// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import AFNetworking import Foundation import PromiseKit import CoreServices import SignalUtilitiesKit import SessionUtilitiesKit // There's no UTI type for webp! enum GiphyFormat { case gif, mp4, jpg } enum GiphyError: Error { case assertionError(description: String) case fetchFailure } extension GiphyError: LocalizedError { public var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .assertionError: return NSLocalizedString("GIF_PICKER_ERROR_GENERIC", comment: "Generic error displayed when picking a GIF") case .fetchFailure: return NSLocalizedString("GIF_PICKER_ERROR_FETCH_FAILURE", comment: "Error displayed when there is a failure fetching a GIF from the remote service.") } } } // Represents a "rendition" of a GIF. // Giphy offers a plethora of renditions for each image. // They vary in content size (i.e. width, height), // format (.jpg, .gif, .mp4, webp, etc.), // quality, etc. @objc class GiphyRendition: ProxiedContentAssetDescription { let format: GiphyFormat let name: String let width: UInt let height: UInt let fileSize: UInt init?(format: GiphyFormat, name: String, width: UInt, height: UInt, fileSize: UInt, url: NSURL) { self.format = format self.name = name self.width = width self.height = height self.fileSize = fileSize let fileExtension = GiphyRendition.fileExtension(forFormat: format) super.init(url: url, fileExtension: fileExtension) } private class func fileExtension(forFormat format: GiphyFormat) -> String { switch format { case .gif: return "gif" case .mp4: return "mp4" case .jpg: return "jpg" } } public var utiType: String { switch format { case .gif: return kUTTypeGIF as String case .mp4: return kUTTypeMPEG4 as String case .jpg: return kUTTypeJPEG as String } } public var isStill: Bool { return name.hasSuffix("_still") } public var isDownsampled: Bool { return name.hasSuffix("_downsampled") } public func log() { Logger.verbose("\t \(format), \(name), \(width), \(height), \(fileSize)") } } // Represents a single Giphy image. @objc class GiphyImageInfo: NSObject { let giphyId: String let renditions: [GiphyRendition] // We special-case the "original" rendition because it is the // source of truth for the aspect ratio of the image. let originalRendition: GiphyRendition init(giphyId: String, renditions: [GiphyRendition], originalRendition: GiphyRendition) { self.giphyId = giphyId self.renditions = renditions self.originalRendition = originalRendition } // TODO: We may need to tweak these constants. let kMaxDimension = UInt(618) let kMinPreviewDimension = UInt(60) let kMinSendingDimension = UInt(101) let kPreferedPreviewFileSize = UInt(256 * 1024) let kPreferedSendingFileSize = UInt(3 * 1024 * 1024) private enum PickingStrategy { case smallerIsBetter, largerIsBetter } public func log() { Logger.verbose("giphyId: \(giphyId), \(renditions.count)") for rendition in renditions { rendition.log() } } public func pickStillRendition() -> GiphyRendition? { // Stills are just temporary placeholders, so use the smallest still possible. return pickRendition(renditionType: .stillPreview, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize) } public func pickPreviewRendition() -> GiphyRendition? { // Try to pick a small file... if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedLowQuality, pickingStrategy: .largerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize) { return rendition } // ...but gradually relax the file restriction... if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedLowQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize * 2) { return rendition } // ...and relax even more until we find an animated rendition. return pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedLowQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedPreviewFileSize * 3) } public func pickSendingRendition() -> GiphyRendition? { // Try to pick a small file... if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedHighQuality, pickingStrategy: .largerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedSendingFileSize) { return rendition } // ...but gradually relax the file restriction... if let rendition = pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedHighQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedSendingFileSize * 2) { return rendition } // ...and relax even more until we find an animated rendition. return pickRendition(renditionType: .animatedHighQuality, pickingStrategy: .smallerIsBetter, maxFileSize: kPreferedSendingFileSize * 3) } enum RenditionType { case stillPreview, animatedLowQuality, animatedHighQuality } // Picking a rendition must be done very carefully. // // * We want to avoid incomplete renditions. // * We