// // Copyright (c) 2019 Open Whisper Systems. All rights reserved. // #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN // Feature flag. // // TODO: Remove. BOOL AreRecipientUpdatesEnabled(void); typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TSOutgoingMessageState) { // The message is either: // a) Enqueued for sending. // b) Waiting on attachment upload(s). // c) Being sent to the service. TSOutgoingMessageStateSending, // The failure state. TSOutgoingMessageStateFailed, // These two enum values have been combined into TSOutgoingMessageStateSent. TSOutgoingMessageStateSent_OBSOLETE, TSOutgoingMessageStateDelivered_OBSOLETE, // The message has been sent to the service. TSOutgoingMessageStateSent, }; NSString *NSStringForOutgoingMessageState(TSOutgoingMessageState value); typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientState) { // Message could not be sent to recipient. OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateFailed = 0, // Message is being sent to the recipient (enqueued, uploading or sending). OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateSending, // The message was not sent because the recipient is not valid. // For example, this recipient may have left the group. OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateSkipped, // The message has been sent to the service. It may also have been delivered or read. OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateSent, OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateMin = OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateFailed, OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateMax = OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientStateSent, }; NSString *NSStringForOutgoingMessageRecipientState(OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientState value); typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, TSGroupMetaMessage) { TSGroupMetaMessageUnspecified, TSGroupMetaMessageNew, TSGroupMetaMessageUpdate, TSGroupMetaMessageDeliver, TSGroupMetaMessageQuit, TSGroupMetaMessageRequestInfo, }; @class SNProtoAttachmentPointer; @class SNProtoContentBuilder; @class SNProtoDataMessage; @class SNProtoDataMessageBuilder; @class SignalRecipient; @interface TSOutgoingMessageRecipientState : MTLModel @property (atomic, readonly) OWSOutgoingMessageRecipientState state; // This property should only be set if state == .sent. @property (atomic, nullable, readonly) NSNumber *deliveryTimestamp; // This property should only be set if state == .sent. @property (atomic, nullable, readonly) NSNumber *readTimestamp; @property (atomic, readonly) BOOL wasSentByUD; @end #pragma mark - @interface TSOutgoingMessage : TSMessage - (instancetype)initMessageWithTimestamp:(uint64_t)timestamp inThread:(nullable TSThread *)thread messageBody:(nullable NSString *)body attachmentIds:(NSArray *)attachmentIds expiresInSeconds:(uint32_t)expiresInSeconds expireStartedAt:(uint64_t)expireStartedAt quotedMessage:(nullable TSQuotedMessage *)quotedMessage linkPreview:(nullable OWSLinkPreview *)linkPreview NS_UNAVAILABLE; // MJK TODO - Can we remove the sender timestamp param? - (instancetype)initOutgoingMessageWithTimestamp:(uint64_t)timestamp inThread:(nullable TSThread *)thread messageBody:(nullable NSString *)body attachmentIds:(NSMutableArray *)attachmentIds expiresInSeconds:(uint32_t)expiresInSeconds expireStartedAt:(uint64_t)expireStartedAt isVoiceMessage:(BOOL)isVoiceMessage groupMetaMessage:(TSGroupMetaMessage)groupMetaMessage quotedMessage:(nullable TSQuotedMessage *)quotedMessage linkPreview:(nullable OWSLinkPreview *)linkPreview NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; - (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; + (instancetype)outgoingMessageInThread:(nullable TSThread *)thread messageBody:(nullable NSString *)body attachmentId:(nullable NSString *)attachmentId; + (instancetype)outgoingMessageInThread:(nullable TSThread *)thread messageBody:(nullable NSString *)body attachmentId:(nullable NSString *)attachmentId expiresInSeconds:(uint32_t)expiresInSeconds; + (instancetype)outgoingMessageInThread:(nullable TSThread *)thread messageBody:(nullable NSString *)body attachmentId:(nullable NSString *)attachmentId expiresInSeconds:(uint32_t)expiresInSeconds quotedMessage:(nullable TSQuotedMessage *)quotedMessage linkPreview:(nullable OWSLinkPreview *)linkPreview; + (instancetype)outgoingMessageInThread:(nullable TSThread *)thread groupMetaMessage:(TSGroupMetaMessage)groupMetaMessage expiresInSeconds:(uint32_t)expiresInSeconds; @property (readonly) TSOutgoingMessageState messageState; @property (readonly) BOOL wasDeliveredToAnyRecipient; @property (readonly) BOOL wasSentToAnyRecipient; @property (atomic, readonly) BOOL hasSyncedTranscript; @property (atomic, readonly) NSString *customMessage; @property (atomic, readonly) NSString *mostRecentFailureText; // A map of attachment id-to-"source" filename. @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSMutableDictionary *attachmentFilenameMap; @property (atomic, readonly) TSGroupMetaMessage