import PromiseKit extension MessageSender { // MARK: Durable @objc(send:withAttachments:inThread:usingTransaction:) public static func send(_ message: VisibleMessage, with attachments: [SignalAttachment], in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) { prep(attachments, for: message, using: transaction) send(message, in: thread, using: transaction) } @objc(send:inThread:usingTransaction:) public static func send(_ message: Message, in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) { message.threadID = thread.uniqueId! let destination = Message.Destination.from(thread) let job = MessageSendJob(message: message, destination: destination) JobQueue.shared.add(job, using: transaction) } // MARK: Non-Durable @objc(sendNonDurably:withAttachments:inThread:usingTransaction:) public static func objc_sendNonDurably(_ message: VisibleMessage, with attachments: [SignalAttachment], in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(sendNonDurably(message, with: attachments, in: thread, using: transaction)) } @objc(sendNonDurably:withAttachmentIDs:inThread:usingTransaction:) public static func objc_sendNonDurably(_ message: VisibleMessage, with attachmentIDs: [String], in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(sendNonDurably(message, with: attachmentIDs, in: thread, using: transaction)) } @objc(sendNonDurably:inThread:usingTransaction:) public static func objc_sendNonDurably(_ message: Message, in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> AnyPromise { return AnyPromise.from(sendNonDurably(message, in: thread, using: transaction)) } public static func sendNonDurably(_ message: VisibleMessage, with attachments: [SignalAttachment], in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> Promise { prep(attachments, for: message, using: transaction) return sendNonDurably(message, with: message.attachmentIDs, in: thread, using: transaction) } public static func sendNonDurably(_ message: VisibleMessage, with attachmentIDs: [String], in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> Promise { let attachments = attachmentIDs.compactMap { TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: $0, transaction: transaction) as? TSAttachmentStream } let attachmentsToUpload = attachments.filter { !$0.isUploaded } let attachmentUploadPromises: [Promise] = { stream in let storage = if let v2OpenGroup = storage.getV2OpenGroup(for: thread.uniqueId!) { let (promise, seal) = Promise.pending() AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: { data in return OpenGroupAPIV2.upload(data, to:, on: v2OpenGroup.server) }, encrypt: false, onSuccess: { seal.fulfill(()) }, onFailure: { seal.reject($0) }) return promise } else { let (promise, seal) = Promise.pending() AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: FileServerAPIV2.upload, encrypt: true, onSuccess: { seal.fulfill(()) }, onFailure: { seal.reject($0) }) return promise } } return when(resolved: attachmentUploadPromises).then(on: .userInitiated)) { results -> Promise in let errors = results.compactMap { result -> Swift.Error? in if case .rejected(let error) = result { return error } else { return nil } } if let error = errors.first { return Promise(error: error) } return sendNonDurably(message, in: thread, using: transaction) } } public static func sendNonDurably(_ message: Message, in thread: TSThread, using transaction: YapDatabaseReadWriteTransaction) -> Promise { message.threadID = thread.uniqueId! let destination = Message.Destination.from(thread) return MessageSender.send(message, to: destination, using: transaction) } public static func sendNonDurably(_ message: VisibleMessage, with attachments: [SignalAttachment], in thread: TSThread) -> Promise { Storage.writeSync{ transaction in prep(attachments, for: message, using: transaction) } let attachments = message.attachmentIDs.compactMap { TSAttachment.fetch(uniqueId: $0) as? TSAttachmentStream } let attachmentsToUpload = attachments.filter { !$0.isUploaded } let attachmentUploadPromises: [Promise] = { stream in let storage = if let v2OpenGroup = storage.getV2OpenGroup(for: thread.uniqueId!) { let (promise, seal) = Promise.pending() AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: { data in return OpenGroupAPIV2.upload(data, to:, on: v2OpenGroup.server) }, encrypt: false, onSuccess: { seal.fulfill(()) }, onFailure: { seal.reject($0) }) return promise } else { let (promise, seal) = Promise.pending() AttachmentUploadJob.upload(stream, using: FileServerAPIV2.upload, encrypt: true, onSuccess: { seal.fulfill(()) }, onFailure: { seal.reject($0) }) return promise } } let (promise, seal) = Promise.pending() let results = when(resolved: attachmentUploadPromises).wait() let errors = results.compactMap { result -> Swift.Error? in if case .rejected(let error) = result { return error } else { return nil } } if let error = errors.first { seal.reject(error) } Storage.write{ transaction in sendNonDurably(message, in: thread, using: transaction).done { seal.fulfill(()) }.catch { error in seal.reject(error) } } return promise } }