/* Button text to dismiss missing contacts permission alert */ "AB_PERMISSION_MISSING_ACTION_NOT_NOW" = "Не Сега"; /* Action sheet item */ "ACCEPT_NEW_IDENTITY_ACTION" = "Прифати нов сигурноснен број"; /* A label for the 'add by phone number' button in the 'add group member' view */ "ADD_GROUP_MEMBER_VIEW_BUTTON" = "Додадете..."; /* Title for the 'add contact' section of the 'add group member' view. */ "ADD_GROUP_MEMBER_VIEW_CONTACT_TITLE" = "+ Додај контакт"; /* Title for the 'add by phone number' section of the 'add group member' view. */ "ADD_GROUP_MEMBER_VIEW_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE" = "Додади преку телефонски број"; /* Title for the 'add group member' view. */ "ADD_GROUP_MEMBER_VIEW_TITLE" = "Додади член"; /* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a group. */ "ADD_GROUP_TO_PROFILE_WHITELIST_OFFER" = "Would you like to share your profile with this group?"; /* Message shown in conversation view that offers to add an unknown user to your phone's contacts. */ "ADD_TO_CONTACTS_OFFER" = "Would you like to add this user to your contacts?"; /* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a user. */ "ADD_USER_TO_PROFILE_WHITELIST_OFFER" = "Would you like to share your profile with this user?"; /* The label for the 'discard' button in alerts and action sheets. */ "ALERT_DISCARD_BUTTON" = "Discard"; /* The label for the 'don't save' button in action sheets. */ "ALERT_DONT_SAVE" = "Don't Save"; /* Title for a generic error alert. */ "ALERT_ERROR_TITLE" = "Грешка"; /* The label for the 'save' button in action sheets. */ "ALERT_SAVE" = "Зачувај"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ANSWER_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Одговори"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "APN_Message" = "Нова порака!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "APN_MESSAGE_FROM" = "Порака од"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "APN_MESSAGE_IN_GROUP" = "Порака во групата"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "APN_MESSAGE_IN_GROUP_DETAILED" = "%@ во групата %@: %@"; /* Text prompting user to edit their profile name. */ "APP_SETTINGS_EDIT_PROFILE_NAME_PROMPT" = "Внеси го твоето име"; /* Message format for the 'new app version available' alert. Embeds: {{The latest app version number.}}. */ "APP_UPDATE_NAG_ALERT_MESSAGE_FORMAT" = "Version %@ is now available in the App Store."; /* Title for the 'new app version available' alert. */ "APP_UPDATE_NAG_ALERT_TITLE" = "Достапна е нова верзија на Signal "; /* Label for the 'update' button in the 'new app version available' alert. */ "APP_UPDATE_NAG_ALERT_UPDATE_BUTTON" = "Aжурирај"; /* Name of application */ "APPLICATION_NAME" = "Сигнал"; /* Pressing this button moves a thread from the inbox to the archive */ "ARCHIVE_ACTION" = "Архива"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ARCHIVE_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Архивирај"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ATTACHMENT" = "Прилог"; /* Title for the 'attachment approval' dialog. */ "ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_DIALOG_TITLE" = "Прилог"; /* Format string for file extension label in call interstitial view */ "ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_FILE_EXTENSION_FORMAT" = "Вид на фајл : %@"; /* Format string for file size label in call interstitial view. Embeds: {{file size as 'N mb' or 'N kb'}}. */ "ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_FILE_SIZE_FORMAT" = "Големина на фајл : %@"; /* Label for 'send' button in the 'attachment approval' dialog. */ "ATTACHMENT_APPROVAL_SEND_BUTTON" = "Испрати"; /* Generic filename for an attachment with no known name */ "ATTACHMENT_DEFAULT_FILENAME" = "Прилог"; /* Status label when an attachment download has failed. */ "ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADING_STATUS_FAILED" = "Неуспешно. Допри за повторен обид."; /* Status label when an attachment is currently downloading */ "ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADING_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS" = "Downloading…"; /* Status label when an attachment is enqueued, but hasn't yet started downloading */ "ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADING_STATUS_QUEUED" = "Queued"; /* The title of the 'attachment error' alert. */ "ATTACHMENT_ERROR_ALERT_TITLE" = "Грешка при праќање на прилог"; /* Attachment error message for image attachments which could not be converted to JPEG */ "ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_TO_JPEG" = "Прикачената слика неможе да се менува."; /* Attachment error message for image attachments which cannot be parsed */ "ATTACHMENT_ERROR_COULD_NOT_PARSE_IMAGE" = "Прилогот Слика неможе да биде разделена."; /* Attachment error message for attachments whose data exceed file size limits */ "ATTACHMENT_ERROR_FILE_SIZE_TOO_LARGE" = "Прилогот е премногу голем."; /* Attachment error message for attachments with invalid data */ "ATTACHMENT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA" = "Прилогот соддржи невaлидна содржина."; /* Attachment error message for attachments with an invalid file format */ "ATTACHMENT_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT" = "Прилогот соддржи невалидна форма на датотека."; /* Attachment error message for attachments without any data */ "ATTACHMENT_ERROR_MISSING_DATA" = "Прилогот е празен."; /* Accessibility hint describing what you can do with the attachment button */ "ATTACHMENT_HINT" = "Избери или сликај слика и потоа испрати ја"; /* Accessibility label for attaching photos */ "ATTACHMENT_LABEL" = "Прилог"; /* Alert title when picking a document fails for an unknown reason */ "ATTACHMENT_PICKER_DOCUMENTS_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Failed to choose document."; /* Alert body when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */ "ATTACHMENT_PICKER_DOCUMENTS_PICKED_DIRECTORY_FAILED_ALERT_BODY" = "Signal can't handle that file as is. Try zipping it before sending."; /* Alert title when picking a document fails because user picked a directory/bundle */ "ATTACHMENT_PICKER_DOCUMENTS_PICKED_DIRECTORY_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Unsupported File"; /* Short text label for a voice message attachment, used for thread preview and on lockscreen */ "ATTACHMENT_TYPE_VOICE_MESSAGE" = "Гласовна порака"; /* action sheet button title to enable built in speaker during a call */ "AUDIO_ROUTE_BUILT_IN_SPEAKER" = "Speaker"; /* An explanation of the consequences of blocking another user. */ "BLOCK_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "Блокираните корисници нема да можат да ве контактираат или да ви праќаат пораки."; /* Button label for the 'block' button */ "BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_BUTTON" = "Блокирај"; /* A format for the 'block user' action sheet title. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */ "BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_TITLE_FORMAT" = "Блокирај %@?"; /* Button label for the 'unblock' button */ "BLOCK_LIST_UNBLOCK_BUTTON" = "Одблокирај"; /* A format for the 'unblock user' action sheet title. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */ "BLOCK_LIST_UNBLOCK_TITLE_FORMAT" = "Одблокирај %@?"; /* A label for the block button in the block list view */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCK_BUTTON" = "Блокирај"; /* The title of the 'block user failed' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCK_FAILED_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Неуспешно е Блокирањето на Корисникот."; /* The title of the 'block user failed' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCK_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Грешка"; /* The message format of the 'user blocked' alert. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCKED_ALERT_MESSAGE_FORMAT" = "%@ е блокиран"; /* The title of the 'user blocked' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_BLOCKED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Корисникот е Блокиран"; /* The message of the 'You can't block yourself' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_CANT_BLOCK_SELF_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Неможеш да се блокираш самиот."; /* The title of the 'You can't block yourself' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_CANT_BLOCK_SELF_ALERT_TITLE" = "Грешка"; /* The title of the 'unblock user failed' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_UNBLOCK_FAILED_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Неуспешно Одблокирање на Корисникот"; /* The title of the 'unblock user failed' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_UNBLOCK_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Грешка"; /* The message format of the 'user unblocked' alert. Embeds {{the blocked user's name or phone number}}. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_UNBLOCKED_ALERT_MESSAGE_FORMAT" = "%@ беше одблокиран"; /* The title of the 'user unblocked' alert. */ "BLOCK_LIST_VIEW_UNBLOCKED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Корисникот е Одблокиран"; /* Action sheet that will block an unknown user. */ "BLOCK_OFFER_ACTIONSHEET_BLOCK_ACTION" = "Блокирај"; /* Title format for action sheet that offers to block an unknown user.Embeds {{the unknown user's name or phone number}}. */ "BLOCK_OFFER_ACTIONSHEET_TITLE_FORMAT" = "Блокирај %@?"; /* Label for generic done button. */ "BUTTON_DONE" = "Готово"; /* Alert message when calling and permissions for microphone are missing */ "CALL_AUDIO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "Signal requires access to your microphone to make calls and record voice messages. You can grant this permission in the Settings app."; /* Alert title when calling and permissions for microphone are missing */ "CALL_AUDIO_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "Microphone Access Required"; /* Accessibilty label for placing call button */ "CALL_LABEL" = "Повик"; /* Text shown on call screen in place of remote video */ "CALL_REMOTE_VIDEO_DISABLED" = "Please upgrade to iOS 9 or newer to see remote video."; /* Call setup status label after outgoing call times out */ "CALL_SCREEN_STATUS_NO_ANSWER" = "Нема одговор."; /* embeds {{Call Status}} in call screen label. For ongoing calls, {{Call Status}} is a seconds timer like 01:23, otherwise {{Call Status}} is a short text like 'Ringing', 'Busy', or 'Failed Call' */ "CALL_STATUS_FORMAT" = "Сигнал %@"; /* Label for call button for alert offering to call a user. */ "CALL_USER_ALERT_CALL_BUTTON" = "Повикај"; /* Message format for alert offering to call a user. Embeds {{the user's display name or phone number}}. */ "CALL_USER_ALERT_MESSAGE_FORMAT" = "Дали сакате да го повикате %@?"; /* Title for alert offering to call a user. */ "CALL_USER_ALERT_TITLE" = "Повикај?"; /* Reminder to the user of the benefits of enabling CallKit and disabling CallKit privacy. */ "CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_DESCRIPTION_ALL" = "Можете да одговорите на повиците директно од заклучен екран и да ги видите името и бројот за дојдовни повици ако ги смените вашите поставки.