## Building 1) Clone the repo to a working directory 2) [CocoaPods](http://cocoapods.org) is used to manage dependencies. Pods are setup easily and are distributed via a ruby gem. Follow the simple instructions on the website to setup. After setup, run the following command from the toplevel directory of Signal-iOS to download the dependencies for Signal-iOS: ``` pod install ``` If you are having build issues, first make sure your pods are up to date ``` pod update pod install ``` occasionally, CocoaPods itself will need to be updated. Do this with ``` sudo gem update ``` 3) Open the `Signal.xcworkspace` in Xcode. ``` open Signal.xcworkspace ``` 4) Some of our build scripts, like running tests, expect your Derived Data directory to be `$(PROJECT_DIR)/build`. In Xcode, go to `Preferences-> Locations`, and set the "Derived Data" dropdown to "Relative" and the text field value to "build". 5) Build and Run and you are ready to go! ## Known issues Features related to push notifications are known to be not working for third-party contributors since Apple's Push Notification service pushs will only work with Open Whisper Systems production code signing certificate.