want to pick a rendition of "just good enough" quality. private func pickRendition(renditionType: RenditionType, pickingStrategy: PickingStrategy, maxFileSize: UInt) -> GiphyRendition? { var bestRendition: GiphyRendition? for rendition in renditions { switch renditionType { case .stillPreview: // Accept GIF or JPEG stills. In practice we'll // usually select a JPEG since they'll be smaller. guard [.gif, .jpg].contains(rendition.format) else { continue } // Only consider still renditions. guard rendition.isStill else { continue } // Accept still renditions without a valid file size. Note that fileSize // will be zero for renditions without a valid file size, so they will pass // the maxFileSize test. // // Don't worry about max content size; still images are tiny in comparison // with animated renditions. guard rendition.width >= kMinPreviewDimension && rendition.height >= kMinPreviewDimension && rendition.fileSize <= maxFileSize else { continue } case .animatedLowQuality: // Only use GIFs for animated renditions. guard rendition.format == .gif else { continue } // Ignore stills. guard !rendition.isStill else { continue } // Ignore "downsampled" renditions which skip frames, etc. guard !rendition.isDownsampled else { continue } guard rendition.width >= kMinPreviewDimension && rendition.width <= kMaxDimension && rendition.height >= kMinPreviewDimension && rendition.height <= kMaxDimension && rendition.fileSize > 0 && rendition.fileSize <= maxFileSize else { continue } case .animatedHighQuality: // Only use GIFs for animated renditions. guard rendition.format == .gif else { continue } // Ignore stills. guard !rendition.isStill else { continue } // Ignore "downsampled" renditions which skip frames, etc. guard !rendition.isDownsampled else { continue } guard rendition.width >= kMinSendingDimension && rendition.width <= kMaxDimension && rendition.height >= kMinSendingDimension && rendition.height <= kMaxDimension && rendition.fileSize > 0 && rendition.fileSize <= maxFileSize else { continue } } if let currentBestRendition = bestRendition { if rendition.width == currentBestRendition.width && rendition.fileSize > 0 && currentBestRendition.fileSize > 0 && rendition.fileSize < currentBestRendition.fileSize { // If two renditions have the same content size, prefer // the rendition with the smaller file size, e.g. // prefer JPEG over GIF for stills. bestRendition = rendition } else if pickingStrategy == .smallerIsBetter { // "Smaller is better" if rendition.width < currentBestRendition.width { bestRendition = rendition } } else { // "Larger is better" if rendition.width > currentBestRendition.width { bestRendition = rendition } } } else { bestRendition = rendition } } return bestRendition } } @objc class GiphyAPI: NSObject { // MARK: - Properties static let sharedInstance = GiphyAPI() // Force usage as a singleton override private init() { super.init() SwiftSingletons.register(self) } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) } private let kGiphyBaseURL = "https://api.giphy.com/" private func giphyAPISessionManager() -> AFHTTPSessionManager? { return AFHTTPSessionManager(baseURL: URL(string: kGiphyBaseURL), sessionConfiguration: .ephemeral) } // MARK: Search // This is the Signal iOS API key. let kGiphyApiKey = "ZsUpUm2L6cVbvei347EQNp7HrROjbOdc" let kGiphyPageSize = 20 public func trending() -> Promise<[GiphyImageInfo]> { guard let sessionManager = giphyAPISessionManager() else { Logger.error("Couldn't create session manager.") return Promise.value([]) } let urlString = "/v1/gifs/trending?api_key=\(kGiphyApiKey)&limit=\(kGiphyPageSize)" let (promise, resolver) = Promise<[GiphyImageInfo]>.pending() sessionManager.get(urlString, parameters: [String: AnyObject](), headers:nil, progress: nil, success: { _, value in Logger.error("search request succeeded") if let imageInfos = self.parseGiphyImages(responseJson: value) { resolver.fulfill(imageInfos) } else { Logger.error("unable to parse trending images") resolver.fulfill([]) } }, failure: { _, error in Logger.error("search request failed: \(error)") resolver.reject(error) }) return promise } public func search(query: String, success: @escaping (([GiphyImageInfo]) -> Void), failure: @escaping ((NSError?) -> Void)) { guard let sessionManager = giphyAPISessionManager() else { Logger.error("Couldn't create session manager.") failure(nil) return } guard NSURL(string: kGiphyBaseURL) != nil else { Logger.error("Invalid base URL.") failure(nil) return } let kGiphyPageOffset = 0 guard let queryEncoded = query.