// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation import Quick import Nimble @testable import SessionUtilitiesKit class SessionIdSpec: QuickSpec { override class func spec() { // MARK: - a SessionId describe("a SessionId") { // MARK: -- when initializing context("when initializing") { // MARK: ---- with an idString context("with an idString") { // MARK: ------ succeeds when correct it("succeeds when correct") { let sessionId: SessionId? = SessionId(from: "05\(TestConstants.publicKey)") expect(sessionId?.prefix).to(equal(.standard)) expect(sessionId?.publicKey).to(equal(TestConstants.publicKey)) } // MARK: ------ fails when too short it("fails when too short") { expect(SessionId(from: "")).to(beNil()) } // MARK: ------ fails with an invalid prefix it("fails with an invalid prefix") { expect(SessionId(from: "AB\(TestConstants.publicKey)")).to(beNil()) } } // MARK: ---- with a prefix and publicKey context("with a prefix and publicKey") { // MARK: ------ converts the bytes into a hex string it("converts the bytes into a hex string") { let sessionId: SessionId? = SessionId(.standard, publicKey: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) expect(sessionId?.prefix).to(equal(.standard)) expect(sessionId?.publicKey).to(equal("000102030405060708")) } } } // MARK: -- generates the correct hex string it("generates the correct hex string") { expect(SessionId(.unblinded, publicKey: Data(hex: TestConstants.publicKey).bytes).hexString) .to(equal("0088672ccb97f40bb57238989226cf429b575ba355443f47bc76c5ab144a96c65b")) expect(SessionId(.standard, publicKey: Data(hex: TestConstants.publicKey).bytes).hexString) .to(equal("0588672ccb97f40bb57238989226cf429b575ba355443f47bc76c5ab144a96c65b")) expect(SessionId(.blinded15, publicKey: Data(hex: TestConstants.publicKey).bytes).hexString) .to(equal("1588672ccb97f40bb57238989226cf429b575ba355443f47bc76c5ab144a96c65b")) expect(SessionId(.blinded25, publicKey: Data(hex: TestConstants.publicKey).bytes).hexString) .to(equal("2588672ccb97f40bb57238989226cf429b575ba355443f47bc76c5ab144a96c65b")) } } // MARK: - a SessionId Prefix describe("a SessionId Prefix") { // MARK: -- when initializing context("when initializing") { // MARK: ---- with just a prefix context("with just a prefix") { // MARK: ------ succeeds when valid it("succeeds when valid") { expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: "00")).to(equal(.unblinded)) expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: "05")).to(equal(.standard)) expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: "15")).to(equal(.blinded15)) expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: "25")).to(equal(.blinded25)) } // MARK: ------ fails when nil it("fails when nil") { expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: nil)).to(beNil()) } // MARK: ------ fails when invalid it("fails when invalid") { expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: "AB")).to(beNil()) } } // MARK: ---- with a longer string context("with a longer string") { // MARK: ------ fails with invalid hex it("fails with invalid hex") { expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: "Hello!!!")).to(beNil()) } // MARK: ------ fails with the wrong length it("fails with the wrong length") { expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: String(TestConstants.publicKey.prefix(10)))).to(beNil()) } // MARK: ------ fails with an invalid prefix it("fails with an invalid prefix") { expect(SessionId.Prefix(from: "AB\(TestConstants.publicKey)")).to(beNil()) } } } } } }