import PromiseKit @objc(LKPublicChatAPI) public final class LokiPublicChatAPI : LokiDotNetAPI { private static var moderators: [String:[UInt64:Set]] = [:] // Server URL to (channel ID to set of moderator IDs) public static var displayNameUpdatees: [String:Set] = [:] // MARK: Settings private static let fallbackBatchCount = 64 private static let maxRetryCount: UInt = 8 // MARK: Public Chat private static let channelInfoType = "net.patter-app.settings" private static let attachmentType = "" public static let profilePictureType = "network.loki.messenger.avatar" @objc public static let publicChatMessageType = "network.loki.messenger.publicChat" @objc public static let defaultChats: [LokiPublicChat] = [] // Currently unused // MARK: Convenience private static var userDisplayName: String { return SSKEnvironment.shared.contactsManager.displayName(forPhoneIdentifier: userHexEncodedPublicKey) ?? "Anonymous" } // MARK: Database override internal class var authTokenCollection: String { "LokiGroupChatAuthTokenCollection" } @objc public static let lastMessageServerIDCollection = "LokiGroupChatLastMessageServerIDCollection" @objc public static let lastDeletionServerIDCollection = "LokiGroupChatLastDeletionServerIDCollection" private static func getLastMessageServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> UInt? { var result: UInt? = nil { transaction in result = transaction.object(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastMessageServerIDCollection) as! UInt? } return result } private static func setLastMessageServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, to newValue: UInt64) { storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in transaction.setObject(newValue, forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastMessageServerIDCollection) } } private static func removeLastMessageServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String) { storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in transaction.removeObject(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastMessageServerIDCollection) } } private static func getLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> UInt? { var result: UInt? = nil { transaction in result = transaction.object(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastDeletionServerIDCollection) as! UInt? } return result } private static func setLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String, to newValue: UInt64) { storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in transaction.setObject(newValue, forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastDeletionServerIDCollection) } } private static func removeLastDeletionServerID(for group: UInt64, on server: String) { storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in transaction.removeObject(forKey: "\(server).\(group)", inCollection: lastDeletionServerIDCollection) } } public static func clearCaches(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) { removeLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server) removeLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server) } // MARK: Public API public static func getMessages(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise<[LokiPublicChatMessage]> { var queryParameters = "include_annotations=1" if let lastMessageServerID = getLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server) { queryParameters += "&since_id=\(lastMessageServerID)" } else { queryParameters += "&count=\(fallbackBatchCount)&include_deleted=0" } let url = URL(string: "\(server)/channels/\(channel)/messages?\(queryParameters)")! let request = TSRequest(url: url) return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map(on: { rawResponse in guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let rawMessages = json["data"] as? [JSON] else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse messages for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(rawResponse).") throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed } return rawMessages.flatMap { message in let isDeleted = (message["is_deleted"] as? Int == 1) guard !isDeleted else { return nil } guard let annotations = message["annotations"] as? [JSON], let annotation = annotations.first(where: { $0["type"] as? String == publicChatMessageType }), let value = annotation["value"] as? JSON, let serverID = message["id"] as? UInt64, let hexEncodedSignatureData = value["sig"] as? String, let signatureVersion = value["sigver"] as? UInt64, let body = message["text"] as? String, let user = message["user"] as? JSON, let hexEncodedPublicKey = user["username"] as? String, let timestamp = value["timestamp"] as? UInt64 else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse message for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(message).") return nil } var profilePicture: LokiPublicChatMessage.ProfilePicture? = nil let displayName = user["name"] as? String ?? NSLocalizedString("Anonymous", comment: "") if let userAnnotations = user["annotations"] as? [JSON], let profilePictureAnnotation = userAnnotations.first(where: { $0["type"] as? String == profilePictureType }), let profilePictureValue = profilePictureAnnotation["value"] as? JSON, let profileKeyString = profilePictureValue["profileKey"] as? String, let profileKey = Data(base64Encoded: profileKeyString), let url = profilePictureValue["url"] as? String { profilePicture = LokiPublicChatMessage.ProfilePicture(profileKey: profileKey, url: url) } let lastMessageServerID = getLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server) if serverID > (lastMessageServerID ?? 