groupMetaMessage; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isVoiceMessage; // This property won't be accurate for legacy messages. @property (atomic, readonly) BOOL isFromLinkedDevice; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isSilent; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isOnline; @property (nonatomic, readonly) uint ttl; + (nullable instancetype)findMessageWithTimestamp:(uint64_t)timestamp; /** * The data representation of this message, to be encrypted, before being sent. */ - (nullable NSData *)buildPlainTextData:(SignalRecipient *)recipient; /** * Intermediate protobuf representation * Subclasses can augment if they want to manipulate the data message before building. */ - (nullable id)dataMessageBuilder; - (nullable SNProtoDataMessage *)buildDataMessage:(NSString *_Nullable)recipientId; /** * Allows subclasses to supply a custom content builder that has already prepared part of the message. */ - (nullable id)prepareCustomContentBuilder:(SignalRecipient *)recipient; /** * Should this message be synced to the users other registered devices? This is * generally always true, except in the case of the sync messages themseleves * (so we don't end up in an infinite loop). */ - (BOOL)shouldSyncTranscript; - (BOOL)shouldBeSaved; // All recipients of this message. - (NSArray *)recipientIds; // All recipients of this message who we are currently trying to send to (queued, uploading or during send). - (NSArray *)sendingRecipientIds; // All recipients of this message to whom it has been sent (and possibly delivered or read). - (NSArray *)sentRecipientIds; // All recipients of this message to whom it has been sent and delivered (and possibly read). - (NSArray *)deliveredRecipientIds; // All recipients of this message to whom it has been sent, delivered and read. - (NSArray *)readRecipientIds; // Number of recipients of this message to whom it has been sent. - (NSUInteger)sentRecipientsCount; - (nullable TSOutgoingMessageRecipientState *)recipientStateForRecipientId:(NSString *)recipientId; #pragma mark - Update With... Methods // This method is used to record a successful send to one recipient. - (void)updateWithSentRecipient:(NSString *)recipientId wasSentByUD:(BOOL)wasSentByUD transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; // This method is used to record a skipped send to one recipient. - (void)updateWithSkippedRecipient:(NSString *)recipientId transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; // On app launch, all "sending" recipients should be marked as "failed". - (void)updateWithAllSendingRecipientsMarkedAsFailedWithTansaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; // When we start a message send, all "failed" recipients should be marked as "sending". - (void)updateWithMarkingAllUnsentRecipientsAsSendingWithTransaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; // This method is used to forge the message state for fake messages. // // NOTE: This method should only be used by Debug UI, etc. - (void)updateWithFakeMessageState:(TSOutgoingMessageState)messageState transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; // This method is used to record a failed send to all "sending" recipients. - (void)updateWithSendingError:(NSError *)error transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction NS_SWIFT_NAME(update(sendingError:transaction:)); - (void)updateWithHasSyncedTranscript:(BOOL)hasSyncedTranscript transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; - (void)updateWithCustomMessage:(NSString *)customMessage transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; - (void)updateWithCustomMessage:(NSString *)customMessage; // This method is used to record a successful delivery to one recipient. // // deliveryTimestamp is an optional parameter, since legacy // delivery receipts don't have a "delivery timestamp". Those // messages repurpose the "timestamp" field to indicate when the // corresponding message was originally sent. - (void)updateWithDeliveredRecipient:(NSString *)recipientId deliveryTimestamp:(NSNumber *_Nullable)deliveryTimestamp transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; - (void)updateWithWasSentFromLinkedDeviceWithUDRecipientIds:(nullable NSArray *)udRecipientIds nonUdRecipientIds:(nullable NSArray *)nonUdRecipientIds isSentUpdate:(BOOL)isSentUpdate transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; // This method is used to rewrite the recipient list with a single recipient. // It is used to reply to a "group info request", which should only be // delivered to the requestor. - (void)updateWithSendingToSingleGroupRecipient:(NSString *)singleGroupRecipient transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; // This method is used to record a successful "read" by one recipient. - (void)updateWithReadRecipientId:(NSString *)recipientId readTimestamp:(uint64_t)readTimestamp transaction:(YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction *)transaction; - (nullable NSNumber *)firstRecipientReadTimestamp; - (NSString *)statusDescription; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END