// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation public enum MessageSenderError: LocalizedError, Equatable { case invalidMessage case protoConversionFailed case noUserX25519KeyPair case noUserED25519KeyPair case signingFailed case encryptionFailed case noUsername case attachmentsNotUploaded case blindingFailed // Closed groups case noThread case noKeyPair case invalidClosedGroupUpdate case other(Error) internal var isRetryable: Bool { switch self { case .invalidMessage, .protoConversionFailed, .invalidClosedGroupUpdate, .signingFailed, .encryptionFailed, .blindingFailed: return false default: return true } } public var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .invalidMessage: return "Invalid message." case .protoConversionFailed: return "Couldn't convert message to proto." case .noUserX25519KeyPair: return "Couldn't find user X25519 key pair." case .noUserED25519KeyPair: return "Couldn't find user ED25519 key pair." case .signingFailed: return "Couldn't sign message." case .encryptionFailed: return "Couldn't encrypt message." case .noUsername: return "Missing username." case .attachmentsNotUploaded: return "Attachments for this message have not been uploaded." case .blindingFailed: return "Couldn't blind the sender" // Closed groups case .noThread: return "Couldn't find a thread associated with the given group public key." case .noKeyPair: return "Couldn't find a private key associated with the given group public key." case .invalidClosedGroupUpdate: return "Invalid group update." case .other(let error): return error.localizedDescription } } public static func == (lhs: MessageSenderError, rhs: MessageSenderError) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case (.invalidMessage, .invalidMessage): return true case (.protoConversionFailed, .protoConversionFailed): return true case (.noUserX25519KeyPair, .noUserX25519KeyPair): return true case (.noUserED25519KeyPair, .noUserED25519KeyPair): return true case (.signingFailed, .signingFailed): return true case (.encryptionFailed, .encryptionFailed): return true case (.noUsername, .noUsername): return true case (.attachmentsNotUploaded, .attachmentsNotUploaded): return true case (.noThread, .noThread): return true case (.noKeyPair, .noKeyPair): return true case (.invalidClosedGroupUpdate, .invalidClosedGroupUpdate): return true case (.blindingFailed, .blindingFailed): return true case (.other(let lhsError), .other(let rhsError)): // Not ideal but the best we can do return (lhsError.localizedDescription == rhsError.localizedDescription) default: return false } } }