// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // #import "OWSSounds.h" #import "Environment.h" #import "OWSAudioPlayer.h" #import #import #import #import #import #import NSString *const kOWSSoundsStorageNotificationCollection = @"kOWSSoundsStorageNotificationCollection"; NSString *const kOWSSoundsStorageGlobalNotificationKey = @"kOWSSoundsStorageGlobalNotificationKey"; @interface OWSSystemSound : NSObject @property (nonatomic, readonly) SystemSoundID soundID; @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSURL *soundURL; - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; - (instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)url NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; @end @implementation OWSSystemSound - (instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)url { self = [super init]; if (!self) { return self; } OWSLogDebug(@"creating system sound for %@", url.lastPathComponent); _soundURL = url; SystemSoundID newSoundID; OSStatus status = AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((__bridge CFURLRef _Nonnull)(url), &newSoundID); OWSAssertDebug(status == kAudioServicesNoError); OWSAssertDebug(newSoundID); _soundID = newSoundID; return self; } - (void)dealloc { OWSLogDebug(@"in dealloc disposing sound: %@", _soundURL.lastPathComponent); OSStatus status = AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID(_soundID); OWSAssertDebug(status == kAudioServicesNoError); } @end @interface OWSSounds () @property (nonatomic, readonly) YapDatabaseConnection *dbConnection; @property (nonatomic, readonly) AnyLRUCache *cachedSystemSounds; @end #pragma mark - @implementation OWSSounds + (instancetype)sharedManager { OWSAssertDebug(Environment.shared.sounds); return Environment.shared.sounds; } - (instancetype)initWithPrimaryStorage:(OWSPrimaryStorage *)primaryStorage { self = [super init]; if (!self) { return self; } OWSAssertDebug(primaryStorage); _dbConnection = primaryStorage.newDatabaseConnection; // Don't store too many sounds in memory. Most users will only use 1 or 2 sounds anyway. _cachedSystemSounds = [[AnyLRUCache alloc] initWithMaxSize:4]; OWSSingletonAssert(); return self; } + (NSArray *)allNotificationSounds { return @[ // None and Note (default) should be first. @(OWSSound_None), @(OWSSound_Note), @(OWSSound_Aurora), @(OWSSound_Bamboo), @(OWSSound_Chord), @(OWSSound_Circles), @(OWSSound_Complete), @(OWSSound_Hello), @(OWSSound_Input), @(OWSSound_Keys), @(OWSSound_Popcorn), @(OWSSound_Pulse), @(OWSSound_Synth), ]; } + (NSString *)displayNameForSound:(OWSSound)sound { // TODO: Should we localize these sound names? switch (sound) { case OWSSound_Default: OWSFailDebug(@"invalid argument."); return @""; // Notification Sounds case OWSSound_Aurora: return @"Aurora"; case OWSSound_Bamboo: return @"Bamboo"; case OWSSound_Chord: return @"Chord"; case OWSSound_Circles: return @"Circles"; case OWSSound_Complete: return @"Complete"; case OWSSound_Hello: return @"Hello"; case OWSSound_Input: return @"Input"; case OWSSound_Keys: return @"Keys"; case OWSSound_Note: return @"Note"; case OWSSound_Popcorn: return @"Popcorn"; case OWSSound_Pulse: return @"Pulse"; case OWSSound_Synth: return @"Synth"; case OWSSound_SignalClassic: return @"Signal Classic"; // Call Audio case OWSSound_Opening: return @"Opening"; case OWSSound_CallConnecting: return @"Call Connecting"; case OWSSound_CallOutboundRinging: return @"Call Outboung Ringing"; case OWSSound_CallBusy: return @"Call Busy"; case OWSSound_CallFailure: return @"Call Failure"; case OWSSound_MessageSent: return @"Message Sent"; // Other case OWSSound_None: return NSLocalizedString(@"SOUNDS_NONE", @"Label