// // Copyright (c) 2021 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import SignalRingRTC import PromiseKit import SessionUtilitiesKit // All Observer methods will be invoked from the main thread. @objc(OWSCallServiceObserver) protocol CallServiceObserver: AnyObject { /** * Fired whenever the call changes. */ func didUpdateCall(from oldValue: SignalCall?, to newValue: SignalCall?) } @objc public final class CallService: NSObject { public typealias CallManagerType = CallManager public let callManager = CallManagerType() @objc public let individualCallService = IndividualCallService() let groupCallMessageHandler = GroupCallUpdateMessageHandler() let groupCallRemoteVideoManager = GroupCallRemoteVideoManager() lazy private(set) var audioService = CallAudioService() private var _currentCall: SignalCall? @objc public private(set) var currentCall: SignalCall? { set { AssertIsOnMainThread() let oldValue = _currentCall _currentCall = newValue oldValue?.removeObserver(self) newValue?.addObserverAndSyncState(observer: self) updateIsVideoEnabled() // Prevent device from sleeping while we have an active call. if oldValue != newValue { if let oldValue = oldValue { DeviceSleepManager.sharedInstance.removeBlock(blockObject: oldValue) } if let newValue = newValue { assert(calls.contains(newValue)) DeviceSleepManager.sharedInstance.addBlock(blockObject: newValue) if newValue.isIndividualCall { individualCallService.startCallTimer() } } else { individualCallService.stopAnyCallTimer() } } Logger.debug("\(oldValue as Optional) -> \(newValue as Optional)") for observer in observers.elements { observer.didUpdateCall(from: oldValue, to: newValue) } } get { AssertIsOnMainThread() return _currentCall } } /// True whenever CallService has any call in progress. /// The call may not yet be visible to the user if we are still in the middle of signaling. @objc public var hasCallInProgress: Bool { calls.count > 0 } /// Track all calls that are currently "in play". Usually this is 1 or 0, but when dealing /// with a rapid succession of calls, it's possible to have multiple. /// /// For example, if the client receives two call offers, we hand them both off to RingRTC, /// which will let us know which one, if any, should become the "current call". But in the /// meanwhile, we still want to track that calls are in-play so we can prevent the user from /// placing an outgoing call. private let _calls = AtomicValue>(Set()) private var calls: Set { get { _calls.get() } } private func addCall(_ call: SignalCall) { var calls = _calls.get() calls.insert(call) _calls.set(calls) } private func removeCall(_ call: SignalCall) -> Bool { var calls = _calls.get() let result = calls.remove(call) _calls.set(calls) return result != nil } public override init() { super.init() SwiftSingletons.register(self) callManager.delegate = self addObserverAndSyncState(observer: groupCallMessageHandler) addObserverAndSyncState(observer: groupCallRemoteVideoManager) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(didEnterBackground), name: .OWSApplicationDidEnterBackground, object: nil ) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(didBecomeActive), name: .OWSApplicationDidBecomeActive, object: nil ) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(configureBandwidthMode), name: Self.callServicePreferencesDidChange, object: nil) // Note that we're not using the usual .owsReachabilityChanged // We want to update our bandwidth mode if the app has been backgrounded NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(configureBandwidthMode), name: .reachabilityChanged, object: nil) AppReadiness.runNowOrWhenAppDidBecomeReadyAsync { SDSDatabaseStorage.shared.appendDatabaseChangeDelegate(self) } } deinit { NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) } // MARK: - Observers private var observers = WeakArray() @objc func addObserverAndSyncState(observer: CallServiceObserver) { addObserver(observer: observer, syncStateImmediately: true) } @objc func addObserver(observer: CallServiceObserver, syncStateImmediately: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() observers.append(observer) if