0) { setLastMessageServerID(for: channel, on: server, to: serverID) } let quote: LokiPublicChatMessage.Quote? if let quoteAsJSON = value["quote"] as? JSON, let quotedMessageTimestamp = quoteAsJSON["id"] as? UInt64, let quoteeHexEncodedPublicKey = quoteAsJSON["author"] as? String, let quotedMessageBody = quoteAsJSON["text"] as? String { let quotedMessageServerID = message["reply_to"] as? UInt64 quote = LokiPublicChatMessage.Quote(quotedMessageTimestamp: quotedMessageTimestamp, quoteeHexEncodedPublicKey: quoteeHexEncodedPublicKey, quotedMessageBody: quotedMessageBody, quotedMessageServerID: quotedMessageServerID) } else { quote = nil } let signature = LokiPublicChatMessage.Signature(data: Data(hex: hexEncodedSignatureData), version: signatureVersion) let attachmentsAsJSON = annotations.filter { $0["type"] as? String == attachmentType } let attachments: [LokiPublicChatMessage.Attachment] = attachmentsAsJSON.compactMap { attachmentAsJSON in guard let value = attachmentAsJSON["value"] as? JSON, let kindAsString = value["lokiType"] as? String, let kind = LokiPublicChatMessage.Attachment.Kind(rawValue: kindAsString), let serverID = value["id"] as? UInt64, let contentType = value["contentType"] as? String, let size = value["size"] as? UInt, let url = value["url"] as? String else { return nil } let fileName = value["fileName"] as? String ?? UUID().description let width = value["width"] as? UInt ?? 0 let height = value["height"] as? UInt ?? 0 let flags = (value["flags"] as? UInt) ?? 0 let caption = value["caption"] as? String let linkPreviewURL = value["linkPreviewUrl"] as? String let linkPreviewTitle = value["linkPreviewTitle"] as? String if kind == .linkPreview { guard linkPreviewURL != nil && linkPreviewTitle != nil else { print("[Loki] Ignoring public chat message with invalid link preview.") return nil } } return LokiPublicChatMessage.Attachment(kind: kind, server: server, serverID: serverID, contentType: contentType, size: size, fileName: fileName, flags: flags, width: width, height: height, caption: caption, url: url, linkPreviewURL: linkPreviewURL, linkPreviewTitle: linkPreviewTitle) } let result = LokiPublicChatMessage(serverID: serverID, hexEncodedPublicKey: hexEncodedPublicKey, displayName: displayName, profilePicture: profilePicture, body: body, type: publicChatMessageType, timestamp: timestamp, quote: quote, attachments: attachments, signature: signature) guard result.hasValidSignature() else { print("[Loki] Ignoring public chat message with invalid signature.") return nil } var existingMessageID: String? = nil { transaction in existingMessageID = storage.getIDForMessage(withServerID: UInt(result.serverID!), in: transaction) } guard existingMessageID == nil else { print("[Loki] Ignoring duplicate public chat message.") return nil } return result }.sorted { $0.timestamp < $1.timestamp } } } public static func sendMessage(_ message: LokiPublicChatMessage, to channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise { return Promise { [privateKey = userKeyPair.privateKey] seal in { guard let signedMessage = message.sign(with: privateKey) else { return seal.reject(LokiDotNetAPIError.signingFailed) } getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in print("[Loki] Sending message to public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server).") let url = URL(string: "\(server)/channels/\(channel)/messages")! let parameters = signedMessage.toJSON() let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: parameters) request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer \(token)" ] let displayName = userDisplayName return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { rawResponse in // ISO8601DateFormatter doesn't support milliseconds before iOS 11 let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let messageAsJSON = json["data"] as? JSON, let serverID = messageAsJSON["id"] as? UInt64, let body = messageAsJSON["text"] as? String, let dateAsString = messageAsJSON["created_at"] as? String, let date = dateAsString) else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse message for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(rawResponse).") throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed } let timestamp = UInt64(date.timeIntervalSince1970) * 1000 return LokiPublicChatMessage(serverID: serverID, hexEncodedPublicKey: userHexEncodedPublicKey, displayName: displayName, profilePicture: signedMessage.profilePicture, body: body, type: publicChatMessageType, timestamp: timestamp, quote: signedMessage.quote, attachments: signedMessage.attachments, signature: signedMessage.signature) } }.recover { error -> Promise in if let error = error as? NetworkManagerError, error.statusCode == 401 { print("[Loki] Group chat auth token for: \(server) expired; dropping it.") storage.dbReadWriteConnection.removeObject(forKey: server, inCollection: authTokenCollection) } throw error }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount).done { message in seal.fulfill(message) }.catch { error in seal.reject(error) } } } } public static func getDeletedMessageServerIDs(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise<[UInt64]> { print("[Loki] Getting deleted messages for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server).") let queryParameters: String if let lastDeletionServerID = getLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server) { queryParameters = "since_id=\(lastDeletionServerID)" } else { queryParameters = "count=\(fallbackBatchCount)" } let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/channel/\(channel)/deletes?