"ACTION_REQUIRED_TITLE" = "Action Required"; "ANSWER_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Answer"; "APN" = "Incoming Call"; "AUDIO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "Signal requires access to your microphone to work properly. You can restore the permission in the Settings app >> Privacy >> Microphone >> Signal"; "CALL_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Call"; "CHALLENGE_CODE_BUTTON_TITLE" = "VERIFY"; "CHOOSE_COUNTRY_CODE" = "Choose Country Code"; "CONTACT_BROWSE_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Contacts"; "CONTACT_DETAIL_COMM_TYPE_EMAIL" = "Email"; "CONTACT_DETAIL_COMM_TYPE_INSECURE" = "Unregistered Number"; "CONTACT_DETAIL_COMM_TYPE_NOTES" = "Notes"; "CONTACT_DETAIL_COMM_TYPE_SECURE" = "Registered Number"; "CONTINUE_TO_WHISPER_TITLE" = "Continue to Signal"; "DATESTRING_TODAY" = "Today"; "DIALER_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Call"; "DIALER_LETTERS_0" = "0"; "DIALER_LETTERS_1" = ""; "DIALER_LETTERS_2" = "ABC"; "DIALER_LETTERS_3" = "DEF"; "DIALER_LETTERS_4" = "GHI"; "DIALER_LETTERS_5" = "JKL"; "DIALER_LETTERS_6" = "MNO"; "DIALER_LETTERS_7" = "PQRS"; "DIALER_LETTERS_8" = "TUV"; "DIALER_LETTERS_9" = "WXYZ"; "DIALER_LETTERS_POUND" = ""; "DIALER_NUMBER_0" = "0"; "DIALER_NUMBER_1" = "1"; "DIALER_NUMBER_2" = "2"; "DIALER_NUMBER_3" = "3"; "DIALER_NUMBER_4" = "4"; "DIALER_NUMBER_5" = "5"; "DIALER_NUMBER_6" = "6"; "DIALER_NUMBER_7" = "7"; "DIALER_NUMBER_8" = "8"; "DIALER_NUMBER_9" = "9"; "DIALER_NUMBER_PLUS" = "+"; "DIALER_NUMBER_POUND" = "#"; "DISABLING_BACKUP_FAILED" = "We encountered an issue while disabling the backup of your call log. Call logs might leak in your iTunes/iCloud backups."; "ERROR_WAS_DETECTED_TITLE" = "Bummer!"; "ERROR_WAS_DETECTED_SUBMIT" = "An bug was detected. Help us make Signal better by reporting this incident."; "END_CALL_BAD_INTERACTION_WITH_SERVER" = "Server Failed!"; "END_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE" = "End"; "END_CALL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED" = "Handshake Failed!"; "END_CALL_HANGUP_LOCAL" = "You Hung Up."; "END_CALL_HANGUP_REMOTE" = "They Hung Up."; "END_CALL_LOGIN_FAILED" = "Login failed!"; "END_CALL_MESSAGE_FROM_SERVER_PREFIX" = "Message from Server: "; "END_CALL_NO_SUCH_USER" = "Number not registered with Signal or RedPhone!"; "END_CALL_RECIPIENT_REJECTED" = "Call Rejected."; "END_CALL_RECIPIENT_UNAVAILABLE" = "Recipient Unavailable."; "END_CALL_REJECTED_LOCAL" = "You Rejected the Call."; "END_CALL_REJECTED_REMOTE" = "Call Rejected."; "END_CALL_REPLACED_BY_NEXT" = "You Made Another Call."; "END_CALL_RESPONDER_IS_BUSY" = "Busy..."; "END_CALL_STALE_SESSION" = "Missed the Call."; "END_CALL_UNCATEGORIZED_FAILURE" = "Client Failed!"; "FAVOURITES_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Favorites"; "HOME_FOOTER_FIRST_MESSAGE_CALLS_UNSORTED" = "You’ve got"; "HOME_FOOTER_FIRST_MESSAGE_CALLS_NIL" = "All done"; "HOME_FOOTER_SECOND_MESSAGE_CALLS_UNSORTED" = "unsorted calls"; "HOME_FOOTER_SECOND_MESSAGE_CALLS_NIL" = "No calls"; "HOME_FOOTER_SECOND_MESSAGE_CALL_UNSORTED" = "unsorted call"; "INBOX_VIEW_TUTORIAL_LABEL_MIDDLE" = "Check your contacts to see which of your friends support secure calls"; "INBOX_VIEW_TUTORIAL_LABEL_TOP" = "You haven't received a call from a Signal user yet."; "INVITE_USERS_ACTION_SHEET_TITLE" = "Invite Number"; "INVITE_USERS_MESSAGE" = "I'd like to call you securely using Signal. You can install Signal from the App Store:"; "INVITE_USER_MODAL_TITLE" = "Unregistered Contact"; "INVITE_USER_MODAL_BUTTON_CANCEL" = "No Thanks"; "INVITE_USER_MODAL_BUTTON_INVITE" = "Invite"; "INVITE_USER_MODAL_TEXT" = "The number dialed is not registered with Signal. Would you like to invite them via SMS?"; "IN_CALL_CONNECTING" = "Connecting..."; "IN_CALL_RINGING" = "RING... RING..."; "IN_CALL_SECURING" = "Answered. Securing..."; "IN_CALL_TALKING" = "Secured. You can be heard now."; "IN_CALL_TERMINATED" = "Done."; "KEYPAD_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Keypad"; "MAIN_MENU_INVITE_CONTACTS" = "Invite