syncStateImmediately { // Synchronize observer with current call state observer.didUpdateCall(from: nil, to: currentCall) } } // The observer-related methods should be invoked on the main thread. @objc func removeObserver(_ observer: CallServiceObserver) { AssertIsOnMainThread() observers.removeAll { $0 === observer } } // The observer-related methods should be invoked on the main thread. func removeAllObservers() { AssertIsOnMainThread() observers = [] } // MARK: - /** * Local user toggled to mute audio. */ func updateIsLocalAudioMuted(isLocalAudioMuted: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // Keep a reference to the call before permissions were requested... guard let call = currentCall else { owsFailDebug("missing currentCall") return } // If we're disabling the microphone, we don't need permission. Only need // permission to *enable* the microphone. guard !isLocalAudioMuted else { return updateIsLocalAudioMutedWithMicrophonePermission(call: call, isLocalAudioMuted: isLocalAudioMuted) } // This method can be initiated either from the CallViewController.videoButton or via CallKit // in either case we want to show the alert on the callViewWindow. guard let frontmostViewController = UIApplication.shared.findFrontmostViewController(ignoringAlerts: true, window: OWSWindowManager.shared.callViewWindow) else { owsFailDebug("could not identify frontmostViewController") return } frontmostViewController.ows_askForMicrophonePermissions { granted in // Make sure the call is still valid (the one we asked permissions for). guard self.currentCall === call else { Logger.info("ignoring microphone permissions for obsolete call") return } guard granted else { return frontmostViewController.ows_showNoMicrophonePermissionActionSheet() } // Success callback; microphone permissions are granted. self.updateIsLocalAudioMutedWithMicrophonePermission(call: call, isLocalAudioMuted: isLocalAudioMuted) } } private func updateIsLocalAudioMutedWithMicrophonePermission(call: SignalCall, isLocalAudioMuted: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard call === self.currentCall else { cleanupStaleCall(call) return } switch call.mode { case .group(let groupCall): groupCall.isOutgoingAudioMuted = isLocalAudioMuted call.groupCall(onLocalDeviceStateChanged: groupCall) case .individual(let individualCall): individualCall.isMuted = isLocalAudioMuted individualCallService.ensureAudioState(call: call) } } /** * Local user toggled video. */ func updateIsLocalVideoMuted(isLocalVideoMuted: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() // Keep a reference to the call before permissions were requested... guard let call = currentCall else { owsFailDebug("missing currentCall") return } // If we're disabling local video, we don't need permission. Only need // permission to *enable* video. guard !isLocalVideoMuted else { return updateIsLocalVideoMutedWithCameraPermissions(call: call, isLocalVideoMuted: isLocalVideoMuted) } // This method can be initiated either from the CallViewController.videoButton or via CallKit // in either case we want to show the alert on the callViewWindow. guard let frontmostViewController = UIApplication.shared.findFrontmostViewController(ignoringAlerts: true, window: OWSWindowManager.shared.callViewWindow) else { owsFailDebug("could not identify frontmostViewController") return } frontmostViewController.ows_askForCameraPermissions { granted in // Make sure the call is still valid (the one we asked permissions for). guard self.currentCall === call else { Logger.info("ignoring camera permissions for obsolete call") return } if granted { // Success callback; camera permissions are granted. self.updateIsLocalVideoMutedWithCameraPermissions(call: call, isLocalVideoMuted: isLocalVideoMuted) } } } private func updateIsLocalVideoMutedWithCameraPermissions(call: SignalCall, isLocalVideoMuted: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard call === self.currentCall else { cleanupStaleCall(call) return } switch call.mode { case .group(let groupCall): groupCall.isOutgoingVideoMuted = isLocalVideoMuted call.groupCall(onLocalDeviceStateChanged: groupCall) case .individual(let individualCall): individualCall.hasLocalVideo = !isLocalVideoMuted } updateIsVideoEnabled() } func updateCameraSource(call: SignalCall, isUsingFrontCamera: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() call.videoCaptureController.switchCamera(isUsingFrontCamera: isUsingFrontCamera) } func cleanupStaleCall(_ staleCall: SignalCall, function: StaticString = #function, line: UInt = #line) { assert(staleCall !