// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Combine import GRDB import YYImage import DifferenceKit import SessionUIKit import SessionMessagingKit import SessionUtilitiesKit import SignalUtilitiesKit class SettingsViewModel: SessionTableViewModel { // MARK: - Config enum NavState { case standard case editing } enum NavButton: Equatable { case close case qrCode case cancel case done } public enum Section: SessionTableSection { case profileInfo case sessionId case menus case footer var title: String? { switch self { case .sessionId: return "your_session_id".localized() default: return nil } } var style: SessionTableSectionStyle { switch self { case .sessionId: return .titleSeparator case .menus: return .padding default: return .none } } } public enum Item: Differentiable { case avatar case profileName case sessionId case idActions case path case privacy case notifications case conversations case messageRequests case appearance case inviteAFriend case recoveryPhrase case help case clearData } // MARK: - Variables private let userSessionId: String private lazy var imagePickerHandler: ImagePickerHandler = ImagePickerHandler( onTransition: { [weak self] in self?.transitionToScreen($0, transitionType: $1) }, onImageDataPicked: { [weak self] resultImageData in guard let oldDisplayName: String = self?.oldDisplayName else { return } self?.updatedProfilePictureSelected( name: oldDisplayName, avatarUpdate: .uploadImageData(resultImageData) ) } ) fileprivate var oldDisplayName: String private var editedDisplayName: String? private var editProfilePictureModal: ConfirmationModal? private var editProfilePictureModalInfo: ConfirmationModal.Info? // MARK: - Initialization override init() { self.userSessionId = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey() self.oldDisplayName = Profile.fetchOrCreateCurrentUser().name super.init() } // MARK: - Navigation lazy var navState: AnyPublisher = { Publishers .CombineLatest( isEditing, textChanged .handleEvents( receiveOutput: { [weak self] value, _ in self?.editedDisplayName = value } ) .filter { _ in false } .prepend((nil, .profileName)) ) .map { isEditing, _ -> NavState in (isEditing ? .editing : .standard) } .removeDuplicates() .prepend(.standard) // Initial value .shareReplay(1) .eraseToAnyPublisher() }() override var leftNavItems: AnyPublisher<[NavItem]?, Never> { navState .map { navState -> [NavItem] in switch navState { case .standard: return [ NavItem( id: .close, image: UIImage(named: "X")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), style: .plain, accessibilityIdentifier: "Close button" ) { [weak self] in self?.dismissScreen() } ] case .editing: return [ NavItem( id: .cancel, systemItem: .cancel, accessibilityIdentifier: "Cancel button" ) { [weak self] in self?.setIsEditing(false) self?.editedDisplayName = self?.oldDisplayName } ] } } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } override var rightNavItems: AnyPublisher<[NavItem]?, Never> { navState .map { [weak self] navState -> [NavItem] in switch navState { case .standard: return [ NavItem( id: .qrCode, image: UIImage(named: "QRCode")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), style: .plain, accessibilityIdentifier: "Show QR code button", action: { [weak self] in self?.transitionToScreen(QRCodeVC()) } ) ] case .editing: return [ NavItem( id: .done, systemItem: .done, accessibilityIdentifier: "Done" ) { [weak self] in let updatedNickname: String = (self?.editedDisplayName ?? "") .trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) guard !updatedNickname.isEmpty else { self?.transitionToScreen( ConfirmationModal( info: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: "vc_settings_display_name_missing_error".localized(), cancelTitle: "BUTTON_OK".localized(), cancelStyle: .alert_text ) ), transitionType: .present ) return } guard !ProfileManager.isToLong(profileName: updatedNickname) else { self?.transitionToScreen( ConfirmationModal( info: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: "vc_settings_display_name_too_long_error".localized(), cancelTitle: "BUTTON_OK".localized(), cancelStyle: .alert_text ) ), transitionType: .present ) return } self?.setIsEditing(false) self?.oldDisplayName = updatedNickname self?.updateProfile( name: updatedNickname, avatarUpdate: .none ) } ] } } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: - Content override var title: String { "vc_settings_title".localized() } public override var observableTableData: ObservableData { _observableTableData } /// This is all the data the screen needs to populate itself, please see the following link for tips to help optimise /// performance https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift#valueobservation-performance /// /// **Note:** This observation will be triggered twice immediately (and be de-duped by the `removeDuplicates`) /// this is due to the behaviour of `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStartObservation` which triggers it's own /// fetch (after the ones in `ValueConcurrentObserver.asyncStart`/`ValueConcurrentObserver.syncStart`) /// just in case the database has changed between the two reads - unfortunately it doesn't look like there is a way to prevent this private lazy var _observableTableData: ObservableData = ValueObservation .trackingConstantRegion { [weak self] db -> [SectionModel] in let userPublicKey: String = getUserHexEncodedPublicKey(db) let profile: Profile = Profile.fetchOrCreateCurrentUser(db) return [ SectionModel( model: .profileInfo, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .avatar, accessory: .profile( id: profile.id, size: .hero, profile: profile ), styling: SessionCell.StyleInfo( alignment: .centerHugging, customPadding: SessionCell.Padding(bottom: Values.smallSpacing), backgroundStyle: .noBackground ), accessibility: Accessibility( label: "Profile picture" ), onTap: { self?.updateProfilePicture(currentFileName: profile.profilePictureFileName) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .profileName, title: SessionCell.TextInfo( profile.displayName(), font: .titleLarge, alignment: .center, interaction: .editable ), styling: SessionCell.StyleInfo( alignment: .centerHugging, customPadding: SessionCell.Padding(top: Values.smallSpacing), backgroundStyle: .noBackground ), accessibility: Accessibility( identifier: "Username", label: profile.displayName() ), onTap: { self?.setIsEditing(true) } ) ] ), SectionModel( model: .sessionId, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .sessionId, title: SessionCell.TextInfo( profile.id, font: .monoLarge, alignment: .center, interaction: .copy ), styling: SessionCell.StyleInfo( customPadding: SessionCell.Padding(bottom: Values.smallSpacing), backgroundStyle: .noBackground ), accessibility: Accessibility( identifier: "Session ID", label: profile.id ) ), SessionCell.Info( id: .idActions, leftAccessory: .button( style: .bordered, title: "copy".localized(), run: { button in self?.copySessionId(profile.id, button: button) } ), rightAccessory: .button( style: .bordered, title: "share".localized(), run: { _ in self?.shareSessionId(profile.id) } ), styling: SessionCell.StyleInfo( customPadding: SessionCell.Padding( top: Values.smallSpacing, leading: 0, trailing: 0 ), backgroundStyle: .noBackground ) ) ] ), SectionModel( model: .menus, elements: [ SessionCell.Info( id: .path, leftAccessory: .customView(hashValue: "PathStatusView") { // Need to ensure this view is the same size as the icons so // wrap it in a larger view let result: UIView = UIView() let pathView: PathStatusView = PathStatusView(size: .large) result.addSubview(pathView) result.set(.width, to: IconSize.medium.size) result.set(.height, to: IconSize.medium.size) pathView.center(in: result) return result }, title: "vc_path_title".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen(PathVC()) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .privacy, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_privacy")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "vc_settings_privacy_button_title".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen( SessionTableViewController(viewModel: PrivacySettingsViewModel()) ) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .notifications, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_speaker")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "vc_settings_notifications_button_title".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen( SessionTableViewController(viewModel: NotificationSettingsViewModel()) ) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .conversations, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_msg")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_TITLE".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen( SessionTableViewController(viewModel: ConversationSettingsViewModel()) ) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .messageRequests, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_msg_req")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "MESSAGE_REQUESTS_TITLE".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen(MessageRequestsViewController()) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .appearance, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_apperance")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "APPEARANCE_TITLE".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen(AppearanceViewController()) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .inviteAFriend, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_invite")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "vc_settings_invite_a_friend_button_title".localized(), onTap: { let invitation: String = "Hey, I've been using Session to chat with complete privacy and security. Come join me! Download it at https://getsession.org/. My Session ID is \(profile.id) !" self?.transitionToScreen( UIActivityViewController( activityItems: [ invitation ], applicationActivities: nil ), transitionType: .present ) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .recoveryPhrase, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_recovery")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "vc_settings_recovery_phrase_button_title".