\n\nПогледнете во Поставки за Приватност за детали."; /* Reminder to the user of the benefits of disabling CallKit privacy. */ "CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_DESCRIPTION_PRIVACY" = "Можете да ги видите името и бројот за дојдовни повици ако ги смените вашите подесувања.\n\nПогледнете во Поставки за Приватност за детали."; /* Label for button that dismiss the call view's settings nag. */ "CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_NOT_NOW_BUTTON" = "Не Сега"; /* Label for button that shows the privacy settings. */ "CALL_VIEW_SETTINGS_NAG_SHOW_CALL_SETTINGS" = "Покажи Поставки за Приватност"; /* notification action */ "CALLBACK_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Call Back"; /* The generic name used for calls if CallKit privacy is enabled */ "CALLKIT_ANONYMOUS_CONTACT_NAME" = "Сигнал Корисник"; /* Message for alert explaining that a user cannot be verified. */ "CANT_VERIFY_IDENTITY_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "This user can't be verified until you've exchanged messages with them."; /* Title for alert explaining that a user cannot be verified. */ "CANT_VERIFY_IDENTITY_ALERT_TITLE" = "Грешка"; /* Title for the 'censorship circumvention country' view. */ "CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_COUNTRY_VIEW_TITLE" = "Избери земја"; /* Activity Sheet label */ "COMPARE_SAFETY_NUMBER_ACTION" = "Споредете со Таблата со исечоци"; /* Table section header for contact listing when composing a new message */ "COMPOSE_MESSAGE_CONTACT_SECTION_TITLE" = "Contacts"; /* Table section header for group listing when composing a new message */ "COMPOSE_MESSAGE_GROUP_SECTION_TITLE" = "Groups"; /* Table section header for invite listing when composing a new message */ "COMPOSE_MESSAGE_INVITE_SECTION_TITLE" = "Invite"; /* Multiline label explaining why compose-screen contact picker is empty. */ "COMPOSE_SCREEN_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "To see which of your contacts are Signal users, allow contacts access in your system settings."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DESTRUCTION_TEXT" = "Со ова ќе се ресетира апликацијата така што ќе се избришат пораките и ќе те одрегистрира од серверот. Апликацијата ќе се затвори откако ќе се избришат податоците."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_DESTRUCTION_TITLE" = "Сигурен си дека сакаш да ја избришеш својата сметка?"; /* Alert body */ "CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION" = "Нема да можете да праќате и да примате пораки во оваа група."; /* Alert title */ "CONFIRM_LEAVE_GROUP_TITLE" = "Навистина сакате да си заминете?"; /* Button text */ "CONFIRM_LINK_NEW_DEVICE_ACTION" = "Поврзи нов уред"; /* Action sheet body presented when a user's SN have recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone nubmer}} */ "CONFIRM_SENDING_TO_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_FORMAT" = "%@ may have reinstalled or changed devices. Verify your safety number with them to ensure privacy."; /* Action sheet title presented when a users's SN have recently changed. Embeds {{contact's name or phone number}} */ "CONFIRM_SENDING_TO_CHANGED_IDENTITY_TITLE_FORMAT" = "Safety number with %@ has changed"; /* Generic button text to proceed with an action */ "CONFIRMATION_TITLE" = "Потврди"; /* An indicator that a contact has been blocked. */ "CONTACT_CELL_IS_BLOCKED" = "Блокиран"; /* An indicator that a contact is no longer verified. */ "CONTACT_CELL_IS_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED" = "Непотврдено"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "CONTACT_DETAIL_COMM_TYPE_INSECURE" = "Нерегистриран број"; /* table cell subtitle when contact card has no email */ "CONTACT_PICKER_NO_EMAILS_AVAILABLE" = "Нема достапен емаил."; /* table cell subtitle when contact card has no known phone number */ "CONTACT_PICKER_NO_PHONE_NUMBERS_AVAILABLE" = "Нема достапен телефонски број."; /* title for conversation settings screen */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS" = "Разговорни подесувања"; /* Label for 'new contact' button in conversation settings view. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_ADD_TO_EXISTING_CONTACT" = "Add to Existing Contact"; /* table cell label in conversation settings */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_BLOCK_THIS_USER" = "Блокирај го овој корисник"; /* Navbar title when viewing settings for a 1-on-1 thread */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_CONTACT_INFO_TITLE" = "Contact Info"; /* Navbar title when viewing settings for a group thread */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_GROUP_INFO_TITLE" = "Group Info"; /* Title of the 'mute this thread' action sheet. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_ACTION_SHEET_TITLE" = "Mute"; /* label for 'mute thread' cell in conversation settings */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_LABEL" = "Mute"; /* Indicates that the current thread is not muted. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_NOT_MUTED" = "Not muted"; /* Label for button to mute a thread for a day. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_ONE_DAY_ACTION" = "Mute for one day"; /* Label for button to mute a thread for a hour. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_ONE_HOUR_ACTION" = "Mute for one hour"; /* Label for button to mute a thread for a minute. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_ONE_MINUTE_ACTION" = "Mute for one minute"; /* Label for button to mute a thread for a week. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_ONE_WEEK_ACTION" = "Mute for one week"; /* Label for button to mute a thread for a year. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTE_ONE_YEAR_ACTION" = "Mute for one year"; /* Indicates that this thread is muted until a given date or time. Embeds {{The date or time which the thread is muted until}}. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_MUTED_UNTIL_FORMAT" = "until %@"; /* Label for 'new contact' button in conversation settings view. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_NEW_CONTACT" = "Креирај нов контакт"; /* Label for button to unmute a thread. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_UNMUTE_ACTION" = "Unmute"; /* Indicates that user's profile has been shared with a group. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_VIEW_PROFILE_IS_SHARED_WITH_GROUP" = "This group can see your profile."; /* Indicates that user's profile has been shared with a user. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_VIEW_PROFILE_IS_SHARED_WITH_USER" = "This user can see your profile."; /* Button to confirm that user wants to share their profile with a user or group. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_VIEW_SHARE_PROFILE" = "Share Profile"; /* Action that shares user profile with a group. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_VIEW_SHARE_PROFILE_WITH_GROUP" = "Share Your Profile"; /* Action that shares user profile with a user. */ "CONVERSATION_SETTINGS_VIEW_SHARE_PROFILE_WITH_USER" = "Share Your Profile"; /* Message shown in conversation view that offers to add an unknown user to your phone's contacts. */ "CONVERSATION_VIEW_ADD_TO_CONTACTS_OFFER" = "Add to Contacts"; /* Message shown in conversation view that offers to share your profile with a user. */ "CONVERSATION_VIEW_ADD_USER_TO_PROFILE_WHITELIST_OFFER" = "Share Your Profile With This User"; /* Title for the group of buttons show for unknown contacts offering to add them to contacts, etc. */ "CONVERSATION_VIEW_CONTACTS_OFFER_TITLE" = "This user is not in your contacts."; /* Message shown in conversation view that offers to block an unknown user. */ "CONVERSATION_VIEW_UNKNOWN_CONTACT_BLOCK_OFFER" = "Block This User"; /* ActionSheet title */ "CORRUPTED_SESSION_DESCRIPTION" = "Ресетирањето на сесијата ќе Ви овозможи да примате пораки од %@ , но нема да ги поврати веќе оштетените пораки."