// // Copyright (c) 2018 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation // WARNING: This code is generated. Only edit within the markers. public enum SNProtoError: Error { case invalidProtobuf(description: String) } // MARK: - SNProtoEnvelope @objc public class SNProtoEnvelope: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoEnvelopeType @objc public enum SNProtoEnvelopeType: Int32 { case sessionMessage = 6 case closedGroupMessage = 7 } private class func SNProtoEnvelopeTypeWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_Envelope.TypeEnum) -> SNProtoEnvelopeType { switch value { case .sessionMessage: return .sessionMessage case .closedGroupMessage: return .closedGroupMessage } } private class func SNProtoEnvelopeTypeUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoEnvelopeType) -> SessionProtos_Envelope.TypeEnum { switch value { case .sessionMessage: return .sessionMessage case .closedGroupMessage: return .closedGroupMessage } } // MARK: - SNProtoEnvelopeBuilder @objc public class func builder(type: SNProtoEnvelopeType, timestamp: UInt64) -> SNProtoEnvelopeBuilder { return SNProtoEnvelopeBuilder(type: type, timestamp: timestamp) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoEnvelopeBuilder { let builder = SNProtoEnvelopeBuilder(type: type, timestamp: timestamp) if let _value = source { builder.setSource(_value) } if hasSourceDevice { builder.setSourceDevice(sourceDevice) } if let _value = content { builder.setContent(_value) } if hasServerTimestamp { builder.setServerTimestamp(serverTimestamp) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoEnvelopeBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_Envelope() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(type: SNProtoEnvelopeType, timestamp: UInt64) { super.init() setType(type) setTimestamp(timestamp) } @objc public func setType(_ valueParam: SNProtoEnvelopeType) { proto.type = SNProtoEnvelopeTypeUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func setSource(_ valueParam: String) { proto.source = valueParam } @objc public func setSourceDevice(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.sourceDevice = valueParam } @objc public func setTimestamp(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.timestamp = valueParam } @objc public func setContent(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.content = valueParam } @objc public func setServerTimestamp(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.serverTimestamp = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoEnvelope { return try SNProtoEnvelope.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoEnvelope.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_Envelope @objc public let type: SNProtoEnvelopeType @objc public let timestamp: UInt64 @objc public var source: String? { guard proto.hasSource else { return nil } return proto.source } @objc public var hasSource: Bool { return proto.hasSource } @objc public var sourceDevice: UInt32 { return proto.sourceDevice } @objc public var hasSourceDevice: Bool { return proto.hasSourceDevice } @objc public var content: Data? { guard proto.hasContent else { return nil } return proto.content } @objc public var hasContent: Bool { return proto.hasContent } @objc public var serverTimestamp: UInt64 { return proto.serverTimestamp } @objc public var hasServerTimestamp: Bool { return proto.hasServerTimestamp } private init(proto: SessionProtos_Envelope, type: SNProtoEnvelopeType, timestamp: UInt64) { self.proto = proto self.type = type self.timestamp = timestamp } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoEnvelope { let proto = try SessionProtos_Envelope(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_Envelope) throws -> SNProtoEnvelope { guard proto.hasType else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: type") } let type = SNProtoEnvelopeTypeWrap(proto.type) guard proto.hasTimestamp else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: timestamp") } let timestamp = proto.timestamp // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoEnvelope - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoEnvelope - let result = SNProtoEnvelope(proto: proto, type: type, timestamp: timestamp) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoEnvelope { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoEnvelope.SNProtoEnvelopeBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoEnvelope? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoTypingMessage @objc public class SNProtoTypingMessage: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoTypingMessageAction @objc public enum SNProtoTypingMessageAction: Int32 { case started = 0 case stopped = 1 } private class func SNProtoTypingMessageActionWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_TypingMessage.Action) -> SNProtoTypingMessageAction { switch value { case .started: return .started case .stopped: return .stopped } } private class func SNProtoTypingMessageActionUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoTypingMessageAction) -> SessionProtos_TypingMessage.Action { switch value { case .started: return .started case .stopped: return .stopped } } // MARK: - SNProtoTypingMessageBuilder @objc public class func builder(timestamp: UInt64, action: SNProtoTypingMessageAction) -> SNProtoTypingMessageBuilder { return SNProtoTypingMessageBuilder(timestamp: timestamp, action: action) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoTypingMessageBuilder { let builder = SNProtoTypingMessageBuilder(timestamp: timestamp, action: action) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoTypingMessageBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_TypingMessage() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(timestamp: UInt64, action: SNProtoTypingMessageAction) { super.init() setTimestamp(timestamp) setAction(action) } @objc public func setTimestamp(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.timestamp = valueParam } @objc public func setAction(_ valueParam: SNProtoTypingMessageAction) { proto.action = SNProtoTypingMessageActionUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoTypingMessage { return try SNProtoTypingMessage.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoTypingMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_TypingMessage @objc public let timestamp: UInt64 @objc public let action: SNProtoTypingMessageAction private init(proto: SessionProtos_TypingMessage, timestamp: UInt64, action: SNProtoTypingMessageAction) { self.proto = proto self.timestamp = timestamp self.action = action } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoTypingMessage { let proto = try SessionProtos_TypingMessage(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_TypingMessage) throws -> SNProtoTypingMessage { guard proto.hasTimestamp else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: timestamp") } let timestamp = proto.timestamp guard proto.hasAction else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: action") } let action = SNProtoTypingMessageActionWrap(proto.action) // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoTypingMessage - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoTypingMessage - let result = SNProtoTypingMessage(proto: proto, timestamp: timestamp, action: action) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoTypingMessage { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoTypingMessage.SNProtoTypingMessageBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoTypingMessage? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoContent @objc public class SNProtoContent: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoContentBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoContentBuilder { return SNProtoContentBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoContentBuilder { let builder = SNProtoContentBuilder() if let _value = dataMessage { builder.setDataMessage(_value) } if let _value = receiptMessage { builder.setReceiptMessage(_value) } if let _value = typingMessage { builder.setTypingMessage(_value) } if let _value = configurationMessage { builder.setConfigurationMessage(_value) } if let _value = dataExtractionNotification { builder.setDataExtractionNotification(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoContentBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_Content() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func setDataMessage(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessage) { proto.dataMessage = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setReceiptMessage(_ valueParam: SNProtoReceiptMessage) { proto.receiptMessage = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setTypingMessage(_ valueParam: SNProtoTypingMessage) { proto.typingMessage = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setConfigurationMessage(_ valueParam: SNProtoConfigurationMessage) { proto.configurationMessage = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setDataExtractionNotification(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataExtractionNotification) { proto.dataExtractionNotification = valueParam.proto } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoContent { return try SNProtoContent.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoContent.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_Content @objc public let dataMessage: SNProtoDataMessage? @objc public let receiptMessage: SNProtoReceiptMessage? @objc public let typingMessage: SNProtoTypingMessage? @objc public let configurationMessage: SNProtoConfigurationMessage? @objc public let dataExtractionNotification: SNProtoDataExtractionNotification? private init(proto: SessionProtos_Content, dataMessage: SNProtoDataMessage?, receiptMessage: SNProtoReceiptMessage?, typingMessage: SNProtoTypingMessage?, configurationMessage: SNProtoConfigurationMessage?, dataExtractionNotification: SNProtoDataExtractionNotification?) { self.proto = proto self.dataMessage = dataMessage self.receiptMessage = receiptMessage self.typingMessage = typingMessage self.configurationMessage = configurationMessage self.dataExtractionNotification = dataExtractionNotification } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoContent { let proto = try SessionProtos_Content(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_Content) throws -> SNProtoContent { var dataMessage: SNProtoDataMessage? = nil if proto.hasDataMessage { dataMessage = try SNProtoDataMessage.parseProto(proto.dataMessage) } var receiptMessage: SNProtoReceiptMessage? = nil if proto.hasReceiptMessage { receiptMessage = try SNProtoReceiptMessage.parseProto(proto.receiptMessage) } var typingMessage: SNProtoTypingMessage? = nil if proto.hasTypingMessage { typingMessage = try SNProtoTypingMessage.parseProto(proto.typingMessage) } var configurationMessage: SNProtoConfigurationMessage? = nil if proto.hasConfigurationMessage { configurationMessage = try SNProtoConfigurationMessage.parseProto(proto.configurationMessage) } var dataExtractionNotification: SNProtoDataExtractionNotification? = nil if proto.hasDataExtractionNotification { dataExtractionNotification = try SNProtoDataExtractionNotification.parseProto(proto.dataExtractionNotification) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoContent - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoContent - let result = SNProtoContent(proto: proto, dataMessage: dataMessage, receiptMessage: receiptMessage, typingMessage: typingMessage, configurationMessage: configurationMessage, dataExtractionNotification: dataExtractionNotification) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoContent { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoContent.SNProtoContentBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoContent? