// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import AFNetworking import Foundation import PromiseKit @objc public enum LinkPreviewError: Int, Error { case invalidInput case noPreview case assertionFailure case couldNotDownload case featureDisabled case invalidContent case invalidMediaContent case attachmentFailedToSave } // MARK: - OWSLinkPreviewDraft public class OWSLinkPreviewContents: NSObject { @objc public var title: String? @objc public var imageUrl: String? public init(title: String?, imageUrl: String? = nil) { self.title = title self.imageUrl = imageUrl super.init() } } // This contains the info for a link preview "draft". public class OWSLinkPreviewDraft: NSObject { @objc public var urlString: String @objc public var title: String? @objc public var jpegImageData: Data? public init(urlString: String, title: String?, jpegImageData: Data? = nil) { self.urlString = urlString self.title = title self.jpegImageData = jpegImageData super.init() } fileprivate func isValid() -> Bool { var hasTitle = false if let titleValue = title { hasTitle = titleValue.count > 0 } let hasImage = jpegImageData != nil return hasTitle || hasImage } @objc public func displayDomain() -> String? { return OWSLinkPreview.displayDomain(forUrl: urlString) } } // MARK: - OWSLinkPreview @objc public class OWSLinkPreview: MTLModel { @objc public static let featureEnabled = true @objc public var urlString: String? @objc public var title: String? @objc public var imageAttachmentId: String? // Whether this preview can be rendered as an attachment @objc public var isDirectAttachment: Bool = false @objc public init(urlString: String, title: String?, imageAttachmentId: String?, isDirectAttachment: Bool = false) { self.urlString = urlString self.title = title self.imageAttachmentId = imageAttachmentId self.isDirectAttachment = isDirectAttachment super.init() } @objc public override init() { super.init() } @objc public required init!(coder: NSCoder) { super.init(coder: coder) } @objc public required init(dictionary dictionaryValue: [String: Any]!) throws { try super.init(dictionary: dictionaryValue) } @objc public class func isNoPreviewError(_ error: Error) -> Bool { guard let error = error as? LinkPreviewError else { return false } return error == .noPreview } @objc public class func isInvalidContentError(_ error: Error) -> Bool { guard let error = error as? LinkPreviewError else { return false } return error == .invalidContent } @objc public class func buildValidatedLinkPreview(dataMessage: SNProtoDataMessage, body: String?, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws -> OWSLinkPreview { guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview } guard let previewProto = dataMessage.preview.first else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview } guard dataMessage.attachments.count < 1 else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } let urlString = previewProto.url guard URL(string: urlString) != nil else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } guard let body = body else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } let previewUrls = allPreviewUrls(forMessageBodyText: body) guard previewUrls.contains(urlString) else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } guard isValidLinkUrl(urlString) else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } var title: String? if let rawTitle = previewProto.title { let normalizedTitle = OWSLinkPreview.normalizeTitle(title: rawTitle) if normalizedTitle.count > 0 { title = normalizedTitle } } var imageAttachmentId: String? if let imageProto = previewProto.image { if let imageAttachmentPointer = TSAttachmentPointer(fromProto: imageProto, albumMessage: nil) { imageAttachmentPointer.save(with: transaction) imageAttachmentId = imageAttachmentPointer.uniqueId } else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } } let linkPreview = OWSLinkPreview(urlString: urlString, title: title, imageAttachmentId: imageAttachmentId) guard linkPreview.isValid() else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } return linkPreview } @objc public class func buildValidatedLinkPreview(fromInfo info: OWSLinkPreviewDraft, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) throws -> OWSLinkPreview { guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview } guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview } let imageAttachmentId = OWSLinkPreview.saveAttachmentIfPossible(jpegImageData: info.jpegImageData, transaction: transaction) let linkPreview = OWSLinkPreview(urlString: info.urlString, title: info.title, imageAttachmentId: imageAttachmentId) guard linkPreview.isValid() else { throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } return linkPreview } private class func saveAttachmentIfPossible(jpegImageData: Data?, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> String? { return saveAttachmentIfPossible(imageData: jpegImageData, mimeType: OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg, transaction: transaction); } private class func saveAttachmentIfPossible(imageData: Data?, mimeType: String, transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> String? { guard let imageData = imageData else { return nil } let fileSize = imageData.count guard fileSize > 0 