// Copyright © 2022 Rangeproof Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. import Foundation extension OpenGroupAPIV2 { public struct Capabilities: Codable { public enum Capability: CaseIterable, Codable { public static var allCases: [Capability] { [.pysogs] } case pysogs /// Fallback case if the capability isn't supported by this version of the app case unsupported(String) // MARK: - Convenience public var rawValue: String { switch self { case .unsupported(let originalValue): return originalValue default: return "\(self)" } } // MARK: - Codable public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container: SingleValueDecodingContainer = try decoder.singleValueContainer() let valueString: String = try container.decode(String.self) let maybeValue: Capability? = Capability.allCases.first { $0.rawValue == valueString } self = (maybeValue ?? .unsupported(valueString)) } } public let capabilities: [Capability] public let missing: [Capability]? } }