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen(SeedModal(), transitionType: .present) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .help, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_help")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "HELP_TITLE".localized(), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen( SessionTableViewController(viewModel: HelpViewModel()) ) } ), SessionCell.Info( id: .clearData, leftAccessory: .icon( UIImage(named: "icon_bin")? .withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) ), title: "vc_settings_clear_all_data_button_title".localized(), styling: SessionCell.StyleInfo(tintColor: .danger), onTap: { self?.transitionToScreen(NukeDataModal(), transitionType: .present) } ) ] ) ] } .removeDuplicates() .handleEvents(didFail: { SNLog("[SettingsViewModel] Observation failed with error: \($0)") }) .publisher(in: Storage.shared) .mapToSessionTableViewData(for: self) public override var footerView: AnyPublisher { Just(VersionFooterView()) .eraseToAnyPublisher() } // MARK: - Functions private func updateProfilePicture(currentFileName: String?) { let existingDisplayName: String = self.oldDisplayName let existingImageData: Data? = ProfileManager .profileAvatar(id: self.userSessionId) let editProfilePictureModalInfo: ConfirmationModal.Info = ConfirmationModal.Info( title: "update_profile_modal_title".localized(), body: .image( placeholderData: UIImage(named: "profile_placeholder")?.pngData(), valueData: existingImageData, icon: .rightPlus, style: .circular, accessibility: Accessibility( identifier: "Image picker", label: "Image picker" ), onClick: { [weak self] in self?.showPhotoLibraryForAvatar() } ), confirmTitle: "update_profile_modal_save".localized(), confirmEnabled: false, cancelTitle: "update_profile_modal_remove".localized(), cancelEnabled: (existingImageData != nil), hasCloseButton: true, dismissOnConfirm: false, onConfirm: { modal in modal.close() }, onCancel: { [weak self] modal in self?.updateProfile( name: existingDisplayName, avatarUpdate: .remove, onComplete: { [weak modal] in modal?.close() } ) }, afterClosed: { [weak self] in self?.editProfilePictureModal = nil self?.editProfilePictureModalInfo = nil } ) let modal: ConfirmationModal = ConfirmationModal(info: editProfilePictureModalInfo) self.editProfilePictureModalInfo = editProfilePictureModalInfo self.editProfilePictureModal = modal self.transitionToScreen(modal, transitionType: .present) } fileprivate func updatedProfilePictureSelected(name: String, avatarUpdate: ProfileManager.AvatarUpdate) { guard let info: ConfirmationModal.Info = self.editProfilePictureModalInfo else { return } self.editProfilePictureModal?.updateContent( with: info.with( body: .image( placeholderData: UIImage(named: "profile_placeholder")?.pngData(), valueData: { switch avatarUpdate { case .uploadImageData(let imageData): return imageData default: return nil } }(), icon: .rightPlus, style: .circular, accessibility: Accessibility( identifier: "Image picker", label: "Image picker" ), onClick: { [weak self] in self?.showPhotoLibraryForAvatar() } ), confirmEnabled: true, onConfirm: { [weak self] modal in self?.updateProfile( name: name, avatarUpdate: avatarUpdate, onComplete: { [weak modal] in modal?.close() } ) } ) ) } private func showPhotoLibraryForAvatar() { Permissions.requestLibraryPermissionIfNeeded { [weak self] in DispatchQueue.main.async { let picker: UIImagePickerController = UIImagePickerController() picker.sourceType = .photoLibrary picker.mediaTypes = [ "public.image" ] picker.delegate = self?.imagePickerHandler self?.transitionToScreen(picker, transitionType: .present) } } } fileprivate func updateProfile( name: String, avatarUpdate: ProfileManager.AvatarUpdate, onComplete: (() -> ())? = nil ) { let viewController = ModalActivityIndicatorViewController(canCancel: false) { [weak self] modalActivityIndicator in ProfileManager.updateLocal( queue: .global(qos: .default), profileName: name, avatarUpdate: avatarUpdate, success: { db in // Wait for the database transaction to complete before updating the UI db.afterNextTransactionNested { _ in DispatchQueue.main.async { modalActivityIndicator.dismiss(completion: { onComplete?() }) } } }, failure: { [weak self] error in DispatchQueue.main.async { modalActivityIndicator.dismiss { let title: String = { switch (avatarUpdate, error) { case (.remove, _): return "update_profile_modal_remove_error_title".localized() case (_, .avatarUploadMaxFileSizeExceeded): return "update_profile_modal_max_size_error_title".localized() default: return "update_profile_modal_error_title".localized() } }() let message: String? = { switch (avatarUpdate, error) { case (.remove, _): return nil case (_, .avatarUploadMaxFileSizeExceeded): return "update_profile_modal_max_size_error_message".localized() default: return "update_profile_modal_error_message".localized() } }() self?.transitionToScreen( ConfirmationModal( info: ConfirmationModal.Info( title: title, body: (message.map { .text($0) } ?? .none), cancelTitle: "BUTTON_OK".localized(), cancelStyle: .alert_text, dismissType: .single ) ), transitionType: .present ) } } } ) } self.transitionToScreen(viewController, transitionType: .present) } private func copySessionId(_ sessionId: String, button: SessionButton?) { UIPasteboard.general.string = sessionId guard let button: SessionButton = button else { return } // Ensure we are on the main thread just in case DispatchQueue.main.async { button.isUserInteractionEnabled = false UIView.transition( with: button, duration: 0.25, options: .transitionCrossDissolve, animations: { button.setTitle("copied".localized(), for: .normal) }, completion: { _ in DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(4)) { button.isUserInteractionEnabled = true UIView.transition( with: button, duration: 0.25, options: .transitionCrossDissolve, animations: { button.setTitle("copy".localized(), for: .normal) }, completion: nil ) } } ) } } private func shareSessionId(_ sessionId: String) { let shareVC = UIActivityViewController( activityItems: [ sessionId ], applicationActivities: nil ) self.transitionToScreen(shareVC, transitionType: .present) } }