// // Copyright (c) 2021 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import SignalRingRTC public enum CallState: String { case idle case dialing case answering case remoteRinging case localRinging case connected case reconnecting case localFailure // terminal case localHangup // terminal case remoteHangup // terminal case remoteHangupNeedPermission // terminal case remoteBusy // terminal case answeredElsewhere // terminal case declinedElsewhere // terminal case busyElsewhere // terminal } public enum CallAdapterType { case `default`, nonCallKit } public enum CallDirection { case outgoing, incoming } public protocol IndividualCallDelegate: AnyObject { func individualCallStateDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, state: CallState) func individualCallLocalVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isVideoMuted: Bool) func individualCallLocalAudioMuteDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isAudioMuted: Bool) func individualCallHoldDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isOnHold: Bool) func individualCallRemoteVideoMuteDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isVideoMuted: Bool) func individualCallRemoteSharingScreenDidChange(_ call: IndividualCall, isRemoteSharingScreen: Bool) } /** * Data model for a WebRTC backed voice/video call. * * This class' state should only be accessed on the main queue. */ @objc public class IndividualCall: NSObject, IndividualCallNotificationInfo { // Mark - var backgroundTask: OWSBackgroundTask? { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("") } } var callId: UInt64? { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("") } } let callAdapterType: CallAdapterType weak var remoteVideoTrack: RTCVideoTrack? { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("") delegate?.individualCallRemoteVideoMuteDidChange(self, isVideoMuted: !isRemoteVideoEnabled) } } var isRemoteVideoEnabled = false { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("\(isRemoteVideoEnabled)") delegate?.individualCallRemoteVideoMuteDidChange(self, isVideoMuted: !isRemoteVideoEnabled) } } var isRemoteSharingScreen = false { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.info("\(isRemoteSharingScreen)") delegate?.individualCallRemoteSharingScreenDidChange(self, isRemoteSharingScreen: isRemoteSharingScreen) } } // MARK: - // tracking cleanup var wasReportedToSystem = false var wasRemovedFromSystem = false @objc public let publicKey: String public var isEnded: Bool { switch state { case .localFailure, .localHangup, .remoteHangup, .remoteHangupNeedPermission, .remoteBusy, .answeredElsewhere, .declinedElsewhere, .busyElsewhere: return true case .idle, .dialing, .answering, .remoteRinging, .localRinging, .connected, .reconnecting: return false } } public let direction: CallDirection // Distinguishes between calls locally, e.g. in CallKit @objc public let localId: UUID public let thread: TSContactThread public let sentAtTimestamp: UInt64 public var callRecord: TSCall? { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() assert(oldValue == nil) updateCallRecordType() } } public lazy var hasLocalVideo = offerMediaType == .video { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() delegate?.individualCallLocalVideoMuteDidChange(self, isVideoMuted: !hasLocalVideo) } } public var state: CallState { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.debug("state changed: \(oldValue) -> \(self.state) for call: \(self)") updateCallRecordType() delegate?.individualCallStateDidChange(self, state: state) } } public var offerMediaType: TSRecentCallOfferType = .audio // We start out muted if the record permission isn't granted. This should generally // only happen for incoming calls, because we proactively ask about it before you // can make an outgoing call. public var isMuted = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().recordPermission != .granted { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.debug("muted changed: \(oldValue) -> \(self.isMuted)") delegate?.individualCallLocalAudioMuteDidChange(self, isAudioMuted: isMuted) } } public var isOnHold = false { didSet { AssertIsOnMainThread() Logger.debug("isOnHold changed: \(oldValue) -> \(self.isOnHold)") delegate?.individualCallHoldDidChange(self, isOnHold: isOnHold) } } public weak var delegate: IndividualCallDelegate? // MARK: Initializers and Factory Methods init(direction: CallDirection, localId: UUID, state: CallState, publicKey: String, sentAtTimestamp: UInt64, callAdapterType: CallAdapterType) { self.direction = direction self.localId = localId self.state = state self.publicKey = publicKey self.thread = TSContactThread.getOrCreateThread(contactSessionID: publicKey) self.sentAtTimestamp = sentAtTimestamp self.callAdapterType = callAdapterType } deinit { Logger.debug("") if !isEnded { owsFailDebug("isEnded was unexpectedly false") } if wasReportedToSystem { if !wasRemovedFromSystem { owsFailDebug("wasRemovedFromSystem was unexpectedly false") } } else { if wasRemovedFromSystem { owsFailDebug("wasRemovedFromSystem was unexpectedly true") } } } override public var description: String { return "IndividualCall: {\(publicKey), localId: \(localId), signalingId: \(callId as Optional)))}" } private func updateCallRecordType() { AssertIsOnMainThread() guard let callRecord = self.callRecord else { return } // Mark incomplete calls as completed if call has connected. if state == .connected && callRecord.callType == .outgoingIncomplete { callRecord.updateCallType(.outgoing) } if state == .connected && callRecord.callType == .incomingIncomplete { callRecord.updateCallType(.incoming) } } // MARK: Equatable static func == (lhs: IndividualCall, rhs: IndividualCall) -> Bool { return lhs.localId == rhs.localId } }