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "COUNTRYCODE_SELECT_TITLE" = "Избери повикувачки број на земјата"; /* Accessibility label for the create group new group button */ "CREATE_NEW_GROUP" = "Креирај нова група"; /* Title for the 'crop/scale image' dialog. */ "CROP_SCALE_IMAGE_VIEW_TITLE" = "Move and Scale"; /* Subtitle shown while the app is updating its database. */ "DATABASE_VIEW_OVERLAY_SUBTITLE" = "This can take a few minutes."; /* Title shown while the app is updating its database. */ "DATABASE_VIEW_OVERLAY_TITLE" = "Updating Database"; /* {{Short Date}} when device last communicated with Signal Server. */ "DEVICE_LAST_ACTIVE_AT_LABEL" = "Последен пат активен: %@"; /* {{Short Date}} when device was linked. */ "DEVICE_LINKED_AT_LABEL" = "Поврзан: %@"; /* Alert title that can occur when viewing device manager. */ "DEVICE_LIST_UPDATE_FAILED_TITLE" = "Неуспешно апдејтирање на листата на уреди."; /* table cell label in conversation settings */ "DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES" = "Изчезнувачки пораки"; /* subheading in conversation settings */ "DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_DESCRIPTION" = "Кога е овозможено, испратените и примените пораки во овој разговор ќе исчезнат откако ќе бидат видени ."; /* Accessibility hint that contains current timeout information */ "DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_HINT" = "Моменталните пораките исчезнуваат после %@."; /* Accessibility label for disappearing messages */ "DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_LABEL" = "Подесувања за изчезнувачките пораки"; /* Short text to dismiss current modal / actionsheet / screen */ "DISMISS_BUTTON_TEXT" = "Откажи"; /* Section title for the 'domain fronting country' view. */ "DOMAIN_FRONTING_COUNTRY_VIEW_SECTION_HEADER" = "Censorship Circumvention Location"; /* Alert body for when the user has just tried to edit a contacts after declining to give Signal contacts permissions */ "EDIT_CONTACT_WITHOUT_CONTACTS_PERMISSION_ALERT_BODY" = "You can give access in the Settings app."; /* Alert title for when the user has just tried to edit a contacts after declining to give Signal contacts permissions */ "EDIT_CONTACT_WITHOUT_CONTACTS_PERMISSION_ALERT_TITLE" = "Signal Needs Contact Access to Edit Contact Information"; /* table cell label in conversation settings */ "EDIT_GROUP_ACTION" = "Измени во група"; /* a title for the contacts section of the 'new/update group' view. */ "EDIT_GROUP_CONTACTS_SECTION_TITLE" = "Контакти"; /* The navbar title for the 'update group' view. */ "EDIT_GROUP_DEFAULT_TITLE" = "Измени во група"; /* Label for the cell that lets you add a new member to a group. */ "EDIT_GROUP_MEMBERS_ADD_MEMBER" = "Додадете..."; /* a title for the members section of the 'new/update group' view. */ "EDIT_GROUP_MEMBERS_SECTION_TITLE" = "Членови"; /* An indicator that a user is a new member of the group. */ "EDIT_GROUP_NEW_MEMBER_LABEL" = "Додадено"; /* The title for the 'update group' button. */ "EDIT_GROUP_UPDATE_BUTTON" = "Update"; /* The alert message if user tries to exit update group view without saving changes. */ "EDIT_GROUP_VIEW_UNSAVED_CHANGES_MESSAGE" = "You've changed this group. Would you like to save these changes?"; /* The alert title if user tries to exit update group view without saving changes. */ "EDIT_GROUP_VIEW_UNSAVED_CHANGES_TITLE" = "Unsaved Changes"; /* Short name for edit menu item to copy contents of media message. */ "EDIT_ITEM_COPY_ACTION" = "Копирај"; /* Short name for edit menu item to show message metadata. */ "EDIT_ITEM_MESSAGE_METADATA_ACTION" = "Info"; /* Short name for edit menu item to save contents of media message. */ "EDIT_ITEM_SAVE_ACTION" = "Зачувај"; /* Short name for edit menu item to share contents of media message. */ "EDIT_ITEM_SHARE_ACTION" = "Сподели"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EDIT_TXT" = "Edit"; /* body of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal. Embeds {{link to install Signal}} and {{link to WhisperSystems home page}} */ "EMAIL_INVITE_BODY" = "Здраво,\n\nВо последно време користам Сигнал за да ги задржам разговорите на мојот iPhone приватни . Би сакал и ти да го инсталираш, за да може да бидеме сигурни дека само ти и јас ќе ги читаме нашите пораки и слушаме нашите разговори.\n\nСигнал е достапен за iPhone и Android уредите. Превземи го од тука: %@\n\nСигнал работи исто како и твојата апликација за пораки. Можеме да праќаме слики и видео, да воспоставуваме повици, и групни разговори. Најдобар дел е , никој друг не може да види ништо од тоа, дури ни луѓето кои го направија Сигнал!\n\nМожете да прочитате повеќе за Опен Виспер Системс , луѓето кои го направија Сигнал види на:%@"; /* subject of email sent to contacts when inviting to install Signal */ "EMAIL_INVITE_SUBJECT" = "Ајде да се префрлиме на Сигнал"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_ARCHIVE_FIRST_TEXT" = "Кликнете на пишувај копчето."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_ARCHIVE_FIRST_TITLE" = "Започни го својот прв Сигнал разговор!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TEXT" = "Можете да ги архивирате неактивните разговори за подоцна од дојдовното сандаче."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_ARCHIVE_TITLE" = "Избришете ги разговорите."; /* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */ "EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE1" = "Никој од вашите контакти нема Сигнал"; /* Full width label displayed when attempting to compose message */ "EMPTY_CONTACTS_LABEL_LINE2" = "Зошто не поканите некого?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_INBOX_FIRST_TEXT" = "Совет: Додај разговор како потсетник!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_INBOX_FIRST_TITLE" = "Готово. Готово. Готово."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_INBOX_TEXT" = "Нема. Ништо. Нула. Ич."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "EMPTY_INBOX_TITLE" = "Скроз чисто."; /* Call setup status label */ "END_CALL_RESPONDER_IS_BUSY" = "Зафатено."; /* Call setup status label */ "END_CALL_UNCATEGORIZED_FAILURE" = "Повикот е неуспешен."; /* Generic notice when message failed to send. */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_CLIENT_SENDING_FAILURE" = "Неуспешно испраќање на пораката.\n"; /* Error mesage indicating that message send is disabled due to prekey update failures */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MESSAGE_SEND_DISABLED_PREKEY_UPDATE_FAILURES" = "Невозможно е испраќањето поради застоена приватност на податоци."; /* Error mesage indicating that message send failed due to block list */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED_DUE_TO_BLOCK_LIST" = "Неуспешно е да разговарате со корисникот , бидејќи го имате блокирано."; /* Error mesage indicating that message send failed due to failed attachment write */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED_DUE_TO_FAILED_ATTACHMENT_WRITE" = "Failed due to failed attachment write."; /* Generic error used whenver Signal can't contact the server */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NO_INTERNET" = "Signal не може да се поврзе на интернет. Ве молиме пробајте преку друга безжична мрежа или користете мобилен интенет."; /* Error indicating that an outgoing message had no valid recipients. */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NO_VALID_RECIPIENTS" = "Message send failed due to a lack of valid recipients."; /* Error message when attempting to send message */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_SENDING_UNAUTHORIZED" = "Овој уред не е повеќе регистриран со твојот телефонски број. Мора да го избришеш и преинсталираш Сигнал."; /* Generic server error */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_SERVER_FAILURE" = "Серверска грешка. Обиди се повторно подоцна."; /* Worst case generic error message */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "An unknown error occurred."; /* Error message when attempting to send message */ "ERROR_DESCRIPTION_UNREGISTERED_RECIPIENT" = "Контактот не е Сигнал корисник."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE" = "Примена е дуплицирана порака."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_KEY_EXCEPTION" = "Клучот на примателот е неважечки."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_MESSAGE" = "Примената порака не беше синхронизирана. Допрете за да се ресетира вашата сигурносна сесија."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_VERSION" = "Примена е порака не компатибилна со оваа верзија."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_SESSION" = "Нема достапна сесија за контакт."; /* Shown when signal users safety numbers changed */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_NON_BLOCKING_IDENTITY_CHANGE" = "Сигурносниот број е променет. "; /* Shown when signal users safety numbers changed, embeds the user's {{name or phone number}} */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_NON_BLOCKING_IDENTITY_CHANGE_FORMAT" = "Your safety number with %@ has changed."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_ERROR" = "An unknown error occurred."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ERROR_MESSAGE_WRONG_TRUSTED_IDENTITY_KEY" = "Сигурносниот број е променет. Допри за потврда."; /* Message for the alert indicating the 'export with signal' file had an invalid filename. */ "EXPORT_WITH_SIGNAL_ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_FILENAME" = "Invalid filename."; /* Message for the alert indicating the 'export with signal' attachment couldn't be loaded. */ "EXPORT_WITH_SIGNAL_ERROR_MESSAGE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT" = "Couldn't load file."; /* Message for the alert indicating the 'export with signal' data couldn't be loaded. */ "EXPORT_WITH_SIGNAL_ERROR_MESSAGE_MISSING_DATA" = "Couldn't load file."; /* Message for the alert indicating the 'export with signal' file had unknown type. */ "EXPORT_WITH_SIGNAL_ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_TYPE" = "Unknown file type."; /* Title for the alert indicating the 'export with signal' attachment had an error. */ "EXPORT_WITH_SIGNAL_ERROR_TITLE" = "Error"; /* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of too many attempts */ "FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_RATE_LIMIT" = "Премногу неуспешни обиди со овој контакт. Ве молиме пробајте подоцна."; /* action sheet header when re-sending message which failed because of untrusted identity keys */ "FAILED_SENDING_BECAUSE_UNTRUSTED_IDENTITY_KEY" = "Your safety number with %@ has recently changed. You may wish to verify before resending."; /* alert title */ "FAILED_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Неуспешна Потврда на Сигурносен Број!"; /* Button that marks user as verified after a successful fingerprint scan. */ "FINGERPRINT_SCAN_VERIFY_BUTTON" = "Mark as Verified"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "FINGERPRINT_SHRED_KEYMATERIAL_BUTTON" = "Ресетирајте ја оваа сесија."; /* Accessibilty label for finishing new group */ "FINISH_GROUP_CREATION_LABEL" = "Завршете со креирање на група"; /* A default label for attachment whose file extension cannot be determined. */ "GENERIC_ATTACHMENT_DEFAULT_TYPE" = "?"; /* A label for generic attachments. */ "GENERIC_ATTACHMENT_LABEL" = "Прилог"; /* Error displayed when there is a failure fetching gifs from the remote service. */ "GIF_PICKER_ERROR_FETCH_FAILURE" = "Failed to fetch the requested GIF. Please verify you are online."; /* Generic error displayed when picking a gif */ "GIF_PICKER_ERROR_GENERIC" = "An unknown error occured."; /* Shown when selected gif couldn't be fetched */ "GIF_PICKER_FAILURE_ALERT_TITLE" = "Unable to Choose GIF"; /* Alert message shown when user tries to search for GIFs without entering any search terms. */ "GIF_PICKER_VIEW_MISSING_QUERY" = "Please enter your search."; /* Title for the 'gif picker' dialog. */ "GIF_PICKER_VIEW_TITLE" = "GIF Search"; /* Indicates that an error occured while searching. */ "GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_ERROR" = "Error. Tap to Retry."; /* Indicates that the user's search had no results. */ "GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS" = "No Results."; /* Placeholder text for the search field in gif view */ "GIF_VIEW_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT" = "Enter your search"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_AVATAR_CHANGED" = "Сменет е аватарот."