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlPathAllowed) else { Logger.error("Could not URL encode query: \(query).") failure(nil) return } let urlString = "/v1/gifs/search?api_key=\(kGiphyApiKey)&offset=\(kGiphyPageOffset)&limit=\(kGiphyPageSize)&q=\(queryEncoded)" guard ContentProxy.configureSessionManager(sessionManager: sessionManager, forUrl: urlString) else { owsFailDebug("Could not configure query: \(query).") failure(nil) return } sessionManager.get(urlString, parameters: [String: AnyObject](), headers: nil, progress: nil, success: { _, value in Logger.error("search request succeeded") guard let imageInfos = self.parseGiphyImages(responseJson: value) else { failure(nil) return } success(imageInfos) }, failure: { _, error in Logger.error("search request failed: \(error)") failure(error as NSError) }) } // MARK: Parse API Responses private func parseGiphyImages(responseJson: Any?) -> [GiphyImageInfo]? { guard let responseJson = responseJson else { Logger.error("Missing response.") return nil } guard let responseDict = responseJson as? [String: Any] else { Logger.error("Invalid response.") return nil } guard let imageDicts = responseDict["data"] as? [[String: Any]] else { Logger.error("Invalid response data.") return nil } return imageDicts.compactMap { imageDict in return parseGiphyImage(imageDict: imageDict) } } // Giphy API results are often incomplete or malformed, so we need to be defensive. private func parseGiphyImage(imageDict: [String: Any]) -> GiphyImageInfo? { guard let giphyId = imageDict["id"] as? String else { Logger.warn("Image dict missing id.") return nil } guard giphyId.count > 0 else { Logger.warn("Image dict has invalid id.") return nil } guard let renditionDicts = imageDict["images"] as? [String: Any] else { Logger.warn("Image dict missing renditions.") return nil } var renditions = [GiphyRendition]() for (renditionName, renditionDict) in renditionDicts { guard let renditionDict = renditionDict as? [String: Any] else { Logger.warn("Invalid rendition dict.") continue } guard let rendition = parseGiphyRendition(renditionName: renditionName, renditionDict: renditionDict) else { continue } renditions.append(rendition) } guard renditions.count > 0 else { Logger.warn("Image has no valid renditions.") return nil } guard let originalRendition = findOriginalRendition(renditions: renditions) else { Logger.warn("Image has no original rendition.") return nil } return GiphyImageInfo(giphyId: giphyId, renditions: renditions, originalRendition: originalRendition) } private func findOriginalRendition(renditions: [GiphyRendition]) -> GiphyRendition? { for rendition in renditions where rendition.name == "original" { return rendition } return nil } // Giphy API results are often incomplete or malformed, so we need to be defensive. // // We should discard renditions which are missing or have invalid properties. private func parseGiphyRendition(renditionName: String, renditionDict: [String: Any]) -> GiphyRendition? { guard let width = parsePositiveUInt(dict: renditionDict, key: "width", typeName: "rendition") else { return nil } guard let height = parsePositiveUInt(dict: renditionDict, key: "height", typeName: "rendition") else { return nil } // Be lenient when parsing file sizes - we don't require them for stills. let fileSize = parseLenientUInt(dict: renditionDict, key: "size") guard let urlString = renditionDict["url"] as? String else { return nil } guard urlString.count > 0 else { Logger.warn("Rendition has invalid url.") return nil } guard let url = NSURL(string: urlString) else { Logger.warn("Rendition url could not be parsed.") return nil } guard let fileExtension = url.pathExtension?.lowercased() else { Logger.warn("Rendition url missing file extension.") return nil } var format = GiphyFormat.gif if fileExtension == "gif" { format = .gif } else if fileExtension == "jpg" { format = .jpg } else if fileExtension == "mp4" { format = .mp4 } else if fileExtension == "webp" { return nil } else { Logger.warn("Invalid file extension: \(fileExtension).") return nil } return GiphyRendition( format: format, name: renditionName, width: width, height: height, fileSize: fileSize, url: url ) } private func parsePositiveUInt(dict: [String: Any], key: String, typeName: String) -> UInt? { guard let value = dict[key] else { return nil } guard let stringValue = value as? String else { return nil } guard let parsedValue = UInt(stringValue) else { return nil } guard parsedValue > 0 else { Logger.verbose("\(typeName) has non-positive \(key): \(parsedValue).") return nil } return parsedValue } private func parseLenientUInt(dict: [String: Any], key: String) -> UInt { let defaultValue = UInt(0) guard let value = dict[key] else { return defaultValue } guard let stringValue = value as? String else { return defaultValue } guard let parsedValue = UInt(stringValue) else { return defaultValue } return parsedValue } }