// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // import Foundation public protocol MediaTileViewControllerDelegate: class { func mediaTileViewController(_ viewController: MediaTileViewController, didTapView tappedView: UIView, mediaGalleryItem: MediaGalleryItem) } public class MediaTileViewController: UICollectionViewController, MediaGalleryDataSourceDelegate, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout { private weak var mediaGalleryDataSource: MediaGalleryDataSource? private var galleryItems: [GalleryDate: [MediaGalleryItem]] { guard let mediaGalleryDataSource = self.mediaGalleryDataSource else { owsFailDebug("mediaGalleryDataSource was unexpectedly nil") return [:] } return mediaGalleryDataSource.sections } private var galleryDates: [GalleryDate] { guard let mediaGalleryDataSource = self.mediaGalleryDataSource else { owsFailDebug("mediaGalleryDataSource was unexpectedly nil") return [] } return mediaGalleryDataSource.sectionDates } public var focusedItem: MediaGalleryItem? private let uiDatabaseConnection: YapDatabaseConnection public weak var delegate: MediaTileViewControllerDelegate? deinit { Logger.debug("deinit") } fileprivate let mediaTileViewLayout: MediaTileViewLayout init(mediaGalleryDataSource: MediaGalleryDataSource, uiDatabaseConnection: YapDatabaseConnection) { self.mediaGalleryDataSource = mediaGalleryDataSource assert(uiDatabaseConnection.isInLongLivedReadTransaction()) self.uiDatabaseConnection = uiDatabaseConnection let layout: MediaTileViewLayout = type(of: self).buildLayout() self.mediaTileViewLayout = layout super.init(collectionViewLayout: layout) } required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { notImplemented() } // MARK: Subviews lazy var footerBar: UIToolbar = { let footerBar = UIToolbar() let footerItems = [ UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil), deleteButton, UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: nil, action: nil) ] footerBar.setItems(footerItems, animated: false) footerBar.barTintColor = Theme.darkThemeNavbarBackgroundColor footerBar.tintColor = Theme.darkThemeNavbarIconColor return footerBar }() lazy var deleteButton: UIBarButtonItem = { let deleteButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .trash, target: self, action: #selector(didPressDelete)) deleteButton.tintColor = Theme.darkThemeNavbarIconColor return deleteButton }() // MARK: View Lifecycle Overrides override public func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.title = MediaStrings.allMedia guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } collectionView.backgroundColor = Theme.darkThemeBackgroundColor collectionView.register(PhotoGridViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: PhotoGridViewCell.reuseIdentifier) collectionView.register(MediaGallerySectionHeader.self, forSupplementaryViewOfKind: UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader, withReuseIdentifier: MediaGallerySectionHeader.reuseIdentifier) collectionView.register(MediaGalleryStaticHeader.self, forSupplementaryViewOfKind: UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader, withReuseIdentifier: MediaGalleryStaticHeader.reuseIdentifier) collectionView.delegate = self // feels a bit weird to have content smashed all the way to the bottom edge. collectionView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 20, right: 0) self.view.addSubview(self.footerBar) footerBar.autoPinWidthToSuperview() footerBar.autoSetDimension(.height, toSize: kFooterBarHeight) self.footerBarBottomConstraint = footerBar.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .bottom, withInset: -kFooterBarHeight) updateSelectButton() self.mediaTileViewLayout.invalidateLayout() } private func indexPath(galleryItem: MediaGalleryItem) -> IndexPath? { guard let sectionIdx = galleryDates.index(of: galleryItem.galleryDate) else { return nil } guard let rowIdx = galleryItems[galleryItem.galleryDate]!.index(of: galleryItem) else { return nil } return IndexPath(row: rowIdx, section: sectionIdx + 1) } override public func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) guard let focusedItem = self.focusedItem else { return } guard let indexPath = self.indexPath(galleryItem: focusedItem) else { owsFailDebug("unexpectedly unable to find indexPath for focusedItem: \(focusedItem)") return } Logger.debug("scrolling to focused item at indexPath: \(indexPath)") self.view.layoutIfNeeded() self.collectionView?.