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_CREATED" = "Групата е креирана."; /* Message shown in conversation view that indicates there were issues with group creation. */ "GROUP_CREATION_FAILED" = "Not all members could be added to the group. Tap to retry."; /* Conversation settings table section title */ "GROUP_MANAGEMENT_SECTION" = "Менаџирање на групата"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED" = "%@ се приклучи на групата."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT" = "%@ ја напушти групата."; /* Button label to add information to an unknown contact */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_ADD_CONTACT_INFO" = "Add Contact"; /* Button label for the 'call group member' button */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_CALL" = "Call"; /* Label for the button that clears all verification errors in the 'group members' view. */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_RESET_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED" = "Clear Verification For All"; /* Label for the 'reset all no-longer-verified group members' confirmation alert. */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_RESET_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "This will clear the verification of all group members whose safety numbers have changed since they were last verified."; /* Title for the 'members' section of the 'group members' view. */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_SECTION_TITLE_MEMBERS" = "Members"; /* Title for the 'no longer verified' section of the 'group members' view. */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_SECTION_TITLE_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED" = "No Longer Marked as Verified"; /* Button label for the 'send message to group member' button */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_SEND_MESSAGE" = "Send Message"; /* Button label for the 'show contact info' button */ "GROUP_MEMBERS_VIEW_CONTACT_INFO" = "Contact Info"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_REMOVING" = "Напуштање на групата%@"; /* Title of alert indicating that group deletion failed. */ "GROUP_REMOVING_FAILED" = "Неуспешно напуштање на групата"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_TITLE_CHANGED" = "Насловот сега е '%@'."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_UPDATED" = "Групата е ажурирана."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "GROUP_YOU_LEFT" = "Вие ја напуштивте групата."; /* A label for conversations with blocked users. */ "HOME_VIEW_BLOCKED_CONTACT_CONVERSATION" = "Blocked"; /* Call setup status label */ "IN_CALL_CONNECTING" = "Connecting…"; /* Call setup status label */ "IN_CALL_RINGING" = "Ringing…"; /* Call setup status label */ "IN_CALL_SECURING" = "Answered. Securing…"; /* Call setup status label */ "IN_CALL_TERMINATED" = "Повикот заврши."; /* Label reminding the user that they are in archive mode. */ "INBOX_VIEW_ARCHIVE_MODE_REMINDER" = "You are viewing your archived messages. Tap to return to your Inbox."; /* Multiline label explaining how to show names instead of phone numbers in your inbox */ "INBOX_VIEW_MISSING_CONTACTS_PERMISSION" = "To see the names of your contacts, update your system settings to allow contact access."; /* notification body */ "INCOMING_CALL" = "Дојдовен повик"; /* notification body */ "INCOMING_CALL_FROM" = "Дојдовен повик од %@"; /* info message recorded in conversation history when local user declined a call */ "INCOMING_DECLINED_CALL" = "You declined a call"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "INCOMING_INCOMPLETE_CALL" = "Дојдовен некомплетен број од"; /* info message text shown in conversation view */ "INFO_MESSAGE_MISSED_CALL_DUE_TO_CHANGED_IDENITY" = "Missed call because their safety number has changed."; /* Message for the alert indicating that an audio file is invalid. */ "INVALID_AUDIO_FILE_ALERT_ERROR_MESSAGE" = "Invalid audio file."; /* Alert body when contacts disabled while trying to invite contacts to signal */ "INVITE_FLOW_REQUIRES_CONTACT_ACCESS_BODY" = "To invite your contacts, you need to allow Signal access to your contacts in the Settings app."; /* Alert title when contacts disabled while trying to invite contacts to signal */ "INVITE_FLOW_REQUIRES_CONTACT_ACCESS_TITLE" = "Allow Contact Access"; /* Label for the cell that presents the 'invite contacts' workflow. */ "INVITE_FRIENDS_CONTACT_TABLE_BUTTON" = "Поканете пријатели на Сигнал"; /* Search */ "INVITE_FRIENDS_PICKER_SEARCHBAR_PLACEHOLDER" = "Пребарај"; /* Navbar title */ "INVITE_FRIENDS_PICKER_TITLE" = "Поканете пријатели"; /* Slider label embeds {{TIME_AMOUNT}}, e.g. '2 hours'. See *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for examples. */ "KEEP_MESSAGES_DURATION" = "Пораките исчезнуваат после %@."; /* Slider label when disappearing messages is off */ "KEEP_MESSAGES_FOREVER" = "Пораките не исчезнуваат."; /* Confirmation button within contextual alert */ "LEAVE_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Напушти"; /* table cell label in conversation settings */ "LEAVE_GROUP_ACTION" = "Напушти ја групата"; /* report an invalid linking code */ "LINK_DEVICE_INVALID_CODE_BODY" = "Овој QR код е невалиден, бидете сигурни дека го скенирате QR кодот прикажан на уредот кој сакате да го поврзете."; /* report an invalid linking code */ "LINK_DEVICE_INVALID_CODE_TITLE" = "Поврзувањето на уредот е неуспешно"; /* confirm the users intent to link a new device */ "LINK_DEVICE_PERMISSION_ALERT_BODY" = "Овој уред ќе може да ги гледа твоите групи и контакти, да ги чита сите ваши пораки, и да праќа пораки во ваше име."; /* confirm the users intent to link a new device */ "LINK_DEVICE_PERMISSION_ALERT_TITLE" = "Поврзи се со овој уред?"; /* attempt another linking */ "LINK_DEVICE_RESTART" = "Обидете се повторно"; /* QR Scanning screen instructions, placed alongside a camera view for scanning QRCodes */ "LINK_DEVICE_SCANNING_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Скенирајте го QR кодот прикажан на уредот за да се поврзете."; /* Subheading for 'Link New Device' navigation */ "LINK_NEW_DEVICE_SUBTITLE" = "Скенирајте QR код"; /* Navigation title when scanning QR code to add new device. */ "LINK_NEW_DEVICE_TITLE" = "Поврзете нов уред"; /* Menu item and navbar title for the device manager */ "LINKED_DEVICES_TITLE" = "Поврзани уреди"; /* Alert Title */ "LINKING_DEVICE_FAILED_TITLE" = "Неуспешно поврзување на уредот"; /* table cell label in conversation settings */ "LIST_GROUP_MEMBERS_ACTION" = "Group Members"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "LOGGING_SECTION" = "Логирање"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "ME_STRING" = "Јас"; /* media picker option to take photo or video */ "MEDIA_FROM_CAMERA_BUTTON" = "Камера"; /* action sheet button title when choosing attachment type */ "MEDIA_FROM_DOCUMENT_PICKER_BUTTON" = "Document"; /* media picker option to choose from library */ "MEDIA_FROM_LIBRARY_BUTTON" = "Фото Албум"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MESSAGE_COMPOSEVIEW_TITLE" = "Нова порака"; /* Label for file size of attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE" = "File Size"; /* Label for the MIME type of attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPE" = "MIME type"; /* Label for 'missing' attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_ATTACHMENT_MISSING_FILE" = "Missing Attachment"; /* Label for 'not yet downloaded' attachments in the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_ATTACHMENT_NOT_YET_DOWNLOADED" = "Not yet downloaded"; /* Status label for messages which are delivered. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_MESSAGE_STATUS_DELIVERED" = "Delivered"; /* Status label for messages which are failed. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_MESSAGE_STATUS_FAILED" = "Failed"; /* Status label for messages which are read. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_MESSAGE_STATUS_READ" = "Read"; /* Status label for messages which are sending. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_MESSAGE_STATUS_SENDING" = "Sending"; /* Status label for messages which are sent. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_MESSAGE_STATUS_SENT" = "Sent"; /* Status label for messages which are uploading. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_MESSAGE_STATUS_UPLOADING" = "Uploading"; /* Label for messages without a body or attachment in the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_NO_ATTACHMENT_OR_BODY" = "Message has no content or attachment."; /* Label for the 'received date & time' field of the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_RECEIVED_DATE_TIME" = "Received"; /* Label for the 'sender' field of the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_SENDER" = "Sender"; /* Label for the 'sent date & time' field of the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_SENT_DATE_TIME" = "Sent"; /* Label for the original filename of any attachment in the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_SOURCE_FILENAME" = "Filename"; /* Title for the 'message metadata' view. */ "MESSAGE_METADATA_VIEW_TITLE" = "Message"; /* message footer for delivered messages message status for message delivered to their recipient. */ "MESSAGE_STATUS_DELIVERED" = "Доставено"; /* message footer for failed messages */ "MESSAGE_STATUS_FAILED" = "Sending failed. Tap for info."; /* message footer for read messages */ "MESSAGE_STATUS_READ" = "Read"; /* message status while message is sending. */ "MESSAGE_STATUS_SENDING" = "Sending..."; /* message footer for sent messages */ "MESSAGE_STATUS_SENT" = "Испратено"; /* message footer while attachment is uploading */ "MESSAGE_STATUS_UPLOADING" = "Uploading…"; /* Indicates that one member of this group conversation is no longer verified. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_1_MEMBER_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "%@ is no longer marked as verified. Tap for options."; /* Indicates that this 1:1 conversation has been blocked. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_CONTACT_BLOCKED" = "Го блокиравте овој Корисник"; /* Indicates that this 1:1 conversation is no longer verified. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_CONTACT_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "%@ is no longer marked as verified. Tap for options."; /* Action sheet title after tapping on failed download. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_ACTIONSHEET_TITLE" = "Download Failed."; /* Action sheet button text */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_FAILED_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_ACTION" = "Download Again"; /* Indicates that a single member of this group has been blocked. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_GROUP_1_MEMBER_BLOCKED" = "Блокиравте 1 Член од групата"; /* Indicates that some members of this group has been blocked. Embeds {{the number of blocked users in this group}}. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_GROUP_N_MEMBERS_BLOCKED_FORMAT" = "You Blocked %@ Members of this Group"; /* Text for banner in group conversation view that offers to share your profile with this group. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_GROUP_PROFILE_WHITELIST_BANNER" = "Share Your Profile With This Group?"; /* Indicates that more than one member of this group conversation is no longer verified. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_N_MEMBERS_NO_LONGER_VERIFIED" = "More than one member of this group is no longer marked as verified. Tap for options."; /* The subtitle for the messages view title indicates that the title can be tapped to access settings for this conversation. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_TITLE_SUBTITLE" = "Допрете тука за подесувања"; /* Indicator that separates read from unread messages. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_UNREAD_INDICATOR" = "Unread Messages"; /* Messages that indicates that there are more unseen messages including safety number changes that be revealed by tapping the 'load earlier messages' button. Embeds {{the name of the 'load earlier messages' button}}. */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_UNREAD_INDICATOR_HAS_MORE_UNSEEN_MESSAGES_AND_SAFETY_NUMBER_CHANGES_FORMAT" = "There are more unread messages (including safety number changes) above. Tap \"%@\" to see them."; /* Messages that indicates that there are more unseen messages that be revealed by tapping the 'load earlier messages' button. Embeds {{the name of the 'load earlier messages' button}} */ "MESSAGES_VIEW_UNREAD_INDICATOR_HAS_MORE_UNSEEN_MESSAGES_FORMAT" = "There are more unread messages above. Tap \"%@\" to see them."; /* notification title */ "MISSED_CALL" = "Пропуштен повик"; /* notification title. Embeds {{caller's name or phone number}} */ "MISSED_CALL_WITH_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_WITH_CALLER_NAME" = "Missed call from %@ because their safety number changed."; /* notification title */ "MISSED_CALL_WITH_CHANGED_IDENTITY_BODY_WITHOUT_CALLER_NAME" = "Missed call because the caller's safety number changed."; /* Alert body Alert body when camera is not authorized */ "MISSING_CAMERA_PERMISSION_MESSAGE" = "Сигнал има потреба од пристап до Вашата камера за видео разговори. Можете да дозволете во Подесувања >> Сигурност >> Камера >> Сигнал"; /* Alert title Alert title when camera is not authorized */ "MISSING_CAMERA_PERMISSION_TITLE" = "На Сигнал му треба пристап до камерата."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MSGVIEW_MISSED_CALL_BECAUSE_OF_CHANGED_IDENTITY" = "Missed call because their safety number has changed."; /* notification title. Embeds {{caller's name or phone number}} */ "MSGVIEW_MISSED_CALL_WITH_NAME" = "Пропуштен повик од %@."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MSGVIEW_RECEIVED_CALL" = "Примивте повик од %@."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MSGVIEW_THEY_TRIED_TO_CALL_YOU" = "%@ се обиде да ве контактира."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MSGVIEW_YOU_CALLED" = "Го повикавте %@."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MSGVIEW_YOU_TRIED_TO_CALL" = "Се обидовте да го повикате %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MULTIDEVICE_PAIRING_MAX_DESC" = "Не можете да поврзете други уреди."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "MULTIDEVICE_PAIRING_MAX_RECOVERY" = "Го достигнавте максимумот на уреди кои моментално можете да ги поврзете со вашиот профил. Ве молиме одстранете уред или обидете да го поврзите подоцна. "; /* An explanation of the consequences of muting a thread. */ "MUTE_BEHAVIOR_EXPLANATION" = "You will not receive notifications for muted conversations."; /* A button to skip a view. */ "NAVIGATION_ITEM_SKIP_BUTTON" = "Skip"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NETWORK_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "Ве молиме проверете дека сте приклучени на интернет и обидете се повторно"; /* Indicates to the user that censorship circumvention has been activated. */ "NETWORK_STATUS_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_ACTIVE" = "Censorship Circumvention: On"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NETWORK_STATUS_CONNECTED" = "Поврзан"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NETWORK_STATUS_CONNECTING" = "Се поврзува"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NETWORK_STATUS_HEADER" = "Статус на мрежа"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NETWORK_STATUS_OFFLINE" = "Неприклучен "; /* A label the cell that lets you add a new member to a group. */ "NEW_CONVERSATION_FIND_BY_PHONE_NUMBER" = "Find by Phone Number"; /* A label for the cell that lets you add a new non-contact member to a group. */ "NEW_GROUP_ADD_NON_CONTACT" = "Add by phone number"; /* Action Sheet title prompting the user for a group avatar */ "NEW_GROUP_ADD_PHOTO_ACTION" = "Постави слика на Групата"; /* The title for the 'create group' button. */ "NEW_GROUP_CREATE_BUTTON" = "Create"; /* Used in place of the group name when a group has not yet been named. */ "NEW_GROUP_DEFAULT_TITLE" = "Нова група"; /* An indicator that a user is a member of the new group. */ "NEW_GROUP_MEMBER_LABEL" = "Member"; /* Placeholder text for group name field */ "NEW_GROUP_NAMEGROUP_REQUEST_DEFAULT" = "Именувај го овој групен разговор"; /* a title for the non-contacts section of the 'new group' view. */ "NEW_GROUP_NON_CONTACTS_SECTION_TITLE" = "Other Users"; /* The alert message if user tries to exit the new group view without saving changes. */ "NEW_GROUP_VIEW_UNSAVED_CHANGES_MESSAGE" = "Would you like to discard these changes?"; /* The alert title if user tries to exit the new group view without saving changes. */ "NEW_GROUP_VIEW_UNSAVED_CHANGES_TITLE" = "Unsaved Changes"; /* A label for the 'add by phone number' button in the 'new non-contact conversation' view */ "NEW_NONCONTACT_CONVERSATION_VIEW_BUTTON" = "Search"; /* Title for the 'new non-contact conversation' view. */ "NEW_NONCONTACT_CONVERSATION_VIEW_TITLE" = "Find User"; /* Label for a button that lets users search for contacts by phone number */ "NO_CONTACTS_SEARCH_BY_PHONE_NUMBER" = "Најди Контакти преку телефонски број"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATION_SEND_FAILED" = "Неуспешно испраќање порака до %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_FOOTER_WARNING" = "Заради познати грешки во автоматските известувања на Apple, прегледот на пораките ќе биде прикажан доколку пораката е примена во рок од 30 секунди од кога е испратена. Апликацискиот беџ може да биде неточен како резултат на тоа."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_NONE" = "Без име или порака"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION_BACKGROUND" = "Позадински известувања"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION_INAPP" = "Известувања во апликацијата"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_SENDER_AND_MESSAGE" = "Име на испраќачот и порака"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_SENDER_ONLY" = "Само името на испраќачот"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_SHOW" = "Прикажи"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "NOTIFICATIONS_SOUND" = "Звук на известување"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "OK" = "OK"; /* Button text which opens the settings app Label for button which opens the settings UI */ "OPEN_SETTINGS_BUTTON" = "Поставки"; /* Info Message when {{other user}} disables or doesn't support disappearing messages */ "OTHER_DISABLED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "%@ ги оневозможи исчезнувачките пораки."; /* Info Message when {{other user}} updates message expiration to {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */ "OTHER_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "%@ го подеси исчезнувањето на пораките на време до %@."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "OUTGOING_CALL" = "Појдовен повик"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "OUTGOING_INCOMPLETE_CALL" = "Unanswered outgoing call"; /* A display format for oversize text messages. */ "OVERSIZE_TEXT_DISPLAY_FORMAT" = "%@ ...[Допрете за повеќе]"; /* The title of the 'oversize text message' view. */ "OVERSIZE_TEXT_MESSAGE_VIEW_TITLE" = "Порака"; /* A format for a label showing an example phone number. Embeds {{the example phone number}}. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_FORMAT" = "Example: %@"; /* Format for phone number label with an index. Embeds {{Phone number label (e.g. 'home')}} and {{index, e.g. 2}}. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_AND_INDEX_NAME_FORMAT" = "%@ %@"; /* Label for 'Home' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_HOME" = "Home"; /* Label for 'HomeFAX' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_HOME_FAX" = "Home Fax"; /* Label for 'IPhone' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_IPHONE" = "iPhone"; /* Label for 'Main' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_MAIN" = "Main"; /* Label for 'Mobile' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_MOBILE" = "Mobile"; /* Label for 'Other' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_OTHER" = "Other"; /* Label for 'Other FAX' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_OTHER_FAX" = "Other Fax"; /* Label for 'Pager' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_PAGER" = "Pager"; /* Label used when we don't what kind of phone number it is (e.g. mobile/work/home). */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_UNKNOWN" = "Unknown"; /* Label for 'Work' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_WORK" = "Work"; /* Label for 'Work FAX' phone numbers. */ "PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE_WORK_FAX" = "Work Fax"; /* Label indicating that the user is not verified. Embeds {{the user's name or phone number}}. */ "PRIVACY_IDENTITY_IS_NOT_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "You have not marked %@ as verified."; /* Badge indicating that the user is verified. */ "PRIVACY_IDENTITY_IS_VERIFIED_BADGE" = "Verified"; /* Label indicating that the user is verified. Embeds {{the user's name or phone number}}. */ "PRIVACY_IDENTITY_IS_VERIFIED_FORMAT" = "%@ is verified."; /* Label for a link to more information about safety numbers and verification. */ "PRIVACY_SAFETY_NUMBERS_LEARN_MORE" = "Learn More"; /* Button that shows the 'scan with camera' view. */ "PRIVACY_TAP_TO_SCAN" = "Tap to Scan"; /* Button that lets user mark another user's identity as unverified. */ "PRIVACY_UNVERIFY_BUTTON" = "Clear Verification"; /* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_I_HAVE_WRONG_KEY_FOR_THEM" = "Ова не изгледа како Вашиот сигурносен број со %@. Дали го потврдуваш точниот контакт?"; /* Alert body */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_MISMATCHED_SAFETY_NUMBERS_IN_CLIPBOARD" = "Бројот на твојата табла со исечоци не изгледа како точниот сигурносен број за овој разговор."; /* Alert body for user error */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_NO_SAFETY_NUMBERS_IN_CLIPBOARD" = "Сигнал неможе да најде сигурносен број на твојата табла со исечоци. Дали го точно го копиравте?"; /* Alert body when verifying with {{contact name}} */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_THEY_HAVE_WRONG_KEY_FOR_ME" = "Секој пар на Сигнал корисниците дели различен сигурносен број. Двојно провери дека кај %@ го прикажува \"вашиот\" сигурносен број."; /* alert body */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WITH_OLD_LOCAL_VERSION" = "Користете стара верзија на Сигнал . Морате да ја апдејтирате пред да можете да потврдите."; /* alert body */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WITH_OLD_REMOTE_VERSION" = "Вашиот партнер користи стара верзија на Сигнал. Тој Треба да го надгради пред да можете да го потврдите."; /* alert body */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_FAILURE_INVALID_QRCODE" = "Скенираниот код не изгледа како сигурносен код број. Дали двајцата ја имате најновата верзија на Сигнал?"; /* Paragraph(s) shown alongside the safety number when verifying privacy with {{contact name}} */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Ако сакате да ја потврдите сигурноста на вашата крај-до-крај енкрипција со %@, споредете ги горните броеви со броевите на нивниот уред.\n\nАлтернативно, можете да го скенирате кодот на нивниот телефон, или да ги прашате да го скенираат вашиот код."; /* Navbar title */ "PRIVACY_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Потврдете го сигурносниот број"; /* Button that lets user mark another user's identity as verified. */ "PRIVACY_VERIFY_BUTTON" = "Mark as Verified"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "PROCEED_BUTTON" = "Продолжи"; /* Label text combining the phone number and profile name separated by a simple demarcation character. Phone number should be most prominent. '%1$@' is replaced with {{phone number}} and '%2$@' is replaced with {{profile name}} */ "PROFILE_NAME_AND_PHONE_NUMBER_LABEL_FORMAT" = "%1$@ ~%2$@"; /* Prepend a simple marker to differentiate the profile name, embeds the contact's {{profile name}}. */ "PROFILE_NAME_LABEL_FORMAT" = "~%@"; /* Action Sheet title prompting the user for a profile avatar */ "PROFILE_VIEW_AVATAR_ACTIONSHEET_TITLE" = "Set Profile Avatar"; /* Label for action that clear's the user's profile avatar */ "PROFILE_VIEW_CLEAR_AVATAR" = "Clear Avatar"; /* Error message shown when user tries to update profile with a profile name that is too long. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_ERROR_PROFILE_NAME_TOO_LONG" = "Your profile name is too long."; /* Error message shown when a profile update fails. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_ERROR_UPDATE_FAILED" = "Profile update failed."; /* Default text for the profile name field of the profile view. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_NAME_DEFAULT_TEXT" = "Внеси го твоето име"; /* Label for the profile avatar field of the profile view. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_PROFILE_AVATAR_FIELD" = "Avatar"; /* Description of the user profile. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION" = "Your Signal Profile will be visible to your contacts, when you initiate new conversations, and when you share it with other users and groups."; /* Link to more information about the user profile. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION_LINK" = "Tap here to learn more."; /* Label for the profile name field of the profile view. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_PROFILE_NAME_FIELD" = "Profile Name"; /* Button to save the profile view in the profile view. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_SAVE_BUTTON" = "Save"; /* Alert title that indicates the user's profile view is being saved. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_SAVING" = "Saving..."; /* Title for the profile view. */ "PROFILE_VIEW_TITLE" = "Profile"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "PUSH_MANAGER_MARKREAD" = "Mark as Read"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "PUSH_MANAGER_REPLY" = "Одговори"; /* Title of alert shown when push tokens sync job succeeds. */ "PUSH_REGISTER_SUCCESS" = "Успешно пререгистирање за автоматски известувања."; /* Used in table section header and alert view title contexts */ "PUSH_REGISTER_TITLE" = "Автоматски известувања"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "QUESTIONMARK_PUNCTUATION" = "?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "RATING_MSG" = "Ако уживате да го користите Сигнал за да имате приватни разговори, можете да го поддржите нашиот проект отценувајќи го. Нема да Ви одземе повеќе од минута , и ќе помогне на другите да најдат малку приватност."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "RATING_RATE" = "Отцени го Сигнал"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "RATING_TITLE" = "Поддржи го Сигнал!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTER_CC_ERR_ALERT_VIEW_MESSAGE" = "Ве молиме Внесете важечки повикувачки број на земјата"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTER_CC_ERR_ALERT_VIEW_TITLE" = "Грешен повикувачкиот број на земјата"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTER_CONTACTS_WELCOME" = "Добродојдовте!"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTER_FAILED_TRY_AGAIN" = "Try Again"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTER_RATE_LIMITING_BODY" = "Се обидувавте многу често. Ве молиме почекајте малце и обидете се повторно"; /* Title of alert shown when push tokens sync job fails. */ "REGISTRATION_BODY" = "Неуспешно при повторно регистирањето за автоматски известувања."; /* Label for the country code field */ "REGISTRATION_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_NAME" = "Повикувачки број на земјата"; /* Placeholder text for the phone number textfield */ "REGISTRATION_ENTERNUMBER_DEFAULT_TEXT" = "Внеси број"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTRATION_ERROR" = "Грешка при регистрирањето"; /* alert body during registration */ "REGISTRATION_ERROR_BLANK_VERIFICATION_CODE" = "Не можеме да го активираме вашиот профил , се додека не го потврдете кодот кој што ви го испративме."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTRATION_NON_VALID_NUMBER" = "Овој тип на број не е поддржан, Ве молиме контактирајте го тимот за поддршка."; /* Label for the phone number textfield */ "REGISTRATION_PHONENUMBER_BUTTON" = "Телефонски број"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTRATION_RESTRICTED_MESSAGE" = "Некој е возбуден да ја испрати својата прва порака! Треба да се регистрирате пред да го направите тоа."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTRATION_TITLE_LABEL" = "Вашиот телефонски број"; /* Alert view title */ "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_FAILED_TITLE" = "Неуспешно потврдување"; /* Alert body, during registration */ "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_FAILED_WRONG_CODE_DESCRIPTION" = "Бројот кој го внесовте не се совпаѓа со бројот што ви го пративме. Сакате да проверете?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REGISTRATION_VERIFY_DEVICE" = "Активирај го овој уред"; /* Message of alert indicating that users needs to enter a valid phone number to register. */ "REGISTRATION_VIEW_INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Please enter a valid phone number to register."; /* Title of alert indicating that users needs to enter a valid phone number to register. */ "REGISTRATION_VIEW_INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER_ALERT_TITLE" = "Invalid Phone Number"; /* Message of alert indicating that users needs to enter a phone number to register. */ "REGISTRATION_VIEW_NO_PHONE_NUMBER_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Please enter a phone number to register."; /* Title of alert indicating that users needs to enter a phone number to register. */ "REGISTRATION_VIEW_NO_PHONE_NUMBER_ALERT_TITLE" = "No Phone Number"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REJECT_CALL_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Одбиј"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "RELAY_REGISTERED_ERROR_RECOVERY" = "Телефонскиот број што се обидувате да го регистрирате веќе е регистриран на друг сервер, Ве молиме одјавете се оттаму и обидете се повторно."