== currentCall) if let currentCall = currentCall { let error = OWSAssertionError("trying \(function):\(line) for call: \(staleCall) which is not currentCall: \(currentCall as Optional)") handleFailedCall(failedCall: staleCall, error: error) } else { Logger.info("ignoring \(function):\(line) for call: \(staleCall) since currentCall has ended.") } } @objc func configureBandwidthMode() { guard AppReadiness.isAppReady() else { return } guard let currentCall = currentCall else { return } let useLowBandwidth = Self.useLowBandwidthWithSneakyTransaction() Logger.info("Configuring call for \(useLowBandwidth ? "low" : "standard") bandwidth") switch currentCall.mode { case let .group(call): call.updateBandwidthMode(bandwidthMode: useLowBandwidth ? .low : .normal) case let .individual(call) where call.state == .connected: callManager.udpateBandwidthMode(bandwidthMode: useLowBandwidth ? .low : .normal) default: // Do nothing. We'll reapply the bandwidth mode once connected break } } static func useLowBandwidthWithSneakyTransaction() -> Bool { let highBandwidthInterfaces = databaseStorage.read { readTx in Self.highBandwidthNetworkInterfaces(readTx: readTx) } return !Self.reachabilityManager.isReachable(with: highBandwidthInterfaces) } // MARK: - // This method should be called when a fatal error occurred for a call. // // * If we know which call it was, we should update that call's state // to reflect the error. // * IFF that call is the current call, we want to terminate it. public func handleFailedCall(failedCall: SignalCall, error: Error) { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.debug("") let callError: SignalCall.CallError = { switch error { case let callError as SignalCall.CallError: return callError default: return SignalCall.CallError.externalError(underlyingError: error) } }() failedCall.error = callError if failedCall.isIndividualCall { individualCallService.handleFailedCall(failedCall: failedCall, error: callError) } } /** * Clean up any existing call state and get ready to receive a new call. */ func terminate(call: SignalCall) { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("call: \(call as Optional)") // If call is for the current call, clear it out first. if call === currentCall { currentCall = nil } if !removeCall(call) { owsFailDebug("unknown call: \(call)") } if !hasCallInProgress { audioSession.isRTCAudioEnabled = false } audioSession.endAudioActivity(call.audioActivity) switch call.mode { case .individual: break case .group(let groupCall): groupCall.leave() groupCall.disconnect() // Kick off a peek now that we've disconnected to get an updated participant state. if let thread = call.thread as? TSGroupThread { peekCallAndUpdateThread(thread) } else { owsFailDebug("Invalid thread type") } } // Apparently WebRTC will sometimes disable device orientation notifications. // After every call ends, we need to ensure they are enabled. UIDevice.current.beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications() } // MARK: - Video var shouldHaveLocalVideoTrack: Bool { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard let call = self.currentCall else { return false } // The iOS simulator doesn't provide any sort of camera capture // support or emulation (http://goo.gl/rHAnC1) so don't bother // trying to open a local stream. guard !Platform.isSimulator else { return false } guard UIApplication.shared.applicationState != .background else { return false } switch call.mode { case .individual(let individualCall): return individualCall.state == .connected && individualCall.hasLocalVideo case .group(let groupCall): return !groupCall.isOutgoingVideoMuted } } func updateIsVideoEnabled() { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard let call = self.currentCall else { return } switch call.mode { case .individual(let individualCall): if individualCall.state == .connected || individualCall.state == .reconnecting { callManager.setLocalVideoEnabled(enabled: shouldHaveLocalVideoTrack, call: call) } else { // If we're not yet connected, just enable the camera but don't tell RingRTC // to start sending video. This allows us to show a "vanity" view while connecting. if !Platform.isSimulator && individualCall.hasLocalVideo { call.videoCaptureController.startCapture() } else { call.videoCaptureController.stopCapture() } } case .group(let groupCall): if !Platform.isSimulator && !groupCall.isOutgoingVideoMuted { call.videoCaptureController.startCapture() } else { call.videoCaptureController.stopCapture() } } } // MARK: - func buildAndConnectGroupCallIfPossible(thread: TSGroupThread) -> SignalCall? { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard !hasCallInProgress else { return nil } guard let call = SignalCall.groupCall(thread: thread) else { return nil } addCall(call) currentCall = call call.groupCall.isOutgoingAudioMuted = false call.groupCall.isOutgoingVideoMuted = false call.groupCall.connect() return call } func joinGroupCallIfNecessary(_ call: SignalCall) { owsAssertDebug(call.isGroupCall) guard currentCall == nil || currentCall == call else { return owsFailDebug("A call is already in progress") } // The joined/joining call must always be the current call. currentCall = call // If we're not yet connected, connect now. This may happen if, for // example, the call ended unexpectedly. if call.groupCall.localDeviceState.connectionState == .notConnected { call.groupCall.connect() } // If we're not yet joined, join now. In general, it's unexpected that // this method would be called when you're already joined, but it is // safe to do so. if call.groupCall.localDeviceState.joinState == .notJoined { call.groupCall.join() } } func buildOutgoingIndividualCallIfPossible(publicKey: String, hasVideo: Bool) -> SignalCall? { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard !hasCallInProgress else { return nil } let call = SignalCall.outgoingIndividualCall(localId: UUID(), publicKey: publicKey) call.individualCall.offerMediaType = hasVideo ? .video : .audio addCall(call) return call } func prepareIncomingIndividualCall( thread: TSContactThread, sentAtTimestamp: UInt64, callType: SSKProtoCallMessageOfferType ) -> SignalCall { AssertIsOnMainThread() let offerMediaType: TSRecentCallOfferType switch callType { case .offerAudioCall: offerMediaType = .audio case .offerVideoCall: offerMediaType = .video } let newCall = SignalCall.incomingIndividualCall( localId: UUID(), remoteAddress: thread.contactAddress, sentAtTimestamp: sentAtTimestamp, offerMediaType: offerMediaType ) addCall(newCall) return newCall } // MARK: - Notifications @objc func didEnterBackground() { AssertIsOnMainThread() self.updateIsVideoEnabled() } @objc func didBecomeActive() { AssertIsOnMainThread() self.updateIsVideoEnabled() } // MARK: - private func updateGroupMembersForCurrentCallIfNecessary() { DispatchQueue.main.async { guard let call = self.currentCall, call.isGroupCall, let groupThread = call.thread as? TSGroupThread, let memberInfo = self.groupMemberInfo(for: groupThread) else { return } call.groupCall.updateGroupMembers(members: memberInfo) } } private func groupMemberInfo(for thread: TSGroupThread) -> [GroupMemberInfo]? { AssertIsOnMainThread() // Make sure we're working with the latest group state. databaseStorage.read { thread.anyReload(transaction: $0) } guard let groupModel = thread.groupModel as? TSGroupModelV2, let groupV2Params = try? groupModel.groupV2Params() else { owsFailDebug("Unexpected group thread.") return nil } return thread.groupMembership.fullMembers.compactMap { guard let uuid = $0.uuid else { owsFailDebug("Skipping group member, missing uuid") return nil } guard let uuidCipherText = try? groupV2Params.userId(forUuid: uuid) else { owsFailDebug("Skipping group member, missing uuidCipherText") return nil } return GroupMemberInfo(userId: uuid, userIdCipherText: uuidCipherText) } } private func