// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import SessionUtil import SessionUtilitiesKit internal extension SessionUtil { // MARK: - Incoming Changes static func handleContactsUpdate( _ db: Database, in atomicConf: Atomic?>, mergeResult: ConfResult ) throws -> ConfResult { typealias ContactData = [ String: ( contact: Contact, profile: Profile, isHiddenConversation: Bool ) ] guard mergeResult.needsDump else { return mergeResult } guard atomicConf.wrappedValue != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject } // Since we are doing direct memory manipulation we are using an `Atomic` type which has // blocking access in it's `mutate` closure let contactData: ContactData = atomicConf.mutate { conf -> ContactData in var contactData: ContactData = [:] var contact: contacts_contact = contacts_contact() let contactIterator: UnsafeMutablePointer = contacts_iterator_new(conf) while !contacts_iterator_done(contactIterator, &contact) { let contactId: String = String(cString: withUnsafeBytes(of: contact.session_id) { [UInt8]($0) } .map { CChar($0) } .nullTerminated() ) let contactResult: Contact = Contact( id: contactId, isApproved: contact.approved, isBlocked: contact.blocked, didApproveMe: contact.approved_me ) let profileResult: Profile = Profile( id: contactId, name: (contact.name.map { String(cString: $0) } ?? ""), nickname: contact.nickname.map { String(cString: $0) }, profilePictureUrl: contact.profile_pic.url.map { String(cString: $0) }, profileEncryptionKey: (contact.profile_pic.key != nil && contact.profile_pic.keylen > 0 ? Data(bytes: contact.profile_pic.key, count: contact.profile_pic.keylen) : nil ) ) contactData[contactId] = ( contactResult, profileResult, false ) contacts_iterator_advance(contactIterator) } contacts_iterator_free(contactIterator) // Need to free the iterator return contactData } // The current users contact data is handled separately so exclude it if it's present (as that's // actually a bug) let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() let targetContactData: ContactData = contactData.filter { $0.key != userPublicKey } // If we only updated the current user contact then no need to continue guard !targetContactData.isEmpty else { return mergeResult } // Since we don't sync 100% of the data stored against the contact and profile objects we // need to only update the data we do have to ensure we don't overwrite anything that doesn't // get synced try targetContactData .forEach { sessionId, data in // Note: We only update the contact and profile records if the data has actually changed // in order to avoid triggering UI updates for every thread on the home screen (the DB // observation system can't differ between update calls which do and don't change anything) let contact: Contact = Contact.fetchOrCreate(db, id: sessionId) let profile: Profile = Profile.fetchOrCreate(db, id: sessionId) if (!data.profile.name.isEmpty && profile.name != data.profile.name) || profile.nickname != data.profile.nickname || profile.profilePictureUrl != data.profile.profilePictureUrl || profile.profileEncryptionKey != data.profile.profileEncryptionKey { try profile.save(db) try Profile .filter(id: sessionId) .updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig` db, [ (data.profile.name.isEmpty || profile.name == data.profile.name ? nil : Profile.Columns.name.set(to: data.profile.name) ), (profile.nickname == data.profile.nickname ? nil : Profile.Columns.nickname.set(to: data.profile.nickname) ), (profile.profilePictureUrl != data.profile.profilePictureUrl ? nil : Profile.Columns.profilePictureUrl.set(to: data.profile.profilePictureUrl) ), (profile.profileEncryptionKey != data.profile.profileEncryptionKey ? nil : Profile.Columns.profileEncryptionKey.set(to: data.profile.profileEncryptionKey) ) ].compactMap { $0 } ) } /// Since message requests have no reverse, we should only handle setting `isApproved` /// and `didApproveMe` to `true`. This may prevent some weird edge cases where a config message /// swapping `isApproved` and `didApproveMe` to `false` if (contact.isApproved != data.contact.isApproved) || (contact.isBlocked != data.contact.isBlocked) || (contact.didApproveMe != data.contact.didApproveMe) { try contact.save(db) try Contact .filter(id: sessionId) .updateAll( // Handling a config update so don't use `updateAllAndConfig` db, [ (!data.contact.isApproved || contact.isApproved == data.contact.isApproved ? nil : Contact.Columns.isApproved.set(to: true) ), (contact.isBlocked == data.contact.isBlocked ? nil : Contact.Columns.isBlocked.set(to: data.contact.isBlocked) ), (!data.contact.didApproveMe || contact.didApproveMe == data.contact.didApproveMe ? nil : Contact.Columns.didApproveMe.set(to: true) ) ].compactMap { $0 } ) } } return mergeResult } // MARK: - Outgoing Changes static func upsert( contactData: [(id: String, contact: Contact?, profile: Profile?)], in atomicConf: Atomic?> ) throws -> ConfResult { guard atomicConf.wrappedValue != nil else { throw SessionUtilError.nilConfigObject } // The current users contact data doesn't need to sync so exclude it let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() let targetContacts: [(id: String, contact: Contact?, profile: Profile?)] = contactData .filter { $0.id != userPublicKey } // If we only updated the current user contact then no need to continue guard !targetContacts.isEmpty else { return ConfResult(needsPush: false, needsDump: false) } // Since we are doing direct memory manipulation we are using an `Atomic` type which has // blocking access in it's `mutate` closure return atomicConf.mutate { conf in // Update the name targetContacts .forEach { (id, maybeContact, maybeProfile) in var sessionId: [CChar] = id .