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "REREGISTER_FOR_PUSH" = " Повторно регистирање за автоматски известувања"; /* Generic text for button that retries whatever the last action was. */ "RETRY_BUTTON_TEXT" = "Обиди се пак"; /* button title to confirm adding a recipient to a group when their safety number has recently changed */ "SAFETY_NUMBER_CHANGED_CONFIRM_ADD_TO_GROUP_ACTION" = "Add to Group Anyway"; /* alert button text to confirm placing an outgoing call after the recipients Safety Number has changed. */ "SAFETY_NUMBER_CHANGED_CONFIRM_CALL_ACTION" = "Call Anyway"; /* button title to confirm sending to a recipient whose safety number recently changed */ "SAFETY_NUMBER_CHANGED_CONFIRM_SEND_ACTION" = "Send Anyway"; /* Snippet to share {{safety number}} with a friend. sent e.g. via SMS */ "SAFETY_NUMBER_SHARE_FORMAT" = "Нашиот Сигнал Сигурносен Број :\n%@"; /* Action sheet heading */ "SAFETY_NUMBERS_ACTIONSHEET_TITLE" = "Вашиот сигурносен број со %@ е променет. Можеби Би сакале да го потврдете. "; /* label presented once scanning (camera) view is visible. */ "SCAN_CODE_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Скенирајте го QR на уредот на вашите контакти."; /* Title for the 'scan QR code' view. */ "SCAN_QR_CODE_VIEW_TITLE" = "Скенирај QR код"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SEARCH_BYNAMEORNUMBER_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT" = "Пребарајте по име или број"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SECURE_SESSION_RESET" = "Безбедносната сесија беше ресетирана."; /* Label for 'select gif to attach' action sheet button */ "SELECT_GIF_BUTTON" = "GIF"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SEND_AGAIN_BUTTON" = "Испрати повторно"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SEND_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Испрати"; /* Header title for the 'send external file' view. */ "SEND_EXTERNAL_FILE_HEADER_TITLE" = "Select a Recipient for:"; /* Title for the 'send external file' view. */ "SEND_EXTERNAL_FILE_VIEW_TITLE" = "Send File"; /* Alert body after invite failed */ "SEND_INVITE_FAILURE" = "Неуспешно Испраќање покана, Ве молиме обидете се повторно подоцна."; /* Alert body after invite succeeded */ "SEND_INVITE_SUCCESS" = "Го поканивте вашиот пријател да користи Сигнал!"; /* Text for button to send a Signal invite via SMS. %@ is placeholder for the receipient's phone number. */ "SEND_INVITE_VIA_SMS_BUTTON_FORMAT" = "Invite via SMS: %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SEND_SMS_CONFIRM_TITLE" = "Поканете пријател преку несигурен СМС?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SEND_SMS_INVITE_TITLE" = "Дали би сакале да го поканете следниов број на Сигнал:"; /* Navbar title */ "SETTINGS_ABOUT" = "За апликацијата"; /* Title for the 'block contact' section of the 'add to block list' view. */ "SETTINGS_ADD_TO_BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_CONTACT_TITLE" = "Блокирај Контакт"; /* Title for the 'block phone number' section of the 'add to block list' view. */ "SETTINGS_ADD_TO_BLOCK_LIST_BLOCK_PHONE_NUMBER_TITLE" = "Блокирај Телефонски Број"; /* Title for the 'add to block list' view. */ "SETTINGS_ADD_TO_BLOCK_LIST_TITLE" = "Блокирани"; /* Label for the 'manual censorship circumvention' switch. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION" = "Censorship Circumvention"; /* Label for the 'manual censorship circumvention' country. Embeds {{the manual censorship circumvention country}}. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_COUNTRY_FORMAT" = "Location: %@"; /* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section when censorship circumvention can be manually enabled. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER" = "If enabled, Signal will attempt to circumvent censorship. Do not enable this feature unless you are in a location where Signal is censored."; /* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when censorship circumvention has been auto-enabled based on local phone number. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER_AUTO_ENABLED" = "Censorship circumvention has been activated based on your account's phone number."; /* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when the app is not connected to the internet. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER_NO_CONNECTION" = "Censorship circumvention can only be activated when connected to the internet."; /* Table footer for the 'censorship circumvention' section shown when the app is connected to the Signal service. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_FOOTER_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTED" = "Censorship circumvention is not necessary; you are already connected to the Signal service."; /* Table header for the 'censorship circumvention' section. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_CENSORSHIP_CIRCUMVENTION_HEADER" = "Censorship Circumvention"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_DEBUGLOG" = "Овозможете листа за отстранување грешки"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_SUBMIT_DEBUGLOG" = "Доставете листа за отстранување грешки"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_ADVANCED_TITLE" = "Напредни "; /* A label for the 'add phone number' button in the block list table. */ "SETTINGS_BLOCK_LIST_ADD_BUTTON" = "Додадете..."; /* A label that indicates the user has no Signal contacts. */ "SETTINGS_BLOCK_LIST_NO_CONTACTS" = "Немате контакти на Сигнал."; /* A label that indicates the user's search has no matching results. */ "SETTINGS_BLOCK_LIST_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS" = "No Search Results"; /* Label for the block list section of the settings view */ "SETTINGS_BLOCK_LIST_TITLE" = "Блокирани"; /* Accessibility hint for the settings button */ "SETTINGS_BUTTON_ACCESSIBILITY" = "Подесувања"; /* Table cell label */ "SETTINGS_CALLING_HIDES_IP_ADDRESS_PREFERENCE_TITLE" = "Секогаш препраќај ги повиците"; /* User settings section footer, a detailed explanation */ "SETTINGS_CALLING_HIDES_IP_ADDRESS_PREFERENCE_TITLE_DETAIL" = "Препраќај ги повиците преку сервер на Сигнал за да избегнете откривање на вашата IP-адреса на вашите контакти. Вклучувањето ќе го намали квалитетот на повикот."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_CLEAR_HISTORY" = "Избришете ја Историјата"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_COPYRIGHT" = "Авторски права Open Whisper Systems\nСо лиценца од GPLv3\"; "; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_DELETE_ACCOUNT_BUTTON" = "Избришете профил"; /* Alert message before user confirms clearing history */ "SETTINGS_DELETE_HISTORYLOG_CONFIRMATION" = "Are you sure you want to delete all your history (messages, attachments, call history …) ? This action cannot be reverted."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_DELETE_HISTORYLOG_CONFIRMATION_BUTTON" = "Сигурен сум"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_HELP_HEADER" = "Помош"; /* Section header */ "SETTINGS_HISTORYLOG_TITLE" = "Историја на логирање"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_INFORMATION_HEADER" = "Информација"; /* Settings table view cell label */ "SETTINGS_INVITE_TITLE" = "Поканете ги вашите пријатели"; /* content of tweet when inviting via twitter */ "SETTINGS_INVITE_TWITTER_TEXT" = "Можете да ме добиете користејќи Сигнал од @WhisperSystems, превземи го веднаш."; /* Title for settings activity */ "SETTINGS_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Поставки"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS" = "Известувања"; /* Label for 'CallKit privacy' preference */ "SETTINGS_PRIVACY_CALLKIT_PRIVACY_TITLE" = "Прикажи го Името и Бројот на Повикувачот"; /* Short table cell label */ "SETTINGS_PRIVACY_CALLKIT_TITLE" = "iOS интегрирање на повици"; /* Settings table view cell label */ "SETTINGS_PRIVACY_TITLE" = "Приватност"; /* Label for the 'read receipts' setting. */ "SETTINGS_READ_RECEIPT" = "Read Receipts"; /* An explanation of the 'read receipts' setting. */ "SETTINGS_READ_RECEIPTS_SECTION_FOOTER" = "See and share when messages have been read. This setting is optional and applies to all conversations."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_SCREEN_SECURITY" = "Овозможете безбедност на екранот"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_SCREEN_SECURITY_DETAIL" = "Спречете појавување преглед на Сигнал во менување на апликациите менито."; /* Settings table section footer. */ "SETTINGS_SECTION_CALL_KIT_DESCRIPTION" = "iOS интегрирањето на повици ги прикажува Сигнал повиците на заклучен екран и во системската историја на повици. Можно е оптимално прикажување на име и број на вашите контакти. Ако iCloud е овозможен , оваа историја на повици ќе биде споделена со Apple."; /* settings topic header for table section */ "SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_CALLING" = "Повикување"; /* Section header */ "SETTINGS_SECURITY_TITLE" = "Безбедност на екранот"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_SUPPORT" = "Поддршка"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SETTINGS_VERSION" = "Верзија"; /* action sheet item to open native mail app */ "SHARE_ACTION_MAIL" = "Електронска пошта"; /* action sheet item to open native messages app */ "SHARE_ACTION_MESSAGE" = "Порака"; /* action sheet item */ "SHARE_ACTION_TWEET" = "Твитер"; /* Action sheet item */ "SHOW_SAFETY_NUMBER_ACTION" = "Прикажи нов сигурноснен број"; /* notification action */ "SHOW_THREAD_BUTTON_TITLE" = "Show Conversation"; /* body sent to contacts when inviting to Install Signal */ "SMS_INVITE_BODY" = "Те поканувам да го инсталираш Сигнал. Еве ја адресата:"; /* Alert body after verifying privacy with {{other user's name}} */ "SUCCESSFUL_VERIFICATION_DESCRIPTION" = "Your safety number with %@ matches. You can mark this contact as verified."