// // Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // #import "OWSOutgoingNullMessage.h" #import "OWSVerificationStateSyncMessage.h" #import "TSContactThread.h" #import #import #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface OWSOutgoingNullMessage () @property (nonatomic, readonly) OWSVerificationStateSyncMessage *verificationStateSyncMessage; @end #pragma mark - @implementation OWSOutgoingNullMessage - (instancetype)initWithContactThread:(TSContactThread *)contactThread verificationStateSyncMessage:(OWSVerificationStateSyncMessage *)verificationStateSyncMessage { self = [super initOutgoingMessageWithTimestamp:[NSDate ows_millisecondTimeStamp] inThread:contactThread messageBody:nil attachmentIds:[NSMutableArray new] expiresInSeconds:0 expireStartedAt:0 isVoiceMessage:NO groupMetaMessage:TSGroupMetaMessageUnspecified quotedMessage:nil contactShare:nil]; if (!self) { return self; } _verificationStateSyncMessage = verificationStateSyncMessage; return self; } #pragma mark - override TSOutgoingMessage - (nullable NSData *)buildPlainTextData:(SignalRecipient *)recipient { SSKProtoNullMessageBuilder *nullMessageBuilder = [SSKProtoNullMessage builder]; NSUInteger contentLength = self.verificationStateSyncMessage.unpaddedVerifiedLength; OWSAssertDebug(self.verificationStateSyncMessage.paddingBytesLength > 0); // We add the same amount of padding in the VerificationStateSync message and it's coresponding NullMessage so that // the sync message is indistinguishable from an outgoing Sent transcript corresponding to the NullMessage. We pad // the NullMessage so as to obscure it's content. The sync message (like all sync messages) will be *additionally* // padded by the superclass while being sent. The end result is we send a NullMessage of a non-distinct size, and a // verification sync which is ~1-512 bytes larger then that. contentLength += self.verificationStateSyncMessage.paddingBytesLength; OWSAssertDebug(contentLength > 0); nullMessageBuilder.padding = [Cryptography generateRandomBytes:contentLength]; NSError *error; SSKProtoNullMessage *_Nullable nullMessage = [nullMessageBuilder buildAndReturnError:&error]; if (error || !nullMessage) { OWSFailDebug(@"could not build protobuf: %@", error); return nil; } SSKProtoContentBuilder *contentBuilder = [SSKProtoContent builder]; contentBuilder.nullMessage = nullMessage; NSData *_Nullable contentData = [contentBuilder buildSerializedDataAndReturnError:&error]; if (error || !contentData) { OWSFailDebug(@"could not serialize protobuf: %@", error); return nil; } return contentData; } - (BOOL)shouldSyncTranscript { return NO; } - (BOOL)shouldBeSaved { return NO; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END