final class QuoteView : UIView { private let mode: Mode private let direction: Direction private let hInset: CGFloat private let maxWidth: CGFloat private let delegate: QuoteViewDelegate? private var maxBodyLabelHeight: CGFloat { switch mode { case .regular: return 60 case .draft: return 40 } } private var attachments: [OWSAttachmentInfo] { switch mode { case .regular(let viewItem): return (viewItem.interaction as? TSMessage)?.quotedMessage!.quotedAttachments ?? [] case .draft(let model): return given(model.attachmentStream) { [ OWSAttachmentInfo(attachmentStream: $0) ] } ?? [] } } private var thumbnail: UIImage? { switch mode { case .regular(let viewItem): return viewItem.quotedReply!.thumbnailImage case .draft(let model): return model.thumbnailImage } } private var body: String? { switch mode { case .regular(let viewItem): return (viewItem.interaction as? TSMessage)?.quotedMessage!.body case .draft(let model): return model.body } } private var threadID: String { switch mode { case .regular(let viewItem): return viewItem.interaction.uniqueThreadId case .draft(let model): return model.threadId } } private var isGroupThread: Bool { switch mode { case .regular(let viewItem): return viewItem.isGroupThread case .draft(let model): var result = false { transaction in result = TSThread.fetch(uniqueId: model.threadId, transaction: transaction)?.isGroupThread() ?? false } return result } } private var authorID: String { switch mode { case .regular(let viewItem): return viewItem.quotedReply!.authorId case .draft(let model): return model.authorId } } private var lineColor: UIColor { switch (mode, AppModeManager.shared.currentAppMode) { case (.regular, .light), (.draft, .light): return .black case (.regular, .dark): return (direction == .outgoing) ? .black : Colors.accent case (.draft, .dark): return Colors.accent } } private var textColor: UIColor { if case .draft = mode { return Colors.text } switch (direction, AppModeManager.shared.currentAppMode) { case (.outgoing, .dark), (.incoming, .light): return .black default: return .white } } // MARK: Mode enum Mode { case regular(ConversationViewItem) case draft(OWSQuotedReplyModel) } // MARK: Direction enum Direction { case incoming, outgoing } // MARK: Settings static let thumbnailSize: CGFloat = 48 static let iconSize: CGFloat = 24 static let labelStackViewSpacing: CGFloat = 2 static let labelStackViewVMargin: CGFloat = 4 static let cancelButtonSize: CGFloat = 33 // MARK: Lifecycle init(for viewItem: ConversationViewItem, direction: Direction, hInset: CGFloat, maxWidth: CGFloat) { self.mode = .regular(viewItem) self.maxWidth = maxWidth self.direction = direction self.hInset = hInset self.delegate = nil super.init(frame: setUpViewHierarchy() } init(for model: OWSQuotedReplyModel, direction: Direction, hInset: CGFloat, maxWidth: CGFloat, delegate: QuoteViewDelegate) { self.mode = .draft(model) self.maxWidth = maxWidth self.direction = direction self.hInset = hInset self.delegate = delegate super.init(frame: setUpViewHierarchy() } override init(frame: CGRect) { preconditionFailure("Use init(for:maxMessageWidth:) instead.") } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { preconditionFailure("Use init(for:maxMessageWidth:) instead.") } private func setUpViewHierarchy() { let hasAttachments = !attachments.isEmpty let thumbnailSize = QuoteView.thumbnailSize let iconSize = QuoteView.iconSize let labelStackViewSpacing = QuoteView.labelStackViewSpacing let labelStackViewVMargin = QuoteView.labelStackViewVMargin let smallSpacing = Values.smallSpacing let cancelButtonSize = QuoteView.cancelButtonSize var availableWidth: CGFloat // Subtract smallSpacing twice; once for the spacing in between the stack view elements and // once for the trailing margin. if !hasAttachments { availableWidth = maxWidth - 2 * hInset - Values.accentLineThickness - 2 * smallSpacing } else { availableWidth = maxWidth - 2 * hInset - thumbnailSize - 2 * smallSpacing } if case .draft = mode { availableWidth -= cancelButtonSize } let availableSpace = CGSize(width: availableWidth, height: .greatestFiniteMagnitude) var body = self.body // Main stack view let mainStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: []) mainStackView.axis = .horizontal mainStackView.spacing = smallSpacing mainStackView.isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true mainStackView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 0, bottom: 0, trailing: smallSpacing) mainStackView.alignment = .center // Content view let contentView = UIView() addSubview(contentView)[ UIView.HorizontalEdge.left,, UIView.VerticalEdge.bottom ], to: self) contentView.rightAnchor.constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo: self.rightAnchor).isActive = true // Line view let lineView = UIView() lineView.backgroundColor = lineColor lineView.set(.width, to: Values.accentLineThickness) if !hasAttachments { mainStackView.addArrangedSubview(lineView) } else { let isAudio = MIMETypeUtil.isAudio(attachments.first!.contentType!) let fallbackImageName = isAudio ? "attachment_audio" : "actionsheet_document_black" let fallbackImage = UIImage(named: fallbackImageName)?.withTint(.white)?.resizedImage(to: CGSize(width: iconSize, height: iconSize)) let imageView = UIImageView(image: thumbnail ?? fallbackImage) imageView.contentMode = (thumbnail != nil) ? .scaleAspectFill : .center imageView.backgroundColor = lineColor imageView.layer.cornerRadius = VisibleMessageCell.smallCornerRadius imageView.layer.masksToBounds = true imageView.set(.width, to: thumbnailSize) imageView.set(.height, to: thumbnailSize) mainStackView.addArrangedSubview(imageView) body = (thumbnail != nil) ? "Image" : (isAudio ? "Audio" : "Document") } // Body label let bodyLabel = UILabel() bodyLabel.numberOfLines = 0 bodyLabel.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail let isOutgoing = (direction == .outgoing) bodyLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize) bodyLabel.attributedText = given(body) { MentionUtilities.highlightMentions(in: $0, isOutgoingMessage: isOutgoing, threadID: threadID, attributes: [:]) } ?? given(attachments.first?.contentType) { NSAttributedString(string: MIMETypeUtil.isAudio($0) ? "Audio" : "Document") } ?? NSAttributedString(string: "Document") bodyLabel.textColor = textColor if hasAttachments { bodyLabel.numberOfLines = 1 } let bodyLabelSize = bodyLabel.systemLayoutSizeFitting(availableSpace) // Label stack view var authorLabelHeight: CGFloat? if isGroupThread { let authorLabel = UILabel() authorLabel.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail authorLabel.text = SSKEnvironment.shared.profileManager.profileNameForRecipient(withID: authorID, avoidingWriteTransaction: true) authorLabel.textColor = textColor authorLabel.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: Values.smallFontSize) let authorLabelSize = authorLabel.systemLayoutSizeFitting(availableSpace) authorLabel.set(.height, to: authorLabelSize.height) authorLabelHeight = authorLabelSize.height let labelStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [ authorLabel, bodyLabel ]) labelStackView.axis = .vertical labelStackView.spacing = labelStackViewSpacing labelStackView.set(.width, to: max(bodyLabelSize.width, authorLabelSize.width)) labelStackView.isLayoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = true labelStackView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: labelStackViewVMargin, left: 0, bottom: labelStackViewVMargin, right: 0) mainStackView.addArrangedSubview(labelStackView) } else { mainStackView.addArrangedSubview(bodyLabel) } // Cancel button let cancelButton = UIButton(type: .custom) let tint: UIColor = isLightMode ? .black : .white cancelButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "X")?.withTint(tint), for: UIControl.State.normal) cancelButton.set(.width, to: cancelButtonSize) cancelButton.set(.height, to: cancelButtonSize) cancelButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(cancel), for: UIControl.Event.touchUpInside) // Constraints contentView.addSubview(mainStackView) contentView) if !isGroupThread { bodyLabel.set(.width, to: bodyLabelSize.width) } let bodyLabelHeight = bodyLabelSize.height.clamp(0, maxBodyLabelHeight) let contentViewHeight: CGFloat if hasAttachments { contentViewHeight = thumbnailSize + 8 // Add a small amount of spacing above and below the thumbnail } else { if let authorLabelHeight = authorLabelHeight { // Group thread contentViewHeight = bodyLabelHeight + (authorLabelHeight + labelStackViewSpacing) + 2 * labelStackViewVMargin } else { contentViewHeight = bodyLabelHeight + 2 * smallSpacing } } contentView.set(.height, to: contentViewHeight) lineView.set(.height, to: contentViewHeight - 8) // Add a small amount of spacing above and below the line if case .draft = mode { addSubview(cancelButton), in: self), to: .right, of: self) } } // MARK: Interaction @objc private func cancel() { delegate?.handleQuoteViewCancelButtonTapped() } } // MARK: Delegate protocol QuoteViewDelegate { func handleQuoteViewCancelButtonTapped() }