEncodedPublicKey(candidate: String) -> Bool { // Note: If the logic in here changes ensure it doesn't break `SessionId.Prefix(from:)` // Check that it's a valid hexadecimal encoding guard Hex.isValid(candidate) else { return false } // Check that it has length 66 and a valid prefix guard candidate.count == 66 && SessionId.Prefix.allCases.first(where: { candidate.hasPrefix($0.rawValue) }) != nil else { return false } // It appears to be a valid public key return true } }