else { return nil } guard let fileExtension = fileExtension(forMimeType: mimeType) else { return nil } let filePath = OWSFileSystem.temporaryFilePath(withFileExtension: fileExtension) do { try imageData.write(to: NSURL.fileURL(withPath: filePath), options: .atomicWrite) } catch { return nil } guard let dataSource = DataSourcePath.dataSource(withFilePath: filePath, shouldDeleteOnDeallocation: true) else { return nil } let attachment = TSAttachmentStream(contentType: mimeType, byteCount: UInt32(fileSize), sourceFilename: nil, caption: nil, albumMessageId: nil) guard attachment.write(dataSource) else { return nil } attachment.save(with: transaction) return attachment.uniqueId } private func isValid() -> Bool { var hasTitle = false if let titleValue = title { hasTitle = titleValue.count > 0 } let hasImage = imageAttachmentId != nil return hasTitle || hasImage } @objc public func removeAttachment(transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) { guard let imageAttachmentId = imageAttachmentId else { return } guard let attachment = TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: imageAttachmentId, transaction: transaction) else { return } attachment.remove(with: transaction) } private class func normalizeTitle(title: String) -> String { var result = title // Truncate title after 2 lines of text. let maxLineCount = 2 var components = result.components(separatedBy: .newlines) if components.count > maxLineCount { components = Array(components[0.. maxCharacterCount { let endIndex = result.index(result.startIndex, offsetBy: maxCharacterCount) result = String(result[.. String? { return OWSLinkPreview.displayDomain(forUrl: urlString) } @objc public class func displayDomain(forUrl urlString: String?) -> String? { guard let urlString = urlString else { return nil } guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { return nil } return url.host } @objc public class func isValidLinkUrl(_ urlString: String) -> Bool { guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { return false } return true } @objc public class func isValidMediaUrl(_ urlString: String) -> Bool { guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { return false } return true } // MARK: - Serial Queue private static let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.signal.linkPreview") // MARK: - Text Parsing // This cache should only be accessed on main thread. private static var previewUrlCache: NSCache = NSCache() @objc public class func previewUrl(forRawBodyText body: String?, selectedRange: NSRange) -> String? { return previewUrl(forMessageBodyText: body, selectedRange: selectedRange) } @objc public class func previewURL(forRawBodyText body: String?) -> String? { return previewUrl(forMessageBodyText: body, selectedRange: nil) } public class func previewUrl(forMessageBodyText body: String?, selectedRange: NSRange?) -> String? { // Exit early if link previews are not enabled in order to avoid // tainting the cache. guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else { return nil } guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else { return nil } guard let body = body else { return nil } if let cachedUrl = previewUrlCache.object(forKey: body as NSString) as String? { guard cachedUrl.count > 0 else { return nil } return cachedUrl } let previewUrlMatches = allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText: body) guard let urlMatch = previewUrlMatches.first else { // Use empty string to indicate "no preview URL" in the cache. previewUrlCache.setObject("", forKey: body as NSString) return nil } if let selectedRange = selectedRange { let cursorAtEndOfMatch = urlMatch.matchRange.location + urlMatch.matchRange.length == selectedRange.location if selectedRange.location != body.count, (urlMatch.matchRange.intersection(selectedRange) != nil || cursorAtEndOfMatch) { // we don't want to cache the result here, as we want to fetch the link preview // if the user moves the cursor. return nil } } previewUrlCache.setObject(urlMatch.urlString as NSString, forKey: body as NSString) return urlMatch.urlString } struct URLMatchResult { let urlString: String let matchRange: NSRange } class func allPreviewUrls(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [String] { return allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText: body).map { $0.urlString } } class func allPreviewUrlMatches(forMessageBodyText body: String) -> [URLMatchResult] { guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else { return [] } guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else { return [] } let detector: NSDataDetector do { detector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue) } catch { return [] } var urlMatches: [URLMatchResult] = [] let matches = detector.matches(in: body, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: body.count)) for match in matches { guard let matchURL = match.url else { continue } let urlString = matchURL.absoluteString if isValidLinkUrl(urlString) { let matchResult = URLMatchResult(urlString: urlString, matchRange: match.range) urlMatches.append(matchResult) } } return urlMatches } // MARK: - Preview Construction // This cache should only be accessed on serialQueue. // // We should only maintain a "cache" of the last known