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) } var contact: contacts_contact = contacts_contact() guard contacts_get_or_construct(conf, &contact, &sessionId) else { SNLog("Unable to upsert contact from Config Message") return } // Assign all properties to match the updated contact (if there is one) if let updatedContact: Contact = maybeContact { contact.approved = updatedContact.isApproved contact.approved_me = updatedContact.didApproveMe contact.blocked = updatedContact.isBlocked } // Update the profile data (if there is one) if let updatedProfile: Profile = maybeProfile { /// Users we have sent a message request to may not have profile info in certain situations /// /// Note: We **MUST** store these in local variables rather than access them directly or they won't /// exist in memory long enough to actually be assigned in the C type let updatedName: [CChar]? = (updatedProfile.name.isEmpty ? nil : updatedProfile.name .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) } ) let updatedNickname: [CChar]? = updatedProfile.nickname? .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) } let updatedAvatarUrl: [CChar]? = updatedProfile.profilePictureUrl? .bytes .map { CChar(bitPattern: $0) } let updatedAvatarKey: [UInt8]? = updatedProfile.profileEncryptionKey? .bytes let oldAvatarUrl: String? = contact.profile_pic.url.map { String(cString: $0) } let oldAvatarKey: Data? = (contact.profile_pic.key != nil && contact.profile_pic.keylen > 0 ? Data(bytes: contact.profile_pic.key, count: contact.profile_pic.keylen) : nil ) updatedName?.withUnsafeBufferPointer { contact.name = $0.baseAddress } (updatedNickname == nil ? contact.nickname = nil : updatedNickname?.withUnsafeBufferPointer { contact.nickname = $0.baseAddress } ) (updatedAvatarUrl == nil ? contact.profile_pic.url = nil : updatedAvatarUrl?.withUnsafeBufferPointer { contact.profile_pic.url = $0.baseAddress } ) (updatedAvatarKey == nil ? contact.profile_pic.key = nil : updatedAvatarKey?.withUnsafeBufferPointer { contact.profile_pic.key = $0.baseAddress } ) contact.profile_pic.keylen = (updatedAvatarKey?.count ?? 0) // Download the profile picture if needed if oldAvatarUrl != updatedProfile.profilePictureUrl || oldAvatarKey != updatedProfile.profileEncryptionKey { ProfileManager.downloadAvatar(for: updatedProfile) } } // Store the updated contact contacts_set(conf, &contact) } return ConfResult( needsPush: config_needs_push(conf), needsDump: config_needs_dump(conf) ) } } } // MARK: - Convenience internal extension SessionUtil { static func updatingContacts(_ db: Database, _ updated: [T]) throws -> [T] { guard let updatedContacts: [Contact] = updated as? [Contact] else { throw StorageError.generic } // The current users contact data doesn't need to sync so exclude it let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) let targetContacts: [Contact] = updatedContacts.filter { $0.id != userPublicKey } // If we only updated the current user contact then no need to continue guard !targetContacts.isEmpty else { return updated } db.afterNextTransaction { db in do { let atomicConf: Atomic?> = SessionUtil.config( for: .contacts, publicKey: userPublicKey ) let result: ConfResult = try SessionUtil .upsert( contactData: targetContacts.map { (id: $0.id, contact: $0, profile: nil) }, in: atomicConf ) // If we don't need to dump the data the we can finish early guard result.needsDump else { return } try SessionUtil.saveState( db, keepingExistingMessageHashes: true, configDump: try atomicConf.mutate { conf in try SessionUtil.createDump( conf: conf, for: .contacts, publicKey: userPublicKey, messageHashes: nil ) } ) } catch { SNLog("[libSession-util] Failed to dump updated data") } } return updated } static func updatingProfiles(_ db: Database, _ updated: [T]) throws -> [T] { guard let updatedProfiles: [Profile] = updated as? [Profile] else { throw StorageError.generic } // We should only sync profiles which are associated to contact data to avoid including profiles // for random people in community conversations so filter out any profiles which don't have an // associated contact let existingContactIds: [String] = (try? Contact .filter(ids: updatedProfiles.map { $0.id }) .select(.id) .asRequest(of: String.self) .fetchAll(db)) .defaulting(to: []) // If none of the profiles are associated with existing contacts then ignore the changes (no need // to do a config sync) guard !existingContactIds.isEmpty else { return updated } // Get the user public key (updating their profile is handled separately let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) db.afterNextTransaction { db in do { // Update the user profile first (if needed) if let updatedUserProfile: Profile = updatedProfiles.first(where: { $0.id == userPublicKey }) { let atomicConf: Atomic?> = SessionUtil.config( for: .userProfile, publicKey: userPublicKey ) let result: ConfResult = try SessionUtil.update( profile: updatedUserProfile, in: atomicConf ) if result.needsDump { try SessionUtil.saveState( db, keepingExistingMessageHashes: true, configDump: try atomicConf.mutate { conf in try SessionUtil.createDump( conf: conf, for: .userProfile, publicKey: userPublicKey, messageHashes: nil ) } ) } } // Then update other contacts let atomicConf: Atomic?> = SessionUtil.config( for: .contacts, publicKey: userPublicKey ) let result: ConfResult = try SessionUtil .upsert( contactData: updatedProfiles .filter { $0.id != userPublicKey } .map { (id: $0.id, contact: nil, profile: $0) }, in: atomicConf ) // If we don't need to dump the data the we can finish early guard result.needsDump else { return } try SessionUtil.saveState( db, keepingExistingMessageHashes: true, configDump: try atomicConf.mutate { conf in try SessionUtil.createDump( conf: conf, for: .contacts, publicKey: userPublicKey, messageHashes: nil ) } ) } catch { SNLog("[libSession-util] Failed to dump updated data") } } return updated } }