// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import PromiseKit import SignalUtilitiesKit import SignalUtilitiesKit import YYImage class GifPickerCell: UICollectionViewCell { // MARK: Properties var imageInfo: GiphyImageInfo? { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() ensureCellState() } } // Loading and playing GIFs is quite expensive (network, memory, cpu). // Here's a bit of logic to not preload offscreen cells that are prefetched. var isCellVisible = false { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() ensureCellState() } } // We do "progressive" loading by loading stills (jpg or gif) and "animated" gifs. // This is critical on cellular connections. var stillAssetRequest: ProxiedContentAssetRequest? var stillAsset: ProxiedContentAsset? var animatedAssetRequest: ProxiedContentAssetRequest? var animatedAsset: ProxiedContentAsset? var imageView: YYAnimatedImageView? var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView? var isCellSelected: Bool = false { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() ensureCellState() } } // As another bandwidth saving measure, we only fetch the full sized GIF when the user selects it. private var renditionForSending: GiphyRendition? // MARK: Initializers deinit { stillAssetRequest?.cancel() animatedAssetRequest?.cancel() } override func prepareForReuse() { super.prepareForReuse() imageInfo = nil isCellVisible = false stillAsset = nil stillAssetRequest?.cancel() stillAssetRequest = nil animatedAsset = nil animatedAssetRequest?.cancel() animatedAssetRequest = nil imageView?.removeFromSuperview() imageView = nil activityIndicator = nil isCellSelected = false } private func clearStillAssetRequest() { stillAssetRequest?.cancel() stillAssetRequest = nil } private func clearAnimatedAssetRequest() { animatedAssetRequest?.cancel() animatedAssetRequest = nil } private func clearAssetRequests() { clearStillAssetRequest() clearAnimatedAssetRequest() } public func ensureCellState() { ensureLoadState() ensureViewState() } public func ensureLoadState() { guard isCellVisible else { // Don't load if cell is not visible. clearAssetRequests() return } guard let imageInfo = imageInfo else { // Don't load if cell is not configured. clearAssetRequests() return } guard self.animatedAsset == nil else { // Don't load if cell is already loaded. clearAssetRequests() return } // Record high quality animated rendition, but to save bandwidth, don't start downloading // until it's selected. guard let highQualityAnimatedRendition = imageInfo.pickSendingRendition() else { Logger.warn("could not pick gif rendition: \(imageInfo.giphyId)") clearAssetRequests() return } self.renditionForSending = highQualityAnimatedRendition // The Giphy API returns a slew of "renditions" for a given image. // It's critical that we carefully "pick" the best rendition to use. guard let animatedRendition = imageInfo.pickPreviewRendition() else { Logger.warn("could not pick gif rendition: \(imageInfo.giphyId)") clearAssetRequests() return } guard let stillRendition = imageInfo.pickStillRendition() else { Logger.warn("could not pick still rendition: \(imageInfo.giphyId)") clearAssetRequests() return } // Start still asset request if necessary. if stillAsset != nil || animatedAsset != nil { clearStillAssetRequest() } else if stillAssetRequest == nil { stillAssetRequest = GiphyDownloader.giphyDownloader.requestAsset(assetDescription: stillRendition, priority: .high, success: { [weak self] assetRequest, asset in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } if assetRequest != nil && assetRequest != strongSelf.stillAssetRequest { owsFailDebug("Obsolete request callback.") return } strongSelf.clearStillAssetRequest() strongSelf.stillAsset = asset strongSelf.ensureViewState() }, failure: { [weak self] assetRequest in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } if assetRequest != strongSelf.stillAssetRequest { owsFailDebug("Obsolete request callback.") return } strongSelf.clearStillAssetRequest() }) } // Start animated asset request if necessary. if animatedAsset != nil { clearAnimatedAssetRequest() } else if animatedAssetRequest == nil { animatedAssetRequest = GiphyDownloader.giphyDownloader.requestAsset(assetDescription: animatedRendition, priority: .low, success: { [weak self] assetRequest, asset in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } if assetRequest != nil && assetRequest != strongSelf.animatedAssetRequest { owsFailDebug("Obsolete request callback.") return } // If we have the animated asset, we don't need the still asset. strongSelf.clearAssetRequests() strongSelf.animatedAsset = asset strongSelf.ensureViewState() }, failure: { [weak self] assetRequest in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } if assetRequest != strongSelf.animatedAssetRequest { owsFailDebug("Obsolete request callback.") return } strongSelf.clearAnimatedAssetRequest() }) } } private func ensureViewState() { guard isCellVisible else { // Clear image view so we don't animate offscreen GIFs. clearViewState() return } guard let asset = pickBestAsset() else { clearViewState() return } guard NSData.ows_isValidImage(atPath: asset.filePath, mimeType: OWSMimeTypeImageGif) else { owsFailDebug("invalid asset.") clearViewState() return } guard let image = YYImage(contentsOfFile: asset.filePath) else { owsFailDebug("could not load asset.") clearViewState() return } if imageView == nil { let imageView = YYAnimatedImageView() self.imageView = imageView self.contentView.addSubview(imageView) imageView.ows_autoPinToSuperviewEdges() } guard let imageView = imageView else { owsFailDebug("missing imageview.") clearViewState() return } imageView.image = image self.backgroundColor = nil if self.isCellSelected { let activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(style: .gray) self.activityIndicator = activityIndicator addSubview(activityIndicator) activityIndicator.autoCenterInSuperview() activityIndicator.startAnimating() // Render activityIndicator on a white tile to ensure it's visible on // when overlayed on a variety of potential gifs. activityIndicator.backgroundColor = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.3) activityIndicator.autoSetDimension(.width, toSize: 30) activityIndicator.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: 30) activityIndicator.layer.cornerRadius = 3 activityIndicator.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.black.cgColor activityIndicator.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 1, height: 1) activityIndicator.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.7 activityIndicator.layer.shadowRadius = 1.0 } else { self.activityIndicator?.stopAnimating() self.activityIndicator = nil } } public func requestRenditionForSending() -> Promise { guard let renditionForSending = self.renditionForSending else { owsFailDebug("renditionForSending was unexpectedly nil") return Promise(error: GiphyError.assertionError(description: "renditionForSending was unexpectedly nil")) } let (promise, resolver) = Promise.pending() // We don't retain a handle on the asset request, since there will only ever // be one selected asset, and we never want to cancel it. _ = GiphyDownloader.giphyDownloader.requestAsset(assetDescription: renditionForSending, priority: .high, success: { _, asset in resolver.fulfill(asset) }, failure: { _ in // TODO GiphyDownloader API should pass through a useful failing error // so we can pass it through here Logger.error("request failed") resolver.reject(GiphyError.fetchFailure) }) return promise } private func clearViewState() { imageView?.image = nil self.backgroundColor = (Theme.isDarkThemeEnabled ? UIColor(white: 0.25, alpha: 1.0) : UIColor(white: 0.95, alpha: 1.0)) } private func pickBestAsset() -> ProxiedContentAsset? { return animatedAsset ?? stillAsset } }