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "SUCCESSFUL_VERIFICATION_TITLE" = "Safety Number Matches!"; /* {{number of days}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 days}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_DAYS" = "%@денови"; /* {{number of hours}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 hours}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_HOURS" = "%@часа"; /* {{number of minutes}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 minutes}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_MINUTES" = "%@минути"; /* {{number of seconds}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 seconds}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_SECONDS" = "%@секунди"; /* {{1 day}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 day}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_SINGLE_DAY" = "%@ден"; /* {{1 hour}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 hour}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_SINGLE_HOUR" = "%@час"; /* {{1 minute}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 minute}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_SINGLE_MINUTE" = "%@"; /* {{1 week}} embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{1 week}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_SINGLE_WEEK" = "%@недела"; /* {{number of weeks}}, embedded in strings, e.g. 'Alice updated disappearing messages expiration to {{5 weeks}}'. See other *_TIME_AMOUNT strings */ "TIME_AMOUNT_WEEKS" = "%@недели"; /* Label for the cancel button in an alert or action sheet. */ "TXT_CANCEL_TITLE" = "Откажи"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "TXT_DELETE_TITLE" = "Избриши"; /* Pressing this button moves an archived thread from the archive back to the inbox */ "UNARCHIVE_ACTION" = "Одархивирај"; /* In Inbox view, last message label for thread with corrupted attachment. */ "UNKNOWN_ATTACHMENT_LABEL" = "Непознат прилог"; /* Message shown in conversation view that offers to block an unknown user. */ "UNKNOWN_CONTACT_BLOCK_OFFER" = "User not in your contacts. Would you like to block this user?"; /* Displayed if for some reason we can't determine a contacts phone number *or* name */ "UNKNOWN_CONTACT_NAME" = "непознат контакт"; /* button title for unlinking a device */ "UNLINK_ACTION" = "Исклучен"; /* Alert message to confirm unlinking a device */ "UNLINK_CONFIRMATION_ALERT_BODY" = "Со откачувањето на овој уред, нема да може да праќа и прима пораки."; /* Alert title for confirming device deletion */ "UNLINK_CONFIRMATION_ALERT_TITLE" = "Исклучен: \"%@?"; /* Alert title when unlinking device fails */ "UNLINKING_FAILED_ALERT_TITLE" = "Сигнал не беше во можност да го откачи вашиот уред."; /* Label text in device manager for a device with no name */ "UNNAMED_DEVICE" = "Неименуван уред"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "UNREGISTER_SIGNAL_FAIL" = "Неуспешно одјавување од Сигнал"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "UNSUPPORTED_ATTACHMENT" = "Примен неподржан тип на прилог"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_ERROR" = "Вашиот уред не ја поддржува оваа функција."; /* Title for alert indicating that group members can't be removed. */ "UPDATE_GROUP_CANT_REMOVE_MEMBERS_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "You cannot remove group members. They will either have to leave, or you can create a new group without this member."; /* Title for alert indicating that group members can't be removed. */ "UPDATE_GROUP_CANT_REMOVE_MEMBERS_ALERT_TITLE" = "Not Allowed"; /* Description of CallKit to upgrading (existing) users */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_CALLKIT_DESCRIPTION" = "Одговарањето повици од вашиот заклучен екран е лесно со iOS интеграцијата на повици.Ние ги анонимизираме вашите повици по стандард , па е исто така приватно."; /* button label shown once when when user upgrades app, in context of call kit */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_CALLKIT_PRIVACY_SETTINGS_BUTTON" = "Најдете повеќе во сигурносни подесувања."; /* Header for upgrade experience */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_CALLKIT_TITLE" = "Лизнете со прстот за да Одговорете "; /* button label shown one time, after user upgrades app */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_PROFILES_BUTTON" = "Set up Your Profile"; /* Description of new profile feature for upgrading (existing) users */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_PROFILES_DESCRIPTION" = "You can now share a profile photo and name with your friends on Signal."; /* Header for upgrade experience */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_PROFILES_TITLE" = "Ready for Your Closeup?"; /* Description of new profile feature for upgrading (existing) users */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_READ_RECEIPTS_DESCRIPTION" = "You now have the option of seeing and sharing when messages have been read."; /* button label shown one time, after upgrade */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_READ_RECEIPTS_PRIVACY_SETTINGS" = "Enable read receipts in your privacy settings."; /* Header for upgrade experience */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_INTRODUCING_READ_RECEIPTS_TITLE" = "Introducing Read Receipts"; /* Description of video calling to upgrading (existing) users */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_VIDEO_DESCRIPTION" = "Сигнал сега поддржува безбедни видео повици. Започнете повик како нормален , допрете на камерата копчето , намавнете и кажете здраво."; /* Header for upgrade experience */ "UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE_VIDEO_TITLE" = "Здраво Сигурносни Видео Повици!"; /* Message for the alert indicating that user should upgrade iOS. */ "UPGRADE_IOS_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Signal will soon require iOS 9 or later. Please upgrade in Settings app >> General >> Software Update."; /* Title for the alert indicating that user should upgrade iOS. */ "UPGRADE_IOS_ALERT_TITLE" = "Upgrade iOS"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Upgrading Signal ..." = "Ажурирање на Сигнал ..."; /* button text for back button on verification view */ "VERIFICATION_BACK_BUTTON" = "Назад"; /* Text field placeholder for SMS verification code during registration */ "VERIFICATION_CHALLENGE_DEFAULT_TEXT" = "Код за потврда"; /* button text during registration to request phone number verification be done via phone call */ "VERIFICATION_CHALLENGE_SEND_VIA_VOICE" = "Јави ми се "; /* button text during registration to request another SMS code be sent */ "VERIFICATION_CHALLENGE_SUBMIT_AGAIN" = "Препрати го кодот преку СМС"; /* button text during registration to submit your SMS verification code. */ "VERIFICATION_CHALLENGE_SUBMIT_CODE" = "Достави"; /* Label indicating the phone number currently being verified. */ "VERIFICATION_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT" = "Enter the verification code we sent to %@."; /* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was unverified on this device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */ "VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_NOT_VERIFIED_LOCAL" = "You marked %@ as not verified."; /* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was unverified on another device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */ "VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_NOT_VERIFIED_OTHER_DEVICE" = "You marked %@ as not verified on another device."; /* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was verified on this device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */ "VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_VERIFIED_LOCAL" = "You marked %@ as verified."; /* Format for info message indicating that the verification state was verified on another device. Embeds {{user's name or phone number}}. */ "VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_FORMAT_VERIFIED_OTHER_DEVICE" = "You marked %@ as verified on another device."; /* Generic message indicating that verification state changed for a given user. */ "VERIFICATION_STATE_CHANGE_GENERIC" = "Verification state changed."; /* Label for button or row which allows users to verify the safety number of another user. */ "VERIFY_PRIVACY" = "Прикажи сигурноснен број"; /* Label for button or row which allows users to verify the safety numbers of multiple users. */ "VERIFY_PRIVACY_MULTIPLE" = "Review Safety Numbers"; /* Indicates how to cancel a voice message. */ "VOICE_MESSAGE_CANCEL_INSTRUCTIONS" = "Slide to Cancel"; /* Filename for voice messages. */ "VOICE_MESSAGE_FILE_NAME" = "Гласовна порака"; /* Message for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */ "VOICE_MESSAGE_TOO_SHORT_ALERT_MESSAGE" = "Tap and hold to record a voice message."; /* Title for the alert indicating the 'voice message' needs to be held to be held down to record. */ "VOICE_MESSAGE_TOO_SHORT_ALERT_TITLE" = "Гласовна порака"; /* Activity indicator title, shown upon returning to the device manager, until you complete the provisioning process on desktop */ "WAITING_TO_COMPLETE_DEVICE_LINK_TEXT" = "Завршете го подесувањето на Сигнал за Компјутери."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "WHISPER_NAV_BAR_TITLE" = "Дојдовно сандаче"; /* Info Message when you disable disappearing messages */ "YOU_DISABLED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "Ги онеспособивте исчезнувачките пораки."; /* Info message embedding a {{time amount}}, see the *_TIME_AMOUNT strings for context. */ "YOU_UPDATED_DISAPPEARING_MESSAGES_CONFIGURATION" = "Го подесивте времето на исчезнувањето на пораките на %@."; // Strings Copied in from JSQMessagesViewController "load_earlier_messages" = "Load Earlier Messages"; "send" = "Испрати"; "new_message" = "Нова порака"; "text_message_accessibility_label" = "%@%@"; "media_message_accessibility_label" = "%@медија порака"; "accessory_button_accessibility_label" = "Сподели медија"; "new_message_received_accessibility_announcement" = "Пристигна нова порака";