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageOffer @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageOffer: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageOfferType @objc public enum SNProtoCallMessageOfferType: Int32 { case offerAudioCall = 0 case offerVideoCall = 1 } private class func SNProtoCallMessageOfferTypeWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Offer.TypeEnum) -> SNProtoCallMessageOfferType { switch value { case .offerAudioCall: return .offerAudioCall case .offerVideoCall: return .offerVideoCall } } private class func SNProtoCallMessageOfferTypeUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoCallMessageOfferType) -> SessionProtos_CallMessage.Offer.TypeEnum { switch value { case .offerAudioCall: return .offerAudioCall case .offerVideoCall: return .offerVideoCall } } // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageOfferBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: UInt64) -> SNProtoCallMessageOfferBuilder { return SNProtoCallMessageOfferBuilder(id: id) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoCallMessageOfferBuilder { let builder = SNProtoCallMessageOfferBuilder(id: id) if let _value = sdp { builder.setSdp(_value) } if hasType { builder.setType(type) } if let _value = opaque { builder.setOpaque(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageOfferBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_CallMessage.Offer() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64) { super.init() setId(id) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func setSdp(_ valueParam: String) { proto.sdp = valueParam } @objc public func setType(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageOfferType) { proto.type = SNProtoCallMessageOfferTypeUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func setOpaque(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.opaque = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoCallMessageOffer { return try SNProtoCallMessageOffer.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoCallMessageOffer.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Offer @objc public let id: UInt64 @objc public var sdp: String? { guard proto.hasSdp else { return nil } return proto.sdp } @objc public var hasSdp: Bool { return proto.hasSdp } @objc public var type: SNProtoCallMessageOfferType { return SNProtoCallMessageOffer.SNProtoCallMessageOfferTypeWrap(proto.type) } @objc public var hasType: Bool { return proto.hasType } @objc public var opaque: Data? { guard proto.hasOpaque else { return nil } return proto.opaque } @objc public var hasOpaque: Bool { return proto.hasOpaque } private init(proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Offer, id: UInt64) { self.proto = proto self.id = id } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageOffer { let proto = try SessionProtos_CallMessage.Offer(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Offer) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageOffer { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageOffer - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageOffer - let result = SNProtoCallMessageOffer(proto: proto, id: id) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoCallMessageOffer { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoCallMessageOffer.SNProtoCallMessageOfferBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoCallMessageOffer? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageAnswer @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageAnswer: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageAnswerBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: UInt64) -> SNProtoCallMessageAnswerBuilder { return SNProtoCallMessageAnswerBuilder(id: id) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoCallMessageAnswerBuilder { let builder = SNProtoCallMessageAnswerBuilder(id: id) if let _value = sdp { builder.setSdp(_value) } if let _value = opaque { builder.setOpaque(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageAnswerBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_CallMessage.Answer() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64) { super.init() setId(id) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func setSdp(_ valueParam: String) { proto.sdp = valueParam } @objc public func setOpaque(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.opaque = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoCallMessageAnswer { return try SNProtoCallMessageAnswer.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoCallMessageAnswer.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Answer @objc public let id: UInt64 @objc public var sdp: String? { guard proto.hasSdp else { return nil } return proto.sdp } @objc public var hasSdp: Bool { return proto.hasSdp } @objc public var opaque: Data? { guard proto.hasOpaque else { return nil } return proto.opaque } @objc public var hasOpaque: Bool { return proto.hasOpaque } private init(proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Answer, id: UInt64) { self.proto = proto self.id = id } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageAnswer { let proto = try SessionProtos_CallMessage.Answer(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Answer) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageAnswer { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageAnswer - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageAnswer - let result = SNProtoCallMessageAnswer(proto: proto, id: id) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoCallMessageAnswer { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoCallMessageAnswer.SNProtoCallMessageAnswerBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoCallMessageAnswer? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdateBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: UInt64) -> SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdateBuilder { return SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdateBuilder(id: id) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdateBuilder { let builder = SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdateBuilder(id: id) if let _value = mid { builder.setMid(_value) } if hasLine { builder.setLine(line) } if let _value = sdp { builder.setSdp(_value) } if let _value = opaque { builder.setOpaque(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdateBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_CallMessage.IceUpdate() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64) { super.init() setId(id) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func setMid(_ valueParam: String) { proto.mid = valueParam } @objc public func setLine(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.line = valueParam } @objc public func setSdp(_ valueParam: String) { proto.sdp = valueParam } @objc public func setOpaque(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.opaque = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate { return try SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.IceUpdate @objc public let id: UInt64 @objc public var mid: String? { guard proto.hasMid else { return nil } return proto.mid } @objc public var hasMid: Bool { return proto.hasMid } @objc public var line: UInt32 { return proto.line } @objc public var hasLine: Bool { return proto.hasLine } @objc public var sdp: String? { guard proto.hasSdp else { return nil } return proto.sdp } @objc public var hasSdp: Bool { return proto.hasSdp } @objc public var opaque: Data? { guard proto.hasOpaque else { return nil } return proto.opaque } @objc public var hasOpaque: Bool { return proto.hasOpaque } private init(proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.IceUpdate, id: UInt64) { self.proto = proto self.id = id } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate { let proto = try SessionProtos_CallMessage.IceUpdate(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.IceUpdate) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate - let result = SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate(proto: proto, id: id) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate.SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdateBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageBusy @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageBusy: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageBusyBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: UInt64) -> SNProtoCallMessageBusyBuilder { return SNProtoCallMessageBusyBuilder(id: id) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoCallMessageBusyBuilder { let builder = SNProtoCallMessageBusyBuilder(id: id) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageBusyBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_CallMessage.Busy() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64) { super.init() setId(id) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoCallMessageBusy { return try SNProtoCallMessageBusy.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoCallMessageBusy.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Busy @objc public let id: UInt64 private init(proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Busy, id: UInt64) { self.proto = proto self.id = id } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageBusy { let proto = try SessionProtos_CallMessage.Busy(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Busy) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageBusy { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageBusy - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageBusy - let result = SNProtoCallMessageBusy(proto: proto, id: id) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoCallMessageBusy { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoCallMessageBusy.SNProtoCallMessageBusyBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoCallMessageBusy? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageHangup @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageHangup: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageHangupType @objc public enum SNProtoCallMessageHangupType: Int32 { case hangupNormal = 0 case hangupAccepted = 1 case hangupDeclined = 2 case hangupBusy = 3 case hangupNeedPermission = 4 } private class func SNProtoCallMessageHangupTypeWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Hangup.TypeEnum) -> SNProtoCallMessageHangupType { switch value { case .hangupNormal: return .hangupNormal case .hangupAccepted: return .hangupAccepted case .hangupDeclined: return .hangupDeclined case .hangupBusy: return .hangupBusy case .hangupNeedPermission: return .hangupNeedPermission } } private class func SNProtoCallMessageHangupTypeUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoCallMessageHangupType) -> SessionProtos_CallMessage.Hangup.TypeEnum { switch value { case .hangupNormal: return .hangupNormal case .hangupAccepted: return .hangupAccepted case .hangupDeclined: return .hangupDeclined case .hangupBusy: return .hangupBusy case .hangupNeedPermission: return .hangupNeedPermission } } // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageHangupBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: UInt64) -> SNProtoCallMessageHangupBuilder { return SNProtoCallMessageHangupBuilder(id: id) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoCallMessageHangupBuilder { let builder = SNProtoCallMessageHangupBuilder(id: id) if hasType { builder.setType(type) } if hasDeviceID { builder.setDeviceID(deviceID) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageHangupBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_CallMessage.Hangup() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64) { super.init() setId(id) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func setType(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageHangupType) { proto.type = SNProtoCallMessageHangupTypeUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func setDeviceID(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.deviceID = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoCallMessageHangup { return try SNProtoCallMessageHangup.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoCallMessageHangup.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Hangup @objc public let id: UInt64 @objc public var type: SNProtoCallMessageHangupType { return SNProtoCallMessageHangup.SNProtoCallMessageHangupTypeWrap(proto.type) } @objc public var hasType: Bool { return proto.hasType } @objc public var deviceID: UInt32 { return proto.deviceID } @objc public var hasDeviceID: Bool { return proto.hasDeviceID } private init(proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Hangup, id: UInt64) { self.proto = proto self.id = id } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageHangup { let proto = try SessionProtos_CallMessage.Hangup(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Hangup) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageHangup { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageHangup - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageHangup - let result = SNProtoCallMessageHangup(proto: proto, id: id) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoCallMessageHangup { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoCallMessageHangup.SNProtoCallMessageHangupBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoCallMessageHangup? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageOpaque @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageOpaque: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageOpaqueBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoCallMessageOpaqueBuilder { return SNProtoCallMessageOpaqueBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoCallMessageOpaqueBuilder { let builder = SNProtoCallMessageOpaqueBuilder() if let _value = data { builder.setData(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageOpaqueBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_CallMessage.Opaque() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func setData(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.data = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoCallMessageOpaque { return try SNProtoCallMessageOpaque.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoCallMessageOpaque.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Opaque @objc public var data: Data? { guard proto.hasData else { return nil } return proto.data } @objc public var hasData: Bool { return proto.hasData } private init(proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Opaque) { self.proto = proto } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageOpaque { let proto = try SessionProtos_CallMessage.Opaque(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage.Opaque) throws -> SNProtoCallMessageOpaque { // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageOpaque - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessageOpaque - let result = SNProtoCallMessageOpaque(proto: proto) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoCallMessageOpaque { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoCallMessageOpaque.SNProtoCallMessageOpaqueBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoCallMessageOpaque? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessage @objc public class SNProtoCallMessage: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoCallMessageBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoCallMessageBuilder { return SNProtoCallMessageBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoCallMessageBuilder { let builder = SNProtoCallMessageBuilder() if let _value = offer { builder.setOffer(_value) } if let _value = answer { builder.setAnswer(_value) } builder.setIceUpdate(iceUpdate) if let _value = legacyHangup { builder.setLegacyHangup(_value) } if let _value = busy { builder.setBusy(_value) } if let _value = profileKey { builder.setProfileKey(_value) } if let _value = hangup { builder.setHangup(_value) } if hasSupportsMultiRing { builder.setSupportsMultiRing(supportsMultiRing) } if hasDestinationDeviceID { builder.setDestinationDeviceID(destinationDeviceID) } if let _value = opaque { builder.setOpaque(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoCallMessageBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_CallMessage() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func setOffer(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageOffer) { proto.offer = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setAnswer(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageAnswer) { proto.answer = valueParam.proto } @objc public func addIceUpdate(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate) { var items = proto.iceUpdate items.append(valueParam.proto) proto.iceUpdate = items } @objc public func setIceUpdate(_ wrappedItems: [SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate]) { proto.iceUpdate = wrappedItems.map { $0.proto } } @objc public func setLegacyHangup(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageHangup) { proto.legacyHangup = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setBusy(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageBusy) { proto.busy = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setProfileKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.profileKey = valueParam } @objc public func setHangup(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageHangup) { proto.hangup = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setSupportsMultiRing(_ valueParam: Bool) { proto.supportsMultiRing = valueParam } @objc public func setDestinationDeviceID(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.destinationDeviceID = valueParam } @objc public func setOpaque(_ valueParam: SNProtoCallMessageOpaque) { proto.opaque = valueParam.proto } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoCallMessage { return try SNProtoCallMessage.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoCallMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage @objc public let offer: SNProtoCallMessageOffer? @objc public let answer: SNProtoCallMessageAnswer? @objc public let iceUpdate: [SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate] @objc public let legacyHangup: SNProtoCallMessageHangup? @objc public let busy: SNProtoCallMessageBusy? @objc public let hangup: SNProtoCallMessageHangup? @objc public let opaque: SNProtoCallMessageOpaque? @objc public var profileKey: Data? { guard proto.hasProfileKey else { return nil } return proto.profileKey } @objc public var hasProfileKey: Bool { return proto.hasProfileKey } @objc public var supportsMultiRing: Bool { return proto.supportsMultiRing } @objc public var hasSupportsMultiRing: Bool { return proto.hasSupportsMultiRing } @objc public var destinationDeviceID: UInt32 { return proto.destinationDeviceID } @objc public var hasDestinationDeviceID: Bool { return proto.hasDestinationDeviceID } private init(proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage, offer: SNProtoCallMessageOffer?, answer: SNProtoCallMessageAnswer?, iceUpdate: [SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate], legacyHangup: SNProtoCallMessageHangup?, busy: SNProtoCallMessageBusy?, hangup: SNProtoCallMessageHangup?, opaque: SNProtoCallMessageOpaque?) { self.proto = proto self.offer = offer self.answer = answer self.iceUpdate = iceUpdate self.legacyHangup = legacyHangup self.busy = busy self.hangup = hangup self.opaque = opaque } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoCallMessage { let proto = try SessionProtos_CallMessage(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_CallMessage) throws -> SNProtoCallMessage { var offer: SNProtoCallMessageOffer? = nil if proto.hasOffer { offer = try SNProtoCallMessageOffer.parseProto(proto.offer) } var answer: SNProtoCallMessageAnswer? = nil if proto.hasAnswer { answer = try SNProtoCallMessageAnswer.parseProto(proto.answer) } var iceUpdate: [SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate] = [] iceUpdate = try proto.iceUpdate.map { try SNProtoCallMessageIceUpdate.parseProto($0) } var legacyHangup: SNProtoCallMessageHangup? = nil if proto.hasLegacyHangup { legacyHangup = try SNProtoCallMessageHangup.parseProto(proto.legacyHangup) } var busy: SNProtoCallMessageBusy? = nil if proto.hasBusy { busy = try SNProtoCallMessageBusy.parseProto(proto.busy) } var hangup: SNProtoCallMessageHangup? = nil if proto.hasHangup { hangup = try SNProtoCallMessageHangup.parseProto(proto.hangup) } var opaque: SNProtoCallMessageOpaque? = nil if proto.hasOpaque { opaque = try SNProtoCallMessageOpaque.parseProto(proto.opaque) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessage - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoCallMessage - let result = SNProtoCallMessage(proto: proto, offer: offer, answer: answer, iceUpdate: iceUpdate, legacyHangup: legacyHangup, busy: busy, hangup: hangup, opaque: opaque) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoCallMessage { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoCallMessage.SNProtoCallMessageBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoCallMessage? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoKeyPair @objc public class SNProtoKeyPair: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoKeyPairBuilder @objc public class func builder(publicKey: Data, privateKey: Data) -> SNProtoKeyPairBuilder { return SNProtoKeyPairBuilder(publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoKeyPairBuilder { let builder = SNProtoKeyPairBuilder(publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoKeyPairBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_KeyPair() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(publicKey: Data, privateKey: Data) { super.init() setPublicKey(publicKey) setPrivateKey(privateKey) } @objc public func setPublicKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.publicKey = valueParam } @objc public func setPrivateKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.privateKey = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoKeyPair { return try SNProtoKeyPair.