fetchGroupMembershipProof(for thread: TSGroupThread) -> Promise { guard let groupModel = thread.groupModel as? TSGroupModelV2 else { owsFailDebug("unexpectedly missing group model") return Promise(error: OWSAssertionError("Invalid group")) } return firstly { try groupsV2Impl.fetchGroupExternalCredentials(groupModel: groupModel) }.map(on: .main) { (credential) -> Data in guard let tokenData = credential.token?.data(using: .utf8) else { throw OWSAssertionError("Invalid credential") } return tokenData } } // MARK: - Bandwidth static let callServicePreferencesDidChange = Notification.Name("CallServicePreferencesDidChange") private static let keyValueStore = SDSKeyValueStore(collection: "CallService") private static let highBandwidthPreferenceKey = "HighBandwidthPreferenceKey" static func setHighBandwidthInterfaces(_ interfaceSet: NetworkInterfaceSet, writeTx: SDSAnyWriteTransaction) { Logger.info("Updating preferred low bandwidth interfaces: \(interfaceSet.rawValue)") keyValueStore.setUInt(interfaceSet.rawValue, key: highBandwidthPreferenceKey, transaction: writeTx) writeTx.addSyncCompletion { NotificationCenter.default.postNotificationNameAsync(callServicePreferencesDidChange, object: nil) } } static func highBandwidthNetworkInterfaces(readTx: SDSAnyReadTransaction) -> NetworkInterfaceSet { guard let highBandwidthPreference = keyValueStore.getUInt( highBandwidthPreferenceKey, transaction: readTx) else { return .wifiAndCellular } return NetworkInterfaceSet(rawValue: highBandwidthPreference) } } extension CallService: CallObserver { public func individualCallStateDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, state: CallState) { AssertIsOnMainThread() updateIsVideoEnabled() configureBandwidthMode() } public func individualCallLocalVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: SignalCall, isVideoMuted: Bool) { AssertIsOnMainThread() updateIsVideoEnabled() } public func groupCallLocalDeviceStateChanged(_ call: SignalCall) { owsAssertDebug(call.isGroupCall) Logger.info("groupCallLocalDeviceStateChanged") AssertIsOnMainThread() updateIsVideoEnabled() updateGroupMembersForCurrentCallIfNecessary() configureBandwidthMode() } public func groupCallRemoteDeviceStatesChanged(_ call: SignalCall) {} public func groupCallPeekChanged(_ call: SignalCall) { guard let thread = call.thread as? TSGroupThread else { owsFailDebug("Invalid thread for call: \(call)") return } guard let peekInfo = call.groupCall.peekInfo else { Logger.warn("No peek info for call: \(call)") return } updateGroupCallMessageWithInfo(peekInfo, for: thread, timestamp: Date.ows_millisecondTimestamp()) } public func groupCallRequestMembershipProof(_ call: SignalCall) { owsAssertDebug(call.isGroupCall) Logger.info("groupCallUpdateGroupMembershipProof") guard call === currentCall else { return cleanupStaleCall(call) } guard let groupThread = call.thread as? TSGroupThread else { return owsFailDebug("unexpectedly missing thread") } firstly { self.fetchGroupMembershipProof(for: groupThread) }.done(on: .main) { proof in call.groupCall.updateMembershipProof(proof: proof) }.catch(on: .main) { error in if error.isNetworkFailureOrTimeout { Logger.warn("Failed to fetch group call credentials \(error)") } else { owsFailDebug("Failed to fetch group call credentials \(error)") } } } public func groupCallRequestGroupMembers(_ call: SignalCall) { owsAssertDebug(call.isGroupCall) Logger.info("groupCallUpdateGroupMembers") guard call === currentCall else { return cleanupStaleCall(call) } updateGroupMembersForCurrentCallIfNecessary() } } // MARK: - Group call participant updates extension CallService { @objc @available(swift, obsoleted: 1.0) func peekCallAndUpdateThread(_ thread: TSGroupThread) { AssertIsOnMainThread() self.peekCallAndUpdateThread(thread) } @objc func peekCallAndUpdateThread(_ thread: TSGroupThread, expectedEraId: String? = nil, triggerEventTimestamp: UInt64 = NSDate.ows_millisecondTimeStamp()) { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard RemoteConfig.groupCalling, thread.isLocalUserFullMember else { return } // If the currentCall is for the provided thread, we don't need to perform an explict // peek. Connected