// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Combine import GRDB import LocalAuthentication import DifferenceKit import SessionUIKit import SessionMessagingKit import SessionUtilitiesKit class PrivacySettingsViewModel: SessionTableViewModel { private let shouldShowCloseButton: Bool // MARK: - Initialization init(shouldShowCloseButton: Bool = false) { self.shouldShowCloseButton = shouldShowCloseButton super.init() } // MARK: - Config enum NavButton: Equatable { case close } public enum Section: SessionTableSection { case screenSecurity case readReceipts case typingIndicators case linkPreviews case calls var title: String? { switch self { case .screenSecurity: return "PRIVACY_SECTION_SCREEN_SECURITY".localized() case .readReceipts: return "PRIVACY_SECTION_READ_RECEIPTS".localized() case .typingIndicators: return "PRIVACY_SECTION_TYPING_INDICATORS".localized() case .linkPreviews: return "PRIVACY_SECTION_LINK_PREVIEWS".localized() case .calls: return "PRIVACY_SECTION_CALLS".localized() } } var style: SessionTableSectionStyle { return .title } } public enum Item: Differentiable { case screenLock case screenshotNotifications case readReceipts case typingIndicators case linkPreviews case calls } // MARK: - Navigation override var leftNavItems: AnyPublisher<[NavItem]?, Never> { guard self.shouldShowCloseButton else { return Just([]).eraseToAnyPublisher() } return Just([ NavItem( id: .close, image: UIImage(named: "X")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), style: .plain, accessibilityIdentifier: "Close Button" ) { [weak self] in self?.dismissScreen() } ]).eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: - Content override var title: String { "PRIVACY_TITLE".localized() } private var _settingsData: [SectionModel] = [] public override var settingsData: [SectionModel] { _settingsData } public override var observableSettingsData: ObservableData { _observableSettingsData } /// This is all the data the screen needs to populate itself, please see the following link for tips to help optimise /// performance https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift#valueobservation-performance /// /// **Note:** This observation will be triggered twice immediately (and be de-duped by the `removeDuplicates`) /// this is due to the behaviour of `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStartObservation` which triggers it's own /// fetch (after the ones in `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStart`/`ValueConcurrentObserver.syncStart`) /// just in case the database has changed between the two reads - unfortunately it doesn't look like there is a way to prevent this private lazy var _observableSettingsData: ObservableData = ValueObservation .trackingConstantRegion { db -> [SectionModel] in return [ SectionModel( model: .screenSecurity, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .screenLock, title: "PRIVACY_SCREEN_SECURITY_LOCK_SESSION_TITLE".localized(), subtitle: "PRIVACY_SCREEN_SECURITY_LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION".localized(), rightAccessory: .toggle(.settingBool(key: .isScreenLockEnabled)), onTap: { [weak self] in // Make sure the device has a passcode set before allowing screen lock to // be enabled (Note: This will always return true on a simulator) guard LAContext().canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthentication, error: nil) else { self?.transitionToScreen( ConfirmationModal( info: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: "SCREEN_LOCK_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_AVAILABLE".localized(), cancelTitle: "BUTTON_OK".localized(), cancelStyle: .alert_text ) ), transitionType: .present ) return } Storage.shared.write { db in db[.isScreenLockEnabled] = !db[.isScreenLockEnabled] } } ) ] ), SectionModel( model: .readReceipts, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .readReceipts, title: "PRIVACY_READ_RECEIPTS_TITLE".localized(), subtitle: "PRIVACY_READ_RECEIPTS_DESCRIPTION".localized(), rightAccessory: .toggle(.settingBool(key: .areReadReceiptsEnabled)), onTap: { Storage.shared.write { db in db[.areReadReceiptsEnabled] = !db[.areReadReceiptsEnabled] } } ) ] ), SectionModel( model: .typingIndicators, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .typingIndicators, title: "PRIVACY_TYPING_INDICATORS_TITLE".localized(), subtitle: "PRIVACY_TYPING_INDICATORS_DESCRIPTION".localized(), subtitleExtraViewGenerator: { let targetHeight: CGFloat = 20 let targetWidth: CGFloat = ceil(20 * (targetHeight / 12)) let result: UIView = UIView( frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: targetWidth, height: targetHeight) ) result.set(.width, to: targetWidth) result.set(.height, to: targetHeight) // Use a transform scale to reduce the size of the typing indicator to the // desired size (this way the animation remains intact) let cell: TypingIndicatorCell = TypingIndicatorCell() cell.transform = CGAffineTransform.scale(targetHeight / cell.bounds.height) cell.typingIndicatorView.startAnimation() result.addSubview(cell) // Note: Because we are messing with the transform these values don't work // logically so we inset the positioning to make it look visually centered // within the layout inspector cell.center(.vertical, in: result, withInset: -(targetHeight * 0.15)) cell.center(.horizontal, in: result, withInset: -(targetWidth * 0.35)) cell.set(.width, to: .width, of: result) cell.set(.height, to: .height, of: result) return result }, rightAccessory: .toggle(.settingBool(key: .typingIndicatorsEnabled)), onTap: { Storage.shared.write { db in db[.typingIndicatorsEnabled] = !db[.typingIndicatorsEnabled] } } ) ] ), SectionModel( model: .linkPreviews, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .linkPreviews, title: "PRIVACY_LINK_PREVIEWS_TITLE".localized(), subtitle: "PRIVACY_LINK_PREVIEWS_DESCRIPTION".localized(), rightAccessory: .toggle(.settingBool(key: .areLinkPreviewsEnabled)), onTap: { Storage.shared.write { db in db[.areLinkPreviewsEnabled] = !db[.areLinkPreviewsEnabled] } } ) ] ), SectionModel( model: .calls, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .calls, title: "PRIVACY_CALLS_TITLE".localized(), subtitle: "PRIVACY_CALLS_DESCRIPTION".localized(), rightAccessory: .toggle(.settingBool(key: .areCallsEnabled)), accessibilityLabel: "Allow voice and video calls", confirmationInfo: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: "PRIVACY_CALLS_WARNING_TITLE".localized(), explanation: "PRIVACY_CALLS_WARNING_DESCRIPTION".localized(), stateToShow: .whenDisabled, confirmTitle: "continue_2".localized(), confirmAccessibilityLabel: "Enable", confirmStyle: .textPrimary, onConfirm: { _ in Permissions.requestMicrophonePermissionIfNeeded() } ), onTap: { Storage.shared.write { db in db[.areCallsEnabled] = !db[.areCallsEnabled] } } ) ] ) ] } .removeDuplicates() .publisher(in: Storage.shared) // MARK: - Functions public override func updateSettings(_ updatedSettings: [SectionModel]) { self._settingsData = updatedSettings } }