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoKeyPair.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_KeyPair @objc public let publicKey: Data @objc public let privateKey: Data private init(proto: SessionProtos_KeyPair, publicKey: Data, privateKey: Data) { self.proto = proto self.publicKey = publicKey self.privateKey = privateKey } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoKeyPair { let proto = try SessionProtos_KeyPair(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_KeyPair) throws -> SNProtoKeyPair { guard proto.hasPublicKey else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: publicKey") } let publicKey = proto.publicKey guard proto.hasPrivateKey else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: privateKey") } let privateKey = proto.privateKey // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoKeyPair - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoKeyPair - let result = SNProtoKeyPair(proto: proto, publicKey: publicKey, privateKey: privateKey) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoKeyPair { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoKeyPair.SNProtoKeyPairBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoKeyPair? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataExtractionNotification @objc public class SNProtoDataExtractionNotification: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType @objc public enum SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType: Int32 { case screenshot = 1 case mediaSaved = 2 } private class func SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationTypeWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_DataExtractionNotification.TypeEnum) -> SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType { switch value { case .screenshot: return .screenshot case .mediaSaved: return .mediaSaved } } private class func SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationTypeUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType) -> SessionProtos_DataExtractionNotification.TypeEnum { switch value { case .screenshot: return .screenshot case .mediaSaved: return .mediaSaved } } // MARK: - SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationBuilder @objc public class func builder(type: SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType) -> SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationBuilder { return SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationBuilder(type: type) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationBuilder(type: type) if hasTimestamp { builder.setTimestamp(timestamp) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataExtractionNotification() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(type: SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType) { super.init() setType(type) } @objc public func setType(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType) { proto.type = SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationTypeUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func setTimestamp(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.timestamp = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataExtractionNotification { return try SNProtoDataExtractionNotification.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataExtractionNotification.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataExtractionNotification @objc public let type: SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType @objc public var timestamp: UInt64 { return proto.timestamp } @objc public var hasTimestamp: Bool { return proto.hasTimestamp } private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataExtractionNotification, type: SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationType) { self.proto = proto self.type = type } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataExtractionNotification { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataExtractionNotification(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataExtractionNotification) throws -> SNProtoDataExtractionNotification { guard proto.hasType else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: type") } let type = SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationTypeWrap(proto.type) // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataExtractionNotification - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataExtractionNotification - let result = SNProtoDataExtractionNotification(proto: proto, type: type) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataExtractionNotification { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataExtractionNotification.SNProtoDataExtractionNotificationBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataExtractionNotification? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentFlags @objc public enum SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentFlags: Int32 { case voiceMessage = 1 } private class func SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentFlagsWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment.Flags) -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentFlags { switch value { case .voiceMessage: return .voiceMessage } } private class func SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentFlagsUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentFlags) -> SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment.Flags { switch value { case .voiceMessage: return .voiceMessage } } // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentBuilder() if let _value = contentType { builder.setContentType(_value) } if let _value = fileName { builder.setFileName(_value) } if let _value = thumbnail { builder.setThumbnail(_value) } if hasFlags { builder.setFlags(flags) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func setContentType(_ valueParam: String) { proto.contentType = valueParam } @objc public func setFileName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.fileName = valueParam } @objc public func setThumbnail(_ valueParam: SNProtoAttachmentPointer) { proto.thumbnail = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setFlags(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.flags = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment { return try SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment @objc public let thumbnail: SNProtoAttachmentPointer? @objc public var contentType: String? { guard proto.hasContentType else { return nil } return proto.contentType } @objc public var hasContentType: Bool { return proto.hasContentType } @objc public var fileName: String? { guard proto.hasFileName else { return nil } return proto.fileName } @objc public var hasFileName: Bool { return proto.hasFileName } @objc public var flags: UInt32 { return proto.flags } @objc public var hasFlags: Bool { return proto.hasFlags } private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment, thumbnail: SNProtoAttachmentPointer?) { self.proto = proto self.thumbnail = thumbnail } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment { var thumbnail: SNProtoAttachmentPointer? = nil if proto.hasThumbnail { thumbnail = try SNProtoAttachmentPointer.parseProto(proto.thumbnail) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment - let result = SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment(proto: proto, thumbnail: thumbnail) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment.SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachmentBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageQuote @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageQuote: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageQuoteBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: UInt64, author: String) -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessageQuoteBuilder(id: id, author: author) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageQuoteBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessageQuoteBuilder(id: id, author: author) if let _value = text { builder.setText(_value) } builder.setAttachments(attachments) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageQuoteBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64, author: String) { super.init() setId(id) setAuthor(author) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func setAuthor(_ valueParam: String) { proto.author = valueParam } @objc public func setText(_ valueParam: String) { proto.text = valueParam } @objc public func addAttachments(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment) { var items = proto.attachments items.append(valueParam.proto) proto.attachments = items } @objc public func setAttachments(_ wrappedItems: [SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment]) { proto.attachments = wrappedItems.map { $0.proto } } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageQuote { return try SNProtoDataMessageQuote.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessageQuote.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote @objc public let id: UInt64 @objc public let author: String @objc public let attachments: [SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment] @objc public var text: String? { guard proto.hasText else { return nil } return proto.text } @objc public var hasText: Bool { return proto.hasText } private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote, id: UInt64, author: String, attachments: [SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment]) { self.proto = proto self.id = id self.author = author self.attachments = attachments } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageQuote { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Quote) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageQuote { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id guard proto.hasAuthor else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: author") } let author = proto.author var attachments: [SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment] = [] attachments = try proto.attachments.map { try SNProtoDataMessageQuoteQuotedAttachment.parseProto($0) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageQuote - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageQuote - let result = SNProtoDataMessageQuote(proto: proto, id: id, author: author, attachments: attachments) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessageQuote { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessageQuote.SNProtoDataMessageQuoteBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessageQuote? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessagePreview @objc public class SNProtoDataMessagePreview: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder @objc public class func builder(url: String) -> SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder(url: url) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder(url: url) if let _value = title { builder.setTitle(_value) } if let _value = image { builder.setImage(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.Preview() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(url: String) { super.init() setUrl(url) } @objc public func setUrl(_ valueParam: String) { proto.url = valueParam } @objc public func setTitle(_ valueParam: String) { proto.title = valueParam } @objc public func setImage(_ valueParam: SNProtoAttachmentPointer) { proto.image = valueParam.proto } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessagePreview { return try SNProtoDataMessagePreview.