Contacts"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_ABOUT" = "About"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_BLOG" = "Blog"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_CONTACTS" = "Contacts"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_DIALER" = "Dialer"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_FAVOURITES" = "Favorites"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_RECENT_CALLS" = "Recents"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_REPORT_BUG" = "Support"; "MAIN_MENU_OPTION_SETTINGS" = "Settings"; "MUTE_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Mute"; "NOTIFICATION_TEXT" = "Some of your contacts have recently registered numbers with Signal!"; "NO_FAVOURITES_TEXT" = "To favorite a contact, tap the star on a contact page."; "OK" = "Ok"; "PUSH_SETTINGS_MESSAGE" = "Signal requires push notification alerts and sounds to be enabled to work properly. Please change it in the Settings app >> Notification Center >> Signal."; "QUICK_LINKS_TITLE" = "Quick Links"; "RECENT_CALLS_SORTING_TITLE" = "Sorting Method"; "RECENT_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Call Log"; "REGISTER_BUTTON_TITLE" = "REGISTER"; "REGISTER_CALL_CALLING" = "Calling"; "REGISTER_CALL_RECALL" = "Re-Call"; "REGISTER_CC_ERR_ALERT_VIEW_MESSAGE" = "Please enter a valid country code"; "REGISTER_CC_ERR_ALERT_VIEW_TITLE" = "Country Code Error"; "REGISTER_CHALLENGE_TEXTBLOCK_PART1" = "Let’s make sure you’re real. We've sent you a SMS with a six digit code to:"; "REGISTER_CHALLENGE_TEXTBLOCK_PART2" = "To complete your phone number verification, please enter the code below."; "REGISTER_CHALLENGE_VOICECALL_TEXT" = "If you are unable to receive an SMS, we will call you in"; "REGISTER_CHALLENGE_ALERT_VIEW_TITLE" = "Incorrect code"; "REGISTER_CHALLENGE_ALERT_VIEW_BODY" = "Please verify the code and try again"; "REGISTER_CHALLENGE_UNKNOWN_ERROR"= "An unknown error occured while trying to verify you. Would you like to report it?"; "REGISTER_ENTER_COUNTRY_CODE" = "Your number's country code"; "REGISTER_ENTER_NUMBER" = "Your phone number"; "REGISTER_RATE_LIMITING_BODY" = "The server is currently rate-limiting signups, please try again later."; "REGISTER_SUCCESS_TEXTBLOCK" = "Congratulations! Your registration was successful. You may start using Signal to make secure phone calls."; "REGISTER_TEXTBLOCK" = "To get started making secure calls, please confirm your country code and enter your device's phone number."; "REGISTER_VALIDATION_ENTER_CODE" = "Validation Code"; "REGISTER_VALIDATION_SENT" = "We sent your validation code"; "REGISTER_WELCOME_TEXT" = "Welcome to Signal"; "REGISTRATION_ERROR" = "Registration Error"; "REGISTRATION_BODY" = "We couldn't reach the Signal server. Please try again."; "REJECT_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Reject"; "SERVER_CODE" = "The server replied with status code: "; "SETTINGS_CLEAR_HISTORY_LOG" = "Clear History Log"; "SETTINGS_DISABLE_AUTOCORRECT" = "Disable Autocorrect"; "SETTINGS_DISABLE_HISTORY_LOG" = "Disable History Log"; "SETTINGS_HIDE_CONTACT_IMAGES" = "Hide Contact Images"; "SETTINGS_LOG_CLEAR_MESSAGE" = "Call History Cleared"; "SETTINGS_LOG_CLEAR_TITLE" = "Operation Completed"; "SETTINGS_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Settings"; "SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS" = "Notifications"; "SETTINGS_NUMBER_PREFIX" = "Your Number:"; "SETTINGS_PRIVACY_AND_SECURITY" = "Privacy and Security"; "SETTINGS_RINGTONE" = "Ringtone"; "SETTINGS_DEBUGGING" = "Debugging"; "SETTINGS_DISABLE_LOGS" = "Disable debugging logs"; "SETTINGS_SCREEN_SECURITY" = "Enable Screen Security"; "SETTINGS_SENDLOG" = "Submit Debug Log"; "SETTINGS_VIBRATE_ON_RING" = "Vibrate on Ring"; "SETTINGS_VIBRATE_ON_SILENT" = "Vibrate on Silent"; "SPEAKER_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Speaker"; "TABLE_SECTION_TITLE_REGISTERED" = "Registered Contacts"; "TABLE_SECTION_TITLE_UNREGISTERED" = "Unregistered Contacts"; "TIMEOUT" = "Timeout"; "TIMEOUT_CONTACTS_DETAIL" = "We couldn't fetch an updated contact list from the server. Please try again later."; "TXT_ADD_CONTACT" = "+ Add Contact"; "TXT_CANCEL_TITLE" = "Cancel"; "TXT_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT" = "Search"; "UNKNOWN_CONTACT_NAME" = "Unknown Caller"; "WARNING"= "Warning"; "WHISPER_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Inbox";