\(queryParameters)")! let request = TSRequest(url: url) return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { rawResponse in guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let deletions = json["data"] as? [JSON] else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse deleted messages for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(rawResponse).") throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed } return deletions.flatMap { deletion in guard let serverID = deletion["id"] as? UInt64, let messageServerID = deletion["message_id"] as? UInt64 else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse deleted message for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(deletion).") return nil } let lastDeletionServerID = getLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server) if serverID > (lastDeletionServerID ?? 0) { setLastDeletionServerID(for: channel, on: server, to: serverID) } return messageServerID } } } public static func deleteMessage(with messageID: UInt, for channel: UInt64, on server: String, isSentByUser: Bool) -> Promise { return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in let isModerationRequest = !isSentByUser print("[Loki] Deleting message with ID: \(messageID) for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) (isModerationRequest = \(isModerationRequest)).") let urlAsString = isSentByUser ? "\(server)/channels/\(channel)/messages/\(messageID)" : "\(server)/loki/v1/moderation/message/\(messageID)" let url = URL(string: urlAsString)! let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "DELETE", parameters: [:]) request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer \(token)" ] return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).done { result -> Void in print("[Loki] Deleted message with ID: \(messageID) on server: \(server).") }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount) } } public static func getModerators(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise> { let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/channel/\(channel)/get_moderators")! let request = TSRequest(url: url) return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { rawResponse in guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let moderators = json["moderators"] as? [String] else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse moderators for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(rawResponse).") throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed } let moderatorAsSet = Set(moderators); if self.moderators.keys.contains(server) { self.moderators[server]![channel] = moderatorAsSet } else { self.moderators[server] = [ channel : moderatorAsSet ] } return moderatorAsSet } } public static func join(_ channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise { return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in let url = URL(string: "\(server)/channels/\(channel)/subscribe")! let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: [:]) request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer \(token)" ] return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).done { result -> Void in print("[Loki] Joined channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server).") }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount) } } public static func leave(_ channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise { return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in let url = URL(string: "\(server)/channels/\(channel)/subscribe")! let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "DELETE", parameters: [:]) request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer \(token)" ] return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).done { result -> Void in print("[Loki] Left channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server).") }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount) } } public static func getUserCount(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise { return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in let queryParameters = "count=200" let url = URL(string: "\(server)/channels/\(channel)/subscribers?\(queryParameters)")! let request = TSRequest(url: url) request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer \(token)" ] return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { rawResponse in guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let users = json["data"] as? [JSON] else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse user count for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(rawResponse).") throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed } let userCount = users.count let storage = OWSPrimaryStorage.shared() storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in storage.setUserCount(userCount, forPublicChatWithID: "\(server).\(channel)", in: transaction) } return userCount } } } public static func getDisplayNames(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise { let publicChatID = "\(server).\(channel)" guard let hexEncodedPublicKeys = displayNameUpdatees[publicChatID] else { return Promise.value(()) } displayNameUpdatees[publicChatID] = [] print("[Loki] Getting display names for: \(hexEncodedPublicKeys).") return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in let queryParameters = "ids=\( { "@\($0)" }.joined(separator: ","))&include_user_annotations=1" let url = URL(string: "\(server)/users?