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessagePreview.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Preview @objc public let url: String @objc public let image: SNProtoAttachmentPointer? @objc public var title: String? { guard proto.hasTitle else { return nil } return proto.title } @objc public var hasTitle: Bool { return proto.hasTitle } private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Preview, url: String, image: SNProtoAttachmentPointer?) { self.proto = proto self.url = url self.image = image } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessagePreview { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.Preview(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Preview) throws -> SNProtoDataMessagePreview { guard proto.hasURL else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: url") } let url = proto.url var image: SNProtoAttachmentPointer? = nil if proto.hasImage { image = try SNProtoAttachmentPointer.parseProto(proto.image) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessagePreview - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessagePreview - let result = SNProtoDataMessagePreview(proto: proto, url: url, image: image) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessagePreview { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessagePreview.SNProtoDataMessagePreviewBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessagePreview? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfileBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfileBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfileBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfileBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfileBuilder() if let _value = displayName { builder.setDisplayName(_value) } if let _value = profilePicture { builder.setProfilePicture(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfileBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.LokiProfile() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func setDisplayName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.displayName = valueParam } @objc public func setProfilePicture(_ valueParam: String) { proto.profilePicture = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile { return try SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.LokiProfile @objc public var displayName: String? { guard proto.hasDisplayName else { return nil } return proto.displayName } @objc public var hasDisplayName: Bool { return proto.hasDisplayName } @objc public var profilePicture: String? { guard proto.hasProfilePicture else { return nil } return proto.profilePicture } @objc public var hasProfilePicture: Bool { return proto.hasProfilePicture } private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.LokiProfile) { self.proto = proto } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.LokiProfile(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.LokiProfile) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile { // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile - let result = SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile(proto: proto) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile.SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfileBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitationBuilder @objc public class func builder(url: String, name: String) -> SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitationBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitationBuilder(url: url, name: name) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitationBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitationBuilder(url: url, name: name) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitationBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.OpenGroupInvitation() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(url: String, name: String) { super.init() setUrl(url) setName(name) } @objc public func setUrl(_ valueParam: String) { proto.url = valueParam } @objc public func setName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.name = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation { return try SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.OpenGroupInvitation @objc public let url: String @objc public let name: String private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.OpenGroupInvitation, url: String, name: String) { self.proto = proto self.url = url self.name = name } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.OpenGroupInvitation(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.OpenGroupInvitation) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation { guard proto.hasURL else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: url") } let url = proto.url guard proto.hasName else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: name") } let name = proto.name // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation - let result = SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation(proto: proto, url: url, name: name) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation.SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitationBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapperBuilder @objc public class func builder(publicKey: Data, encryptedKeyPair: Data) -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapperBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapperBuilder(publicKey: publicKey, encryptedKeyPair: encryptedKeyPair) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapperBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapperBuilder(publicKey: publicKey, encryptedKeyPair: encryptedKeyPair) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapperBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(publicKey: Data, encryptedKeyPair: Data) { super.init() setPublicKey(publicKey) setEncryptedKeyPair(encryptedKeyPair) } @objc public func setPublicKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.publicKey = valueParam } @objc public func setEncryptedKeyPair(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.encryptedKeyPair = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper { return try SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper @objc public let publicKey: Data @objc public let encryptedKeyPair: Data private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper, publicKey: Data, encryptedKeyPair: Data) { self.proto = proto self.publicKey = publicKey self.encryptedKeyPair = encryptedKeyPair } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper { guard proto.hasPublicKey else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: publicKey") } let publicKey = proto.publicKey guard proto.hasEncryptedKeyPair else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: encryptedKeyPair") } let encryptedKeyPair = proto.encryptedKeyPair // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper - let result = SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper(proto: proto, publicKey: publicKey, encryptedKeyPair: encryptedKeyPair) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper.SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapperBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType @objc public enum SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType: Int32 { case new = 1 case encryptionKeyPair = 3 case nameChange = 4 case membersAdded = 5 case membersRemoved = 6 case memberLeft = 7 case encryptionKeyPairRequest = 8 } private class func SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageTypeWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.TypeEnum) -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType { switch value { case .new: return .new case .encryptionKeyPair: return .encryptionKeyPair case .nameChange: return .nameChange case .membersAdded: return .membersAdded case .membersRemoved: return .membersRemoved case .memberLeft: return .memberLeft case .encryptionKeyPairRequest: return .encryptionKeyPairRequest } } private class func SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageTypeUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType) -> SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.TypeEnum { switch value { case .new: return .new case .encryptionKeyPair: return .encryptionKeyPair case .nameChange: return .nameChange case .membersAdded: return .membersAdded case .membersRemoved: return .membersRemoved case .memberLeft: return .memberLeft case .encryptionKeyPairRequest: return .encryptionKeyPairRequest } } // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageBuilder @objc public class func builder(type: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType) -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageBuilder(type: type) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageBuilder(type: type) if let _value = publicKey { builder.setPublicKey(_value) } if let _value = name { builder.setName(_value) } if let _value = encryptionKeyPair { builder.setEncryptionKeyPair(_value) } builder.setMembers(members) builder.setAdmins(admins) builder.setWrappers(wrappers) if hasExpirationTimer { builder.setExpirationTimer(expirationTimer) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(type: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType) { super.init() setType(type) } @objc public func setType(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType) { proto.type = SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageTypeUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func setPublicKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.publicKey = valueParam } @objc public func setName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.name = valueParam } @objc public func setEncryptionKeyPair(_ valueParam: SNProtoKeyPair) { proto.encryptionKeyPair = valueParam.proto } @objc public func addMembers(_ valueParam: Data) { var items = proto.members items.append(valueParam) proto.members = items } @objc public func setMembers(_ wrappedItems: [Data]) { proto.members = wrappedItems } @objc public func addAdmins(_ valueParam: Data) { var items = proto.admins items.append(valueParam) proto.admins = items } @objc public func setAdmins(_ wrappedItems: [Data]) { proto.admins = wrappedItems } @objc public func addWrappers(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper) { var items = proto.wrappers items.append(valueParam.proto) proto.wrappers = items } @objc public func setWrappers(_ wrappedItems: [SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper]) { proto.wrappers = wrappedItems.map { $0.proto } } @objc public func setExpirationTimer(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.expirationTimer = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage { return try SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage @objc public let type: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType @objc public let encryptionKeyPair: SNProtoKeyPair? @objc public let wrappers: [SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper] @objc public var publicKey: Data? { guard proto.hasPublicKey else { return nil } return proto.publicKey } @objc public var hasPublicKey: Bool { return proto.hasPublicKey } @objc public var name: String? { guard proto.hasName else { return nil } return proto.name } @objc public var hasName: Bool { return proto.hasName } @objc public var members: [Data] { return proto.members } @objc public var admins: [Data] { return proto.admins } @objc public var expirationTimer: UInt32 { return proto.expirationTimer } @objc public var hasExpirationTimer: Bool { return proto.hasExpirationTimer } private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage, type: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageType, encryptionKeyPair: SNProtoKeyPair?, wrappers: [SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper]) { self.proto = proto self.type = type self.encryptionKeyPair = encryptionKeyPair self.wrappers = wrappers } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage) throws -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage { guard proto.hasType else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: type") } let type = SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageTypeWrap(proto.type) var encryptionKeyPair: SNProtoKeyPair? = nil if proto.hasEncryptionKeyPair { encryptionKeyPair = try SNProtoKeyPair.parseProto(proto.encryptionKeyPair) } var wrappers: [SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper] = [] wrappers = try proto.wrappers.map { try SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageKeyPairWrapper.parseProto($0) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage - let result = SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage(proto: proto, type: type, encryptionKeyPair: encryptionKeyPair, wrappers: wrappers) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage.SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessageBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessage @objc public class SNProtoDataMessage: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageFlags @objc public enum SNProtoDataMessageFlags: Int32 { case expirationTimerUpdate = 2 } private class func SNProtoDataMessageFlagsWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_DataMessage.Flags) -> SNProtoDataMessageFlags { switch value { case .expirationTimerUpdate: return .expirationTimerUpdate } } private class func SNProtoDataMessageFlagsUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoDataMessageFlags) -> SessionProtos_DataMessage.Flags { switch value { case .expirationTimerUpdate: return .expirationTimerUpdate } } // MARK: - SNProtoDataMessageBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoDataMessageBuilder { return SNProtoDataMessageBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoDataMessageBuilder { let builder = SNProtoDataMessageBuilder() if let _value = body { builder.setBody(_value) } builder.setAttachments(attachments) if let _value = group { builder.setGroup(_value) } if hasFlags { builder.setFlags(flags) } if hasExpireTimer { builder.setExpireTimer(expireTimer) } if let _value = profileKey { builder.setProfileKey(_value) } if hasTimestamp { builder.setTimestamp(timestamp) } if let _value = quote { builder.setQuote(_value) } builder.setPreview(preview) if let _value = profile { builder.setProfile(_value) } if let _value = openGroupInvitation { builder.setOpenGroupInvitation(_value) } if let _value = closedGroupControlMessage { builder.setClosedGroupControlMessage(_value) } if let _value = syncTarget { builder.setSyncTarget(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoDataMessageBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_DataMessage() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func setBody(_ valueParam: String) { proto.body = valueParam } @objc public func addAttachments(_ valueParam: SNProtoAttachmentPointer) { var items = proto.attachments items.append(valueParam.proto) proto.attachments = items } @objc public func setAttachments(_ wrappedItems: [SNProtoAttachmentPointer]) { proto.attachments = wrappedItems.map { $0.proto } } @objc public func setGroup(_ valueParam: SNProtoGroupContext) { proto.group = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setFlags(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.flags = valueParam } @objc public func setExpireTimer(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.expireTimer = valueParam } @objc public func setProfileKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.profileKey = valueParam } @objc public func setTimestamp(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.timestamp = valueParam } @objc public func setQuote(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageQuote) { proto.quote = valueParam.proto } @objc public func addPreview(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessagePreview) { var items = proto.preview items.append(valueParam.proto) proto.preview = items } @objc public func setPreview(_ wrappedItems: [SNProtoDataMessagePreview]) { proto.preview = wrappedItems.map { $0.proto } } @objc public func setProfile(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile) { proto.profile = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setOpenGroupInvitation(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation) { proto.openGroupInvitation = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setClosedGroupControlMessage(_ valueParam: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage) { proto.closedGroupControlMessage = valueParam.proto } @objc public func setSyncTarget(_ valueParam: String) { proto.syncTarget = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoDataMessage { return try SNProtoDataMessage.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoDataMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage @objc public let attachments: [SNProtoAttachmentPointer] @objc public let group: SNProtoGroupContext? @objc public let quote: SNProtoDataMessageQuote? @objc public let preview: [SNProtoDataMessagePreview] @objc public let profile: SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile? @objc public let openGroupInvitation: SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation? @objc public let closedGroupControlMessage: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage? @objc public var body: String? { guard proto.hasBody else { return nil } return proto.body } @objc public var hasBody: Bool { return proto.hasBody } @objc public var flags: UInt32 { return proto.flags } @objc public var hasFlags: Bool { return proto.hasFlags } @objc public var expireTimer: UInt32 { return proto.expireTimer } @objc public var hasExpireTimer: Bool { return proto.hasExpireTimer } @objc public var profileKey: Data? { guard proto.hasProfileKey else { return nil } return proto.profileKey } @objc public var hasProfileKey: Bool { return proto.hasProfileKey } @objc public var timestamp: UInt64 { return proto.timestamp } @objc public var hasTimestamp: Bool { return proto.hasTimestamp } @objc public var syncTarget: String? { guard proto.hasSyncTarget else { return nil } return proto.syncTarget } @objc public var hasSyncTarget: Bool { return proto.hasSyncTarget } private init(proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage, attachments: [SNProtoAttachmentPointer], group: SNProtoGroupContext?, quote: SNProtoDataMessageQuote?, preview: [SNProtoDataMessagePreview], profile: SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile?, openGroupInvitation: SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation?, closedGroupControlMessage: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage?) { self.proto = proto self.attachments = attachments self.group = group self.quote = quote self.preview = preview self.profile = profile self.openGroupInvitation = openGroupInvitation self.closedGroupControlMessage = closedGroupControlMessage } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoDataMessage { let proto = try SessionProtos_DataMessage(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_DataMessage) throws -> SNProtoDataMessage { var attachments: [SNProtoAttachmentPointer] = [] attachments = try proto.attachments.map { try SNProtoAttachmentPointer.parseProto($0) } var group: SNProtoGroupContext? = nil if proto.hasGroup { group = try SNProtoGroupContext.parseProto(proto.group) } var quote: SNProtoDataMessageQuote? = nil if proto.hasQuote { quote = try SNProtoDataMessageQuote.parseProto(proto.quote) } var preview: [SNProtoDataMessagePreview] = [] preview = try proto.preview.map { try SNProtoDataMessagePreview.parseProto($0) } var profile: SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile? = nil if proto.hasProfile { profile = try SNProtoDataMessageLokiProfile.parseProto(proto.profile) } var openGroupInvitation: SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation? = nil if proto.hasOpenGroupInvitation { openGroupInvitation = try SNProtoDataMessageOpenGroupInvitation.parseProto(proto.openGroupInvitation) } var closedGroupControlMessage: SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage? = nil if proto.hasClosedGroupControlMessage { closedGroupControlMessage = try SNProtoDataMessageClosedGroupControlMessage.parseProto(proto.closedGroupControlMessage) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessage - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoDataMessage - let result = SNProtoDataMessage(proto: proto, attachments: attachments, group: group, quote: quote, preview: preview, profile: profile, openGroupInvitation: openGroupInvitation, closedGroupControlMessage: closedGroupControlMessage) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoDataMessage { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoDataMessage.SNProtoDataMessageBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoDataMessage? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup @objc public class SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroupBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroupBuilder { return SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroupBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroupBuilder { let builder = SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroupBuilder() if let _value = publicKey { builder.setPublicKey(_value) } if let _value = name { builder.setName(_value) } if let _value = encryptionKeyPair { builder.setEncryptionKeyPair(_value) } builder.setMembers(members) builder.setAdmins(admins) if hasExpirationTimer { builder.setExpirationTimer(expirationTimer) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroupBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.ClosedGroup() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func setPublicKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.publicKey = valueParam } @objc public func setName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.name = valueParam } @objc public func setEncryptionKeyPair(_ valueParam: SNProtoKeyPair) { proto.encryptionKeyPair = valueParam.proto } @objc public func addMembers(_ valueParam: Data) { var items = proto.members items.append(valueParam) proto.members = items } @objc public func setMembers(_ wrappedItems: [Data]) { proto.members = wrappedItems } @objc public func addAdmins(_ valueParam: Data) { var items = proto.admins items.append(valueParam) proto.admins = items } @objc public func setAdmins(_ wrappedItems: [Data]) { proto.admins = wrappedItems } @objc public func setExpirationTimer(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.expirationTimer = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup { return try SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.ClosedGroup @objc public let encryptionKeyPair: SNProtoKeyPair? @objc public var publicKey: Data? { guard proto.hasPublicKey else { return nil } return proto.publicKey } @objc public var hasPublicKey: Bool { return proto.hasPublicKey } @objc public var name: String? { guard proto.hasName else { return nil } return proto.name } @objc public var hasName: Bool { return proto.hasName } @objc public var members: [Data] { return proto.members } @objc public var admins: [Data] { return proto.admins } @objc public var expirationTimer: UInt32 { return proto.expirationTimer } @objc public var hasExpirationTimer: Bool { return proto.hasExpirationTimer } private init(proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.ClosedGroup, encryptionKeyPair: SNProtoKeyPair?) { self.proto = proto self.encryptionKeyPair = encryptionKeyPair } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup { let proto = try SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.ClosedGroup(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.ClosedGroup) throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup { var encryptionKeyPair: SNProtoKeyPair? = nil if proto.hasEncryptionKeyPair { encryptionKeyPair = try SNProtoKeyPair.parseProto(proto.encryptionKeyPair) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup - let result = SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup(proto: proto, encryptionKeyPair: encryptionKeyPair) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup.SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroupBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact @objc public class SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoConfigurationMessageContactBuilder @objc public class func builder(publicKey: Data, name: String) -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageContactBuilder { return SNProtoConfigurationMessageContactBuilder(publicKey: publicKey, name: name) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageContactBuilder { let builder = SNProtoConfigurationMessageContactBuilder(publicKey: publicKey, name: name) if let _value = profilePicture { builder.setProfilePicture(_value) } if let _value = profileKey { builder.setProfileKey(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoConfigurationMessageContactBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.Contact() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(publicKey: Data, name: String) { super.init() setPublicKey(publicKey) setName(name) } @objc public func setPublicKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.publicKey = valueParam } @objc public func setName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.name = valueParam } @objc public func setProfilePicture(_ valueParam: String) { proto.profilePicture = valueParam } @objc public func setProfileKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.profileKey = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact { return try SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.Contact @objc public let publicKey: Data @objc public let name: String @objc public var profilePicture: String? { guard proto.hasProfilePicture else { return nil } return proto.profilePicture } @objc public var hasProfilePicture: Bool { return proto.hasProfilePicture } @objc public var profileKey: Data? { guard proto.hasProfileKey else { return nil } return proto.profileKey } @objc public var hasProfileKey: Bool { return proto.hasProfileKey } private init(proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.Contact, publicKey: Data, name: String) { self.proto = proto self.publicKey = publicKey self.name = name } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact { let proto = try SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.Contact(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage.Contact) throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact { guard proto.hasPublicKey else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: publicKey") } let publicKey = proto.publicKey guard proto.hasName else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: name") } let name = proto.name // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact - let result = SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact(proto: proto, publicKey: publicKey, name: name) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact.SNProtoConfigurationMessageContactBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoConfigurationMessage @objc public class SNProtoConfigurationMessage: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoConfigurationMessageBuilder @objc public class func builder() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageBuilder { return SNProtoConfigurationMessageBuilder() } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessageBuilder { let builder = SNProtoConfigurationMessageBuilder() builder.setClosedGroups(closedGroups) builder.setOpenGroups(openGroups) if let _value = displayName { builder.setDisplayName(_value) } if let _value = profilePicture { builder.setProfilePicture(_value) } if let _value = profileKey { builder.setProfileKey(_value) } builder.setContacts(contacts) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoConfigurationMessageBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc public func addClosedGroups(_ valueParam: SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup) { var items = proto.closedGroups items.append(valueParam.proto) proto.closedGroups = items } @objc public func setClosedGroups(_ wrappedItems: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup]) { proto.closedGroups = wrappedItems.map { $0.proto } } @objc public func addOpenGroups(_ valueParam: String) { var items = proto.openGroups items.append(valueParam) proto.openGroups = items } @objc public func setOpenGroups(_ wrappedItems: [String]) { proto.openGroups = wrappedItems } @objc public func setDisplayName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.displayName = valueParam } @objc public func setProfilePicture(_ valueParam: String) { proto.profilePicture = valueParam } @objc public func setProfileKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.profileKey = valueParam } @objc public func addContacts(_ valueParam: SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact) { var items = proto.contacts items.append(valueParam.proto) proto.contacts = items } @objc public func setContacts(_ wrappedItems: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact]) { proto.contacts = wrappedItems.map { $0.proto } } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessage { return try SNProtoConfigurationMessage.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoConfigurationMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage @objc public let closedGroups: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup] @objc public let contacts: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact] @objc public var openGroups: [String] { return proto.openGroups } @objc public var displayName: String? { guard proto.hasDisplayName else { return nil } return proto.displayName } @objc public var hasDisplayName: Bool { return proto.hasDisplayName } @objc public var profilePicture: String? { guard proto.hasProfilePicture else { return nil } return proto.profilePicture } @objc public var hasProfilePicture: Bool { return proto.hasProfilePicture } @objc public var profileKey: Data? { guard proto.hasProfileKey else { return nil } return proto.profileKey } @objc public var hasProfileKey: Bool { return proto.hasProfileKey } private init(proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage, closedGroups: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup], contacts: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact]) { self.proto = proto self.closedGroups = closedGroups self.contacts = contacts } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessage { let proto = try SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_ConfigurationMessage) throws -> SNProtoConfigurationMessage { var closedGroups: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup] = [] closedGroups = try proto.closedGroups.map { try SNProtoConfigurationMessageClosedGroup.parseProto($0) } var contacts: [SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact] = [] contacts = try proto.contacts.map { try SNProtoConfigurationMessageContact.parseProto($0) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoConfigurationMessage - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoConfigurationMessage - let result = SNProtoConfigurationMessage(proto: proto, closedGroups: closedGroups, contacts: contacts) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoConfigurationMessage { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoConfigurationMessage.SNProtoConfigurationMessageBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoConfigurationMessage? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoReceiptMessage @objc public class SNProtoReceiptMessage: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoReceiptMessageType @objc public enum SNProtoReceiptMessageType: Int32 { case delivery = 0 case read = 1 } private class func SNProtoReceiptMessageTypeWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_ReceiptMessage.TypeEnum) -> SNProtoReceiptMessageType { switch value { case .delivery: return .delivery case .read: return .read } } private class func SNProtoReceiptMessageTypeUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoReceiptMessageType) -> SessionProtos_ReceiptMessage.TypeEnum { switch value { case .delivery: return .delivery case .read: return .read } } // MARK: - SNProtoReceiptMessageBuilder @objc public class func builder(type: SNProtoReceiptMessageType) -> SNProtoReceiptMessageBuilder { return SNProtoReceiptMessageBuilder(type: type) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoReceiptMessageBuilder { let builder = SNProtoReceiptMessageBuilder(type: type) builder.setTimestamp(timestamp) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoReceiptMessageBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_ReceiptMessage() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(type: SNProtoReceiptMessageType) { super.init() setType(type) } @objc public func setType(_ valueParam: SNProtoReceiptMessageType) { proto.type = SNProtoReceiptMessageTypeUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func addTimestamp(_ valueParam: UInt64) { var items = proto.timestamp items.append(valueParam) proto.timestamp = items } @objc public func setTimestamp(_ wrappedItems: [UInt64]) { proto.timestamp = wrappedItems } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoReceiptMessage { return try SNProtoReceiptMessage.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoReceiptMessage.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_ReceiptMessage @objc public let type: SNProtoReceiptMessageType @objc public var timestamp: [UInt64] { return proto.timestamp } private init(proto: SessionProtos_ReceiptMessage, type: SNProtoReceiptMessageType) { self.proto = proto self.type = type } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoReceiptMessage { let proto = try SessionProtos_ReceiptMessage(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_ReceiptMessage) throws -> SNProtoReceiptMessage { guard proto.hasType else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: type") } let type = SNProtoReceiptMessageTypeWrap(proto.type) // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoReceiptMessage - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoReceiptMessage - let result = SNProtoReceiptMessage(proto: proto, type: type) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoReceiptMessage { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoReceiptMessage.SNProtoReceiptMessageBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoReceiptMessage? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoAttachmentPointer @objc public class SNProtoAttachmentPointer: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoAttachmentPointerFlags @objc public enum SNProtoAttachmentPointerFlags: Int32 { case voiceMessage = 1 } private class func SNProtoAttachmentPointerFlagsWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer.Flags) -> SNProtoAttachmentPointerFlags { switch value { case .voiceMessage: return .voiceMessage } } private class func SNProtoAttachmentPointerFlagsUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoAttachmentPointerFlags) -> SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer.Flags { switch value { case .voiceMessage: return .voiceMessage } } // MARK: - SNProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: UInt64) -> SNProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder { return SNProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder(id: id) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder { let builder = SNProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder(id: id) if let _value = contentType { builder.setContentType(_value) } if let _value = key { builder.setKey(_value) } if hasSize { builder.setSize(size) } if let _value = thumbnail { builder.setThumbnail(_value) } if let _value = digest { builder.setDigest(_value) } if let _value = fileName { builder.setFileName(_value) } if hasFlags { builder.setFlags(flags) } if hasWidth { builder.setWidth(width) } if hasHeight { builder.setHeight(height) } if let _value = caption { builder.setCaption(_value) } if let _value = url { builder.setUrl(_value) } return builder } @objc public class SNProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: UInt64) { super.init() setId(id) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: UInt64) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func setContentType(_ valueParam: String) { proto.contentType = valueParam } @objc public func setKey(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.key = valueParam } @objc public func setSize(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.size = valueParam } @objc public func setThumbnail(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.thumbnail = valueParam } @objc public func setDigest(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.digest = valueParam } @objc public func setFileName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.fileName = valueParam } @objc public func setFlags(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.flags = valueParam } @objc public func setWidth(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.width = valueParam } @objc public func setHeight(_ valueParam: UInt32) { proto.height = valueParam } @objc public func setCaption(_ valueParam: String) { proto.caption = valueParam } @objc public func setUrl(_ valueParam: String) { proto.url = valueParam } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoAttachmentPointer { return try SNProtoAttachmentPointer.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoAttachmentPointer.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer @objc public let id: UInt64 @objc public var contentType: String? { guard proto.hasContentType else { return nil } return proto.contentType } @objc public var hasContentType: Bool { return proto.hasContentType } @objc public var key: Data? { guard proto.hasKey else { return nil } return proto.key } @objc public var hasKey: Bool { return proto.hasKey } @objc public var size: UInt32 { return proto.size } @objc public var hasSize: Bool { return proto.hasSize } @objc public var thumbnail: Data? { guard proto.hasThumbnail else { return nil } return proto.thumbnail } @objc public var hasThumbnail: Bool { return proto.hasThumbnail } @objc public var digest: Data? { guard proto.hasDigest else { return nil } return proto.digest } @objc public var hasDigest: Bool { return proto.hasDigest } @objc public var fileName: String? { guard proto.hasFileName else { return nil } return proto.fileName } @objc public var hasFileName: Bool { return proto.hasFileName } @objc public var flags: UInt32 { return proto.flags } @objc public var hasFlags: Bool { return proto.hasFlags } @objc public var width: UInt32 { return proto.width } @objc public var hasWidth: Bool { return proto.hasWidth } @objc public var height: UInt32 { return proto.height } @objc public var hasHeight: Bool { return proto.hasHeight } @objc public var caption: String? { guard proto.hasCaption else { return nil } return proto.caption } @objc public var hasCaption: Bool { return proto.hasCaption } @objc public var url: String? { guard proto.hasURL else { return nil } return proto.url } @objc public var hasURL: Bool { return proto.hasURL } private init(proto: SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer, id: UInt64) { self.proto = proto self.id = id } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoAttachmentPointer { let proto = try SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_AttachmentPointer) throws -> SNProtoAttachmentPointer { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoAttachmentPointer - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoAttachmentPointer - let result = SNProtoAttachmentPointer(proto: proto, id: id) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoAttachmentPointer { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoAttachmentPointer.SNProtoAttachmentPointerBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoAttachmentPointer? { return try! self.build() } } #endif // MARK: - SNProtoGroupContext @objc public class SNProtoGroupContext: NSObject { // MARK: - SNProtoGroupContextType @objc public enum SNProtoGroupContextType: Int32 { case unknown = 0 case update = 1 case deliver = 2 case quit = 3 case requestInfo = 4 } private class func SNProtoGroupContextTypeWrap(_ value: SessionProtos_GroupContext.TypeEnum) -> SNProtoGroupContextType { switch value { case .unknown: return .unknown case .update: return .update case .deliver: return .deliver case .quit: return .quit case .requestInfo: return .requestInfo } } private class func SNProtoGroupContextTypeUnwrap(_ value: SNProtoGroupContextType) -> SessionProtos_GroupContext.TypeEnum { switch value { case .unknown: return .unknown case .update: return .update case .deliver: return .deliver case .quit: return .quit case .requestInfo: return .requestInfo } } // MARK: - SNProtoGroupContextBuilder @objc public class func builder(id: Data, type: SNProtoGroupContextType) -> SNProtoGroupContextBuilder { return SNProtoGroupContextBuilder(id: id, type: type) } // asBuilder() constructs a builder that reflects the proto's contents. @objc public func asBuilder() -> SNProtoGroupContextBuilder { let builder = SNProtoGroupContextBuilder(id: id, type: type) if let _value = name { builder.setName(_value) } builder.setMembers(members) if let _value = avatar { builder.setAvatar(_value) } builder.setAdmins(admins) return builder } @objc public class SNProtoGroupContextBuilder: NSObject { private var proto = SessionProtos_GroupContext() @objc fileprivate override init() {} @objc fileprivate init(id: Data, type: SNProtoGroupContextType) { super.init() setId(id) setType(type) } @objc public func setId(_ valueParam: Data) { proto.id = valueParam } @objc public func setType(_ valueParam: SNProtoGroupContextType) { proto.type = SNProtoGroupContextTypeUnwrap(valueParam) } @objc public func setName(_ valueParam: String) { proto.name = valueParam } @objc public func addMembers(_ valueParam: String) { var items = proto.members items.append(valueParam) proto.members = items } @objc public func setMembers(_ wrappedItems: [String]) { proto.members = wrappedItems } @objc public func setAvatar(_ valueParam: SNProtoAttachmentPointer) { proto.avatar = valueParam.proto } @objc public func addAdmins(_ valueParam: String) { var items = proto.admins items.append(valueParam) proto.admins = items } @objc public func setAdmins(_ wrappedItems: [String]) { proto.admins = wrappedItems } @objc public func build() throws -> SNProtoGroupContext { return try SNProtoGroupContext.parseProto(proto) } @objc public func buildSerializedData() throws -> Data { return try SNProtoGroupContext.parseProto(proto).serializedData() } } fileprivate let proto: SessionProtos_GroupContext @objc public let id: Data @objc public let type: SNProtoGroupContextType @objc public let avatar: SNProtoAttachmentPointer? @objc public var name: String? { guard proto.hasName else { return nil } return proto.name } @objc public var hasName: Bool { return proto.hasName } @objc public var members: [String] { return proto.members } @objc public var admins: [String] { return proto.admins } private init(proto: SessionProtos_GroupContext, id: Data, type: SNProtoGroupContextType, avatar: SNProtoAttachmentPointer?) { self.proto = proto self.id = id self.type = type self.avatar = avatar } @objc public func serializedData() throws -> Data { return try self.proto.serializedData() } @objc public class func parseData(_ serializedData: Data) throws -> SNProtoGroupContext { let proto = try SessionProtos_GroupContext(serializedData: serializedData) return try parseProto(proto) } fileprivate class func parseProto(_ proto: SessionProtos_GroupContext) throws -> SNProtoGroupContext { guard proto.hasID else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: id") } let id = proto.id guard proto.hasType else { throw SNProtoError.invalidProtobuf(description: "\(logTag) missing required field: type") } let type = SNProtoGroupContextTypeWrap(proto.type) var avatar: SNProtoAttachmentPointer? = nil if proto.hasAvatar { avatar = try SNProtoAttachmentPointer.parseProto(proto.avatar) } // MARK: - Begin Validation Logic for SNProtoGroupContext - // MARK: - End Validation Logic for SNProtoGroupContext - let result = SNProtoGroupContext(proto: proto, id: id, type: type, avatar: avatar) return result } @objc public override var debugDescription: String { return "\(proto)" } } #if DEBUG extension SNProtoGroupContext { @objc public func serializedDataIgnoringErrors() -> Data? { return try! self.serializedData() } } extension SNProtoGroupContext.SNProtoGroupContextBuilder { @objc public func buildIgnoringErrors() -> SNProtoGroupContext? { return try! self.build() } } #endif