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .centeredVertically, animated: false) self.autoLoadMoreIfNecessary() } override public func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) { self.mediaTileViewLayout.invalidateLayout() } public override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() { super.viewWillLayoutSubviews() self.updateLayout() } // MARK: Orientation override public var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return .allButUpsideDown } // MARK: UICollectionViewDelegate override public func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) { self.autoLoadMoreIfNecessary() } override public func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) { self.isUserScrolling = true } override public func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) { self.isUserScrolling = false } override public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, shouldSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool { Logger.debug("") guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { return false } switch indexPath.section { case kLoadOlderSectionIdx, loadNewerSectionIdx: return false default: return true } } override public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, shouldDeselectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool { Logger.debug("") guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { return false } switch indexPath.section { case kLoadOlderSectionIdx, loadNewerSectionIdx: return false default: return true } } public override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, shouldHighlightItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool { Logger.debug("") guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { return false } switch indexPath.section { case kLoadOlderSectionIdx, loadNewerSectionIdx: return false default: return true } } override public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) { Logger.debug("") guard let gridCell = self.collectionView(collectionView, cellForItemAt: indexPath) as? PhotoGridViewCell else { owsFailDebug("galleryCell was unexpectedly nil") return } guard let galleryItem = (gridCell.item as? GalleryGridCellItem)?.galleryItem else { owsFailDebug("galleryItem was unexpectedly nil") return } if isInBatchSelectMode { updateDeleteButton() } else { collectionView.deselectItem(at: indexPath, animated: true) self.delegate?.mediaTileViewController(self, didTapView: gridCell.imageView, mediaGalleryItem: galleryItem) } } public override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didDeselectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) { Logger.debug("") if isInBatchSelectMode { updateDeleteButton() } } private var isUserScrolling: Bool = false { didSet { autoLoadMoreIfNecessary() } } // MARK: UICollectionViewDataSource override public func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int { guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { // empty gallery return 1 } // One for each galleryDate plus a "loading older" and "loading newer" section return galleryItems.keys.count + 2 } override public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection sectionIdx: Int) -> Int { guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { // empty gallery return 0 } if sectionIdx == kLoadOlderSectionIdx { // load older return 0 } if sectionIdx == loadNewerSectionIdx { // load more recent return 0 } guard let sectionDate = self.galleryDates[safe: sectionIdx - 1] else { owsFailDebug("unknown section: \(sectionIdx)") return 0 } guard let section = self.galleryItems[sectionDate] else { owsFailDebug("no section for date: \(sectionDate)") return 0 } return section.count } override public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionReusableView { let defaultView = UICollectionReusableView() guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { guard let sectionHeader = collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: kind, withReuseIdentifier: MediaGalleryStaticHeader.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? MediaGalleryStaticHeader else { owsFailDebug("unable to build section header for kLoadOlderSectionIdx") return defaultView } let title = NSLocalizedString("GALLERY_TILES_EMPTY_GALLERY", comment: "Label indicating media gallery is empty") sectionHeader.configure(title: title) return sectionHeader } if (kind == UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader) { switch indexPath.section { case kLoadOlderSectionIdx: guard let sectionHeader = collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: kind, withReuseIdentifier: MediaGalleryStaticHeader.