// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import SessionUtilitiesKit public struct OpenGroup: Codable, Identifiable, FetchableRecord, PersistableRecord, TableRecord, ColumnExpressible { public static var databaseTableName: String { "openGroup" } internal static let threadForeignKey = ForeignKey([Columns.threadId], to: [SessionThread.Columns.id]) private static let thread = belongsTo(SessionThread.self, using: threadForeignKey) public static let members = hasMany(GroupMember.self, using: GroupMember.openGroupForeignKey) public typealias Columns = CodingKeys public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression { case threadId case server case roomToken case publicKey case name case isActive case roomDescription = "description" case imageId case imageData case userCount case infoUpdates case sequenceNumber case inboxLatestMessageId case outboxLatestMessageId case pollFailureCount case permissions } public struct Permissions: OptionSet, Codable, DatabaseValueConvertible, Hashable { public let rawValue: UInt16 public init(rawValue: UInt16) { self.rawValue = rawValue } public init(roomInfo: OpenGroupAPI.RoomPollInfo) { var permissions: Permissions = [] if roomInfo.read { permissions.insert(.read) } if roomInfo.write { permissions.insert(.write) } if roomInfo.upload { permissions.insert(.upload) } self.init(rawValue: permissions.rawValue) } public func toString() -> String { return "" .appending(self.contains(.read) ? "r" : "-") .appending(self.contains(.write) ? "w" : "-") .appending(self.contains(.upload) ? "u" : "-") } static let read: Permissions = Permissions(rawValue: 1 << 0) static let write: Permissions = Permissions(rawValue: 1 << 1) static let upload: Permissions = Permissions(rawValue: 1 << 2) static let all: Permissions = [ .read, .write, .upload ] } /// The Community public key takes up 32 bytes static let pubkeyByteLength: Int = 32 public var id: String { threadId } // Identifiable /// The id for the thread this open group belongs to /// /// **Note:** This value will always be `\(server).\(room)` (This needs it’s own column to /// allow for db joining to the Thread table) public let threadId: String /// The server for the group public let server: String /// The specific room on the server for the group /// /// **Note:** In order to support the default open group query we need an OpenGroup entry in /// the database, for this entry the `roomToken` value will be an empty string so we can ignore /// it when polling public let roomToken: String /// The public key for the group public let publicKey: String /// Flag indicating whether this is an OpenGroup the user has actively joined (we store inactive /// open groups so we can display them in the UI but they won't be polled for) public let isActive: Bool /// The name for the group public let name: String /// The description for the room public let roomDescription: String? /// The ID with which the image can be retrieved from the server public let imageId: String? /// The image for the group public let imageData: Data? /// The number of users in the group public let userCount: Int64 /// Monotonic room information counter that increases each time the room's metadata changes public let infoUpdates: Int64 /// Sequence number for the most recently received message from the open group public let sequenceNumber: Int64 /// The id of the most recently received inbox message /// /// **Note:** This value is unique per server rather than per room (ie. all rooms in the same server will be /// updated whenever this value changes) public let inboxLatestMessageId: Int64 /// The id of the most recently received outbox message /// /// **Note:** This value is unique per server rather than per room (ie. all rooms in the same server will be /// updated whenever this value changes) public let outboxLatestMessageId: Int64 /// The number of times this room has failed to poll since the last successful poll public let pollFailureCount: Int64 /// The permissions this room has for current user public let permissions: Permissions? // MARK: - Relationships public var thread: QueryInterfaceRequest { request(for: OpenGroup.thread) } public var moderatorIds: QueryInterfaceRequest { request(for: OpenGroup.members) .filter(GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.moderator) } public var adminIds: QueryInterfaceRequest { request(for: OpenGroup.members) .filter(GroupMember.Columns.role == GroupMember.Role.admin) } // MARK: - Initialization public init( server: String, roomToken: String, publicKey: String, isActive: Bool, name: String, roomDescription: String? = nil, imageId: String? = nil, imageData: Data? = nil, userCount: Int64, infoUpdates: Int64, sequenceNumber: Int64 = 0, inboxLatestMessageId: Int64 = 0, outboxLatestMessageId: Int64 = 0, pollFailureCount: Int64 = 0, permissions: Permissions? = nil ) { self.threadId = OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server) self.server = server.lowercased() self.roomToken = roomToken self.publicKey = publicKey self.isActive = isActive self.name = name self.roomDescription = roomDescription self.imageId = imageId self.imageData = imageData self.userCount = userCount self.infoUpdates = infoUpdates self.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber self.inboxLatestMessageId = inboxLatestMessageId self.outboxLatestMessageId = outboxLatestMessageId self.pollFailureCount = pollFailureCount self.permissions = permissions } } // MARK: - GRDB Interactions public extension OpenGroup { static func fetchOrCreate( _ db: Database, server: String, roomToken: String, publicKey: String ) -> OpenGroup { guard let existingGroup: OpenGroup = try? OpenGroup.fetchOne(db, id: OpenGroup.idFor(roomToken: roomToken, server: server)) else { return OpenGroup( server: server, roomToken: roomToken, publicKey: publicKey, isActive: false, name: roomToken, // Default the name to the `roomToken` until we get retrieve the actual name roomDescription: nil, imageId: nil, imageData: nil, userCount: 0, infoUpdates: 0, sequenceNumber: 0, inboxLatestMessageId: 0, outboxLatestMessageId: 0, pollFailureCount: 0, permissions: nil ) } return existingGroup } } // MARK: - Search Queries public extension OpenGroup { struct FullTextSearch: Decodable, ColumnExpressible { public typealias Columns = CodingKeys public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, ColumnExpression, CaseIterable { case name } let name: String } } // MARK: - Convenience public extension OpenGroup { static func idFor(roomToken: String, server: String) -> String { // Always force the server to lowercase return "\(server.lowercased()).\(roomToken)" } } extension OpenGroup: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible { public var description: String { "\(name) (Server: \(server), Room: \(roomToken))" } public var debugDescription: String { [ "OpenGroup(server: \"\(server)\"", "roomToken: \"\(roomToken)\"", "id: \"\(id)\"", "publicKey: \"\(publicKey)\"", "isActive: \(isActive)", "name: \"\(name)\"", "roomDescription: \(roomDescription.map { "\"\($0)\"" } ?? "null")", "imageId: \(imageId ?? "null")", "userCount: \(userCount)", "infoUpdates: \(infoUpdates)", "sequenceNumber: \(sequenceNumber)", "inboxLatestMessageId: \(inboxLatestMessageId)", "outboxLatestMessageId: \(outboxLatestMessageId)", "pollFailureCount: \(pollFailureCount)", "permissions: \(permissions?.toString() ?? "---"))" ].joined(separator: ", ") } }