for the 'no sound' option that allows users to disable sounds for notifications, " @"etc."); } } + (nullable NSString *)filenameForSound:(OWSSound)sound { return [self filenameForSound:sound quiet:NO]; } + (nullable NSString *)filenameForSound:(OWSSound)sound quiet:(BOOL)quiet { switch (sound) { case OWSSound_Default: OWSFailDebug(@"invalid argument."); return @""; // Notification Sounds case OWSSound_Aurora: return (quiet ? @"aurora-quiet.aifc" : @"aurora.aifc"); case OWSSound_Bamboo: return (quiet ? @"bamboo-quiet.aifc" : @"bamboo.aifc"); case OWSSound_Chord: return (quiet ? @"chord-quiet.aifc" : @"chord.aifc"); case OWSSound_Circles: return (quiet ? @"circles-quiet.aifc" : @"circles.aifc"); case OWSSound_Complete: return (quiet ? @"complete-quiet.aifc" : @"complete.aifc"); case OWSSound_Hello: return (quiet ? @"hello-quiet.aifc" : @"hello.aifc"); case OWSSound_Input: return (quiet ? @"input-quiet.aifc" : @"input.aifc"); case OWSSound_Keys: return (quiet ? @"keys-quiet.aifc" : @"keys.aifc"); case OWSSound_Note: return (quiet ? @"note-quiet.aifc" : @"note.aifc"); case OWSSound_Popcorn: return (quiet ? @"popcorn-quiet.aifc" : @"popcorn.aifc"); case OWSSound_Pulse: return (quiet ? @"pulse-quiet.aifc" : @"pulse.aifc"); case OWSSound_Synth: return (quiet ? @"synth-quiet.aifc" : @"synth.aifc"); case OWSSound_SignalClassic: return (quiet ? @"classic-quiet.aifc" : @"classic.aifc"); // Ringtone Sounds case OWSSound_Opening: return @"Opening.m4r"; // Calls case OWSSound_CallConnecting: return @"ringback_tone_ansi.caf"; case OWSSound_CallOutboundRinging: return @"ringback_tone_ansi.caf"; case OWSSound_CallBusy: return @"busy_tone_ansi.caf"; case OWSSound_CallFailure: return @"end_call_tone_cept.caf"; case OWSSound_MessageSent: return @"message_sent.aiff"; // Other case OWSSound_None: return nil; } } + (nullable NSURL *)soundURLForSound:(OWSSound)sound quiet:(BOOL)quiet { NSString *_Nullable filename = [self filenameForSound:sound quiet:quiet]; if (!filename) { return nil; } NSURL *_Nullable url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:filename.stringByDeletingPathExtension withExtension:filename.pathExtension]; OWSAssertDebug(url); return url; } + (SystemSoundID)systemSoundIDForSound:(OWSSound)sound quiet:(BOOL)quiet { return [self.sharedManager systemSoundIDForSound:(OWSSound)sound quiet:quiet]; } - (SystemSoundID)systemSoundIDForSound:(OWSSound)sound quiet:(BOOL)quiet { NSString *cacheKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu:%d", (unsigned long)sound, quiet]; OWSSystemSound *_Nullable cachedSound = (OWSSystemSound *)[self.cachedSystemSounds getWithKey:cacheKey]; if (cachedSound) { OWSAssertDebug([cachedSound isKindOfClass:[OWSSystemSound class]]); return cachedSound.soundID; } NSURL *soundURL = [self.class soundURLForSound:sound quiet:quiet]; OWSSystemSound *newSound = [[OWSSystemSound alloc] initWithURL:soundURL]; [self.cachedSystemSounds setWithKey:cacheKey value:newSound]; return newSound.soundID; } #pragma mark - Notifications + (OWSSound)defaultNotificationSound { return OWSSound_Note; } + (OWSSound)globalNotificationSound { OWSSounds *instance = OWSSounds.sharedManager; NSNumber *_Nullable value = [instance.dbConnection objectForKey:kOWSSoundsStorageGlobalNotificationKey inCollection:kOWSSoundsStorageNotificationCollection]; // Default to the global default. return (value ? (OWSSound)value.intValue : [self defaultNotificationSound]); } + (void)setGlobalNotificationSound:(OWSSound)sound { [self.sharedManager setGlobalNotificationSound:sound]; } - (void)setGlobalNotificationSound:(OWSSound)sound { [LKStorage