// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import GRDB import Sodium import SessionUtilitiesKit import Quick import Nimble @testable import SessionMessagingKit class MessageSenderEncryptionSpec: QuickSpec { // MARK: - Spec override func spec() { var mockStorage: Storage! var mockCrypto: MockCrypto! var dependencies: Dependencies! describe("a MessageSender") { // MARK: - Configuration beforeEach { mockStorage = SynchronousStorage( customWriter: try! DatabaseQueue(), customMigrationTargets: [ SNUtilitiesKit.self, SNMessagingKit.self ] ) mockCrypto = MockCrypto() dependencies = Dependencies( storage: mockStorage, crypto: mockCrypto ) mockStorage.write { db in try Identity(variant: .ed25519PublicKey, data: Data(hex: TestConstants.edPublicKey)).insert(db) try Identity(variant: .ed25519SecretKey, data: Data(hex: TestConstants.edSecretKey)).insert(db) } mockCrypto .when { try $0.perform(.generateNonce24()) } .thenReturn(Data(base64Encoded: "pbTUizreT0sqJ2R2LloseQDyVL2RYztD")!.bytes) } // MARK: - when encrypting with the session protocol context("when encrypting with the session protocol") { beforeEach { mockCrypto .when { try $0.perform(.seal(message: anyArray(), recipientPublicKey: anyArray())) } .thenReturn([1, 2, 3]) mockCrypto .when { try $0.perform(.signature(message: anyArray(), secretKey: anyArray())) } .thenReturn([]) } // MARK: -- can encrypt correctly it("can encrypt correctly") { let result: Data? = mockStorage.read { db in try? MessageSender.encryptWithSessionProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", using: Dependencies() // Don't mock ) } // Note: A Nonce is used for this so we can't compare the exact value when not mocked expect(result).toNot(beNil()) expect(result?.count).to(equal(155)) } // MARK: -- returns the correct value when mocked it("returns the correct value when mocked") { let result: Data? = mockStorage.read { db in try? MessageSender.encryptWithSessionProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", using: dependencies ) } expect(result?.bytes).to(equal([1, 2, 3])) } // MARK: -- throws an error if there is no ed25519 keyPair it("throws an error if there is no ed25519 keyPair") { mockStorage.write { db in _ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519PublicKey).deleteAll(db) _ = try Identity.filter(id: .ed25519SecretKey).deleteAll(db) } mockStorage.read { db in expect { try MessageSender.encryptWithSessionProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", using: dependencies ) } .to(throwError(MessageSenderError.noUserED25519KeyPair)) } } // MARK: -- throws an error if the signature generation fails it("throws an error if the signature generation fails") { mockCrypto .when { try $0.perform(.signature(message: anyArray(), secretKey: anyArray())) } .thenReturn(nil) mockStorage.read { db in expect { try MessageSender.encryptWithSessionProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", using: dependencies ) } .to(throwError(MessageSenderError.signingFailed)) } } // MARK: -- throws an error if the encryption fails it("throws an error if the encryption fails") { mockCrypto .when { try $0.perform(.seal(message: anyArray(), recipientPublicKey: anyArray())) } .thenReturn(nil) mockStorage.read { db in expect { try MessageSender.encryptWithSessionProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)", using: dependencies ) } .to(throwError(MessageSenderError.encryptionFailed)) } } } // MARK: - when encrypting with the blinded session protocol context("when encrypting with the blinded session protocol") { beforeEach { mockCrypto .when { [dependencies = dependencies!] crypto in crypto.generate(.blindedKeyPair(serverPublicKey: any(), edKeyPair: any(), using: dependencies)) } .thenReturn( KeyPair( publicKey: Data.data(fromHex: TestConstants.publicKey)!.bytes, secretKey: Data.data(fromHex: TestConstants.edSecretKey)!.bytes ) ) mockCrypto .when { [dependencies = dependencies!] crypto in try crypto.perform( .sharedBlindedEncryptionKey( secretKey: anyArray(), otherBlindedPublicKey: anyArray(), fromBlindedPublicKey: anyArray(), toBlindedPublicKey: anyArray(), using: dependencies ) ) } .thenReturn([1, 2, 3]) mockCrypto .when { [dependencies = dependencies!] crypto in try crypto.perform( .encryptAeadXChaCha20( message: anyArray(), secretKey: anyArray(), nonce: anyArray(), additionalData: anyArray(), using: dependencies ) ) } .thenReturn([2, 3, 4]) } // MARK: -- can encrypt correctly it("can encrypt correctly") { let result: Data? = mockStorage.read { db in try? MessageSender.encryptWithSessionBlindingProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "15\(TestConstants.blindedPublicKey)", openGroupPublicKey: TestConstants.serverPublicKey, using: Dependencies() // Don't mock ) } // Note: A Nonce is used for this so we can't compare the exact value when not mocked expect(result).toNot(beNil()) expect(result?.count).to(equal(84)) } // MARK: -- returns the correct value when mocked it("returns the correct value when mocked") { let result: Data? = mockStorage.read { db in try? MessageSender.encryptWithSessionBlindingProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "15\(TestConstants.blindedPublicKey)", openGroupPublicKey: TestConstants.serverPublicKey, using: dependencies ) } expect(result?.toHexString()) .to(equal("00020304a5b4d48b3ade4f4b2a2764762e5a2c7900f254bd91633b43")) } // MARK: -- includes a version at the start of the encrypted value it("includes a version at the start of the encrypted value") { let result: Data? = mockStorage.read { db in try? MessageSender.encryptWithSessionBlindingProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "15\(TestConstants.blindedPublicKey)", openGroupPublicKey: TestConstants.serverPublicKey, using: dependencies ) } expect(result?.toHexString().prefix(2)).to(equal("00")) } // MARK: -- includes the nonce at the end of the encrypted value it("includes the nonce at the end of the encrypted value") { let maybeResult: Data? = mockStorage.read { db in try? MessageSender.encryptWithSessionBlindingProtocol( db, plaintext: "TestMessage".data(using: .utf8)!, for: "15\(TestConstants.blindedPublicKey)", openGroupPublicKey: TestConstants.serverPublicKey, using: dependencies ) } let result: [UInt8] = (maybeResult?.bytes ?? []) let nonceBytes: [UInt8] = Array(result[max(0, (result.count - 24))..