calls will receive automatic updates from RingRTC guard currentCall?.thread != thread else { Logger.info("Ignoring peek request for the current call") return } guard let memberInfo = self.groupMemberInfo(for: thread) else { owsFailDebug("Failed to fetch group member info to peek \(thread.uniqueId)") return } firstly(on: .global()) { if let expectedEraId = expectedEraId { // If we're expecting a call with `expectedEraId`, prepopulate an entry in the database. // If it's the current call, we'll update with the PeekInfo once fetched // Otherwise, it'll be marked as ended as soon as we complete the fetch // If we fail to fetch, the entry will be kept around until the next PeekInfo fetch completes. self.insertPlaceholderGroupCallMessageIfNecessary(eraId: expectedEraId, timestamp: triggerEventTimestamp, thread: thread) } firstly { self.fetchGroupMembershipProof(for: thread) }.then(on: .main) { (proof: Data) -> Promise in let sfuURL = DebugFlags.callingUseTestSFU.get() ? TSConstants.sfuTestURL : TSConstants.sfuURL return self.callManager.peekGroupCall(sfuUrl: sfuURL, membershipProof: proof, groupMembers: memberInfo) }.done(on: .main) { info in // If we're expecting an eraId, the timestamp is only valid for PeekInfo with the same eraId. // We may have a more appropriate timestamp waiting in the message processing queue. Logger.info("Fetched group call PeekInfo for thread: \(thread.uniqueId) eraId: \(info.eraId ?? "(null)")") if expectedEraId == nil || info.eraId == nil || expectedEraId == info.eraId { self.updateGroupCallMessageWithInfo(info, for: thread, timestamp: triggerEventTimestamp) } }.catch(on: .global()) { error in if error.isNetworkFailureOrTimeout { Logger.warn("Failed to fetch PeekInfo for \(thread.uniqueId): \(error)") } else { owsFailDebug("Failed to fetch PeekInfo for \(thread.uniqueId): \(error)") } } }.catch(on: .global()) { error in owsFailDebug("Failed to fetch PeekInfo for \(thread.uniqueId): \(error)") } } fileprivate func updateGroupCallMessageWithInfo(_ info: PeekInfo, for thread: TSGroupThread, timestamp: UInt64) { databaseStorage.write { writeTx in let results = GRDBInteractionFinder.unendedCallsForGroupThread(thread, transaction: writeTx) // Update everything that doesn't match the current call era to mark as ended results .filter { $0.eraId != info.eraId } .forEach { toExpire in toExpire.update(withHasEnded: true, transaction: writeTx) } // Update the message for the current era if it exists, or insert a new one. guard let currentEraId = info.eraId, let creatorUuid = info.creator else { Logger.info("No active call") return } let currentEraMessages = results.filter { $0.eraId == currentEraId } owsAssertDebug(currentEraMessages.count <= 1) if let currentMessage = currentEraMessages.first { let wasOldMessageEmpty = currentMessage.joinedMemberUuids?.count == 0 && !currentMessage.hasEnded currentMessage.update( withJoinedMemberUuids: info.joinedMembers, creatorUuid: creatorUuid, transaction: writeTx) // Only notify if the message we updated had no participants if wasOldMessageEmpty { self.postUserNotificationIfNecessary(message: currentMessage, transaction: writeTx) } } else if !info.joinedMembers.isEmpty { let newMessage = OWSGroupCallMessage( eraId: currentEraId, joinedMemberUuids: info.joinedMembers, creatorUuid: creatorUuid, thread: thread, sentAtTimestamp: timestamp) newMessage.anyInsert(transaction: writeTx) self.postUserNotificationIfNecessary(message: newMessage, transaction: writeTx) } } } fileprivate func insertPlaceholderGroupCallMessageIfNecessary(eraId: String, timestamp: UInt64, thread: TSGroupThread) { databaseStorage.write { writeTx in guard !GRDBInteractionFinder.existsGroupCallMessageForEraId(eraId, thread: thread, transaction: writeTx) else { return } Logger.info("Inserting placeholder group call message with eraId: \(eraId)") let message = OWSGroupCallMessage(eraId: eraId, joinedMemberUuids: [], creatorUuid: nil, thread: thread, sentAtTimestamp: timestamp) message.anyInsert(transaction: writeTx) } } fileprivate func postUserNotificationIfNecessary(message: OWSGroupCallMessage, transaction: SDSAnyWriteTransaction) { // The message can't be for the current call guard self.currentCall?.thread.uniqueId != message.uniqueThreadId else { return } // The creator of the call must be known, and it can't be the local user guard let creator = message.creatorUuid, !SignalServiceAddress(uuidString: creator).isLocalAddress else { return } // The message must have at least one participant guard (message.joinedMemberUuids?.count ?? 