writeSyncWithBlock:^(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *_Nonnull transaction) { [self setGlobalNotificationSound:sound transaction:transaction]; } error:nil]; } + (void)setGlobalNotificationSound:(OWSSound)sound transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { [self.sharedManager setGlobalNotificationSound:sound transaction:transaction]; } - (void)setGlobalNotificationSound:(OWSSound)sound transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction { OWSAssertDebug(transaction); OWSLogInfo(@"Setting global notification sound to: %@", [[self class] displayNameForSound:sound]); // Fallback push notifications play a sound specified by the server, but we don't want to store this configuration // on the server. Instead, we create a file with the same name as the default to be played when receiving // a fallback notification. NSString *dirPath = [[OWSFileSystem appLibraryDirectoryPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Sounds"]; [OWSFileSystem ensureDirectoryExists:dirPath]; // This name is specified in the payload by the Signal Service when requesting fallback push notifications. NSString *kDefaultNotificationSoundFilename = @"NewMessage.aifc"; NSString *defaultSoundPath = [dirPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:kDefaultNotificationSoundFilename]; OWSLogDebug(@"writing new default sound to %@", defaultSoundPath); NSURL *_Nullable soundURL = [OWSSounds soundURLForSound:sound quiet:NO]; NSData *soundData = ^{ if (soundURL) { return [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:soundURL]; } else { OWSAssertDebug(sound == OWSSound_None); return [NSData new]; } }(); // Quick way to achieve an atomic "copy" operation that allows overwriting if the user has previously specified // a default notification sound. BOOL success = [soundData writeToFile:defaultSoundPath atomically:YES]; // The globally configured sound the user has configured is unprotected, so that we can still play the sound if the // user hasn't authenticated after power-cycling their device. [OWSFileSystem protectFileOrFolderAtPath:defaultSoundPath fileProtectionType:NSFileProtectionNone]; if (!success) { OWSFailDebug(@"Unable to write new default sound data from: %@ to :%@", soundURL, defaultSoundPath); return; } [transaction setObject:@(sound) forKey:kOWSSoundsStorageGlobalNotificationKey inCollection:kOWSSoundsStorageNotificationCollection]; } + (OWSSound)notificationSoundForThread:(TSThread *)thread { OWSSounds *instance = OWSSounds.sharedManager; NSNumber *_Nullable value = [instance.dbConnection objectForKey:thread.uniqueId inCollection:kOWSSoundsStorageNotificationCollection]; // Default to the "global" notification sound, which in turn will default to the global default. return (value ? (OWSSound)value.intValue : [self globalNotificationSound]); } + (void)setNotificationSound:(OWSSound)sound forThread:(TSThread *)thread { OWSSounds *instance = OWSSounds.sharedManager; [instance.dbConnection setObject:@(sound) forKey:thread.uniqueId inCollection:kOWSSoundsStorageNotificationCollection]; } #pragma mark - AudioPlayer + (BOOL)shouldAudioPlayerLoopForSound:(OWSSound)sound { return (sound == OWSSound_CallConnecting || sound == OWSSound_CallOutboundRinging); } + (nullable OWSAudioPlayer *)audioPlayerForSound:(OWSSound)sound audioBehavior:(OWSAudioBehavior)audioBehavior; { NSURL *_Nullable soundURL = [OWSSounds soundURLForSound:sound quiet:NO]; if (!soundURL) { return nil; } OWSAudioPlayer *player = [[OWSAudioPlayer alloc] initWithMediaUrl:soundURL audioBehavior:audioBehavior]; if ([self shouldAudioPlayerLoopForSound:sound]) { player.isLooping = YES; } return player; } @end