import SessionUIKit final class ShareVC : UIViewController, AppModeManagerDelegate { @IBOutlet private var logoImageView: UIImageView! private var areVersionMigrationsComplete = false // MARK: Lifecycle override func loadView() { super.loadView() // This should be the first thing we do. let appContext = ShareAppExtensionContext(rootViewController: self) SetCurrentAppContext(appContext) AppModeManager.configure(delegate: self) DebugLogger.shared().enableTTYLogging() if _isDebugAssertConfiguration() { DebugLogger.shared().enableFileLogging() } else if OWSPreferences.isLoggingEnabled() { DebugLogger.shared().enableFileLogging() }"") _ = AppVersion.sharedInstance() Cryptography.seedRandom() // We don't need to use DeviceSleepManager in the SAE. // We don't need to use applySignalAppearence in the SAE. if CurrentAppContext().isRunningTests { // TODO: Do we need to implement isRunningTests in the SAE context? return } AppSetup.setupEnvironment(appSpecificSingletonBlock: { SSKEnvironment.shared.notificationsManager = NoopNotificationsManager() }, migrationCompletion: { [weak self] in AssertIsOnMainThread() guard let strongSelf = self else { return } // performUpdateCheck must be invoked after Environment has been initialized because // upgrade process may depend on Environment. strongSelf.versionMigrationsDidComplete() }) // We don't need to use "screen protection" in the SAE. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(storageIsReady), name: .StorageIsReady, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(applicationDidEnterBackground), name: .OWSApplicationDidEnterBackground, object: nil) } @objc func versionMigrationsDidComplete() { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.debug("") areVersionMigrationsComplete = true checkIsAppReady() } @objc func storageIsReady() { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.debug("") checkIsAppReady() } @objc func checkIsAppReady() { AssertIsOnMainThread() // App isn't ready until storage is ready AND all version migrations are complete. guard areVersionMigrationsComplete else { return } guard OWSStorage.isStorageReady() else { return } guard !AppReadiness.isAppReady() else { // Only mark the app as ready once. return } SignalUtilitiesKit.Configuration.performMainSetup() Logger.debug("") // TODO: Once "app ready" logic is moved into AppSetup, move this line there. OWSProfileManager.shared().ensureLocalProfileCached() // Note that this does much more than set a flag; // it will also run all deferred blocks. AppReadiness.setAppIsReady() // We don't need to use messageFetcherJob in the SAE. // We don't need to use SyncPushTokensJob in the SAE. // We don't need to use DeviceSleepManager in the SAE. AppVersion.sharedInstance().saeLaunchDidComplete() setUpViewHierarchy() // We don't need to use OWSMessageReceiver in the SAE. // We don't need to use OWSBatchMessageProcessor in the SAE. OWSProfileManager.shared().ensureLocalProfileCached() // We don't need to use OWSOrphanDataCleaner in the SAE. // We don't need to fetch the local profile in the SAE OWSReadReceiptManager.shared().prepareCachedValues() } private func setUpViewHierarchy() { } @objc public func applicationDidEnterBackground() { AssertIsOnMainThread()"") if OWSScreenLock.shared.isScreenLockEnabled() { self.dismiss(animated: false) { [weak self] in AssertIsOnMainThread() guard let strongSelf = self else { return } strongSelf.extensionContext!.completeRequest(returningItems: [], completionHandler: nil) } } } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) // Share extensions reside in a process that may be reused between usages. // That isn't safe; the codebase is full of statics (e.g. singletons) which // we can't easily clean up. ExitShareExtension() } // MARK: App Mode public func getCurrentAppMode() -> AppMode { guard let window = self.view.window else { return .light } let userInterfaceStyle = window.traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle let isLightMode = (userInterfaceStyle == .light || userInterfaceStyle == .unspecified) return isLightMode ? .light : .dark } public func setCurrentAppMode(to appMode: AppMode) { return // Not applicable to share extensions } }