0) > 0 else { return } guard let thread = TSGroupThread.anyFetch(uniqueId: message.uniqueThreadId, transaction: transaction) else { owsFailDebug("Unknown thread") return } Self.notificationPresenter.notifyUser(for: message, thread: thread, wantsSound: true, transaction: transaction) } } extension CallService: DatabaseChangeDelegate { public func databaseChangesWillUpdate() {} public func databaseChangesDidUpdate(databaseChanges: DatabaseChanges) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(AppReadiness.isAppReady) guard let thread = currentCall?.thread, thread.isGroupThread, databaseChanges.didUpdate(thread: thread) else { return } updateGroupMembersForCurrentCallIfNecessary() } public func databaseChangesDidUpdateExternally() { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(AppReadiness.isAppReady) updateGroupMembersForCurrentCallIfNecessary() } public func databaseChangesDidReset() { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(AppReadiness.isAppReady) updateGroupMembersForCurrentCallIfNecessary() } } extension CallService: CallManagerDelegate { public typealias CallManagerDelegateCallType = SignalCall /** * A call message should be sent to the given remote recipient. * Invoked on the main thread, asychronously. * If there is any error, the UI can reset UI state and invoke the reset() API. */ public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldSendCallMessage recipientUuid: UUID, message: Data ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("shouldSendCallMessage") // It's unlikely that this would ever have more than one call. But technically // we don't know which call this message is on behalf of. So we assume it's every // call with a participant with recipientUuid let relevantCalls = calls.filter { (call: SignalCall) -> Bool in call.participantAddresses .compactMap { $0.uuid } .contains(recipientUuid) } databaseStorage.write(.promise) { transaction in TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread( withContactAddress: SignalServiceAddress(uuid: recipientUuid), transaction: transaction ) }.then { thread throws -> Promise in let opaqueBuilder = SSKProtoCallMessageOpaque.builder() opaqueBuilder.setData(message) let callMessage = OWSOutgoingCallMessage( thread: thread, opaqueMessage: try opaqueBuilder.build() ) return self.messageSender.sendMessage(.promise, callMessage.asPreparer) }.done { _ in // TODO: Tell RingRTC we succeeded in sending the message. API TBD }.catch { error in if error.isNetworkFailureOrTimeout { Logger.warn("Failed to send opaque message \(error)") } else if error.isUntrustedIdentityError { relevantCalls.forEach { $0.publishSendFailureUntrustedParticipantIdentity() } } else { Logger.error("Failed to send opaque message \(error)") } // TODO: Tell RingRTC something went wrong. API TBD } } /** * A HTTP request should be sent to the given url. * Invoked on the main thread, asychronously. * The result of the call should be indicated by calling the receivedHttpResponse() function. */ public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldSendHttpRequest requestId: UInt32, url: String, method: CallManagerHttpMethod, headers: [String: String], body: Data? ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("shouldSendHttpRequest") let httpMethod: HTTPMethod switch method { case .get: httpMethod = .get case .post: httpMethod = .post case .put: httpMethod = .put case .delete: httpMethod = .delete } let session = OWSURLSession( securityPolicy: OWSURLSession.signalServiceSecurityPolicy, configuration: OWSURLSession.defaultConfigurationWithoutCaching ) session.require2xxOr3xx = false session.allowRedirects = true session.customRedirectHandler = { request in var request = request if let authHeader = headers.first(where: { $0.key.caseInsensitiveCompare("Authorization") == .orderedSame }) { request.addValue(authHeader.value, forHTTPHeaderField: authHeader.key) } return request } firstly(on: .sharedUtility) { session.dataTaskPromise(url, method: httpMethod, headers: headers, body: body) }.done(on: .main) { response in self.callManager.receivedHttpResponse( requestId: requestId, statusCode: UInt16(response.statusCode), body: response.responseData ) }.catch(on: .main) { error in if error.isNetworkFailureOrTimeout { Logger.warn("Call manager http request failed \(error)") } else { owsFailDebug("Call manager http request failed \(error)") } self.callManager.httpRequestFailed(requestId: requestId) } } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldCompareCalls call1: SignalCall, call2: SignalCall ) -> Bool { Logger.info("shouldCompareCalls") return call1.thread.uniqueId == call2.thread.uniqueId } // MARK: - 1:1 Call Delegates public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldStartCall call: SignalCall, callId: UInt64, isOutgoing: Bool, callMediaType: CallMediaType ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) guard currentCall == nil else { handleFailedCall(failedCall: call, error: OWSAssertionError("a current call is already set")) return } if !calls.contains(call) { owsFailDebug("unknown call: \(call)") } call.individualCall.callId = callId // The call to be started is provided by the event. currentCall = call individualCallService.callManager( callManager, shouldStartCall: call, callId: callId, isOutgoing: isOutgoing, callMediaType: callMediaType ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, onEvent call: SignalCall, event: CallManagerEvent ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, onEvent: call, event: event ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldSendOffer callId: UInt64, call: SignalCall, destinationDeviceId: UInt32?, opaque: Data, callMediaType: CallMediaType ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, shouldSendOffer: callId, call: call, destinationDeviceId: destinationDeviceId, opaque: opaque, callMediaType: callMediaType ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldSendAnswer callId: UInt64, call: SignalCall, destinationDeviceId: UInt32?, opaque: Data ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, shouldSendAnswer: callId, call: call, destinationDeviceId: destinationDeviceId, opaque: opaque ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldSendIceCandidates callId: UInt64, call: SignalCall, destinationDeviceId: UInt32?, candidates: [Data] ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, shouldSendIceCandidates: callId, call: call, destinationDeviceId: destinationDeviceId, candidates: candidates ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldSendHangup callId: UInt64, call: SignalCall, destinationDeviceId: UInt32?, hangupType: HangupType, deviceId: UInt32, useLegacyHangupMessage: Bool ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, shouldSendHangup: callId, call: call, destinationDeviceId: destinationDeviceId, hangupType: hangupType, deviceId: deviceId, useLegacyHangupMessage: useLegacyHangupMessage ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, shouldSendBusy callId: UInt64, call: SignalCall, destinationDeviceId: UInt32? ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, shouldSendBusy: callId, call: call, destinationDeviceId: destinationDeviceId ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, onUpdateLocalVideoSession call: SignalCall, session: AVCaptureSession? ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, onUpdateLocalVideoSession: call, session: session ) } public func callManager( _ callManager: CallManager, onAddRemoteVideoTrack call: SignalCall, track: RTCVideoTrack ) { AssertIsOnMainThread() owsAssertDebug(call.isIndividualCall) individualCallService.callManager( callManager, onAddRemoteVideoTrack: call, track: track ) } } private extension Error { var isUntrustedIdentityError: Bool { let nsError = self as NSError return nsError.domain == OWSSignalServiceKitErrorDomain && nsError.code == OWSErrorCode.untrustedIdentity.rawValue } }