\(queryParameters)")! let request = TSRequest(url: url) return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { rawResponse in guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let data = json["data"] as? [JSON] else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse display names for users: \(hexEncodedPublicKeys) from: \(rawResponse).") throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed } storage.dbReadWriteConnection.readWrite { transaction in data.forEach { data in guard let user = data["user"] as? JSON, let hexEncodedPublicKey = user["username"] as? String, let rawDisplayName = user["name"] as? String else { return } let endIndex = hexEncodedPublicKey.endIndex let cutoffIndex = hexEncodedPublicKey.index(endIndex, offsetBy: -8) let displayName = "\(rawDisplayName) (...\(hexEncodedPublicKey[cutoffIndex.. Bool { return moderators[server]?[channel]?.contains(hexEncodedPublicString) ?? false } public static func setDisplayName(to newDisplayName: String?, on server: String) -> Promise { print("[Loki] Updating display name on server: \(server).") return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in let parameters: JSON = [ "name" : (newDisplayName ?? "") ] let url = URL(string: "\(server)/users/me")! let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "PATCH", parameters: parameters) request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer \(token)" ] return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { _ in }.recover { error in print("Couldn't update display name due to error: \(error).") throw error } }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount) } public static func setProfilePictureURL(to url: String?, using profileKey: Data, on server: String) -> Promise { print("[Loki] Updating profile picture on server: \(server).") return getAuthToken(for: server).then { token -> Promise in var annotation: JSON = [ "type" : profilePictureType ] if let url = url { annotation["value"] = [ "profileKey" : profileKey.base64EncodedString(), "url" : url ] } let parameters: JSON = [ "annotations" : [ annotation ] ] let url = URL(string: "\(server)/users/me")! let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "PATCH", parameters: parameters) request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [ "Content-Type" : "application/json", "Authorization" : "Bearer \(token)" ] return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { _ in }.recover { error in print("[Loki] Couldn't update profile picture due to error: \(error).") throw error } }.retryingIfNeeded(maxRetryCount: maxRetryCount) } public static func getInfo(for channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise { let url = URL(string: "\(server)/channels/\(channel)?include_annotations=1")! let request = TSRequest(url: url) return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { rawResponse in guard let json = rawResponse as? JSON, let data = json["data"] as? JSON, let annotations = data["annotations"] as? [JSON], let annotation = annotations.first, let info = annotation["value"] as? JSON, let displayName = info["name"] as? String else { print("[Loki] Couldn't parse info for public chat channel with ID: \(channel) on server: \(server) from: \(rawResponse).") throw LokiDotNetAPIError.parsingFailed } return LokiPublicChatInfo(displayName: displayName) } } public static func reportMessageWithID(_ messageID: UInt64, in channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> Promise { let url = URL(string: "\(server)/loki/v1/channels/\(channel)/messages/\(messageID)/report")! let request = TSRequest(url: url, method: "POST", parameters: [:]) return LokiFileServerProxy(for: server).perform(request).map { _ in } } // MARK: Public API (Obj-C) @objc(getMessagesForGroup:onServer:) public static func objc_getMessages(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(getMessages(for: group, on: server)) } @objc(sendMessage:toGroup:onServer:) public static func objc_sendMessage(_ message: LokiPublicChatMessage, to group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(sendMessage(message, to: group, on: server)) } @objc(deleteMessageWithID:forGroup:onServer:isSentByUser:) public static func objc_deleteMessage(with messageID: UInt, for group: UInt64, on server: String, isSentByUser: Bool) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(deleteMessage(with: messageID, for: group, on: server, isSentByUser: isSentByUser)) } @objc(getUserCountForGroup:onServer:) public static func objc_getUserCount(for group: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(getUserCount(for: group, on: server)) } @objc(setDisplayName:on:) public static func objc_setDisplayName(to newDisplayName: String?, on server: String) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(setDisplayName(to: newDisplayName, on: server)) } @objc(setProfilePictureURL:usingProfileKey:on:) public static func objc_setProfilePicture(to url: String?, using profileKey: Data, on server: String) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(setProfilePictureURL(to: url, using: profileKey, on: server)) } @objc(reportMessageWithID:inChannel:onServer:) public static func objc_reportMessageWithID(_ messageID: UInt64, in channel: UInt64, on server: String) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(reportMessageWithID(messageID, in: channel, on: server)) } }