draft. private static var linkPreviewDraftCache: OWSLinkPreviewDraft? private class func cachedLinkPreview(forPreviewUrl previewUrl: String) -> OWSLinkPreviewDraft? { return serialQueue.sync { guard let linkPreviewDraft = linkPreviewDraftCache, linkPreviewDraft.urlString == previewUrl else { return nil } return linkPreviewDraft } } private class func setCachedLinkPreview(_ linkPreviewDraft: OWSLinkPreviewDraft, forPreviewUrl previewUrl: String) { assert(previewUrl == linkPreviewDraft.urlString) // Exit early if link previews are not enabled in order to avoid // tainting the cache. guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else { return } guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else { return } serialQueue.sync { linkPreviewDraftCache = linkPreviewDraft } } @objc public class func tryToBuildPreviewInfoObjc(previewUrl: String?) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise(tryToBuildPreviewInfo(previewUrl: previewUrl)) } public class func tryToBuildPreviewInfo(previewUrl: String?) -> Promise { guard OWSLinkPreview.featureEnabled else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.featureDisabled) } guard SSKPreferences.areLinkPreviewsEnabled else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.featureDisabled) } guard let previewUrl = previewUrl else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput) } if let cachedInfo = cachedLinkPreview(forPreviewUrl: previewUrl) { return Promise.value(cachedInfo) } return downloadLink(url: previewUrl) .then(on: DispatchQueue.global()) { (data, response) -> Promise in return parseLinkDataAndBuildDraft(linkData: data, response: response, linkUrlString: previewUrl) }.then(on: DispatchQueue.global()) { (linkPreviewDraft) -> Promise in guard linkPreviewDraft.isValid() else { throw LinkPreviewError.noPreview } setCachedLinkPreview(linkPreviewDraft, forPreviewUrl: previewUrl) return Promise.value(linkPreviewDraft) } } // Twitter doesn't return OpenGraph tags to Signal // `curl -A Signal "https://twitter.com/signalapp/status/1280166087577997312?s=20"` // If this ever changes, we can switch back to our default User-Agent private static let userAgentString = "WhatsApp" class func downloadLink(url urlString: String, remainingRetries: UInt = 3) -> Promise<(Data, URLResponse)> { Logger.verbose("url: \(urlString)") // let sessionConfiguration = ContentProxy.sessionConfiguration() // Loki: Signal's proxy appears to have been banned by YouTube let sessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.ephemeral // Don't use any caching to protect privacy of these requests. sessionConfiguration.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData sessionConfiguration.urlCache = nil let sessionManager = AFHTTPSessionManager(baseURL: nil, sessionConfiguration: sessionConfiguration) sessionManager.requestSerializer = AFHTTPRequestSerializer() sessionManager.responseSerializer = AFHTTPResponseSerializer() guard ContentProxy.configureSessionManager(sessionManager: sessionManager, forUrl: urlString) else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure) } sessionManager.requestSerializer.setValue(self.userAgentString, forHTTPHeaderField: "User-Agent") let (promise, resolver) = Promise<(Data, URLResponse)>.pending() sessionManager.get(urlString, parameters: [String: AnyObject](), headers: nil, progress: nil, success: { task, value in guard let response = task.response as? HTTPURLResponse else { resolver.reject(LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure) return } if let contentType = response.allHeaderFields["Content-Type"] as? String { guard contentType.lowercased().hasPrefix("text/") else { resolver.reject(LinkPreviewError.invalidContent) return } } guard let data = value as? Data else { resolver.reject(LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure) return } guard data.count > 0 else { resolver.reject(LinkPreviewError.invalidContent) return } resolver.fulfill((data, response)) }, failure: { _, error in guard isRetryable(error: error) else { resolver.reject(LinkPreviewError.couldNotDownload) return } guard remainingRetries > 0 else { resolver.reject(LinkPreviewError.couldNotDownload) return } OWSLinkPreview.downloadLink(url: urlString, remainingRetries: remainingRetries - 1) .done(on: DispatchQueue.global()) { (data, response) in resolver.fulfill((data, response)) }.catch(on: DispatchQueue.global()) { (error) in resolver.reject(error) }.retainUntilComplete() }) return promise } private class func downloadImage(url urlString: String, imageMimeType: String) -> Promise { guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput) } guard let assetDescription = ProxiedContentAssetDescription(url: url as NSURL) else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidInput) } let (promise, resolver) = Promise.pending() DispatchQueue.main.async { _ = ProxiedContentDownloader.defaultDownloader.requestAsset(assetDescription: assetDescription, priority: .high, success: { (_, asset) in resolver.fulfill(asset) }, failure: { (_) in resolver.reject(LinkPreviewError.couldNotDownload) }, shouldIgnoreSignalProxy: true) } return promise.then(on: DispatchQueue.global()) { (asset: ProxiedContentAsset) -> Promise in do { let imageSize = NSData.imageSize(forFilePath: asset.filePath, mimeType: imageMimeType) guard imageSize.width > 0, imageSize.height > 0 else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent) } let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: asset.filePath)) guard let srcImage = UIImage(data: data) else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent) } // Loki: If it's a GIF then ensure its validity and don't download it as a JPG if (imageMimeType == OWSMimeTypeImageGif && NSData(data: data).ows_isValidImage(withMimeType: OWSMimeTypeImageGif)) { return Promise.value(data) } let maxImageSize: CGFloat = 1024 let shouldResize = imageSize.width > maxImageSize || imageSize.height > maxImageSize guard shouldResize else { guard let dstData = srcImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent) } return Promise.value(dstData) } guard let dstImage = srcImage.resized(withMaxDimensionPoints: maxImageSize) else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent) } guard let dstData = dstImage.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) else { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.invalidContent) } return Promise.value(dstData) } catch { return Promise(error: LinkPreviewError.assertionFailure) } } } private class func isRetryable(error: Error) -> Bool { let nsError = error as NSError if nsError.domain == kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork as String { // Network failures are retried. return true } return false } class func parseLinkDataAndBuildDraft(linkData: Data, response: URLResponse, linkUrlString: String) -> Promise { do { let contents = try parse(linkData: linkData, response: response) let title = contents.title guard let imageUrl = contents.imageUrl else { return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) } guard isValidMediaUrl(imageUrl) else { return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) } guard let imageFileExtension = fileExtension(forImageUrl: imageUrl) else { return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) } guard let imageMimeType = mimetype(forImageFileExtension: imageFileExtension) else { return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) } return downloadImage(url: imageUrl, imageMimeType: imageMimeType) .map(on: DispatchQueue.global()) { (imageData: Data) -> OWSLinkPreviewDraft in // We always recompress images to Jpeg. let linkPreviewDraft = OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title, jpegImageData: imageData) return linkPreviewDraft } .recover(on: DispatchQueue.global()) { (_) -> Promise in return Promise.value(OWSLinkPreviewDraft(urlString: linkUrlString, title: title)) } } catch { return Promise(error: error) } } class func parse(linkData: Data, response: URLResponse) throws -> OWSLinkPreviewContents { guard let linkText = String(data: linkData, urlResponse: response) else { print("Could not parse link text.") throw LinkPreviewError.invalidInput } let content = HTMLMetadata.construct(parsing: linkText) var title: String? let rawTitle = content.ogTitle ?? content.titleTag if let decodedTitle = decodeHTMLEntities(inString: rawTitle ?? "") { let normalizedTitle = OWSLinkPreview.normalizeTitle(title: decodedTitle) if normalizedTitle.count > 0 { title = normalizedTitle } } Logger.verbose("title: \(String(describing: title))") guard let rawImageUrlString = content.ogImageUrlString ?? content.faviconUrlString else { return OWSLinkPreviewContents(title: title) } guard let imageUrlString = decodeHTMLEntities(inString: rawImageUrlString)?.ows_stripped() else { return OWSLinkPreviewContents(title: title) } return OWSLinkPreviewContents(title: title, imageUrl: imageUrlString) } class func fileExtension(forImageUrl urlString: String) -> String? { guard let imageUrl = URL(string: urlString) else { return nil } let imageFilename = imageUrl.lastPathComponent let imageFileExtension = (imageFilename as NSString).pathExtension.lowercased() guard imageFileExtension.count > 0 else { // TODO: For those links don't have a file extension, we should figure out a way to know the image mime type return "png" } return imageFileExtension } class func fileExtension(forMimeType mimeType: String) -> String? { switch mimeType { case OWSMimeTypeImageGif: return "gif" case OWSMimeTypeImagePng: return "png" case OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg: return "jpg" default: return nil } } class func mimetype(forImageFileExtension imageFileExtension: String) -> String? { guard imageFileExtension.count > 0 else { return nil } guard let imageMimeType = MIMETypeUtil.mimeType(forFileExtension: imageFileExtension) else { return nil } let kValidMimeTypes = [ OWSMimeTypeImagePng, OWSMimeTypeImageJpeg, OWSMimeTypeImageGif, ] guard kValidMimeTypes.contains(imageMimeType) else { return nil } return imageMimeType } private class func decodeHTMLEntities(inString value: String) -> String? { guard let data = value.data(using: .utf8) else { return nil } let options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey: Any] = [ NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html, NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue ] guard let attributedString = try? NSAttributedString(data: data, options: options, documentAttributes: nil) else { return nil } return attributedString.string } }