# Make sure we're failing even though we pipe to xcpretty SHELL=/bin/bash -o pipefail -o errexit WORKING_DIR = ./ SCHEME = Signal XCODE_BUILD = xcrun xcodebuild -workspace $(SCHEME).xcworkspace -scheme $(SCHEME) -sdk iphonesimulator .PHONY: build test retest clean dependencies default: test ci: dependencies test cd SignalServiceKit && make ci update_dependencies: bundle exec pod update carthage update --platform iOS dependencies: cd $(WORKING_DIR) && \ git submodule update --init carthage build --platform iOS build: dependencies cd $(WORKING_DIR) && \ $(XCODE_BUILD) build | xcpretty test: bundle exec fastlane scan cd SignalServiceKit && make test clean: cd $(WORKING_DIR) && \ rm -fr Carthage/Build && \ $(XCODE_BUILD) clean | xcpretty # Migrating across swift versions requires me to run this sometimes clean_carthage_cache: rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/