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? MediaGalleryStaticHeader else { owsFailDebug("unable to build section header for kLoadOlderSectionIdx") return defaultView } let title = NSLocalizedString("GALLERY_TILES_LOADING_OLDER_LABEL", comment: "Label indicating loading is in progress") sectionHeader.configure(title: title) return sectionHeader case loadNewerSectionIdx: guard let sectionHeader = collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: kind, withReuseIdentifier: MediaGalleryStaticHeader.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? MediaGalleryStaticHeader else { owsFailDebug("unable to build section header for kLoadOlderSectionIdx") return defaultView } let title = NSLocalizedString("GALLERY_TILES_LOADING_MORE_RECENT_LABEL", comment: "Label indicating loading is in progress") sectionHeader.configure(title: title) return sectionHeader default: guard let sectionHeader = collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: kind, withReuseIdentifier: MediaGallerySectionHeader.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? MediaGallerySectionHeader else { owsFailDebug("unable to build section header for indexPath: \(indexPath)") return defaultView } guard let date = self.galleryDates[safe: indexPath.section - 1] else { owsFailDebug("unknown section for indexPath: \(indexPath)") return defaultView } sectionHeader.configure(title: date.localizedString) return sectionHeader } } return defaultView } override public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell { Logger.debug("indexPath: \(indexPath)") let defaultCell = UICollectionViewCell() guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { owsFailDebug("unexpected cell for loadNewerSectionIdx") return defaultCell } switch indexPath.section { case kLoadOlderSectionIdx: owsFailDebug("unexpected cell for kLoadOlderSectionIdx") return defaultCell case loadNewerSectionIdx: owsFailDebug("unexpected cell for loadNewerSectionIdx") return defaultCell default: guard let galleryItem = galleryItem(at: indexPath) else { owsFailDebug("no message for path: \(indexPath)") return defaultCell } guard let cell = self.collectionView?.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: PhotoGridViewCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? PhotoGridViewCell else { owsFailDebug("unexpected cell for indexPath: \(indexPath)") return defaultCell } let gridCellItem = GalleryGridCellItem(galleryItem: galleryItem) cell.configure(item: gridCellItem) return cell } } func galleryItem(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> MediaGalleryItem? { guard let sectionDate = self.galleryDates[safe: indexPath.section - 1] else { owsFailDebug("unknown section: \(indexPath.section)") return nil } guard let sectionItems = self.galleryItems[sectionDate] else { owsFailDebug("no section for date: \(sectionDate)") return nil } guard let galleryItem = sectionItems[safe: indexPath.row] else { owsFailDebug("no message for row: \(indexPath.row)") return nil } return galleryItem } // MARK: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout static let kInterItemSpacing: CGFloat = 2 private class func buildLayout() -> MediaTileViewLayout { let layout = MediaTileViewLayout() if #available(iOS 11, *) { layout.sectionInsetReference = .fromSafeArea } layout.minimumInteritemSpacing = kInterItemSpacing layout.minimumLineSpacing = kInterItemSpacing layout.sectionHeadersPinToVisibleBounds = true return layout } func updateLayout() { let containerWidth: CGFloat if #available(iOS 11.0, *) { containerWidth = self.view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.layoutFrame.size.width } else { containerWidth = self.view.frame.size.width } let kItemsPerPortraitRow = 4 let screenWidth = min(UIScreen.main.bounds.width, UIScreen.main.bounds.height) let approxItemWidth = screenWidth / CGFloat(kItemsPerPortraitRow) let itemCount = round(containerWidth / approxItemWidth) let spaceWidth = (itemCount + 1) * type(of: self).kInterItemSpacing let availableWidth = containerWidth - spaceWidth let itemWidth = floor(availableWidth / CGFloat(itemCount)) let newItemSize = CGSize(width: itemWidth, height: itemWidth) if (newItemSize != mediaTileViewLayout.itemSize) { mediaTileViewLayout.itemSize = newItemSize mediaTileViewLayout.invalidateLayout() } } public func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, referenceSizeForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGSize { let kMonthHeaderSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 0, height: 50) let kStaticHeaderSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 0, height: 100) guard galleryDates.count > 0 else { return kStaticHeaderSize } guard let mediaGalleryDataSource = self.mediaGalleryDataSource else { owsFailDebug("mediaGalleryDataSource was unexpectedly nil") return CGSize.zero } switch section { case kLoadOlderSectionIdx: // Show "loading older..." iff there is still older data to be fetched return mediaGalleryDataSource.hasFetchedOldest ? CGSize.zero : kStaticHeaderSize case loadNewerSectionIdx: // Show "loading newer..." iff there is still more recent data to be fetched return mediaGalleryDataSource.hasFetchedMostRecent ? CGSize.zero : kStaticHeaderSize default: return kMonthHeaderSize } } // MARK: Batch Selection var isInBatchSelectMode = false { didSet { collectionView!.allowsMultipleSelection = isInBatchSelectMode updateSelectButton() updateDeleteButton() } } func updateDeleteButton() { guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } if let count = collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems?.count, count > 0 { self.deleteButton.isEnabled = true } else { self.deleteButton.isEnabled = false } } func updateSelectButton() { if isInBatchSelectMode { self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .cancel, target: self, action: #selector(didCancelSelect)) } else { self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: NSLocalizedString("BUTTON_SELECT", comment: "Button text to enable batch selection mode"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(didTapSelect)) } } @objc func didTapSelect(_ sender: Any) { isInBatchSelectMode = true guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } // show toolbar UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, delay: 0, options: .curveEaseInOut, animations: { NSLayoutConstraint.deactivate([self.footerBarBottomConstraint]) self.footerBarBottomConstraint = self.footerBar.autoPin(toBottomLayoutGuideOf: self, withInset: 0) self.footerBar.superview?.layoutIfNeeded() // ensure toolbar doesn't cover bottom row. collectionView.contentInset.bottom += self.kFooterBarHeight }, completion: nil) // disabled until at least one item is selected self.deleteButton.isEnabled = false // Don't allow the user to leave mid-selection, so they realized they have // to cancel (lose) their selection if they leave. self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true } @objc func didCancelSelect(_ sender: Any) { endSelectMode() } func endSelectMode() { isInBatchSelectMode = false guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } // hide toolbar UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1, delay: 0, options: .curveEaseInOut, animations: { NSLayoutConstraint.deactivate([self.footerBarBottomConstraint]) self.footerBarBottomConstraint = self.footerBar.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewEdge: .bottom, withInset: -self.kFooterBarHeight) self.footerBar.superview?.layoutIfNeeded() // undo "ensure toolbar doesn't cover bottom row." collectionView.contentInset.bottom -= self.kFooterBarHeight }, completion: nil) self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = false // deselect any selected collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems?.forEach { collectionView.deselectItem(at: $0, animated: false)} } @objc func didPressDelete(_ sender: Any) { Logger.debug("") guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } guard let indexPaths = collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems else { owsFailDebug("indexPaths was unexpectedly nil") return } let items: [MediaGalleryItem] = indexPaths.compactMap { return self.galleryItem(at: $0) } guard let mediaGalleryDataSource = self.mediaGalleryDataSource else { owsFailDebug("mediaGalleryDataSource was unexpectedly nil") return } let confirmationTitle: String = { if indexPaths.count == 1 { return NSLocalizedString("MEDIA_GALLERY_DELETE_SINGLE_MESSAGE", comment: "Confirmation button text to delete selected media message from the gallery") } else { let format = NSLocalizedString("MEDIA_GALLERY_DELETE_MULTIPLE_MESSAGES_FORMAT", comment: "Confirmation button text to delete selected media from the gallery, embeds {{number of messages}}") return String(format: format, indexPaths.count) } }() let deleteAction = UIAlertAction(title: confirmationTitle, style: .destructive) { _ in mediaGalleryDataSource.delete(items: items, initiatedBy: self) self.endSelectMode() } let actionSheet = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: nil, preferredStyle: .actionSheet) actionSheet.addAction(deleteAction) actionSheet.addAction(OWSAlerts.cancelAction) presentAlert(actionSheet) } var footerBarBottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! let kFooterBarHeight: CGFloat = 40 // MARK: MediaGalleryDataSourceDelegate func mediaGalleryDataSource(_ mediaGalleryDataSource: MediaGalleryDataSource, willDelete items: [MediaGalleryItem], initiatedBy: AnyObject) { Logger.debug("") guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } // We've got to lay out the collectionView before any changes are made to the date source // otherwise we'll fail when we try to remove the deleted sections/rows collectionView.layoutIfNeeded() } func mediaGalleryDataSource(_ mediaGalleryDataSource: MediaGalleryDataSource, deletedSections: IndexSet, deletedItems: [IndexPath]) { Logger.debug("with deletedSections: \(deletedSections) deletedItems: \(deletedItems)") guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } guard mediaGalleryDataSource.galleryItemCount > 0 else { // Show Empty self.collectionView?.reloadData() return } collectionView.performBatchUpdates({ collectionView.deleteSections(deletedSections) collectionView.deleteItems(at: deletedItems) }) } // MARK: Lazy Loading // This should be substantially larger than one screen size so we don't have to call it // multiple times in a rapid succession, but not so large that loading get's really chopping let kMediaTileViewLoadBatchSize: UInt = 40 var oldestLoadedItem: MediaGalleryItem? { guard let oldestDate = galleryDates.first else { return nil } return galleryItems[oldestDate]?.first } var mostRecentLoadedItem: MediaGalleryItem? { guard let mostRecentDate = galleryDates.last else { return nil } return galleryItems[mostRecentDate]?.last } var isFetchingMoreData: Bool = false let kLoadOlderSectionIdx = 0 var loadNewerSectionIdx: Int { return galleryDates.count + 1 } public func autoLoadMoreIfNecessary() { let kEdgeThreshold: CGFloat = 800 if (self.isUserScrolling) { return } guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { owsFailDebug("collectionView was unexpectedly nil") return } guard let mediaGalleryDataSource = self.mediaGalleryDataSource else { owsFailDebug("mediaGalleryDataSource was unexpectedly nil") return } let contentOffsetY = collectionView.contentOffset.y let oldContentHeight = collectionView.contentSize.height if contentOffsetY < kEdgeThreshold { // Near the top, load older content guard let oldestLoadedItem = self.oldestLoadedItem else { Logger.debug("no oldest item") return } guard !mediaGalleryDataSource.hasFetchedOldest else { return } guard !isFetchingMoreData else { Logger.debug("already fetching more data") return } isFetchingMoreData = true CATransaction.begin() CATransaction.setDisableActions(true) // mediaTileViewLayout will adjust content offset to compensate for the change in content height so that // the same content is visible after the update. I considered doing something like setContentOffset in the // batchUpdate completion block, but it caused a distinct flicker, which I was able to avoid with the // `CollectionViewLayout.prepare` based approach. mediaTileViewLayout.isInsertingCellsToTop = true mediaTileViewLayout.contentSizeBeforeInsertingToTop = collectionView.contentSize collectionView.performBatchUpdates({ mediaGalleryDataSource.ensureGalleryItemsLoaded(.before, item: oldestLoadedItem, amount: self.kMediaTileViewLoadBatchSize) { addedSections, addedItems in Logger.debug("insertingSections: \(addedSections) items: \(addedItems)") collectionView.insertSections(addedSections) collectionView.insertItems(at: addedItems) } }, completion: { finished in Logger.debug("performBatchUpdates finished: \(finished)") self.isFetchingMoreData = false CATransaction.commit() }) } else if oldContentHeight - contentOffsetY < kEdgeThreshold { // Near the bottom, load newer content guard let mostRecentLoadedItem = self.mostRecentLoadedItem else { Logger.debug("no mostRecent item") return } guard !mediaGalleryDataSource.hasFetchedMostRecent else { return } guard !isFetchingMoreData else { Logger.debug("already fetching more data") return } isFetchingMoreData = true CATransaction.begin() CATransaction.setDisableActions(true) UIView.performWithoutAnimation { collectionView.performBatchUpdates({ mediaGalleryDataSource.ensureGalleryItemsLoaded(.after, item: mostRecentLoadedItem, amount: self.kMediaTileViewLoadBatchSize) { addedSections, addedItems in Logger.debug("insertingSections: \(addedSections), items: \(addedItems)") collectionView.insertSections(addedSections) collectionView.insertItems(at: addedItems) } }, completion: { finished in Logger.debug("performBatchUpdates finished: \(finished)") self.isFetchingMoreData = false CATransaction.commit() }) } } } } // MARK: - Private Helper Classes // Accomodates remaining scrolled to the same "apparent" position when new content is inserted // into the top of a collectionView. There are multiple ways to solve this problem, but this // is the only one which avoided a perceptible flicker. private class MediaTileViewLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout { fileprivate var isInsertingCellsToTop: Bool = false fileprivate var contentSizeBeforeInsertingToTop: CGSize? override public func prepare() { super.prepare() if isInsertingCellsToTop { if let collectionView = collectionView, let oldContentSize = contentSizeBeforeInsertingToTop { let newContentSize = collectionViewContentSize let contentOffsetY = collectionView.contentOffset.y + (newContentSize.height - oldContentSize.height) let newOffset = CGPoint(x: collectionView.contentOffset.x, y: contentOffsetY) collectionView.setContentOffset(newOffset, animated: false) } contentSizeBeforeInsertingToTop = nil isInsertingCellsToTop = false } } } private class MediaGallerySectionHeader: UICollectionReusableView { static let reuseIdentifier = "MediaGallerySectionHeader" // HACK: scrollbar incorrectly appears *behind* section headers // in collection view on iOS11 =( private class AlwaysOnTopLayer: CALayer { override var zPosition: CGFloat { get { return 0 } set {} } } let label: UILabel override class var layerClass: AnyClass { get { // HACK: scrollbar incorrectly appears *behind* section headers // in collection view on iOS11 =( if #available(iOS 11, *) { return AlwaysOnTopLayer.self } else { return super.layerClass } } } override init(frame: CGRect) { label = UILabel() label.textColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor let blurEffect = Theme.darkThemeBarBlurEffect let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect) blurEffectView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight] super.init(frame: frame) self.backgroundColor = Theme.darkThemeNavbarBackgroundColor.withAlphaComponent(OWSNavigationBar.backgroundBlurMutingFactor) self.addSubview(blurEffectView) self.addSubview(label) blurEffectView.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewEdges() label.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .trailing) label.autoPinEdge(toSuperviewMargin: .leading) label.autoVCenterInSuperview() } @available(*, unavailable, message: "Unimplemented") required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { notImplemented() } public func configure(title: String) { self.label.text = title } override public func prepareForReuse() { super.prepareForReuse() self.label.text = nil } } private class MediaGalleryStaticHeader: UICollectionViewCell { static let reuseIdentifier = "MediaGalleryStaticHeader" let label = UILabel() override init(frame: CGRect) { super.init(frame: frame) addSubview(label) label.textColor = Theme.darkThemePrimaryColor label.textAlignment = .center label.numberOfLines = 0 label.autoPinEdgesToSuperviewMargins() } @available(*, unavailable, message: "Unimplemented") required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { notImplemented() } public func configure(title: String) { self.label.text = title } public override func prepareForReuse() { self.label.text = nil } } class GalleryGridCellItem: PhotoGridItem { let galleryItem: MediaGalleryItem init(galleryItem: MediaGalleryItem) { self.galleryItem = galleryItem } var type: PhotoGridItemType { if galleryItem.isVideo { return .video } else if galleryItem.isAnimated { return .animated } else { return .photo } } func asyncThumbnail(completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) -> UIImage? { return galleryItem.thumbnailImage(async: completion) } }